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_ ._ <br /> - A - .. _ .. i ..:r "} . � -t' h <br /> � � <br /> y�, -- . .: . . - -- ._."_.___. <br /> . _ .f . ' . .- :. � -: �-� �� M � <br /> .. <br /> . �■�`�,� -- <br /> .�.� . I . _ _. . . . " �T'--� -. ! 1 ..��- � � <br /> pedodSiAntLendetrc�ulrce, Thetnsumi;ppcanietp:ovidJnpthp(niuranCetFall6echoSentiy$dttbWer D ttoLq7�Qefg'. - <br /> ; ' epprovalwNchlhellnoi6ountt8sqntDlywlthMlO., 8orrowqrGU�tuDlaintAlnCOVeragedrsttibednbo�.��lpsy,i�- � <br /> : LeAderbcptlon,oDtNneovuagetoprotte{l.a:dFrt�gfipin�twProponyina000iEaioowi�hptragrAph7 - .. ; <br /> AllinsuroncopoUclraendrcnewai�ha�lbeesaqebleloLCr.deranq shaillnct doactandazdmonga�ec1aLse, LertCet�' <br /> —_— � ahellhavathedghttohold��opollcleaeadrcnswala. Tfl.cnOsrrcQuirca�Dorrowcr�allpromp�IygivoroLenderdtied�p�a : _ - — <br />__ __= cf pdd premiuma end mnewal notiaa. In tho ovent ot loae,Bortowu shell glvo prompf r.ottce[o A4 N6ur�ace wr[er and <br /> _ Lender. l.en�:atnnymakeproototloS�ItnotmedopromptlyDy Borrower, <br /> Untess Lender end Bortowee whc�wlto egrw ta wrlting.tnsurence proceede��aall be epplled to reswrdtlon or iepafr ot� • <br /> - th¢Ptoper[y damnged, if the mtoration or teVxit le uonomiwily feasfbte and Lendu)�esu�Ity Is not Ic_ened. It�he <br /> ° rcstoretton a rcpalr A not ecanomicatly feasiDle or I.enderti socudty would 6e Ip,fscned,tho insumnce proceed�,sheR b0 <br /> - - appiled w tM tutm exwed Dy Ihli 8eatdty fastntmenti wheR�et ot not then due,with my axoea�patd[a IIortow6r. If <br /> Bortower abaMom ihe Peoperry,or doea not enawer wlthin 30 daya a notico from Cender thai the lasurenca wrteY ha� <br />- ___ of&rcd to een+e a cleim,Nea LenOer may w«ect tho Nsurance pmaede. I.enda mny use the pcoaeds ro ropa:r or rea�oro <br /> --— �ha Prop�y or ro psy wero iecured 6y eAU 3ea:rlry Insuumu:6 whether or nu then due. 71a 34dey pedad wiU 6e6in afien <br /> __--— tAe nodoe lng1rcn. <br /> --= Udesa tender and Hortower othenviso egree ln wrtting�eny�ppllcaqon ot procad+w pdncipal shell not extend or ...._. . . . . <br /> postpone the due dau of t�e momhiy paymenu rePorted to In paregnpha 1 end 2 or cha�ge the emount of the pa . W. If <br /> �.�'�., undu puregnpA 21 �:a Propo�ty ia ecquircA by l.endu. BortowerY dght ro any I:uarer.ce polklea end p �resul�ing . <br /> < � from damage�o tha Propeey pdor to the acqulsftion cMll pw to Lender ro�he eatrnt of the wm+seeured by W�8ecwlry <br /> �7�.±� inawment immediue�y p�ior to�e acquislHon <br /> 6. Qttupuncy, P►aervntlon, Ma�ntenance and Protectlon ot Ide Propertyi Borro�ver'e Loan Apyl!cattoni <br /> ��w Lcaseholda.Borrower ehdl ouuPY.aublieh.end w�ho Properry a Borrowerb pdncipel reslda��x wtth(n�ixty Crya efter <br /> J+t- the wceeution of t6;s Secudty Instrument end chell cominue to oca:py the Prope es Bortower9 pdnclpal rcsidenoe fot at <br /> �-,�� <br /> �Ys �' Ieau one yw a8er tha d�m ot accupency, unleu Lender oNenviu ogeea wANng, whkh mnaent ehali not be "°� "�` - <br /> ��Y�, umeewnebly withheld or uale�oxtenuazing circumsuncea ex(u wh(eh ere boyond Bortower'e control. Boirowu�hall not <br /> �• !�•��, destroy,dam�ge or impnlr tla Property,ellow thePropc�ty to detedorete,or wmmi[waste on the Pro ny. Bortower�hall <br /> ;=;.r;aj�:� be in dofaul�if my fodeiturc aeHon or proaeAing,w!mther civil or cdminel,is begun thet in I.ender�good feith judgmmt -----�� <br />-,__"��;t�=;.^_ rnuld rcault in fode(tcro of�he Prope�ty or o�herwlw matedelly Impeir the i:en eteeted by this Savdry Inswment or <br /> :,.:.�:, -, Lender§cecodiy Intercst. Bortower ma euro cuch a defeult end rciastete,ei provldeA In pamgrep h 18,by cauaing the aetioa <br />���.:;:,,.{t,-,` or p�oceedind to be dismissed with a m�ng thu,in Lenderh good fetih detertninatlon,praludea fodeimre ot the Bonowu6 <br />"°+�'°�"'`� intarst in the Pro or other matedel im (rtnent ot the Ilen created b thie Secud Inaaument or I.enduY cecudry -� <br /> •,n;r;;X. P�' Pe Y ry -- <br /> intercst. Qortowu cMll dio be in defeul[ if Bortower, dudng�hc Iwn appfleation p�ocesa, gave matedelly felsc or =�- � - -� <br /> �.�� �� inaaurete info�me�lon or s�temenro ro Lender(or fe:led to provlde Lender with eny meteriel fnfortnation)in wnneaion with <br /> , �t the loan eviduiced by the No�e, Including, bu[ not limited ro, rcpresenutions conceming BortowerY accupaney ot the <br /> -_�;;?{�:��: Propeny es e pdncipal realdena. If thii Security Inawment is on a leesehold,Borrower alull wmply with ell the provielone <br /> 1 -�_;e_ of[he lease. If Bortower aoyuirca fers title to�Ae Propeny,�he leaseho7d end�he fee titlo sAall not merge mlas Ler.der agrtea <br /> - te�".:mecgerinu•riting. - .—� <br /> i�� 'q=, 7. Proteetton of Ler.der'e Righu tn the Property. If Bortower feila ro pedorm [he covenmts endeyecmeme - _- <br /> _�,,. ; mnuined in�his Secudry Inatrumer.i,or�herc ix a legel praeeding that mey aignificomly attea Lenderh dghu in �he =_ <br /> ��. � Property(such u e p:aeeding In bankmprcy,probate,Por eondemna:!on or fodeiturc or ro enforce laws or rcgulatlors),then � <br /> � , Lender may do and pay for wht:ever ia necessery to protect the velue of the Property end I.enderh dghu in the Property. -.,r�,t �— <br /> �'- Lender§actlom may include paying eny fum�secured by a Iien which hai priority over this Security Tnswment,�ppearing :;Jt�+? - <br /> rn}- In wun,paying reuonable attomeya'fus and enrering on�he Propztty to make repai�s.Although Iznder may uke action � _ <br /> � ; 4-?� under this parJaraph 7,Lcnder doee not Aave ro do xo. �Ei, <br /> ' 3`t j Any nmanta disbu�xed by Ler.der under this pazegraph 7 xhill become addi�ional debt of Bartower xcurcd by this i;�;4� s� <br /> r� ty.`� Sewrity Inaimaent. Unlcc+Dortower end Lender agra to o�her certns of paymmt.�hese emounts xhall bear imercs[from ihe •�*'�.,. �`ti_� <br /> j dete of dis6ursemene e� the Note rate nnd aholl be pay�ble,wi�h inrerest,upon notice tmm I.ender to 6ortower rcquesting "t.�i t � <br /> x .r; payment ��� . <br /> �et � 8. Marltege Insurer.ce. If Lender requircd mortgege insufence as e condition of making�he loen xcuad by�his `'4`•v 1 q 7 --- <br /> jjki ��, ; Securiry InsU�nent, Borrower shall qy the prcmlucs requircd �o meinmin�he mortgage iasurenm in effect. If,tor any :��'f � i ' <br /> '•-?';"���� reason. �he ma[ e e insumnce covera e rc cired b Lerder le ses or ceases eo be in eftecl, Bortower sheli a the Y�;s�""�:i��'�`�`- <br /> - � -� prcmiums req�iredgo obtain mvcragc substnntinlly equivalent to�he mongege insuwntt previously in effea,�ia cost �.j'� ry}c i3 -� <br /> {- t��: Subs�amieliy cyoiva!em to Ne cos�to Dortower of�he mongage insurance previousty in e(fect,from an eltemate mongage �'3� , <br /> -�r": insumr npprovM by Lendec Itsubs�antialiy cquivnleu mongage insurancc mverege is no�availeblc. Bortower ah�ll pay�o '��i� _,i` i}t.. -. <br /> - $- ' Lender each month a sem equnl ro one-rexlRh ot�he yeuly mottgage insurance premium being Faid by Bortower when the ;t.:- _ i - <br /> _-�`. insmance eorcrage lapsed or ceaud to 6e in effect. Lender�vitl accept,uu end remin theu paymmts as a loss rcurve in lieu ::- , =� <br /> `�+c o(mart a cin�urantt. Loss 'escrvc � <br /> -,�y�� E S paYmenn may no longer be required,at the op�ion o(LenCer, if mongage insurar.ce ;i•1;y J�:;-`j,;:q•�=-- <br /> ttJ corenge(in ds nmoune and for Ihe periad Ihat Lender rcyuiru)pmrided by an insurcr approved by Lender again becomes ;�?'4 ��u �` - <br /> ' availablc end is obleined.Borrower shall pay Ihe prcmicros rcGuired�o mair.uin mongage insurance in effec[,ar ro provide a � i Re � <br /> . ' bcs rcurve.umil �hc rcyuimmeut(or mongage inwrence end�in accordanoe wi�h any wrinen agrcemem betwecn Bonower - r <br /> e and Lender oropplitoble law. a- i_.,; i � <br />.- - ��$%`"'.''"�- 9. Inspect(on. Lendrr ar ii.agrn!may r.iake<mries upan ar.J in.peclions of lhe Property. Lender sha!I .S,-.,e,ki_c�`1.�-�. <br /> - give DortoHrornn[ice a the�inte of or prior to an inspeaion speci(yiag reawnable<aux(or Ihe inspectioa �;,_�� <br />- -' ' `''�'� 10. Cor.demnetfon. 71u procecds o(any award ar claim for 2amagn.Jimct nr cnnuyucmial,in connmion with any �.�'!.: :i: - <br /> -._,�-.. c_.:.. _.•,�i� -r Cr':..'. <br /> _ �:`i`%� S:-FIeFum:Y""HnnkN�NFrMIkNacL\IFORlIINh7Pl'11F.]T-VmlmmCmtea.+�a 1/90 �ryF��•f�NR/�I ` - <br /> t ' +. <br /> � '�� '- mn�r..mmo■ ' ' �y''��- <br /> ...'_�},::=.'�, uu�v.r.oiaooswamo�utum�-�o� ,:f:-?�' <br /> -_ t` .-. _.. <br /> { <br /> � - . -..---•.-.T.-...-' _�'_ ..,_ .. ' ... - �,_ "' * - _ <br /> � .-i�,. . ._,. _�. _. . . . . ., . _ c: , ..t. <br /> .. _. ;., . _-. . ... ... _. <br /> _� � . _ . _ _ _ ' _ , . _• - . . _ . - . <br />.. :i' _ __ . -. ._ � ' .- ' - . . - _ <br /> ' ' . :ri�. - . " ' _ _ . <br /> . _"_ '__ . . . . _' __._ _—__' "_' ._ _ ' .. . " '"" _ . . <br /> f '__ _ ."" 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