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���jj �' r;r � � „_ <br /> .,j(� N . '�y �� .�. 1-.5�,' �_ �1 J /l ' � <br /> y �• _:. ,. . ._.�— . . • � �. ��,- <br /> T. ff��lrvt _-�.... .. )' . '2 � ___ <br /> r- . . . . �3,, , ��,�� : , --- <br /> - -- 7'pOq1f[8R P/Pltl atl the imProvemente noN or fiercaRte eres�ed on tlw prppttry.end s11 oealmer�e:pPpunsneiiee.+.-�.' - <br /> -- and tixturd r.oN or SacaRer a part ot tho propenp. All reptaamem�eM addldo:u�ahell e] covued Dy�his SMuiry �. <br /> [nsutiment, Alloftheforcgdlegterefetredtointh�s8eauiryinaWment�the"Prope[ty" . ._ <br /> °°-�-- -- HORROWBR COVBNANfS�het 6ortower is taw[ully selsed of the eaure hereby comoyed a�G Aa+�he dght to grant � <br /> --_ �c�o��or me vropaty end that��e Ptopeny le unencum6ercd,except for onwmbra.xe�otrecord. Borrower wmran�e nnd. <br /> `�--"� wUl dttend generelly�he Wle to�e Property aga:ns�all c1Nnu and demanda,acbJec�eo eay encumbm�oa of reaM <br /> THIS gECURfI'Y INSiRUM6PPC combina unifartn covenenta tor mtional use ar.d non-unifotm covenenu with <br /> --- =- = llNtWvetlndonabyJudsdietlonroconsfltuteeuNfomivadrylnswmentcoveringreaipropeny. _:-.__-_ , <br /> Y UNIFORMCOVBNANfS. Borrowwandt.enducovenamacdngrweafollowa: . <br /> �4�.9 1. Pnyment otPrincipal and Inkrestt Yrepeyment end Lete Cherga. Hortowu iball promptly pay when 4ue�he <br /> - �� pdncipa1 otend intenst on the debt evideneed by�he Note ond any prepaymentand le;e cherga dua wder�he Nota <br />'�`7. 1. PUnda for 19xw and Ireurance. SubJut ro applteable law or to a written wafver by Lendw,Bortowu�hell p�y lo <br />°:�._� Lendu on che day monihiy paymenu ere due undu�he Tlote,undl�he Note Is pald in WII,e Bum("IVndi")tor.(e)yearly <br />= u=-�'�"� tacee and assessmenn which may attaln pdo�iry over�hl�Secudty Instrument w e llen on the Propeny;(b)YeadY leaaehold <br /> �� -;:..e.� <br />-:��:�,r; - paymems or gmund rcnn on �he Properq. if aay: (c) Yearly hazerd or propony insurence pmnlums: (� Yearly flaod - <br />--'.':;�Y�3 incwanca prcmlum�.if any: (e)yearly mortgage insuranm p[emlums, K eny; and(�eny eum�payable by Bortowu ro _ <br /> ;Y�: y::.�"-- I,ender,in eocordanco wi�4 qw proviaioro ot pnragroph 8,in Iiw ot Ihe psyment of mortgega Insurence premiur.u. 11�ese <br />�_"e.;{iJ'"f:'? {��m�ere ceiled"Eurow Item.�" I.ender may,et eny time,eollcet end hold Amd�ln en emount not to exceed�h¢maximum <br />`"`-- '�;=." ar.rount a lender for a fedetelly releled mottgege loan may requiro[or portowerb eccrow axount ur.du the federel Real <br /> '_f yv:i:�:�, - <br />- c,��.;z.,, Hstaza Seatlement Proadures Act ot 1974 a�amended from�mo to t(me.12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.CR�PA").unlw anothu <br /> - �-"� , tew that e lIU lo the Ar.ids seu a lesur emounc If so.Lender may.�t any tlme,wllect end hold Punds In an cmount not to <br /> ,: <br /> �--.;-_.. . <br /> ��-` >;,_ e:aed t eplesser amount Lender may udmnrc �he emount ot iLnd+due on �he basie of curtent da�a end reawnabla _ <br />=:-'�`,'' "` esNmetes of ez ditura of futurc Cacrow I[em�or otherwiu in axordence with appIlcable Iaw. --- <br />-1-`�`=�'it�=` ��^�all be held in en institution whose deposits erc insurcd by a fWerel agency. Wwmentelity,or entiry �- �- <br /> -'�y�.�,=� (including Lender,if Lender is auch m ins�iw�ioa)or in any Federel Home Laan Bank. Lender�hall apply the Punds ro pay ,_�..;,;. <br />"'`�1��� 1�'i?' the Eecro�v Items. Lender ma not cher e Bortower for ho.din er.d e I n �he Amds,ennuell enal i Ne escro�v 7'`����„- <br />`;.,,',��,,i;� Y 8 ' 8 PPr 8 Y Y��B �--- <br /> :,,;��_;;��;;� eaoum, or verifying tAe Escmw I[ens, unlesa Lender paya Bortower latercat on rhe Punds md applicable law pertni�e _.� <br />,�;.�c,n✓.�.=2 Lender to make such a cAarga However,Lender mey require Bortower to p¢y a one•[ime charge for an In�ependent real - <br /> �-.. -;c es�ero tex reponing rervia used by Lender in conna�ion wi�h[hia loan,unica�applieable law provide�otherniae. Unlws en � � ;�!- <br />=_�.,�;•t;:�- agrecment is made ar epplicable lew requitts imercst ro be pald,Lender sMII not be required ro pey Bortower ony inrerest or -' <br /> E :1'£s...'�.. <br /> �t'. i `: eeminga on the Pund+. Bortower end Lender may egree in wntmg,howerer.�hat inttrcst ahe116e paid on the Pund�. I.ender y�y - <br /> y � t-, .s ahali give ro Barrowe4 without cherge.en annuel eaounting of tAe It�ndi,showing crcdiu and deb!u ro the Punds and Ihe . <br /> �� i - f j; pmpose for which each debf[to the Punds was made. 7Le hLnds ere pleAged as edditlonal aecurity tor nil eumf acurcd by r -�r- _ <br /> � �hia Secu�ity Ins:rument. ` F-,-,. <br /> - If tht R:�.: he!c� 4y L^_rt�er exretd thr emo��n�. permitted ro 6e held 6y aoplicable law. Lender shell accowt ro �:�._ '-. <br /> � , : , Borrower tor lhe excess P�nds m eaordantt with�he requiremema oi appliwble faw. i(ihc umount uf d�o FL���6 IKid Gy -� i,.., <br /> ' i�•',=�. I.ender e[any time ia not sumciem�o pay the Fscrow Irems when du0.Lender may so notify Borrower In wfiting,a�d,in L,;�.,v!'.-. <br /> �'��°��f=:;''.`? :uch esse Bortower chall pay �o Lender�he amoum nettssary �o meke up�he deficiency. Bortower ahell make up the �+?r;S;�'i`„.-,. <br /> ' ' � - • defidency ia no mort than nvelve momhly paymmu,at Lenderh sole discreUon. -: - ,- <br /> � Upon peymrnt in full of ell sums securcd by�h�s Security Inswmrnt.Lender shell pmmptly refend to Bortower any - �%��i� ' <br />„=-�,%j;���%' Pundi held by Lender. If,under paragrnph 2I.Lender shall acquire or ull the Property.Lender,prior ro�he xquiaftion or ��` �" -- <br /> .t�,r(_.d.. <br /> —??,i�5^ sale of�Ae Properry•shall apply any FLnds held by Lender nt �he ume of acquisnian or sale aa a credrt agamst�he sums 'h:::�__�; <br /> secureAbythisSecurirytrsuument. a'f ��"-�- <br /> ,��,t r��,s J., 3. Applltntloa ot Paymenis Unless applicable Iaw provides o�hefwise, atl paymenu rcceived by Lender under 1�;;;.�_�_-- <br /> -i. �_ parcgrephs 1 end 2 shall be applied:firs�,ro any prcpaymem chnrges due under the Nom;secor.d,to emounts pfyable under - ;,- <br /> paragraph 2; intercse due:founh,�o principal due:end Iest,ro eny late churges due under the No�e. 1 '?-,,,�y'-�. <br /> ����`s����';,; 4. Chargea; Llene. Bofrower sha:l pay ell tnxcs,usessmems,charges, fines end impositio:s attri6utable to the - `..�i,,__-. <br /> `"'�`'j''`� Pro n which ma attein riom over Nis Securit Ins�mment,and teauhold a ments or round rcn[s,if an . Bortower - <br /> - Pe Y Y P Y Y P Y 8 Y --.r;. � _, <br /> . '-- shall pay Ihue ob:igetions in�he manner provided in pamgmph 2,or if not paid in�het mxnner,Bortower shnll pay them on - � �'-- <br /> i.;. .' �� >�'�'�-� <br /> :r,•=', time dircctly to the peaon owed pa��nent. 6orto�ver shall pmmp�ly fumish to Lender ull no�ices of amoums m be paid under o <br />- .`_-).;.e, i'nY.�.�t..:,_-. <br /> s.,,, <br /> �his paregraph. I(Borroner makes�Aese payments directly.Bovo�ver shall prompdy(umish to Lender raeipu evidencing ,:;.;�:{_: <br />-Z,r'6�6;-:,:�-, lhc paymems. =�2-;"yY':t . <br />-t!i`�,,±�'J+�; Bortower shall promptly diuM1arge uny lien efiich hac priorily over ihis Security Inslrumenl u�less Bovower.(n)egrces :�p;�.•.-,_. <br /> in wmin to�he a �ient o(the obli ation secured b �he lien in a martner acce Inble to Lender.(67 conress in ood(aith�he -' `;�" <br /> -� - � 8 P Y• 8 Y P B - :. >:'; <br /> --��; lien by.or de(ends agains�en(orcement of�he Iien in,icgal pmcccdings�rhich in �he Lcnder's opinion opetate�o prevem�he - - •= � �. <br />� �} '�;�.,_ en(orcemen[o(ihe lien:or(c)secums fmm�hc holder af the Iien an agrcemen:satisfanory to Lender subordinming the lien ' _;`'r .�" <br /> ..i�„}.;;�._ [o this Seturity Inswmeni. If Lender de�em::nes Ihal any pan of Ihe Propeny i+subject[o a lien which muy elWin priorily •--�� - <br />,;.; . , q:.t over�his Security InsvumrN.Ler.dcr may givc Ilortowcr a noticc idcmifying�he licn. Bortowcr shell satis(y thc lien or�eke +�l,;"�- <br /> J t-: one or morc o(the attion5 sel torth above wdhin I O Cays of Ihe giving of noticc. <br /> _ S. Ha�ard or Property lnsurence. 8orto�rer shali kecp Ihe impmvcmenls now existing or hercatter erccled on the <br /> Property insurcd against lacs by induded wi�hin�he temi"cx�cr.dcd corerage'and any oiher haiards,intluding - <br /> ❑oods or Ilaoding. for n�hich Lender requi:e. i�wra�ce Thi. inwranre .hall 6e maimained in ihe amoumz and for Ihe - _ <br /> S � <br /> FormJOTB 9.70 �Ntr:n/nNC�n . <br /> . • � '. <br /> � <br />_- � <br /> ".x.; � <br />. __"`'"�. _ <br /> -ti• <br />,�_;: _ .. '._. . .. __ <br /> :..`."":-_ . -._ - . _. <br /> _-���.:''�= - ", . ' . - <br /> .'' t .. <br /> �4.:i' <br /> l5. <br /> . ' y6y�{ . . �. - . <br /> �ic�� . . . . . <br /> 'y.^±•J;: '.. _} - . . , _ - - . _ ' .. . - .._ - . <br /> , <br /> :. <br /> ., <br /> ,. <br /> . - � '- a . - • .. - , . - , - � ' <br /> � - +_._ . _> _ - - , . <br />