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:_ � .� . ir.�t -� � s 1� C � � � �Y' �'A ..> __._._.. <br /> (� /� � --1 I . . _ �. { ti 1 r —_ _ . . <br /> at i _ ' �n S 1� �. �_. I �yy��i{ 4 A�1��� { 3' � <br /> � ' , r - �'. _ _ .� .. � �, � - � r {�' �lX���� ) ' . h, t �;. <br /> J ._ .. ` .-.. . :i- ` .` .. . , r -- -,: � _ 1 � -� � 'p<;- <br /> � � �•r%� 3'�i������t111[b'{t�fi L3V�IqdifBtiG5y0t��i'�l'�' S�QjO�°f�f`�!d 'R�*,�'�-���� -� -- ...... ...... . <br /> pnd flaiurPa aoa or hsr�her a Pu�ptthd►xa�t�ty;-t�1t#�p1st¢�,�enn� edittwu dW4ueo 6e covcteQ 6y 16$4Cq1'RY , ? <br /> : TnsuumSht. AllottheforegoingUrofiH�ed(tii�u!UBtwd�ylnswmemae� .PropciW" - . :.. E, � ,, < < , <br /> • '. BgRROW�R COVBNANfB A�at BortoRFtla[a , . Y s6T4�of the cauto heicEy eonvoycd apd Au the r!@tit FH R�� �,. <br /> andpo�1veyihey����,iya1�dNettheP�opertyi�unent�rp0,exaptforeneumbieqcc�ofteco�A: Barowe�WUrAnuand � _ <br /> wlAdeTenQgcnerel(y�ietiAetothePropenyagalnatdlSlulmaenddeman0a"robJ�Ettomyencumtrroncuo(recotd. � <br /> 79t49 yACUItp�'!1'iNS'tItU1NpNC'to'mbin'e�.unlfom�cbven�nu to�aational vw�nd noirun(lorR� avenanta,w(th �: ' <br /> IlmludverloIIoiu6Yl�atontoconstttuleewlfomicEcuAtylOtlNm¢tltcOYCtingrealpfOpe�ty, ` _. �. _ <br /> i1NIE0RMC0ygNAN18.Bortowerqn dl.endei�ovenensendesrcp eftoltowe: . ; <br /> ' 1, .Pqym t of Prladpp�pnd Intensp Ptepfymtnt and tete Cberaa. 8orrowu shdl pronfy��yp�y wh�n dub the '' . <br /> prtnciyalofmp�teteston�hedebtovldenttdbyNeNoteandan'yptepaymenlendlqtaehargeadueunAerNaNBte. <br /> 2. FonQ�tot'lpseeandlM1SUrAna. 6uDJesttoappllcab101ewortoawri��en�vilver6yLendcr,$ortowCrtt�all a to. <br /> I.efiAer cn�e day monthty paymenp ere due under tho Nota untU�e Note le pald in[ull,e eum("Nu��ds")for.(e)�e�ty <br /> �exes and assesamenta which mny a4�aln prlodty over thf�Seeud�y Instmment m a Iien on tho Propetty;@)ycarly Ie�set�blQ � <br /> paymcnu or ground renu nn �he Pm�teny,!t�: (c)yearly ha�ard or properly in:umnoo prcmfumr, <�Y�*iy flaod' . ____.- ___ <br /> insuranoe pmmluma,it eny; (a)yearly mortgege nawanae prcmtums,it any:end(0 any wms payable by Borrow�4r to <br /> Lsndu,in eocordance wi�h�ha�rovliion�of paragraph 8,tn flw ot Na payment ot martgage insutanco premluma. 71�ese <br /> items are called"fiaccow I�ems. Lender any qme.collect end hold limd+ln en emount not ro etoeed the maxqnum - <br />� emount a icndw to►a tederelry related mongage loen may rcquire for Bortowerb esaow account under tl�e federel Resl . �: <br /> &tate Senlement Proccdura Act ot 1974 a�unended from tima to Nma 12 US.C.p 2601 et srq.PRBSPA'ry,untese enother <br /> law that applief ro the Punda eun a luser amaunt Iteo,l.ender may,at any Nme,collact end hoid Rmd�in en emount not to — <br /> exceed[de lesser amount I.ender may eadmata tde emount ot iWd+ due on tho ba�ia of curtent dn�e md reasonnble <br /> estimatea otexpenditums of fuNro Hscrow item�or mhuwise In eocordmce wlih epptiubia law. - -- <br /> 71xs fUnd�ehail ba held in an Insthudon whose deposiu ere Insured by a federal agency,Inaaumenulity,or enttry <br /> (Including Lender,if Lender h�ueh en inatlNNon)or In eny Pederel Home Loan Benk. I.endtt�hnll apply the Fmde to pey <br /> the Bacrow Item�. I.enda may not cherge Bortower for holding md applying�he[vnd�,annually annlyzing the ucrow <br /> aaount,or veritying�he 8scrow Iroma, unlea�I.ender paye Bortosver Intercat on tM TvnQ+and applicable hw penniro <br /> I.ender to make euch a c6arge. However,Lender may requiro Hortower eo pey a ono-e(me charga for an Indepu�dent real <br /> eateta tu rcponing service ueed by Lender in connecdon with thia loan,unles�appIicabie law providas mhernice. Unlesa an <br /> ageement ta made or applicable lew:equirce intercnt�o be pafd,I.ender shall not 6e requtrcA to pay Bortower my interost or <br /> eaminga on the Mnd+. Hortower md Isndor msy egrce in writing,hoxrever,that tnterest ahall Ix pald on the 14nda. I.endu ___ <br /> shall giva�o Bortower,wiehout charge,em m�ual eaounting of�he PUnda,thowing credits and debita to the ILnds md the <br />� pmpose for which each deb(t ro the Phnde wes mada 7Le Phnda ue pledged m addiNonal saudry for all aume�ceured by <br /> thia Suurtry Insuument. <br /> If the Phnda hefd by Lender exeeed the amoum�pertnitted to be held by eppliceble law,Lender sh�ll axount to _ _ __ _ __ <br /> Bonower for�he ea[cess Wnda in aaordena with tAe rcqWrementi of appliuble law. If the emount of�he WnW twld by -- --_- <br /> Lender a[my eime in nol su(ficicnt lu yuy�f�e 6suuw lteuu when dua,Lc`Wr.e may�notify BcTOieer in it�lQng,md.?n = -� --� <br /> such cese Bortower shall pny to Lender the amaunt neceasery to make up�he de6ciency. Bortower�hall mtke up �ha = <br /> defidency in no morc then twelve monthly paymrnn,et Lenderh solo disoretion. q.;;�. <br /> Upon paymmt in full of alI rums savred by this SecuAty Inswment,Lenda aAall promp�ly rcPond to Bortower any k:-_� <br /> Punda held b Lender. If,under are h 21.Lendcr shatl e ufrc or sell�he Pro n .Lender,pdor�o tho e uisitlon or y's.:.''��- <br /> Y P SmP W P� Y W I�G,_.; <br /> eele of the Property.shall apply ony Pund�held by Lender nt the time ot aequisition or aele m a crcdit eg+inst the sume �._; y :� <br /> securcA by thlsSecudty Tnavument. �; T--� '��__ <br /> 3. Applicedon of Payments. Unleu appliuble law providea othefwice, alI paymenu reeeivW by Lender undu `�s <br /> paregrepha i ond 2 shell be upplied:first,to any prcpayment chargu due under the Noir,ucond,io emounu payable undu ;G�K•:;:::"=-'� <br /> paregreph 2;tAlyd,to Intercat due,founh,[o principal due;end les6 ro eny late charga due under�he Nota ;��:f;;S:Z�'a�',n:-. <br /> 4. Chargesi Llem. Borrower shell pay oll �axes, esuasmcnU, charge�, finu and impositiom eudbuuble W the � - � .,Jy 1 �- <br /> propeny whieh may attain pdodty over this Security Insuumrn6 ond Iwsehold paymems or ground renu,if eny. Borrower 'S y,si f yr+ : <br /> ehall pay thcse obligations in thc menner provided in paregraph 2,or if not paid in thet manner.Bortower shell pay�hem on ,�t;,{�c;;f;s{*M_,.. <br /> time directly lo�he pacon owed pryment. Borrower shall promp�ly Pomish to Lender ell no�icu ot emounta to be pald under . ;.•t�.,u,;,,.___, <br /> this pamgmph. If Borrower makee these paymenu directly,Dorrower.hxll prnmp�ly Pomish�o Lender rcceipis evidencing �..= - <br /> �hepaymenu. _,f t5s�. �. ._.' <br /> Borrower shall promptly diuhuge nny lien which has priority over�his Securi�y Irtswment unless Dortower.(a)ogreea ,.�f�`,P cry;-[_-- <br /> in wdting lo the payment of�he obligation secured by the tien in a mmner acceptable to Lender,(b)contes�s in gaad feilh the �.'r�6'+�;'..:»�.'' <br /> Ilen b ,ordetends e ainat en(orcement of�he lien in,le al roceedin s which in ihe LenderS o inion o rete to revmt�he ����S'``='�`�"•'"�' <br /> Y 8 B P 8 P Pe P .F��•�x�-- <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)securcs trom the holder of the lien an agrcement sa�isfacrory to Lender subordina�ing the Ifen `���a'-'-:jx:,;::'. <br /> ::�ii.i�i)�..T <br /> ro�his Security Inatrument. If Lcnder detertnines�hat any part of ihe Propeny is subject to a lien which may aneln priority ;,�.,_ry�x;y_,:, <br /> over thia Security Inswment,Lendcr mey give Bortower n notice identitying Ihc licn. DoROwer shall satisfy Ihe lien or leke ��1 i;,y;;,P,;;Z,=;- <br /> onc or murc of the ac�ions set fonh abovc within 10 days of thc givi�ig of no�ice. - -�.< <br /> 5. Nevrd or Property Insurance. �arrower shall kap the improvemenu no�v existing or hercaRer erccted on the '7 '.,' ;+2 +' <br /> «:r.:: - <br /> Propeny insured against loss by firq hazerdc included within�he temi'extended covenge"and any other harardz.including �,-;•+.:s,,�°i�,:;;:;;-_ <br /> tloods or Flooding,for which Lender requircs inmrance. This insurance shall 6e maimained in�he amoums and for�he x��'�9-�'•� �`� <br /> r..:ri���:r;_. <br /> Fmm7072 A90 iN«:n(nry�xr.0 '`"'.'.�" "- ' <br /> �1.,.r�,..` - <br /> i; <br /> :. :] - <br /> r i:?_'�p'.5�._;.__'_'�",'-.•r ! --.,"r.-..- .. .� _ .-i?_^.1• .r."..-._..'.,_._�Air!_P'..71-"_ �. , . . . . <br /> ° a. . . • <br /> � . _ ' . _ . _ . _ _ _ . <br /> t1-. - - . - . . - .. . _ . , . ' <br /> �'} ..ti'. f . _ . -_ -._ _ . _ ' _ . " —___ _ - .. _ _ "_ .____". _-__ . "_-____ <br /> _t.. . . _ . .. . - ' . . _ <br /> ,�j':�' � . . ' - � . ' - . . . - . <br /> C" . � - Y _ � - . <br /> . _ ^ • . .� . . . . ' .. .. "_ ' � .. .. . <br /> �i . .�.: - �...; . _ . . . . . � . <br /> :�.)- � _..1 i_. �:..._ � ' , . . .. _ _ '� ' • .. . . <br /> . . . . -- .� � - � . �, :/-. . <br /> ` ',.. <br /> rji l ,l� tl � . J . • � � "'i • ' � . . <br /> 1- �. 11 <br /> - � ( � .t � . � ,�_� . . <br /> 1 i S �. <br /> i t ��? �S , . 4 - ' -� <br /> . 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