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' -•� J�i . !� <br /> '� ' i7�'ll�i1n4t2oltteP{o�, ya� EeKfl interrslW8ar2ow�;JleUord� a}totme9faDerty oraapia,gest�nit '`�y <br /> --. s�dprtr.�iaie4(orltabt-�e-li�l�Maest�Ao[{oir;tl4go;d�r raiafxrcdsdd�iruRO I�jir�r3:�ira1�1W.�+�,.�um,u� ' ` '_ <br /> .�nqc��pdor writtw consea�, LGIQst.may at ila optjo�t. reaulre�leto pay+cimtJrt�ll.qt�ll sums.ccEUr�a by Qdf' '.. <br /> seaa�rtara�n,cn►.HOwevu,tfilsoptlonahsSlaotboexerclsedfiyLepd�rt{execclaplap[oNbltod6yROctaltswavqitPsd.�'a ,. - <br /> ` ofQ�Is6ewdty,lmwmam. _ . , .. . , <br /> , Ztl.eoderucrcises�oppon,-tenavst�eU 8IveDorrowe�ny�IpeoteseetereUon.7LanoH�sralt pmrldoepuiedotao[.: _� - <br /> _ tes�then 30 d'qye fiom�he dace tIro noUee ia dbliv�eA oe�nelted ivithtn whJcti Bortoworp�uu pay all sums soep:�ed by thfe � <br /> Scariry ins[wnent.i!Borto�vct feil�fo�pup Uiaait��a,p�(or to the exp�atlon af Wa pecio0.LaMer may Invoke r�ay reqMEiq <br /> pem�tttedby�f�i�S�rity Inaaumenewltho�lN�thu,nat(Qentdt9�do4DOrrower. . . . - �_ <br /> 18. 8orrower'a Rig'Tt to Retastate.:it�rroyver.inects;outai� oonditloro, Bortowu �hetl heve the dgAt to have <br /> ' anforamrnt o[elila&adry Instrvc�ent diappnt nved a�eny timo edor to�Aa wrtltt of� (e)3 day�(or wcL aher period a� ": <br /> - ep ptieabte Isw m� cpxity for alnstetement)befom�elo ot the i�O�eny punuen!to my power ot eala eontal:ied ia thb <br /> _ secudty Tryteument;or(b)entry of a Judgment enforcing thle 3eauiry Inamment.TAoso conditlons ero tt�et Bortower.(e)paya <br /> t.ender ell sunn which thea would bo due wMu�hla Sauriry Iattmr.unt tnd tha Noto a+It no eocetaeqon fiad ooccaed;(b) <br /> wrea any defeult of eny other avenu:ro or agrcementr,(o) ell expensea inwrtod in enforctng�hia Secudry Jnstnuqent, <br /> Induding M�t no�Hmtted w,ttawnabte et[ome�e'tea;and(�tekea such aaion w I.eader moy reasone9ly r�quiro w es3ure <br /> thee Uie llen ot thie Sauriry Inawment,Lendw e d�hta ln tha Propury end Dotrowa'e obligeNon topay tho ams caured 6y ' <br /> ' thb 9eadry Gutnwent �M1ail coc�inue�uacfiauged. Upon �i�tntem.ct by Bortower, Nb 8ecudty InsWment ead lho <br /> ___ obllgatioro eeaued hercby chall remaln fully effecUve a+It no ecalereHon had aocurted.Kovrcvu,tNe dght m reLwa:o ahell <br /> �-- not epply In We case of ecaleretlon under paregreph 17. - <br /> ---= 19.Sate of NotG C6anBe of Loan&ervitan 1Le Note or a paNel ictercat In ehe Note(taguher with t1Ui Sewdry <br /> _-_ lnstmmenq may be sold or.a or mo[e tlmes wfthout prlor noUce ro IIortowu.A sela may tesultln a cl:ange la the endry(Imo�vn ' <br /> _ _ — as the 'I.oan Servicpr')�het coAecu montdty paymenu duo undu the Nae end thla Savriry Inswment.'lUere dw may 6e one <br /> _._.__— or more changa of the Loan Servtcer unrele[ed to a aate o!rha Note.If Nem is a of�ha Loen Servlcer.Boerowu wAl be <br /> given written notica ot tAa etienge In aocordance wI[h paregraph 14 above and applicable la�v.1Te noHa will staro tde imme and <br /> h7�S9 addrcs�of�he new Loan Suvfar ead Ne eddrcas[o aNeh paymen4 ehoWd be made.1Le noNce aiID etro conlain eny othu � �-�---`�- <br /> _ <��� infotmetion required by applicable law. <br /> �"�"'� � 20.Hezerdous bl6sfenas.Hortower shell not ca�u or pumit tha preaence, uae,dlsposel, storego, or rclesse of any <br />����'t;;�r?;:i� HvaMous Substenas on or in Nc Property. Bortower shell not do, nor ellow anyone elae to do, anthing afkaing tM ---� <br /> -ri,�rri;rfl Property cAet Is in violedon of any Snvimnmentel Lew.The preoeding two senrenaa s4eI1 not epply to�e preaena,uae.or <br /> s;l�r;+.!,�. rtorege on the Property of cmall quantiHes of Hazardom Subs�enaa�Aat are generelly reoogn�zed to ba appropdete ro normal <br />`::.:�::,-a„�r� residential uses end ro maimenance ot�he Propercy. <br /> t=s?+�i;t� Hortower ahell promptly give Lender�vdtten noHa of eny InvestlgeNon,clam,demand,lawnui[or o�er tcdon by eny <br />-��"'1r�:r:;_.`i., govemmentol or rcgulatory�genq or private pury involving�he Property wd any Hezardoua SLbs�ana or EnWronmentel Law - � - � <br /> }*s 13y i'� of which Dorrower haa ectuel kwwledga [f Bortower leams,or i�notlfled by eny$ovemmentel or rcguletory�uthodry. thet <br /> eny removal or o[her remedietion of eny Hazardous Subsienca ef[ating the Propeny u neassery,Mrtower chell promptly teka <br /> � , ;_ all necessery remedial euions In eaorda.�ca whh Bmironmental Lew. <br /> _ Ae uxd in lhla pasgnph 20, 'Hezaz�Cous Substences' arc tMose subuencea defined as toxic or Aaurdom iubsunae by <br /> — [invimnmental [nw and the followir.¢ �ubstencea: Rssolfne. keroune. other Oemmable or toxic pGrolWm ptodudt, toxic _. .. <br />.__,��,*;`�',�r� peat(cides end herb!cidea,volet(le solvems,matedeb mnteining esbes[os or formaldehyde,ma na�oewve meteriYn.A�uud In <br />.-;<<_,;_•_.�,;,._ tlil�par�g�aph 20, 'EnWronmemal Lew' meens federel lawa and lawa of�he juriadiaion wherc the Propetty u lacated thet <br /> �_ +?:�_���� rclateroheelth,aafety protettlon. <br />-�':;"4;'�v'^' NON•UNIFORM COVENAN7'S.Borrower end Lender funher covenant and e ra ea followr. <br />,'�_°;fr::;:r.�'� 24 Accelerettom,Remedtea.Lender ahall glve notice to Borro�rer pdor to ecceleratton follo�dnq Borro�ver4 breacfi _ -- <br /> �*-`,``r��'r' of any covmant or epreement in �hb 3ecudty Iastmment (but not pdor to eccelerettan undv paragraph 17 unlw ' - - <br /> �' i� appiicabfe la�v proWde�othen�ise).77�e notice ehaii spaclfy: (a)lhe deteulh (b)the eetton requlred ro curc t6e Ae(aulh C `�- -- <br /> .�_��.�, ;;: (c)e date,nat las than 30 deya hom the deu the notice Is given to Dorrower,by whlch the defauit must be curedi end '�.-`. - <br /> _ . %t'�. (d) thnt teilure to curc lhe detault on or 6eforc the dace epeclRed in the notice mey resuit in eaelernHoo of the iunv '�t�`*�-- - <br /> '��"���"' secured 6y thta Securfry Imtrument and sele ot the Property.The notice ehall Nrther inform Uorrower ot the dght to <br /> ` �'�;` rchutate eRer acceieretlon end fhe dght to bdng a murt aNlon to aaen the non•ezistence ot a defeult or eny othu ��'- <br /> .:r�-.t:}!� deftnse of Dorrower to aeeeierntlon ond sete. if the defeult le not cured on or betorc the dere speelfled In the nodce, �:_.'��-��.`' <br />�`=��','"�'�� Lender,at Its o tton, me uirc immedlate w ment tn tLil ot all sums sceured b this Saudt Instrument�vithout ' `°� <br /> =....r_.,:.: P Y re9 p Y Y Y - :�,• <br />_:{:::�.,.�,_` Nrther danend end may Invoke Ihe power ot sele end uny atAer retnedies pe�illled by eppIICa61e la�r. Lender�hell be ":�%"- <br /> ._� enHHed to mllect ell expenua Inturrtd In pursuing the rcmedtea provlded In thLs poraRreph 21.Intluding,6ut nol Ilmlted -t� <br /> !s !_ to,rcasoneble ettorneys'@cc and costa of tltle evlJena. �_.� <br /> It thepo�rer of wle Is Invoked,Trus�a shell record a notice af defeult fn eech wur.ty In whlch nny part of the iti%� .; <br /> •r{5i� �`- Pro rl le located end shell mell m lev of such imtice In ihe menner rescribed 6 a Iltabie lew to Borro�ver e n d t o - `�'- - <br />:::.s:.-_„�,i P e 7 P P Y P P �:::-,-:.:. <br /> _S . _ Ihe other personv prescribed by applleable luo-.A(ter�F.e time rcquired by npplicable lem,Trustee ahell give publie notice „ <br /> -z1 _-�: of sele ro the persons and In the munner prescribed by applicnb!e lo�v.Trustee,without demand on 6orro�mr,chall sell `;�- <br /> - "�. the Property at public euclion to the F.Ighest bidder at lhe tlme and place end under[he temn dalgne[ed fn the notice ot � <br /> _:45='':..-. �I'°ii'- <br /> - sale in one or more parcels end In any order Tnutm detennh�cs.Trustee mxy posipane sale of aIl or any parcel of the ��^�� � <br /> r,-=i .:::,`:t,.. <br /> Property by public ennouncement at Ihe Ihne and place uf en�� prcrlausl�- xcheduled sele. I.ender or fts Cesignce mey - ° <br />-�'.�:z : purchnse Ihe Propeny at any sele. - <br /> �!� � <br /> i������ '-. <br /> � Form 30I8 8/80 <br /> n+v.f o�a <br /> s _ <br /> - ' `-�: �� <br />...�� .. <br /> ..-:_ � 1-r,.- - <br /> . ... ... _" <br />-- -..�+-^:�.'R�n��...�.__�,.._ _ . . ._ _' .. . _,.• - - . _. .�.__-�"` - _ _ <br /> " .. . . � . . . , i.._. ..�. .. -- . '. . - <br /> _Y` . <br /> :`..'__ .'_- . c . c . . <br /> - 'S.- <br /> f <br /> r`�'. <br /> � j� . " <br /> :3'�� Sl.. ' <br />. ti�.. � <br /> _�._':�- . . - �_ . <br /> _ r�(i'. . . . <br /> --i�:��� :' . � . _ . . . . . _ . - . _ . . <br />. ..�d:. . � { . <br /> r • ' _ <br /> r • � <br /> '• ". ' <br /> , <br /> : _ _ " . _ • _f ' . <br /> . . . ., � ' -. . <br /> M1 . . . . . _ . -.-. ... <br /> _ . . _' _ _ .._. -. : . . . . - _ ' . - . ._ _ .. .. 3 . _-. __ . .. . . <br />