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. i. .. � � .. . ... . . .,� 1t v .�.ra <br /> -:.v �. -� �[. ..�i - rr .1 _. 1 . k ._.. <br /> t �y -µ �' 1 i.4 ?� . -t�. � / ' I 1 _ ! r� 5 - �v� !�, -4� l�*.4 ._— __. .. <br /> ^ <br /> . <br /> �y i� - - �. . -. � -h � �,{*t 7 -S �1 � � h � � !} � '��fr A�" . <br /> r ._� . : . '. -.. . ._,': . _r• iTr -� e. ��• ��1�F'a � ' y�r�s t <br /> `� ` ` '!{�{�.�P�r � 1�-(�R� .�-l�evl��4¢Y�'tf`^'*Y'�Ar�t �ALR4N� 1.:!' 1 .... _.... <br /> s� �5�+--�,° r �Cntk��Yf�t ` <br /> �.ip6rord�whkAahal1�naEeunt'f�i4h+bSY�WIIGhei�r� 86rro�erfiU►am�tnt►l�eovicrtae�epid6tdx�+o`d, ' <br /> 1,0n�k��opNoh�ybtAlnoo'4er�eto�(aclsll.c,xidr� . �1��4p�v�edyhi rdu�ewtth�.agro�h7 � � � <br /> .Alli�aWwkepotleJwlna wqaqe�t�pioa aA)eot�,tde3�phlk�ncl�ddaaiMdu�lmot� e�l�}H�d`f��d�s► �, "'+��` <br /> �e�h�i!'Airo,therl§U►tobtAaQie�o telasenaaApvniv�. tte��ita(vl�e1� orM�vGr.H�ty�y�Ig�tvat�r�� ,��iid ' ", ' <br /> of yaldprclNlums�nd ttnew�l n Uaa;Li 11ie a4enS Q�.fbab A¢�+QWu Fh�lt glve pFotnyi pudait4f the idk c�� , ,,? <br /> �neUnle�s��ten �i$q wb�o1g�iwlse��!1�t�rUybY�Bo(ruwqS ; <br /> � he tgrde lag 1ASp eti��bBapptled�EOreito(tttd(ia'aq�of '�. � ,. <br /> tha propeny dam�_gW.'It�he tcsmratlon er rcpeU b emnomis�lfY�f� beu�slcoderk a�utitY�plluxned if q�o__ <br /> n5toiuiin 6r I�!}n) omicitly te�s@le'bi LbnQu6'�tsiuity Wbuld ti6 te"tSetteQ,th0lnsul�nce D��1qpR Oe --- '_ _ <br /> : �ppit a tl�eeu�ms eeq��Uifa Sepuiry G�rurA@nt, whetAer or nqt tlien dub,wiUi�any axcesa p�d tb.orrow�r, If �� <br /> �o wer'abenQone tho pioyeny,or doee not aruviu wtttdn 30 dey�.a na19e from LiRQtr that tho spfnnop 2�ri6t�b •, <br /> o(fercd to eutle a ctatm,then Lendei mny cotlea thdlnatuence ptocEedq, I.eqder may uso 1As,y_ s tq��1r d�)dro , ,., .. � <br /> AoPnpertyortopay�um��ecured6y�hte8aurityListrumenf,afiethertnnotNendua '[f�e3vaTa��peNod'wUDe Whep. <br /> Ai6�otke i� von. , ` <br /> Unles��ndCr and Bmrowu othonvtae egrse N wrlting,eny appllcadon ot prooeeda to princip�t ehall nol,ox[end ot `_ <br /> postpono the due daro of the monWly Qaymrnte rchmd to In peragiaphs 1 nnd 2 ot chpoge the amount oltho paymtn"t8,�Jt , <br /> underW�agnph 2l tho Propecry 1�aaqutred by LeMer,8orrowet�dq�t So eay Insur�nco polieioe and ptaads tesNldng <br /> from d�mage to�ha Ropany pdor ro tho noquls(tlon�hall paaa ta Lender to the extent ot�ha�uins exurcd Dy thl�3xotity . <br /> Nmumemlmmedleroty pdorrothoecqulefqoa • <br /> 6. Oaapancy, Pt+eservatlon, Melateneace and Protectton ot t6e PropeAys Bortower's Loan Appllsatlon� <br /> LeaseholAs, Dortowar ihall oocupy,estebtkh,and uu tha Propeny m HoerowuY pdncipal resldenoo wltdln dx[y daye aflu <br /> �he oxceuNon of�hti Sxurlry Inauument end ihaU condnue to oxupy�he Prope�ty e�Borrowu§pdnclpel rosldenw for at <br /> least aw year after Ne d�re ot occupaiwy, wtos� Lender aherwlsoegrcos M wrlflng, vfitch eonsent eDeU pot be <br /> unreasonnbly w[thhetd,or wleu exronuaHng olrcumsience�exla wAich are bayoad BarowerY control. Bortower sha11 not <br /> deatroy,dem�ge or Impatr�he Property,dlow the Property to daMorate,or commit wssta on the Property. Borrower�hap <br /> be in defeult If eny fo�fe[turc actlon or ptoce�ing,whether civU or cdminal,ie bagun that In Lenduh good fetth Judgment <br /> could rccult In [oRelturo of the Property or ahenvlse m�rc�ielly impalr Ne Iten crcated by thG 3ecurlty InsWment or <br /> I.enderY secudty inceresr. Bortower may cure�uch e defaul�and roln:�ete,a+provlded N para�eph 18,by cauaing the aalon <br /> w prooeedfng to 6e dlemiesed wltd fl�uling�at,in LendarY good fat�h datuminaelon,precludp fodelluro ot�ha Bortowerti <br /> Inreres[In tAe Propeny or other materlal Impalrment ot the Ilen crea�ed by thls Securtry inawment or Lendert secudty <br /> Ntarest. Bortower shdl dso be In defeult It Borrower,dudng the laen epplleaqon proxse. gave matedaUy telae or <br /> Inaccurew InfortneNon or smemenu to Lender(or felled ro provida Lender wl�eny meiertal infortnadon)in conneaton wlth ---- <br /> 0e loan evldenad by the Noto, Including, but not Ilmtted to,reprosentetlona conaming Borrowerb oavpancy of the <br /> Propeny ea a prinoipal realdence. [f thla Secudty Inatmmem ia on e Iwsahold,Bortower nhell rnmply wt�h eIl the proWslom <br /> o(the lease. (f Bortower acqulren fee tl�le ro�he Property,tho Ieauhold end the fee qtle chell not merge mlea�Lender agrcea <br /> io[hemergerinw�lting. °-"--� -------- <br /> 7. Protec[lon of LendeP� Rlghte tn Ihe Property if Bo�mwer feila ro pedortn �he coveaenro md a mema ""---�-�- -� <br /> contefned fn thle Secudry I�uwment, or�here G e legel proceeding tha[ mey aignlflcentty effect Lenderb rlg te in �Ia <br /> Propeny(aueh es a praceeding In banluuptcy,probate,for condemnatlon or fodelture or to enforce lawa or rcgulatlone),then <br /> Lender may do end pay for whatever 1�neceaaary to protat the vxlue of the Propeny�nd LenderY rlghtn In the Property. <br /> Lenderl ectlona mxy Ineluda paying eny sum�aeeurcd by a Iten wh(ch hes priorfty ova�hfe Saurity Instrument,eppeedng ____ <br /> In court,paying rcasomble e¢omey�'feea end emering on Ihe Property w meke repaln.AlUiwgh Lender may teke actlon �------ <br /> under�hb paregreph 7,Lender daa not have a do ao. ��u+-^�"'� — <br /> My emounta dlsburred by Lender undcr thfa puegreph 7 shell become additlonal debt of Bortower eaurcA by�hb �i`�T�i'��- <br /> Security Inswmem. Unles�Uortower end Lender egrce to o�6er iemu of payment,theu emounu shall bear Intercst hom�Ae Y s - <br /> date of dfabursoment et�he Note re�e end shell be payable,wtth imereat,upon notice from Lender co Bortower requesting �;s;, �- <br /> PaYment. i?; •n <br /> & Mortgage tnsurance. if Lender requircd mongage insurence e�a rnndition of ineking the loan sceured by�hta ,�;��1 r -�� <br /> Secumy InsWment,Borrowtr ahell pay�he premiuma requircd ro meintain Ihe mongage insurence in effa�. It,for any -��;`'%c�"'°'-- <br /> n-�:.,-.ri;?c�::_=.. <br /> reaton,�he mongege insurence coverage requircd by L.ender lapses or ceasea ro 6e in efkct. Bortower ahall pay �he �"trv�'ia:i.e_;.�:.---. <br /> prcmiuma requircd ro obtein coverege aubstemielly equivdrnt to �he monguge i�uunnce prcviously in effect, et a tost ;--j�n�s' ; <br /> wbstemielly equivulent to�he rnst to Bo�rower of�he mongage insumnce prcv�ously in eRec�,from en eltemate mortgege �" �T #A�r ... <br /> imurcrapproved by Lender. If substentielly equivalent mongage insurunce coverege�s not available. Bofrower ahNl pay to 3'F - <br /> Lendereach mon�h a sum equal to one-twelllh ohhe ycerly mongnge insmantt prcmiwi being peid by Dorrower when the ����F ��a'': <br /> insurnnce covernge lapsed w ceased ro be in e(fect. Lender�vill occep6 use nnd rc�ain�hese pxymenis as a loss reserve in lieu -�-,a„� r1 . <br /> of moagage insurene�. L�rcurve payments may no longer be reyuired,et the op�ion af Lender, if mongage insurance 's,�y,� +>t � <br /> mverage(in the emount and for the period thet Lender rcyvires)provided by an insurer approv�d by Lender ogein becomea ?=-i�-�.rzy, :': <br /> avnilable and is obtained.Borcower sliall �he rcmiums uircd to maimain mort e e insufance in effat,or to rovide a '''}�'"s��'§.^*"�` <br /> PeY P rc9 8 B P r <.:,�y,-___, . <br /> loss reserve,until�he rcquircmmt for mongege insurance ends in acmrclance�vi�h any�vritten agrcement between 6ortower ..t'-:•.. ?i t'.-.,,�a�.y <br /> :.:,�'.�..tT,�'��,t. <br /> md Lcndcr or npplicable Inw. j.t},_�:,:;_ .�..,:: <br /> 9. Inspectfon. Lender or its agenl may make rcasonablc entrics upon nnd inspeaions o(�he Property. Lcndcr shall �=!e,:,;,,�:,::��-.� <br /> Eive Bormwer notice n[Ihe�ime of or prior Io an inspection specifying¢asanablc cauu(or the inspcction. `.yr�i"""•S:`=-•`�-� <br /> :.:ti"•;:-.��.: <br /> 10. Condemnfltlon. 1Lc procceds of nny award or claim(or damagcs,dircn or mnscyucntial,im m�na�ian with eny r(;:..,s..�„�;_.. <br /> SmIeI'ymd Fannle�laehTeLekMoeU81kY)RMItiSTRI'NF.NT�Cmfa�mCmrmm� 9A0 i srJ.,n �����•"�-:�' <br /> F 7"' ru I Mxnl "�f:,:�r`"�'" <br /> .:.'.t,.�:, - <br /> iaenWnEV�vutaer.levY �����1."yc.-.:i:i�':_' <br />' t.aYtUI11EWdM!]NOPAl616itl.11f1 ' . !;. <br /> �:e�''.: '.�`"�.. <br />' . ."�:.:-�_.,. <br /> �tv � ..:t: �t:.:-.�r:i?a' .. .. .T'���--•—.�........��.r:-.._..�-ni.�r..�tn+..!::7%%' ......�^T.f" .�C`� ) - � _ <br /> � . , _ . . _ _ :.� `r. . . . . . <br /> .�� -'.\ t � - - - . . <br /> �)C.Cyijz �� - - -- . - ' . . _ . . . . <br /> . . . <br /> .. _ . _ " __"_ _ __ ' _ "'"" ' _-' "" "_'" � __' <br /> _.. - . <br /> � . ...... ". ". . " _ . -_ ,_ .—:. .. -.. _ •_: ..—____ �i�__- -"_ _. . <br /> _ ..]�L�l'. t _:� , ' . . _ . ' , � . . . .. ' . - _ . . <br /> � . 4. �1.. -- . . . � - . . . . _ .. <br /> . <br /> � <br /> 75��1. . l ' . . . _ . � . . <br /> / 1 . / `i !i _ . _ ' .. . . _ • • - . <br /> . 5� � � ' <br /> .v ` ` � . ... . :_ . _ _ <br /> � / 2- '� f -_..,�',� .c _ � :,. �. . . _ :- . t•'r� . . . � . . <br /> y � _) , ' ' .' .�-_3 p <br /> f� s <br /> � `� .�r � " � , f ._ . .l . -1 .l %ry f :) . ..�h <br /> + - , 4' E i. � lt- . �� � U-� � � i . r � - ��:: <br /> . �l •ir 1 .,.._ `� � ' � ' ""'r4 _._...{,� . _. . - . .. . t .. -.ti'�� . £1� .. . ���:.. . . . <br />