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�S J�.�� r ..�_ _ ._S .._ _ _r�. ;� � y .. ��T ' __._- —- <br /> if i-. ,1 � _t. }': � � � <br /> - _ . . , f� ��� � �'f � <br /> _ ^ �r I� . r <br /> .� . -. , " ..� . . �..ti .... ' . . . }�� . <br /> .., . . <br /> _ � ' "appflcebie�ew may iptoiiy for airetittinaitj bafira ss13 oi tt�s�o�tq garwml ta ag mweie�P f�te eontn(ntdln iblez - - ---. <br /> �: <br /> � . 6ec{utrylnslwnefit;otN)enuy ofeJuQg�iwtenldreljig�hls6ew17tyln+qumenp7l�ose�tiJ(�oae�reilfatiJon'aWFrid) . <br /> - D�f�.Gu�ASt ell sums.vM�A�en aroalQ De du4 wdu�hls 8uurtry I�3Aum�P►end tAe N9te ii it nn eccelbr�!ioa h3d <br /> occomd;@)eureaqnyeeteuitotenyacnr.eovenan�aorpgaeinqnw;(e)PayielioxyensaU�eunW(ircaf�reWgtiu4cwrt[p. .,, <br /> - �-- tr,supnicne,ineludidp bp�not linised,ta resso1u610 ia�mmpye`,tee�;pr4(� takee eucll Mtion�s f.M_u may ream�ablY . - <br /> rCyuUetoessurothdiihollenottAis3ecudlylhiwment,I.alQer9�IgAleidtl��Pip�i�tymdIIofrowee�o IigeUonio ayfh! <br /> ------ eum� eeeused by.)Ab 8a4dq (nswmGtt shall conq:iW timehan&M. 'Upoa teinstaiement Dy.tio�roiqer, �hie�euvit y' <br /> tnu�oincnxmd�heoDpgetionb�eciuedtiercby ehellninainfullyeffeuiveaaftnvtoeeld►�ibnluGOauRed. HowevcF,ih(� ` <br /> —, righttureinsteteehallnbtaDp1yln�heenseo/acceleralloncnderpungroPhlT. " " . -,.-- <br /> ._�_�. 19, Nile ot Notei�Chopga af Loan Biiviar. 71a Notd br e C�niel imerest in�ho Note(�ogethw w(fA tnib Saudty- =. �--- .. . ... <br /> Inewinenq maY 6o wid one or moro Umea wltNwt pdor notico to�ortowex A eale n�j�resat in a ehango N the enttty- ; <br /> - --_ (known w�I:e Loan Servlaf9�at oollau man�hty peymenu dao under the No:4�ndPL 8ecuclry�gdnattuiner.t. 'R�uealso . <br /> �. 8 rtower will bme given w8iitten oH�ot tho cAeage(n�eoro�[d�nPe wJth p Ngnotp b 14 sUore endlep ilcab e ltw'11Sie nouce� <br /> _-- wU stero the nama end nddreae otttw aew Loan Smiar md tha addrw to which paymeau�houid�made. Th6 noticewtil <br /> —�'"�` alweontein ony o�ha Intwme�lon rcqutred by applicable imv. � _ <br />"=°°=�'- 20. Hytardaw Bubstances. Bortower�hall not csuu or permic che D��uaa dispoaal,ttonga or reteue ot any . <br />�°�':r. � Heuadoue 3ubstances on or in the Propccty. Bo¢ower�hall not da nor ellow enyom dee W do.aeyt�ing 6Nce��8 the <br /> :'�,;��,;: Pcoperty eAat b In vloleNon of eny Hnvfronmentel Law• 1Le Precedln8 two sentenus shali not e ply to the preaence,use,or <br /> ' storege on the Propeity ot small quandtia of Hezerdou�SLbstentte thet ere generolly �o be approp�iate to r.ormal <br />'_-•;��,`�x'M' I raldendel u:ea and to mein[enance of[he Properry• <br />;;��t_.�h 8ortowet theU promptly give Lendw wcttren notia of eny invutlgetion,clafm,demmd,la�vrutt or other aodon by any <br /> � govammemel or regutamry agency or p�ivaro parry involving the Proputy end%�y Hazudou�Substanco or Snvironmentel <br />_ .;•>:;:;,,_° Lew ot which Bortower hea ectuel knowlWga If Omrower leana.or le notlfled by eny govemmmtil or tegulatory �_-_.._. <br />_��;:�•�:,5, euUqdry,�lut eny rcnovel or other rcma'ladon of any Hazardoua Substenca efkcdng�he Propetty ia neatsary.Bortower <br /> � �R��;�:•;. shell promp�ly teke eil nueaswy rcmWial eMions in accordence with Pnvtronmentd Law. <br /> ,:�:�+{;;^�k; An uaed in thi�pazagraph 211,"Hezardoua SuWtanua"are�hose mCStaned defined u toxic or hezardom substanas by <br /> -.,�•- - <br /> ; �-r�;�r,:;,; Envtronmer.iel Law�nd the following mbstencea: gasolf�e,keroaen0.o�her tlammable or toxie petroleum prod�cro�tuxic <br />:'�`';°rf,::i��. pea�lcida md hefi!ddea,voletlle solver.u, marcdnle con�einiag as6eslw or fomeldehyde,end radloac[(ve matedy�. M <br />���:°;:'';:�,� used{n�if pa�agreph 20.'Environmrniel Law'menro hderel laws end laws of the judW:c[ion where the Properry Is laated <br />_;•:.:ee:�e,..-- <br />,`��.;;;j�{,�;_ thetrcleteroheeUh.�a(eryorenvlronmemeipro[adon. <br /> •;_r,;�,. NON-UDiIFORMCOVENAN75. BortowerendLenderNnhercovenen[andagramfollows: <br /> f't�:-:�;'k�� 31. Acaleration� Remedles. Lende�shell glve notttt Io Borrower Drior to occelerafian following Borrowe�'e �-- --- - � <br /> -�+:`�:.�-�''� breach ot eny covenant or egreenent In thfa Seeurity Instrument @ut not rtor ro ecceleratlon under pare�eph 17 <br />_'_�;k'``�`, P fy° <br /> �,,,.,, unless apDlieable lan provldea othenvtse). The nMlce ahall s eci (a)the efaultt(b)tUe eMion required ro cure the _ <br /> i ^ detautt;fcl e date.not les+than 30 de�e hom the dete tLe notitt b given to Qorrovep by which the detault must be �_ <br /> '�:.a..t��:J i cured�end(d)ihat feilure to cure Ihe default on or oeiore ehe date specifid Ii lGe n7ke�:f readt 1n a�er_tWn et __-- --�-.-- <br /> '^'.�'y`._;;�'y,�; i the sume sKUred 6y thla Secudty Instrument and mic of Ihe Fruperiy. T6c uulltt�hel{Nrthei Intarnl SorrOpei Ol - -- � <br />'� '�?d�<�� ' 1he d t to retnstate eRer acceleration and the dght to bring e rnurt ection to essert ihe nonxxtstena ot a defeulf or __, <br /> r'�;�,;,cy� 8h <br /> c,^,{�;F�.:;•.?- ony other defense ut Borro�ver to eecderation end eale• It the delault fe wt cured on or betore the date epec(11ed In __ <br /> .�;,,r,,�*,-�:; . the nopce,Ltnder et fu opdon may require Immediefe peyment In NII of all svms eeeured 6�thts Securtty Instmment —..—_._ <br />:���4 Y:;::�° , �rlthout Nrlher demand and may Invoke the po�ver of sele and any otAer remedia permttted Dy eppitceble lan Y�_�,. <br /> s s Lender nhall be entitled to mlleet all espensa ineurred in purcuing tAe rcmedia provided in thl�paregreph 21, �.� <br /> F. �,.,�r` i fntluding,bul not ilmited to,reemnable attorneye'feea end casta af title erider.ce. N..,`��„ �' - <br /> � `r'-i? I [f the po�ver of seie I�Ineoked.l}ustce shell record e notitt of defeult In eaeh munty fn �vhlcA eny part of the <br /> H i; � Pro ert U located end ahail mail m le�of euch notltt tn lhe manner�rescribed b�epplicablt law to Qorroner and to - _ <br /> the other peraona prescribed by epplieable lew. ARer the 1lme requ red by eppl able la�r,7Yustee shell ghe publit r-�'� <br /> � !, <br /> .---� r.otice otwle to 1he persone end fn Ihe menner preserlbed by epptkoble luw. 'Rusta,vithout demand on Dorrower, .,,l�{,x.,_ <br /> }- shell sell the Property et publfc auetion ro the hlghat bidder at the tlme end place md under t"ne 1erm1 designated in �r <br /> ,'>�v - ` Ihe notftt otsele in one or more parcds end in any arder 71�ustee determinea 7Yustee mey pwtpone aele ot eil or any _� � . <br /> i r '� parcel of lhe Property by public announcement nt�Ce ttme and plece af any previously scheduied sale Ler.der or(U -u <br /> -!� � des(gnce ney purchase ihe Properly at xny sale. '� <<'i r <br /> ��`?`.�;•"'�� � - Upon rceetpt of paymmt ot ihe price bld.'[}ustee shall detiver ta iM1e purthaser 1Yuriee's deed conveying Ihe � _,,,,.,-.. <br /> ' - .`_ ���.�a-•.,:.�:_i,d-. . <br /> '''=�`.':;`�� Property. The reclteL+In the 7}ustee's deed shnll 6e prima facle evidence aPthe trulh of IhectetemenL+mede IAeretn. y-:.-i., .., <br /> �, _' �•. �+, 7}ustce shall epply ihe proceeds af lF.e sxle in IM1e fulto�ring order. la)to ell costs and expenxa otexeat�ing the power .r,�; � " '� <br /> i <br /> _r�:� <br /> - � , <br /> h,," 4�`�(C/``^�,-.: <br /> �.�� x..t. _ 31=_._ <br /> `��._ ,,.. :,_�:_- <br /> c �. � Y . <br /> ° ' . a <br /> i1. <br /> - Z' :,``,:.' <br /> . . Farm W71t 990 qve.Spnpnv�� � - <br /> ♦ L` <br /> , t ," <br /> ... ... . <br /> t �` �� — _ - 9 - �� - <br /> - . ��'",.t'r '" _ ' ' . .. '_-� _�"_`_ ""r r- . . _ ' " <br /> -�� .. . _ _ . .. . . _ . _ " _. . . . <br />_ .�.:i1' " . � . <br /> l P �. <br /> .Y�_�r�i, . - . <br /> ° :t . . . � � . _... <br /> �. <br /> .1 . .�� .�__ <br /> � <br /> • .� . . . . . . . <br />