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]T . L . _ - f . .(t _. .. ... <br /> .t .i .� r <br /> -� - � ."t P . :� �. > 3��� - . S t r —" f� S {f t (� <br /> y > >. ._ i i�� � � - �=r v -, �y � � 'i As ., `�y` �' <br /> � � - 4 " r � �� 4 . <br /> q _�'-' �.f P � ' - . _ �/ .���J � � 1 <br /> . 1 . � �a - ' ( Y <br /> - u�6ct�hNenaeoifiettd�o80lAPy�ijatf�,!'j¢�ttjqustare'envereexelntt�iet�mmitan eet�rnnq ``� •••�•,,•••r, ` "' <br /> , ►n�utia a�a�ze�aa� . . . .: , :. , . � : � r.. r ,,., ,, ,� <br /> ��evppc of a ta�l telct�g of trie FropeM1Y:►fie���a shAi{be opy t4d to tM iuinab�u«d by.'lpii$xmfry _. ' � � <br /> � tns en4.wj�e�hu or flot tAen'ddd,W�tH any ox pa1 it q lioriotyqr,-Iq ihe�va[•qf a(iaqial talcf�.g pl�ihe Prop�try in� , � <br /> wAt�tf»f�rndcl{osvalueoP�hdPt9penyim� atelpbetorotholekinglstqu�ltdotg�Cu�anihoomuuritotlhaibfii <br /> kcuibd Dy.ihis$aurIry fnmurtlent Iminedipiqly beforo 1ho tekta8,.untesa Borcowcr cnd Lcnder otheiw180 egru+In wri)fn�.: � �t <br /> tho�ume�eewed by,Ntb BeCUrtty Jnntium�nt'ahai dP reduqA 6y the er�ount ot ihb�roceeq�m�ilAptied b,e�d[oqDwing.: ` - <br /> �freqlon: (n)tfib WW pinWnt ot the cuhu seeuitd�inmddiatetqb�foro thp�ekl g�dtvfued 6y @f tho fiit m et value otth0 <br /> rocee-0e <br />- P[ope�ly ttt�m}Qiately potorc the tsk(ng...Any tSOrtn�ii;et..1rt tAe svent of a paqle�6klng oLthe:: � ----. - <br /> Prppe 1n wNcti the faU markef.Yalue of Ne PropCay lmmedietetybotoro�ho laking i�leea than thQ.am6pnt'oi ihd 0pms ' <br /> sesu�immedlatety 6efom the takin B",unlea+Sorrowac end I,endu oNorwlae agew'N wiUing o�uNOaA eypllcabfe 16w <br /> bthaw se proridea,the procada ehaA be appUed'ro tha euau ucured by thb 8ceuriry Inskument whelACr or not{he�um�ei4 <br /> then du0. , <br /> IY�e Prop¢riy!s abandoned 6y Borrower,or it,aRer nWica by Lender to Bortower�hat iho cademnor ofrsn to mdke <br /> w e�vard ot sei�lo a cidm for demegea,Bortavor feila to rapand to l.ender wlthln 30 dar sRcr tho d��e the noHco(e gtYen, ._ <br /> Lender U emhorized ro coliect and apply Wa proceeds,at iu opqon,ekher ro rcatoratlon or rcpatr ot Uro Propmty.o�W'�he -- ----- <br /> aum�seeured by thia 8eaudry tnstrumen4 whcU�er or not�hen dua <br /> Unlas Lendu end Bortower othernl:a egrea in writlng.eny epplicatfon of proceed�to pdnetpal shaU not oxtend Or <br /> pbstpone�ho due due o[tde momhly pnymeN�ro2rtW�o In peragapha 1 end 2 or chmge tha emount ot�uch paymente. <br /> 1L Bbrtawer Not Releasedt Ifir6earence 8y Lender Not n Welver. Bxtemlon ot the dme tor peyment or <br /> modiflcalion ot amortlzadon o(�he wma eecurod by�hb Suudry Inswment grented by Lendu ro any�uccessor In Intarcst <br /> of Horro+ver�hall not opuete to nieue the Iiablliry of�he original Bortowu or Barower�cucceason in inteteat�det <br /> �hail na 6o ufrcd eo commence proceedinge ageinst any wcces�r in Intercrt or mfu»to extend dme for payment or <br /> olherwise mod�amortizeiion of the iuma secured by this Sxuriry InsWment by reawn of my demand made by ehe odglnel `--`--- <br /> Hortower or Bo�rowarY nucceasoro in(nronsl. Any forbenranu by Lender(n pxercising eny dght or rcmedy eh�U not bo a <br /> walveroforprccludetheexercisaotany�ighcorrcmWy. <br /> 12. Suceersore and Aaslgne Boundi]oint end 8everal Lle6ility;Coaignera The wvenanta md agrcemenu of�hla —� <br /> Security Inatmmen[eh�ll bind md beneflt tha aueaason ead wigns of Lender end Borrowu,subjat ro iha provltlons o! <br /> paregraph 17.Bortowab mvenenta end ageemenu chell be Joint�nd=everel.My Bortower who ca�igna thi�3ecudty <br /> Insimmem but does na axaum the No[e: (e)le ca-�Igning this SecuBry Inswmen[only a mortgaga�ant and eonvey�hat <br /> BorrowerL ln�creat In the Property under�he twms of thie Sceudty Insuumenq (b)la no[pe�wnelly obliga[ed ro pay the sums <br /> eecurod by th8 Securlry InsWment;and(c)egreea thet Lender end eny o�her Bortowu may egrce to urcnd,modi(y,for6ear <br /> or meke ony eccommodarioro with rcgard ro�he tertns of rhis Saurity Inswment or the Nota wi�hou[ Uiet Bortowerh �°-- <br /> wnaent. <br /> 13. Loan Charges. If�ho loan securcA by thia Secudty Insuument G subJeet to�law which eeu maximmn loan <br /> chergea,end�hat law h findty interyrcted ao that the intercst or other Ioan charAU collected or to bo mllce�ed im m�nection <br /> �vfU��he loan exceed the permiued Itmiu,�hen: (e)eny sucA loan charge shell b¢rcduced by the emaum neceasary a rcduce � - -� <br /> th¢cherge to the permittW IimiC end(b)ony cuma alrcedy eoilatcd fmm Dorrower which exceeded permhted limin will be """- <br /> rcPonded ro Bo'rower. Lender mey ehoose ro mnke thia retund by reducing�he principal owed wder tk No[e or by making a . <br /> direet payment ro Borrower. tf¢rePond rcduces pdncfpaL�he reduction will be treaial a�e partiel prcpayment without xny =_ <br /> prepaymentohergoundertheNote. --- �__ <br /> 14. Notices. Any noiiee to Bortower provided Por in this Secudty Instrumem shell be given by del(vedng(t or by �:!d�S_-`-=�- <br /> melling it by tint clasa mail unlesa applicahlt laiv requires iuc of enotAer method.7'he notim shall be drected ro Ihe Propeny �T,?y;;.-� <br /> Addreae or any other xddrcss Borrower dealgnotes by notice�o Lender. Any natice�o Lender xhnll 6e given by flnt clesa �t.:._��'.i:'-==� <br /> mail ro Lenderh addrw steied herein or eny o�Aer eddrcas Lender designeten by noiice to Borrowee My no�ica provided for "`�'�'='=_-� <br /> In this Security Instrument shall bc deemed ro havc bcen given ro 6orrower or Lender when givm aa provlded in this �ti4f<<.�_-- <br /> PareBre h. .,:.i_.'.:_:.: <br /> p .,�,. <br /> 15. Governing Lew=Severablllty. 7Lis Securiry Inswment:hxll be govemed by fedeml lew nnd the lew of�he ��*�?�;t:::: <br /> Judadiction in which the Property is laca�ed. In the evrnt thm any pmvision or clnuse of this Saurity Imuument or�he Noie �Y'T;`�;'-� <br /> conflicu�vith applicebie Iew,such conFlict shell na n(fect o�her provisioav of this Security Instmment or�he Nole whfch ean .r'�-r?a:+ <br /> be given efket wi�hou[the conflicitng provision. Ta this end the pmvisionx of this Security Instrument and Ihe Note are ��f��'`�'���- <br /> declarcd w be severebla �� <br /> l6. Rorrmver's Copy. Uorrower shnll 6e given one mnfom�ed mpy of�he Note und of this Security Inswmem. ��;L„ : <br /> 17. 7Yansfer oP the Property or o Qeneliciel interest In Dorrosver. If nll or my pun ot ihe Propeny or nny intercst in -���a-��1,-. <br /> it ie sold or nansferted(or if e 6eneficial intcrcst in Dovoucr is udd or tronsterrcJ and Borrower is not a nnwml person) �•�''`i'`� <br /> ,e��»�•;--: <br /> wi�hout LenderY prior written consen6 Lender m.ry,at i�s op�ion,rcyuirc immcdiate payment in tull of ell sunu xcured by '°"� <br /> �his Security Inswmem. Ho�vever,ihis option shall not be exerciud by Lendcr if czercix is prohibind by tederel Inw az of j,is?"' <br /> the date of thi:Securiry Insuument r�G�� -� <br /> If Lender exercisa this oplion.Lender shall give Dorm�ver notice of uccelern�ian. The no�ice shall provide a period o( _� f , <br /> not less Ihan 30 da}s fmm the daM the notim is dclivercd or mailed wi�hin which l3ormwrr mm�pay all sums ucurcd by�his 'n"'�'�--- <br /> Securily Instmmenc If Bortower(ails �o pry thc.c sam,prior to�hc cxpiration o(thi.period. Lender mny invoke any �"'}�i•:::`�- <br /> ±,��-,:�..:_ . <br /> rcmedies pertnitted by Ihis Securiiy Imtrumem�vilhoul funher nolice or demand nn E3nrtoxer. +�... <br /> I8. Oorrower'a Rlght to Reinqate. If Bnm�urr mec�.cenain canAi�iom. Uornraer�hull have thc righ� to have '�«:''''° � <br /> mfo�cement ohhis Securn Instrument d�uuminucd a1 an �ime nor�o�he earlicr oL ea�5,L� s(�r.uch other �����'`�'-- <br /> Y Y P� Y P�riad as �9,:.::L�,r:.. <br /> SmpkFamdy-Funnit\1te4iMAielf�cCVIFORf11\S'TRl'l1F:\7'-PmlmnCm�<nanb 9A0 rpaPlnJnryfm �-:l°:q---'y','- <br /> . y'��-�.y' <br /> rn . <br /> j i -..::k �, r i '-.;(l -j'?: .:7:� ._ _ _ _ ... . ,.. - n.s _ —m <br /> r _� ,.rr+f.�i....�T.,.... �..i �,' . <br /> ..»�Y:n _ ' .. • .i .Ta..�n <br /> "� - �' " ' e.., . -v. <br /> �.._:'i >. . . . __.f. .. - a 1.. _,_ ,!' . <br /> . 7i ' � . . �✓ , . <br /> . ... -_ _ . . . . . . ; . <br /> { � _ .. . - . . �._. _ .- - . _ ' <br /> r � :' . . . . . . .. . . . _ _ <br /> -_:�. " <br /> }__ _ _ ' _' ' ._ - _ ' . '_ _ . _ ,- — �_- .r-- _'_— _ __--" <br /> -t ' . . - . - .. . .' ' 'r ' <br /> .4��1. � � .iq . . . . . . ' _ - - - ' , . <br /> �! �:. . ' - ' . , . . . . . . <br /> � i .+{`_ �' � . . . _ , . . . . 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