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. <br /> �, - f c � f� . ' �-' r = i�``it:.ait �a .Frh _ <br /> � < ' Y lC (.I l- " <br /> J. A L <br /> � � ` �SS � ( ��!�~t�� '�[ �fe�cqi <br /> � ..` -. -.�. �.� � . _;� _ '� �. �� ��` -� _ } -.rr �hl -. <br /> �; @ppucable IaW miy e}recYy fot rcinsatemoN)beto�e a�o of�hbg� punwnt to�ay pow r 4(f�P� ��t��!�, <br /> Se4url�YJnswm�u4ot(byerl ota�§d�men�entot����t�Ss�rit't�o��G'lirosar�dit�a��s�a �_�., , - <br /> Fu uy <br /> ,. .D� d tif+!d�e!!�Ay'n wout E8 duo Und ihla$C�v11 I�.tn�ment�/�d tha bta as If no acfalbpdPn fiuF', <br /> �'@)ciu�.+inyAcG�itofuiy+dhsrtov��enl�o�d�eCmems� o)PtY1,1161�3c#idw+tedilke�fotcingtII�64CUtl�Y."� +�- <br /> ' In§kiiihe�tt inol Ng,but qot 4�t+�1 to,reasdnibte attom0yi'(eea and(�Gkse d`uch e oiin��ridci:�rY iy ' r �} <br /> . r��to9amre�attfie'IienofthlrSeektirylndUuinbli[:LtudEt6rig�t9tnfiaPiopt{tyMd�drtoWeeloplfgi oatQ�i 9� <br /> pudia sCeqred'by A�fs 8ewrlty.Zns � �nt.�ha11 con uo unehdoged.::Upb�Yetnslete%eqt Dy gortotvek'�Lif i� 6ry'� <br /> TnsWqjeni.eodino8bligad¢�s,el�wN�erebq�halliCm�}fut(jrettcqdvaaaltn4acceJuaFionhadoocitt�� lWarsv�9�ii" r : <br /> • dghROnin3leta�haflrtatePPiyinthoeaseo(aocdereqot�unAeryaregmphl7, ' � 1 <br />' " 19.d�e ot Note C6aa�a y►I,an.B�rrken 7Le Nae oe�p�.rtfel incer�,st�'qre�tae:• t�*^��;�n � � ` <br /> fnaCUlrtent}ma be sO�d q4e Nrt�a wl0out pdor 8uY'toWer. K aplo may resp�t Ta'r chalge In trye EnGiy, <br /> (unown ae�ha xeoan 9ervlxt�thAt coliects montNy paymenU dne undee the Noto aMthb3epldty In�tmgnt;-lp�ere IIsO° ' <br /> may be oae or moro chenga ot�he Lom 8erv�oe►unretated to e salo ot tha No�e,:itshue ts e�o o61Ja IpAd8pr4(ar� .:.; ;' <br /> 8ortopver wlll be given wtl�mn notice ot the changa In ecardmca whh paregaph 14 ebove and app�eebld law. it�e nNice:.`;•... - <br /> wlll�tate the aeme end addass of ide new Lem Be�vleu and ihe addieas to which paymenu ehoutd bo meda 'Rie twfloe w111.',,_ ,::�:.' <br /> elsocoNainanYotherinfoimetlonrcqulredbyappIicabletaw. . <br /> 20. AwaWouf 8u03wnces� Bortower thnU not ceau or pertnit the preaence,use,dtspaal,itorage o�reteasa biany <br /> Hezerdaua Subsuncee on w in�ha Propeity. gorrower eh�li not do,nor eltow anyono else a do,enytfiin�at(adpg ihe <br /> Propeny that In In vlo]adon of any Hnvlronmental Lsw, '!fie prxeding uvo«atences shall not apply to tLe prcaenco,ufa,ot <br /> ntoroge on the Property of amell quanddes ot}lazerdau 3ubuencea�hat are genemlly recognized to be eppmpdate tNnorma! <br /> roaldendal usea md to meintenance otthe Property. <br />---° Dortower sholl prompely giva I.ender wdnen nodcro of any InvesUgedon,claim,dema�,Iawsuit a oNw aqtion 6y eny . <br /> govemmental or regutatory egency or priva�e party Nvolvfng�Ae Propeny and eny Hazerdous Substance or Hnvironmeotel <br /> Law ot whlch Oortoww has acNal Imowiedga It Bortowu leems, or i� notlfled by my govemmental or rogUlatory <br />._- authority,that any rcmoval or other rcmediatton o!eny He�erdoua Substence qffecting Ne Prope+ty b neceuuy,Bortowu <br /> _ �hall promptl tate eU necessery�anedial aaions tn accordance with Environmentel Lew. <br />'-�;� Aa u�in��le paregmph 20,"H�znrdoua Subatencw'om thou substences deflned a�toxie or hezardout aubslanoef by <br /> -- Bnvironmentel Isw end Ne foilowing mbstances: gasollna kerosene,o�her ttem�pabla or roxio petrolwm praducro,taeic <br />�-;�e pestieidea end hefiictdea,voteUlo solrenta,meterlela conuining as6ostoa or tortnaldehyde,end redioecdve metertete. As <br /> — used In thtepareg+ph 20,'Hnvironmemel Lew"means fcdervl Iawa end Iawe of the JuriediGion whero the Proparty(s loc�led <br /> �= �hat relero a heel�h,aafery or rnvironmental protec8on. � <br />��,;� NON•17P11FORM COV8NAT17'3. Bortower and Lendu Porther covenant end egroe ae tollowa: <br /> -- 21. Acceteretton= Remediee. Lender ehall gtve nolice to Borro�eer prior to accelwatton tollowin8 Borrower'e _ <br /> ��� breach oi aay mvenant or e�eement In thb Security Imtrument(but not prlor to acceleratlon under paragraph 17 <br />--�,' unleas epptira6le law providca othenrLse). The notice shell�pecity: (a)tAe default;(b)Ihe action requlred to cure iha <br />--��� deteultt(c)e d�te,not Iw than 30 daya from the data the not(ce L+glven fo Borrower,by whleb the deisult must be <br />"=y e��sd+aid id)th�i t�tfi:r to cure thx deTault on ar�fore the date�paltied ln tke notice mey rewU!n e�elsrap�n ef -.. <br />-- _ the sums securcd by thta Saurky Instrument end sale ot tAe Property. The notice shall Nrther Intorm Borro�+tr of - <br />-"� the r(ght to reinstete after acceleration and Ihe right to bring a murt eGlon to asun the non•exlatence of a de�auit or <br />�.;..�y eny other detense ot 6orrower lo acceleratlon a�d�etw Itlhe defeuit B not cured on or before the date epedfled In <br />--z,-w the notice,Lender at Ils optlon may requlre immediete payment In tLll otell cumv secured 6y thls Securfty[nstrummt <br />;�;.,� vithout turiher demand and may Invoke the power of eale and eny olher remedta permltted by appllcable la�v. <br />-.,-,� I.ender shull be endtled to wllat ell expensee Incurrtd In purauing the remedles prodded in thls peragraph 31, <br />,.,a including,but not Itmlted to,reasanoble etrorneys'hes end msl�of qtle eridence. _ <br /> -. IP lhe po�rer of eale fe tnvoked,7Fustee ahall record e notlee of defouit in each wunty In�vhich any part of ihe = <br />'�•?�7 Property le loceled and ehall mail wpia of cuch nottce In the manner preacribed by ap�IlaUle law to Borrower and to -. <br /> �� fhe other persona preacribed by applicnble la�v. ARer the flme requlred by ep�Iiceble lavr,7YUStee ehail gire pubilc _ <br />--_.->;� notia of eale to the person+and in Ihe manner preacribed by appltcable le�r. 1Fustee,�dthout demend m Oorrover, _ <br /> y,:y shell aell the Property at public euctlon to lhe higheat bldder at�he ttme end platt end under the terrtu designated In _ <br />-_�+ the mtice oteale In one or more pernia and In any order 7Yustce determfnee. 7Yuatee mey pastpone aale of ell or eny = <br />_;"� parcel of Ihe Property by puDlic announcement at the time nnd plece of eny previously aeheduted sele. Lender or Ite - <br /> _ _ deaigna mey purchase the Property et uny ule. <br /> Upon receipt of paymmt of the price bid,7Yustee ahell deliver lu Ihr purchaser 7Yus�ce's deed taiceying Ihe - <br />�,-_.•i Properly. The recttnls In the'IYustak deed shell be prima tecle evidence otlhe Iruth ot Ihe stetements mede therein. __ <br />-__._::� 1Yustee shell apply fhe proceeda of Ihe sale In ihe follo�ving order. (aI lo all casts end expenses of exeretting lhe po�rer <br />.r:=;�;1 <br /> � <br />_..i.� € <br />..���.1 .-. <br />, ,i <br /> ,., _ <br /> :,� <br /> ,� _ <br /> `_'� i'armbll� 9.90 �ryg�5/hryirs� _. <br /> �� _ <br /> - af'S..�,f..:_�._4.� .5.. . . :'P�. . .:�-- .. .. : . . . ". ' . _'_._?CL;rsrp�3."."-_�. ..�' "Z f42;'� � . . <br /> `�. 1'.: ..t _ _ - . <br /> . . . . _ _ . _ . _ ' __ <br /> + .- '_ _ _ ____.__... ._. <br /> k . - _ _ _ - __ . <br /> �[ : . _ <br /> _ .�• <br /> ���,'', �^) _ � . _ . . . _ • <br />' .1���. .�' . . - . . .. . <br /> j-. <br /> S ♦t ' . • _ � rY " - . <br /> � � . . . f.. � _ . <br /> -_ , . L - � - . _ <br /> _ ,. L . ". . '- , . . _ . <br /> � . . , : <br /> 1 <br /> . .d 4, ... 1 � .� __ �'� i o- � _ _ ..� ... . ..... . .: .� . _ � ' ....� __. . ....�u. ..�. . . _. .. . <br />