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5 . _ .. .r(; . . i �. �..- Si ' rr TM� x <br /> v.i�,t�f.� ! � . � � '� - . '-.Y i� C�__. y . j� -Y !__` °+°- -. 3: � -"S � - ; -� �.� r�. '� - .t�r <br /> � w� l � : � Y h� � "� � '.�f _. - . ,� . , •V e <br /> � � � k �F � . . .� � ._ . i . /t_ . �# Jr 4 . ��r�l� afG it <br /> -S. 1 t'.t 1 - M / " ( 5- ." ( t < 11 <br /> 1 . :-k - 5.._.�.7_ y��. �r b- � �:� . . <br /> ���� 1�pi�C��1�6 t1�W� {41�f/�pbC(�f0Y{t1�1(�CI�j/bOfp�q►J�6 Of I�N � y�yy 11�,i1��0 lJly�q�' . 1� F��;� ,' r�� <br /> ,;.�ecwlly instiumenf.M(b)!n af� nt errfate t�lP B4Nt1�yiUG ule:7bpyfwnd�i� Nu{ . +�in'S! a<<' r <br /> , � � �►Y�l�der k1�sum�whlsA�nv�Euo vo�a Uii4 RPa�A�Y fn1HU�!'!nG t1W N � (�r�o,ncce e�(lon� '_ � : <br /> . _ _ :.p�urc0,(�)cufeeuryDefeuttot��YaJ�4¢4YLnaA�:a!8�rt�4{,ta?�Y�lttpxp�nYalny�rc4�cnfirsln;t614�41Sty � x <br /> l �nf�tumsnr,!rtclUdGlg,6ui no[ilm� tv; neble•�tro e hes;.end(d)uikw.sug �ra ohis rcCe m reawn�bJr � � <br /> ` y ' h <br /> riWlterousuroihP4�e11eH�Nis�eEud��sttumenkl�P�EldghtOin�AsPro �Jrl�¢�attQar r�yp0{�Yoil `toy�gUq ;� , <br /> sufo9 �csutSd 6y"tNa S� �IIbiPIMCII 6hil�'tMIWUO 17rtCh��e, �vy��`m«�y�r�r'EOtr4ku. seayt� r . 5 . <br /> _- --- _--. . ._.IptiruMenl�ijdtheuDllge}To�{�abcutaGho2liy sitnlltaA(1nfuUycfftcUveafltneeccelera11ee6�dodcntred� n�ev2a�_.�. .. -_.-- . <br /> ��18htiorelnipue�fial(iroi�e�pD1y�intheaseofpocetyiUal�de#.PMagriPl4l7 " . <br /> if. 8�k,oPNpte .CG�nle u�t,IAiiR Sel�vt�f�.�q o�e or s y�arQe�interept irt Noto(to_ge�thsr Wl�?hl� ty : '` <br /> fnfuume��)'max 6e w�Gbn�ot�i(ore�Itnw�vfmbut pdor netico ro Houqwu. A'eele�ay tpsutt in a chmga in e entlty �: , <br /> (kiwernae�ho, I.oe118ei}�af)fA�E`tollbctem' a�tAlypayme4�eduoundertheNpt��adthtaS�ur�tylN(�montc'lfiue6teA : ; <br /> meybe,pno0rmoreshar,�t48f0u;CdihSp[vJceinn�mlaie�toqspteotp�eNotA ZTOieroleq'ch�napbfthp LoahBervcAf. t <br /> Dorrpwer wlll6p gl'veA wr[ite�hodtBot Qiti @fiAtig4 awotd�nco wlth paregnp6 I4 8bove snd applicpDl4JqW,.:7}w�Uoe . � <br /> wiil'tlerothanAmeendaddrcaeoflhqnewluaqSelrlcerOndtheeddrex�towhichpaymentaehoutd6emada 7banoticawUl :, _____-- <br /> als000malneqyo�lierfntmmnponrequlrcdbyappifablelew. ' ,- <br /> ?A.:Rauudous Su0.tta4ceb. 8ompwer ehall not uuse or peimlt the pruence,u6e,dlaposet,�tomgC oYtOigafo o/pny�•_ <br /> HezerQous 8u6stenCeb on or!n�he FropMy. Sortower�ha1l not do,not etlow anyono elce to do enyt{Jng'pfkcttng tho <br /> Projxny�hat ts in violeUon of eny Hnvlronmuftal iaw. 71ia preceding cwo senronaa she�l not ayp1y to Ine pttseneR usp,pr ;- ._ <br /> stomge on Ne Pmpeny o!emeU quaneidas otHazarJoue Substanees that ero gene�alty roeogniud(a be eppropdarotunortnel <br /> raldentlet psoa end to maintenance otOro Proyecty. ` •. <br /> Borrower�hall prompUy give I.ender written nalce ot eny Invetflgatlon,elaim,demand,lawauft qr ader aGton 6y eny <br /> °° - - °� govemmemal or roguletory egency or pdvata pazty involving the Properry and any Hezardon�3ubsrenoe or&ivl[onnxiuel <br /> Lew ot whieh Bortower ha+ actual Imowledga V Bortower U.ama,or ie nodfled by any govemmen�ei oc regiilYOry <br /> euthortty,that eny ttmoval or ot�er ranediallon ot eny Hazerdom Subatencb sffac�ing�ho Prapeity!e neaaaary,Boonwer � ' <br /> �:i:9�'i�l ehell promptl take ell nxeuery remWiei acfiona in exadance wtth Environmentel Lew. <br /> `""""—°—' /u u�in thb paragrapb Z0,"Huardow Subsunca"nra�hose cubstencea deMed ea toxic or bezardoue eub�unca by <br />�-�_::�I 0nvironmentel and tha following�ubs�ences: gesoline,kerosena,o�her}tammable or toxic pciroleum producn,ronlc <br /> pesUcidp end hefiictdaa,voletlle solvenu,meceriala contelning nsbestos or tortnaldehyde,and redloae�ire metedaia /U <br />„^:�ae,�i uud In�hia paregaph 20,"SnWronmemel Law"mwis fMerel lawr end Iaw�of the jurtWiMton wtiere the Property i�toated <br /> `�-`�"—' �ac rcl�te�o heaith,mtcty or environmemd pro[ecdon. <br /> ...�,-x r�� NON•IJNIFORM COVBNANT3.Bortower end i.endcr further covenent and agree aa folloivd: <br /> 5'�f4; 21. Acccleratlon�Remediee. Lender ehell dve notice to Borro�ver prlor ro acceleration foiloxiag Borroeer'e <br /> rs+z „ • breach ot eny mvenent or agreement In this 8ecurtt�Instrummt Nut not prior to ecaleration under paragwph 17 <br /> �n Z unles�eppi[ceble Ievr provtdea othenvise). The notia c6e11 specity� (e)Ihe defeult�(b)the ection reQulred to eure the <br /> r�,4 �--�� dOfpUlt�(c)8 A!t!�ilbt IPd1 ti18n 30 0!ye Trom m�daro the nodce i�giren to uorrower,by rvhlcn me defeuit must be -=i-- ---�-- �� <br /> ���`�:5��-,��rar n cured�and(d)that ta(lure to cure the defeult on or betore the deh�pec�tied In Ihe notica may result In acceleretlon ot <br />--::t.i��?5;c/s+'� �� tAe num�secured by Ihle 3aurtty Instrument and eale of the Property. The notice ahail Nrther inform BorroRer of <br />;-�`�R1g(a.;?L �� the right to reinatare aRer ecceleration and the A�ht to bring a wurt acdon to estert the nomexletence of e detault or <br />-�`n�Fni;r!yC � aqv olher defense of Borrower to ecceleretion and eele. It t6e default is not cured an or before the date speelRed[n <br /> -���';`=i�`�•{'• tAe notla,Lender et lu optton may rcqulre Immedinte payment In NII ot ell aums secured by thtv 3ecurlty Inrtrument <br />'_....,.• > <br /> ���_f�;�;'� I' oithout turther demand and may invoke the power ot eele end nny other remedies permtltcd by appliceDle iaw <br />.>"':;s:r.:�.�t;v! Lender eAell be entltled to mllect all expensex incurrcd tn punutng the remediea prov(ded In thU peregreph 21, -- <br /> �'`..s Q`w?_ ' Including,but not Iimited ro,rensonable altorneya'feaend cosu of title evidence. - -- <br /> n> y�t� ,� a -� _, <br /> �;}�4�y- If the po�str ot sale u Inroked,7tustce shall record a nolfce of pdefeult in eaych county in which any part ot Ihe �„r_��u- <br /> - - t4 Y s¢s i heother�ersonsd r eribed balBCOPIcab1e61a�v.�After�ihehtlme rReuir brf bed bicable�la v�7YUStee e all tve eublic �;3i ��--- <br /> , � . P P Y PP e9 Y PP 8 P L�.t � . <br /> <<,� vi'�•,, notice otsale to the persons and In lhe manner prescdbed by epplieeble lew. 7Yustee,wtthout demend on Borroner, ;,'r ���� <br /> shell sell the Property at public auctlon to Ihe highext bidder at ihe Ume end place and under ihe terrt�deslgnated[n �����s ' <br /> '^u '��r�� the notice of sele In one or more pernt�end In any order 7}usta determines. 7}ustee mey paslpone sele of ell or my ��;;)�p� „ __ <br /> '�' �d � parcel otihe Property by publlc announeement at the tlme and pince of eny previously scheduled sate. Lender or Ite ��,,, <br /> �)T:'r}%'f; deatgneemnypurchasethePropertyetenysele. v�;-��u� t�a+�.�- <br /> J���? Upnn receipt of payment of the price bid.7tustce ahull deliver fo Ihe purchaser 7}ustce'e deed conve�ing lhe � u� t , i j <br /> 1 �' Property. The recitels!n the 7}usteeS deed shall be prfma fecie evldmce ot Ihe[ruth of the alatemenU made IAerc(n. � � '� <br /> {;l b�'� 7}usta ahall epply Ihe proceeds of Ihe sele fn the following order: (a)to all costa end expensea otexercls(ng the power --f!;"*��� - <br /> _,;,�jk.�s;4�: s�.Fi£�roJ'�.�3r"a`: <br /> �tFt � <. %�<'�, �l��Y °; <br /> � � . r�: .,�, Z i� iiY <br /> '�K :: �•.�yps � <br /> �4 ;i _ - -t�' 4r��` <br /> S� r,n. .taa:�irjv Fi.: <br /> Jµ - . I <br /> -/( - !J.1�Ij' t 1 , <br /> ��!�.._' 'l. .�K,_a. <br /> t. 1 : <br /> ^�• _.,,f 4ivmbllt 9.90 �Part,.�npyr.� ".'s�- _;�.•t.. <br /> 1' . '.I . <br /> ' ._1�::� .�� -6cc:r.- ° <br /> .%T:;• <br /> ,*i5' . <br /> -__:f'.��i'. _.': _ <br /> �'i'__ t-i e _:l'T�j`S"�; .P'.T�¢. 1•—:.1-'�''� _ � . . .. . �� . _, .i.._. . �"T_O"-1'^^*-�v.r- — �—'�'�i��r�'] tl <br /> .'1 .1 y _ . - .. . _ <br /> , j ) <br /> i_}.II[ • .1, _ 1 > <br /> i y�.9 " . � - . . <br /> } _ . - " _ _ � - . _ <br /> t _r i -'t . . .. - t .l <br /> � - ..t v� -._}tr . . � . . - - . . ' <br /> t7 'Y . _ -!, •. � . - . <br /> ; � , . . ... . _ <br /> �; ` e _ . _ . . .. . . . <br /> -z�-.:V ���' ' . - ' - _ ' . - . _ .. ' . . <br /> j ' ` . . - - . . ' . . . . <br /> }�t (!A �r � �J . t . ,. 1 -. l . . . - . <br /> 4 . js.j 1. �. . . � - �� i.-, . . <br /> - �p� ���s.{ `_ , '� . ��� - �'.� i - y . . . <br /> {��(�5 ,�++'' � R. 1 ! l 1 , S7 If. '� ! ,- " 1 �N i " .1.. . . <br /> 1 '3� j t . 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