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....;.i:.4.__ . . , _ . . . . <br /> t r t �r ('i Ri i 'tx �t +� rl' .tt�+'f t `lr,t -� � j . , <br /> ' -�' -- .- J � � { - r.4� i `t��� ' Yi t' i� C1aiz �� <br /> . .-- -. �t _ - r� - '. �. . -,'. � -. i q���7 l � 1 *j 1 K � t ��-. <br /> wnd�m�SAHbd:91W1wr't�cln$ofMp��tp�tl�pptope�yToqtotconV��YgcdinJl�o�soqd��i,e+�ar;?ron��ebyps���kQ� � <br /> Ft+51t px�dtr�t��ao�, •;� -- , : t , . <br /> . J � t <br /> t,'' tNO o4ont P?,a rotet t�p�u dYltie pFoppitY;c�o prooee¢s akut�¢y RP J�SA�O IAO�YII!,i,6Ei97�yf�ibk BkLrRy� '> ' <br /> , , insuomenl;ivhqDa of�oe thln dus�'Wlth aqy eXCe�t pit4-!P:$o�'4H'�a 11t�bvenR�+►R`Verttel WcUiB b�4�!4 PtdpCtb irt`..titi� • <br /> AIAet�rin��tceivaNpaflUe Imroediatelyv bDPo tha�aYingl� us2too Zetiqej��heehtop��bttagpums f ,5 1T� <br /> s�eoni�tQbytMaBecu�iry-�wmentl�mme�diaroly hetnrd'�he�e�ng;unteesqo�t�qwer.endi�,endeiqth��aaagtee lnyyA�(�g , <br /> '�ho iume deCUt{d by�hle, Fcudq UuUUmNif�l�ult bn�duoed Dy tbe emount prbogsyls�huRr!le¢�d�;ih4�oi�owing �; . <br /> .. tre¢uon:.(a)�ho awl pm� oun!of ua suma aeourcd immalial ixto�3�ho'ilkTng.diN4ed bY(b)'tIN�iG mukNk va btth6 ..� � <br /> Propylty inimedla�ely beforo the Wdng. '�eA,�4}�ag'�paid 0 8ogoryet. Jd tha event of o pazN�1 utN o�(t�o'' ... ; <br /> Fropa� {n whlch tTro talr meikw retue oi me PropoitY imo�edtBt�eTy:�dro Sho IeYi�?�las�lie�}ih¢a�to�AkoE�§�tsu ',. . _ <br /> aFcu�lmmbdletely Datoro�hb"uking.unle�$pftdwer'o0d l,endq otrysrwtse agee 1n�Ic1�8 Pt untu¢appl(cj� i611}v ,�, '� <br /> o6�ernlw proWdce,tho proceeda�Aa1l bo epplle4 to�ho wrtu 6ecuttd Sy 4�b 8eeuriryln6fNment whuherdr ao1 Uie somiArp :� �;. <br /> thrn due. . �.: <br /> If Ihe Properry li aDandoned by Bortuwcr,or If,aRer nodce by Lenderto Aorrower 0at Uw condemnur"oftCro s,d' ik0 - "r: "' <br /> nn a�vaM or aettle a elelm for dam�gea,Dortovrct falle m rcapond to Lenduwithin 30 daye nfter tho date the'n�ice'is_g(�en, ' <br /> Lender Is authorluA to catixt ead epply the Drocecd�,et lu opNon,atther to rcatoredon ot repalr of�rye propmty or Itl A�8 �� <br /> eom�cecuredbythis8wudtyiqswment,whethetornotthendua �- : ;� ��1 <br /> Unles�Lcadu end Bortowcr othotwise 6grce In wripng,n�y epptiwion of procadt w principal�ha11 nM extetid or _ � �,.. <br /> postponedwduoderoottMmomAly paymenurefertedtolnparegreph�leiM2orchengethaamountof¢uchp�ymenta. <br /> 11. Borroww Not Releaud� For�earance By l.ender Not a Welver. Bxcension ot�he Qme for piyaieqt oF � <br /> moditication of a�aonizetlon ot tde sum�saurcd by thU Secudt�lns�men�gran�ed by Lender ro nny eucceasar 1n 1Nercri <br /> ot bortowu shoU not operate to rcleaso the Ilability of the o�ig nal Hortower or Borsowerb sucaaso�e In Idtercst. Leridtt - _ <br /> shall not 6ercq uired ro commenoe praceedtng�ageim[eny aucceasor In intercat or rotuae to aitend Umo for pryment or <br /> othenvise modify amortiretion otthe eum�mcurcd by�hia Securlty Inurument by rcason oteny demand made 6y tho o�lginal <br /> Bortowa or Bortower§wcasson in tntaeat. Any torbeamnce by[,ender in exercising any tlght or temedy thill not bo a <br /> aeivuotorprectudetheexerciseotanydghtorremedy. � <br /> 1f. 8ueceeson end Assigm Bound�doint and 8everal Uebilllyi�•slgnen. 'fl�e wvenanro md egreemente ot�hb � <br /> Sceudry Inswment�hell bind end benafie�he�nxessors end wigns of Lmdar and Borrower,subjcet ro the provls(om ot <br /> puagnph 17.Bortowenc�ovenWS and ngreemenp shall�e Joint and aroral.My Bortower who co-slgna IMe Saudty <br /> Instmment 6ut doea not execuro ihe Noro: (a)Is co-signing�Ma Secudty Inswment only�o mort�age,gent and tonvey that <br /> Bortowab interest in tNe Propeeyunder the terma ot�his Sceuflty ImwmenC (b)la aot pertonal y obllgeted ro pry the sum� <br /> acuccd by thia 3ecudty Instrumuu;and(c)agreea thet Lender end any o�her Bortower mey egree�o ex�end,modify.forbear <br /> or make eny accommodatlons wi�h regerd ro�he teim� of�hi� Secudry Insnummt or the Note whhout tha�6orrower§ <br /> consent. <br /> 13. Losn Cha ea If the ban securcd by Nie Security Insnument ia eubJecl lo a law which cete muimum loen <br /> charge�,end thnt law�a flnally fnuryrctW co�hat�he imera[or mher loan charge�wilatW or�a be collected im m�nection <br /> Gtth�he lom the pemiltted I!mlt�lh.en: fs)�n;such!�n chsrge fi:B�redsred b;the max+nt nett::�y to ttd�xt --- <br /> Iha chuge�o the pmmitted Iimit:uid(b)eny cums alrcady collened from Bortower which exaeded pe�mltted lim(re will be _ <br /> remnUW to Bortower. Lender mry ci�uux lo muRe tl8s iefunJ by�uiucing�he principal o�ved under�he Noto or Ey meking n <br /> direc�payment to Bortower. If i rcfund rcduca principal,�he rcduction will 6e mea�ed e+e paniel prcp4ymen[�vithout uiy <br /> prepayment charge under the Nota <br /> 14. Noticee. Any notica to Borrower provfded for in [his Security Instrumen[ahdl be glven by detfvedng it or by <br /> meiling it by firs�clm mail unla+epplieeble la�v rcquircs use of enother me�had.The notia�hall be dirccted to the P[openy <br /> Addrw or my other address Bortower deaignatu by nodce to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by Rrst clue -- <br /> meil to Lenderh addrcsa ate�ed huein or any other nddrcas Lender dexigna�a by notice ro Bortower. Any noticc providW tor -� <br /> in thla Secudry Inslrumrnt ahnil k deemed to havc becn given to Bortower or Lender when g(ven ea providW In �Alt - <br /> pareg�aph _ <br /> 1S. Govcrning Lew; Severeblltty. Thfs Security Insuument ahall bc govemed by federel Inw end thc law of�he <br /> jndsdic�ton in whieh�he Propeny 4 loce�ed. In ihe event that uny provixion or cleuse of�hia Security Instrument or the Note ' <br /> conflicta whh appiinble lew,sucM1 mnilk[ahnll not n((ect a�hcr pmvisiona of[his Secud�y Insuument or�he Nom which een -- <br /> be given efkct �vitlwm �he conflinins provision. 7b�his end the provisionx of this Security Innrument and ihe No�e arc . <br /> declercd ro 6e severable. - <br /> 16. Uorro�rer'e Capy. Bortaver sholl Be giren one con(om�cd copy of thc No�c md af ihis Srcurny Instrumcm. - <br /> 17. 7Fenater of the Property or o Oeneiicinl Interest in Borrosrcr. If all ar any p�n of�hc Propeny or uny interest In > <br /> it ia wld or transfemA (or if a 6ene(icial inicrc+�in�ortowcr ic cold or i�anskrrcd and 6orro�ver is not a natuml percon) : <br /> without Lenderk prior wrinen canscnt,Lendcr may,at i�+option,mquire immedinte pnyment in PoII of ell sums ucurcd by <br /> this Suuri�y Inswment. Hmvever,ihis opiion shail nat be ezerciccd by Lendcr if exereix is prohibi�ed by kderul law az ot � <br /> the da�e of�his Sewrity Insuumcnt. <br /> It Lender exercims this opiion.Lender shall give Bormwer no�ice of acceleratinn. 7Le notice shall provide a period ot - <br /> not less than 30 days trom the dme�he noiice ix dciivercd or mailM aithin ahich Borrower muxt pay all sums ucurcd by ihis <br /> Securiry Inswment. If Borcoeer fails �o p:ry�hesc�unu priar�o the cxpiration nf�his periad. Lendcr may invoke my <br /> rcmedies permi[ted by[his Securily Irotrununt�vilhwl further nnlice ar dcmand on 11arm�rec -- <br /> IB. Borro�rer'a RIRht ro Rdnstafe. If Aortm�rr mce�.ccrtain �rnditioro. Rorrmrer .hall have thc righl m h�ve • <br /> enforcemem of�hi,Security In,�rvment diunntinucJ a�aq•�ime pri.�r m�Ic wdier oC la1 5 Jays;nr wch u�hcr period as <br /> SmF1eFmJy..linnieM�r4'rNdk)1�rCSIFOR\II\d'IRI:NF.\T-CnilnnnCmenann 1190 rpuNf../nNxrn <br /> i <br /> :J ...^_ � !.`,. � f --t- .,.--. '. . :. 7 ... . _ ..., _ liu �' - r- .l. <br /> - � s . J _. _.. _ . . -� . � . . .. __{-rl_. .,� , .. _ . ... .- <br /> �. r _ '_ _ ' '_ . <br /> - .a''.._ . - - . - . <br /> _'[. -',...'i�:... _' . _ _ ' <br /> - � f _ " " . - . . . <br /> r <br /> .3: • <br /> ..1�:<J: ..I•.�; . � , . � ' . <br /> .�.�:}.�� - . . _ - � ' _ <br />_t 'i., s' . ' . . . .. - . <br />.+ �. � - <br /> ; '� <br /> � _ � ' ' � . ' . . . <br /> . L . . _ . _ _ F _ ._�_3 . . . <br /> ?�.�' . r` _. 'i` � ��, ;° . t.'v_, . .� . . J . - � . . i .. �.�„ <br />