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u _ ..... n _ .,. � _ ,. ..t ,s �' � _,`, , _ � <br /> t . ._ __ i: .. . . ..___� . <br /> S�_)1. _ _._. . . " _. _ "" _ _ _ _ �M � r � �� � — <br /> _ <br /> : r . .' . _ _ '-� -_._� 5 . ._. _ .. . —w— <br /> _._, <br /> _.. <br /> �� ' ... - . ... . _.. .. . _ . <br /> �'93- _ :�a�����...,. . - <br /> - -- eaMemnsHwioraher�ekingotanypanof�heProperty.arPOreonveyenc4inUeuofwndemnadoq,arehcmfiyssslgneCenil � _ <br /> eha11 ba pnla to i.q6der. - . <br />---- tn tho eVent ot e total�aking ot tho Anpraty, the pioaedi'ehell bo epp:led to tho wma teouted by this 9ecudty• _- <br /> _ fns�ium:nt.whEtha or not Nen due,wi�A any oxcas pald to Bortowu. in the avent ot a parttal taking oit�e Pnperty 1n <br /> --__.z.. whlch tAe fntr merket rilue of U�e Pcopeny immw�latety betoro tha takln;is equat to orgrcater tAen the emuunl of(ho aum� <br /> sxukd by We StGUdry Inatniment ImmW!atol9 6eforo�ho[akNg,unlae Bortower end Lender othenvlsi+egrce In w(Uing. <br />--_-- the sum+ exurcd Dy tF.B Sacriry t�suumea[shail be rcduced 6y�ho emoun�ot�he pSoceWa multl y.lW by�he tollowing <br /> frecdom. (U the totel emour.t ot�ho�ums cecurcd immediatoly 6eforo tAe teking,dfvlded by(b)the(ar muket velue of Ihe <br /> -- — Prop:ny �nmediaroiy hfo[e�Fx�aking. Any balance�hall be pald to 8ortower. in the event of a panlel�eking.of tFe . <br /> �� - - ' Propeny In ah(ch the fdr maket valuo of the Propeny immedi��cly bcfom�he caking Ia less chnn che amocnc of thc wma � ° •� � �-- � <br /> --- " aecurcA Imma'!ntely 6efom rhe�aking.unlex+ Bo:rower and Lsnder aherwice agtee In wrlHng or unles�appllcdble Iaw --- --- <br /> — olharwisa providea the p[occeda she!1 be applled ro�he suma saured by�hla Savdry lnswment whc�her or not�he sumt a�e <br /> -_�_� then due. <br /> _ It the Properry ia ebendoned by Bortower,or it,aRer notloe by Lender ro Borto�ver Net tlia condemr.or ofkn ro make —__ <br /> :,=� an awazd or senle a cleim for da:nagu,Bortower fdla�o rcspond ro Lender wiihin 30 deya eker the daro the notlee ie glvm, <br /> _.�--�-� Lender Is authoduA ro collect end epply the praxeda,et its op8on,ei:her ro rcsroretion or mpair oF�he Propeny or ro the <br /> euma eauttd by this SavrIty Inswment,whe�her or not�hen dua —��� <br /> Unlea�Lenda end Bortower othe�wlse agree In wriUng,ony epplicaflon of p�oceeda lo pdncipal shall no[extend or <br />'' 'w`�h� postpone the dua date of�he manthly paymenu referted ro In pang�aph�1 end 2 or chenga�he emount ot wch paymrnte. <br /> '�'-K:;:=' 11. Bnrroww Not Releasedt Forbearana 0y Lender Not e Watve: 6ztenalon of �he efmc Por payment or <br /> � ti modiflcadon of emoniution of�ha eums ceeured by thB Seeurity Insmmen[gran:ed by Lender Io eny wecasor In interest <br /> `� of Hortower�6d1 not operarc ro rclwae the Ifability ot�he onginal Hortower or Bomowerb eucceason In intereat.Lender ----.-- <br /> F '' -. �hdl na 6o�equircd ro commena prceeedings ageinst any svccessor in interest or rcfuse to exrcnd tlma for paymrnt or _ <br /> � ..�_'- o�heewiu modify amonizadon of the�um+cecurcd by thii Securiry Inawmmt by reaxon of eny demand made by�he odginel '� _ <br /> i+„�y'- Hortower or Borrowerl�ucttsson in interut. My forbeerana by Lender in ezerciaing eny dght or rcmWy shall not ba a Br,.�--� - <br /> -::"s�x.<,•: waiver of or prcctude�he axerciso of any right or rcmedy. F_,_.. <br /> '��-r'�•?a" 12 Sucasson end Asslgne Bound;Jotnt end Severel Gebillty;Co•signero. 7he covenana end egrcemems of�hfs _,-,�r<<:�.._ <br /> '"'.'i'.'%i�� Sawity Insuunent slull bind end benefi[tAe succeason nnd migns of Lender and Bovower,wbjce[to the provialone of !;_�y_.�<<�,:--. <br /> F.��t'e Paragfeph I7.Boirower] covenasts e�d egrcenenu ahell be joint end aevefal.Any Bortower who m•aigm thia Securlty -_- <br /> - *:j Ins�eument but doea not execurc the No�s: (e)is m-signing thi�Security Insuumen[only ro mortgage,grnnt end rnnvey that - ��- <br /> --�.�`�. BorrowerY inte:est in�he Propeny under�he�erma of�his Secariiy Tastrummr, (b)la not pe�sonelly obligated ro pay tho sums �--_:,t:::- <br />- ^_;;;i.;A:�� secumd by thif S«urity Inawmmr,and(c)egreea that Lender uM nny o�her Borrower may agree to extend,nwdify,torbear - '- t:�: <br /> r�y or make any etcommod.iHoas wi�h rcgard�o �he tem�x of this Securiry Insimment or the Note wlthout tAat Bortower� '�`�?"�s`?�=�: <br /> '}7.7 cor.sem. :.;� � <br /> - 13. Loan Cherga. If the loan secured by this Security Inswmrnt is su6ject to e law which seta meximum loan ��r if � __. <br /> �';�a}`, chergea,end tMt lew-ia finelly imerprcted so that the intercat oro�her Iwa charges wllectW or to be collceted in eonnectbn : <br /> �x - .:^:th tih:loon us�tM_�m:itt�limet=.tti.^.: (e;nny seeh 1�.�S�arge�he!I h!rcd!��r�!hy the amaunt neeecvey to reduce _"' _.. <br /> r u. �x� fie charge ro the perminul Iim��:and N)any zums alsadp coll:cted fron Bnrn-er.ehich emed!�n'rmiued limfn will be �,. -= _ <br /> ,l ji� ; rcPonded to Bofrower. Lender mey choou�o make�his rcfund by rcducing the principel owed under�he No�e or by making e `j;� �t ,,�--� <br /> �,�d� dired paymrnt to�ortowec I(a refund reduces principal.�he:r.duaion will be ueated ea a paniel prcpaymmt wnhout eny s�t �' <br /> t �" PRPa14.eNoti�i�� Anernoi a�ro Bovower rovided for in this Securit Insm�ment shetl be rven b deliverin it or b '��`'r�`��;'�:�-� <br /> '4-� .:t ' <br /> I . Y P Y 6 Y 8 Y rrc;:; � . <br /> a' -a; mailing It by fint cluss matl ualess npplicable law rcquircs use of enother ne�had.The m�ice s:iell be direaed m�he Propeny ,. r _W: - <br /> } - Addrcss or eny other�ddrcu Dortower designmes by natice t�IsnJer. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clese ��,,:�� ``��t�a-°- <br /> 'b ?"' mell ro LenderY address stated hcrein or eny other eddress Lender desig�a�ex by no�ice ro Borto�ver. Any notice provided for ?'_ � p s,' <br /> v:. <br /> °ts-�r in this Secudly Instmment shall be deemM to have becn giren lo Bortower or Lender when given m provided in this -. ;f( t �,���±- <br /> �� i '- pa�9g�eph. f��}y,�Y r -I <br /> >, ; I3. Covernin l.ew; Serembllit This Semrii Instmment shall bc ovemed b federel law end the law of the �?.__�� i 4^� <br /> � _ B Y• Y 8 Y ic ��f..�- <br /> jurisdiction in which ihe Prapeny is locared. In ihe event thot my provision or c�aum of this Security Insttument or the No[e ,. - �- <br /> '�j '� '' wnflicia with applicable Inw.such conflict shnll no�nffect oiher provisioac af�hi+Securiry Instmmem or the Nae which cen ir '+ iy� -'� <br /> �-y`•��� be rven effect� the contlictir. rovision. To �hic end the rovuionc of this Security Ir.s�mmem and the Note arc :� " f�.�Y- <br /> ���; dalnred[obescvcmble. 8P P ;r., fitst�=_ <br /> �� '� I6. Borrow4r'a Copy. Bortower shnll be given nneconfnrtned copy ot Ihe Na�e und af Ihis Stturity Inslrumenl. y�t y a i -_,__ <br /> { °-'! t7. 7Yons�er of�he Pro ert or a Reneficial Interest In florro�rer. If all or nn in of[hc P,u n or xn imerest in } -. " � �' <br /> .. ,.., P Y YP• Pe Y Y -_ �i -�i�`-•. <br /> 4.;; i[is sold or uansfrrteC(or if n beneficial iniemet in Dortowcr is wld or mmsCcrted and Borto�ver is not a natuml person) r`:� j ,>'r;•:. <br /> f �� wilhout LerderY prior writlea mment.l.ender may.nt its op[ian.rcyuire immeJia�c paymcM in(ull of all sums securcd by .r- - � /�F �"-;: <br /> z �y �'_ tM1is Security I:tctrume.^.1. Hox�ever,this oplion.Iwll noi Ae exerciseJ by l.ender i(exerci.e ic prohibiled by fedetal la�v az of � � �,} ��__ <br /> `" � �hedateohhisSecuri�ylnswment. � � �: <br /> -i, If Lendcr ezcrcius�his option,Lcr.der shall givc Bortowxr no�icc o(uccdnatiun. Thc noiice shall pror:de a period of -;j ,,* Et�.,.': <br /> .` - nat lus than 30 days from the date the notice i.deli��ercd nr mailed wi�hin which Bnrro�rer mu.t pay all sum�securcd by Ihis , ;��:,;�, .y °-- <br /> � - a'. Security Inswment. I(Dorto�vcr faiis�o p.ry�hex .nm. pnor m thc cxpinliun o(tl�ia perial. Lender may invoke any i--� . 1 <br /> .r „r` • rcmedies permilted by�his Securily Imtmment��i:houl f¢rther mni�r or demand nn Dartoncr. -�+-`; 5 r ` <br /> - 18. DorrowePe Rfght to Relnsfate. If 6n�owrr mech ccnain cnnJi�inm. Bnrninxr .h�ll have �he right to hare <br /> enforcemer.t o(�his Security In+uwaem dinvm�ineeJ a�:mr timc pri�,r m�he carfier oL I:n S Cays(nr.uch o:her period as ri^:ti,�.-:'�•�:�":�"'� <br /> . _l.'.. -� SinRleFam:y""iinnk\LrRedtlleN¢C36'OH]7R�TNCqE]T—Cm�.mmC�ncmoa 9/90 �ryx!Jnpurm r -�•' .-. - ��•, <br /> }' _` _ �_- - . <br /> �� <br /> , l . . F � _ . - - _ . _ _ . . �/ "i. . . . _ ' . - <br /> �L�� - . _ - ' . - . <br /> - ir_c;=., -..' .j'�i _ . . . . <br /> F.z - _ - _ . _ . .. . . .._. . _ _. <br /> , '�' . " . _ " ' ' . ' <br /> . ��.. - .__ _"�:�. . _ _. . _ _ _ ' " _ '"' _ ' _ `__' __—__ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ . . .. <br /> �_ '^ ', _ _ . " . _ _ _ _" ' " ' . _ . . <br />.. .:t['•':�' - - '-•!,-' - ' - ' - � . <br /> . " � - . ` • (� .��. - _ . . .� . .. . <br /> _��x . . <br /> \Y t1, - % - .� . . .. - . . <br /> : i . <br /> ka ]... � - 7 �_ '�� . ' ' ' it .�_ � � . <br /> 1 <br /> � - ' � -� : - . . <br /> t f . . - �r;� q� _ �1 . _ . <br /> t � <br /> �. t . <br /> 1 . � <br /> � " �� _ _�_ . - • � , <br /> 1 L n } � <br /> . r _ <br /> . ._ _ . . : . - _ . -: . <br /> � • - <br /> h_ � ' <br /> . <br /> _... � i.'. � . .:- -�.. .. .✓., � L.. - ` ' <br />