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. . . .. . .. :.,; ., ,:+.: _:. ..-.�!u.�.�._- . <br /> � h . t i ' <br /> � � ri . .- : •,� 4 �Ci( f {___`, � <br /> , ,5 � , r � ,r�� �r��� , v < < : <br /> � _ , � ,, .0 s$ wi �_ � . <br /> , ,f : . , i � �.. , <br /> .,L nmJAtd6iLwinennf.��A1Ai hSUwAFhrtplwnm��XhfCw�.�t/A�fi�L t� <br /> ': Y'+0�1�����1 �' ��C'Rhtr v�.. r..o.... r"" �t ..�i '� `- �;_. <br /> p�tu nlwbt %�notbo���biywiUiheld. (tB�i�pwetfel��y�coYereg¢A�Se�ppd�b�Ye,�,#Wlotmp4. ,.s , <br /> t;crl4eidopdonG4rolricove eto rotcCt[�endqr8�iget►In tiwy�p� wir�yu�9 �. ir �. <br /> '� �Iin�urenoe Ifolea r aiddiq116e�n�"w. op�p�etoLe{td�enda�nll dn�'uebas�aaoaremon 4 pfauu. t:srid�c , , ", <br /> _ . �haltl�avqSfioilp,�troyo1d16�l.PQ��wBna.retlewais:,ULSndsefeqiil1l�:8suiaH'4itAAJ1pr4mP�lYB(v43n�xtl�st�lltQp��y�y <br /> ot paid pretntums end:kndwal naHcw, th Ne evertt otlo¢s,RcttbWet s1�eII(¢ve prompi notl9e to 1h61�iemai�ea cutf4y utA % <br /> � t.endee. l.endermaym�Ceproototlo�,+lfnotm�doprompAy0Y$orr�wsr.., . . ` . <br /> Unlesa X.endu and 8ortower oq�2hvla�9grce in+Mtlnng;t6sureece pnteeWa ehell be�eypAed a rc#tore�op brrop�L o� <br />. . . Ne➢ro�y d�ema�ged, it�he rcs�oretlon or repait!a eacaomleffiy feaslble and I.endul ceeudry Is not_IEis.iiEd It!be . . <br /> rtafo�ae an oi iepsv ie not economtcally fea+lble or LinQery sicurlty wou1Q ti6.lauepeQ,iNe Instirvl�ce pib0eed}lfiip bo <br /> �PpIIeO ro the am+secured by thb Secwily insuument,whaAer m not fhw due,wlth ahy oxoes�Deld to aPrtowei:'(f <br /> Borrowu ebquudoqs tha Property,or doa not enawet M�hti�30 day�a nodoe fro�n Lender thf�tho lnauisnop cartleYh�s <br /> oftorc0 co unle a cleim,�hen Lender may coUat tha inswe�ue praeWa. Lendu may use the proaeQi t0 rc�al±or reswro •, <br /> �he Prapeny or ro pay sum�iecund by�hb Baurlry UuWmen6 whethu or not then due. 7Lo 30dey palod U beg(n when . .. . <br /> �he not(ce ia afvem <br /> Onlwa Lendu and Bortowu oPoehvlae egree!n vrrtttng,enyepplicapon of proceeda to ytlnclpdt shall not exlepA ot . <br /> _ �tpone�ho due dute otthe mon�Aly paymenp roFe[red a in pare�npire t end 2 or changa the Amount oJ the pytryFpte..Jf <br /> parcgraph 21 �he Propecty i�eoqufred by Lender,Bartowerh dgt�t to eay iasurence podcles and protteada tesut <br /> — hom dam�ge to the Property prior ro the eoquultlon elull pesa to Lender to�he mteat of the wme securcd by thla Sec�� <br /> Insdument Immcdf�tely prlor[o�he ecqdaldon. <br />-- Q Occupancy, Preservatloo M�fntenence aod protectfoo of fde Property� Borrower'e Loan Appltcntton� <br /> Lease6olda Bortowar sh�ll ocapy,aleblish,end use�he Property u Borrowert pflnclyal rcsldence wlthln�Gery day�aRu <br /> -- t�e exauelon ot�hb 3eeudry Inawmen[and�dall contloue to occupy the AnpartY aa BorrowerY princtpal rosldence Por at <br />�y leaat one year e(ter �e daro ot oavpency, unles�Lender ahenrise ageea m writing, whkh'consent ehaU not 6e — <br /> -- unrcasonably wlthheld,or unlea+extenueMg eircumswkea axb�whkh are 6eyond Bortower§wnttol. Hortower eheU not <br />;-,;,°;-= destroy,damage or impatr�he Property,ellow tM Proputy m duMome,or commlt waa�e on the Proputy Bortower ehall <br /> ;`� Ixi in detault if my fodetture ecuon or proceeding,wfiether otvll or ttiminal,u begun thaz in LenderS good fdth Judgment <br />= rnuld rcsult In todefturo of�he Property or otderntu metaddly impalr the Uen ereated by �hla Secudry Inst[ument ot <br /> -;'� I.enderY aecudty Intereat. Borrowu may cure wch e default and m(nsme,aa provtded in para�eph 18,by cawing tAe ectlon <br />: .�i:. or pmceed(ng ro 6e dismissed�vi�h a ruling thaR In Lender6 good felU�duamineNon,prceludw fodehuro of�ha BortowuY <br /> Interca�N tho Property or other marorfal Impalrtnent of�he I(m cmted 6y thla Secudty Insuument or I.enduS tecu�iry <br />����;�� In�ercrt. Hortower ebelt dso be In default If Borrower, dudng �he Ioan epplica�ton procese, gavo metedUly fvae or <br />:'�-���. Inaccurero infomuUon or swemenu to Lender(or feiled io provlde Lender wl�h eny muedel Infortnation)In wnnection whh — <br /> =i� the loan evidenxd by the Note, G�cluding, but not limited ta rcpracntatlons wnceming Bo¢owerY occupancy of the <br /> -::;i9 Propeny a�a pdnelpel.asldena. If this Seadry Insuument ie on e Iasehold,Bortower ihall comply wl�h alI the provklona <br />�:.>#� of�he leue. If Hortower ecquire�fa Htle�o the Propary.�he Ieuehold end the fee tltle ahe11 not merge unlese Lender agrca __. <br />:-ty�� ro the merger In wdMg. <br /> -- 7. Prote:don of I.euderS Rlght� In Ih: P��op�rty. It Borraw�� fni1� w pcdmm �ha wvenants end ngccemcnu -- <br />�';�;;5� rnntalned In thla Secudty Insaument,or�herc la a leQal proaedina that may :igni0cantly effut C.enderY dghu In the o; <br />���-�� Propercy(+uch u a proceeding In bank�uptey,probate,ta condemnallon or Podeiturc or to enforce lews or roguletlom),then --� <br /> �,;,� Lender may do end pay for whe�evcr ie nettasery to protect the velue of�he Propeny end Lenderb dghts(n the Propeny. =:�. <br /> ;�y�.9 LenderS anions may indude paying eny«rt;;securcd by a Iien which haa priodty over thla Security InsUUmrnt,appeering S4�� <br /> ^ =A in cautt,pnying reawnnble ettomeya'fea end entedna on the Propnty to m�ke rcpairo.Al�bough Lender may leke adion 4-° <br />-�:���z(i under thia paragmph 7.Lender daa not have to do so. <br />