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ti� S3 . �..._ ta;�a 4 i: 4 -L � : ,e,;f' -�. � '�j. ..��YL 'a__ <br /> l h � { _ .-.._ ll .- J fV i T. WL -X - - . <br /> ' -- _ . ._, . .. _ �� { n, � ri ] s �r� �v,L r <br /> '= .. r : ' �3i�t���'�, �t <br /> �. � <br /> , F <br /> ' r��i11aR�YP1'ilaif3�ieimymYeN�nia�iaWo►t�ca1'tc�t�{Ci�tii i�➢� .rwuru� ,�.,, ..L • - <br /> an6 fixtiicss npw pr trorerdtcr'a Wn otlhe p�up�ty�.}lil ydp1lcxmente.�Addiito��al1 a1w�vI�W 6Y t'�1�88Gtqflly �, r <br /> , (ntWmm�,:Allrl�hePoregolrogUntcaedRuin-th(1Becudry(naWmentutho"P(op�riy." , `. � ':" <br /> " �OAItOWIDtODYBNANfBihatDotrowCrbkwfulfy'aotjcdottheesrotohcrebycomeyedendhlatAaH�ttognmt <br /> a�d carivey tlie fiopeity end that�PtoD�+�Y��un�n�wnAercd�axapt tor tneumbmnaa o/raoN.'Bwrowte�yticrentpwtd <br /> wll1 Aofendge+teralty the�It10 to lfie PYoperty egNnat eIl o1Wnf anA dlmande,tub)ect ta eny a�ciimbtenca 8f rccord. <br /> '{7QS BBCURI7iY 1NS'tTQlMBNT com6i�e� unitam coveneu{e tor neUonal use end non•unitotm Coycname N71h ; � <br /> Ilmite4 vailatlona by Judsdlction ro conatltuto auNfoim secudty Intwmcnt eoveting ceal propetly. <br /> tJNIFDRM 00V6NANC9.Bortower end Lender qovcnent an0�geo sf foltowe: . <br /> t. Paymlat of Principa!and Interesq Prepa�ment�od Lata Chugea. Borrower�Aall promptty pay when due the <br /> principal of mA intcrost on the debtevidenccd by the Nota end eny prcpaymem aad Iaro chergu dua under the Noto. <br /> 2. Funde for'I�ca and Insuraoce. SubJea to app1luble taw or to a written walvcr 6y Lenda,9orrowershall pay co <br /> Lender on tho dny mon0ly payments ero duo under the Noro,unW qw Note 1�paid In futl,a ium('Wnds'�for.(e)yeuty <br /> taxea end useaamenu which may ettain pdodty over thia 8aurity instrument e�e Iien on the Property;(b)yearty IeaseAold <br /> paymente w�ound rem� on �he Property, if eny:(c) yeedy huard or properry insumnce premiums; (� Y��Y flo0d _ <br /> — inawenco pKmiurtu, ttmy; (e)ywrl�mortgage Insurance premiums,if any: and(Q.eny �uma payable 6y Bortower to ' <br /> I.ender,in eaordance aith tha�rovta om ot paragr�ph 8,In Ueu ot the payment of mottgage ineumnca premlume. 1Lesa <br /> item�era cnile4"8xrow Items. I.ender may,�t any ume,coilea md holdli�nd�in en emount not lo exoeed Iha maxlmum <br /> .��� emount a lender for a kderaQy roleted mongega loan may require for(iortowuti escrow eaount under tlw kdetal Real i <br /> .__.,;.,y flsrero Senlemene Procedures Act ot 197A u emended hom�imo to dmo,12 U.S.C.4 2601 rt a�q.('RHSPA'7,unleaa enaher _ <br /> -�;� law�het applia to the t�nda seu a laur emount. Itm,Lender mny,flt my�ime.wllect and hold Pond+in en amwnt not to <br /> ;-__� eaceed the lesaer nmount. Lender mey estimate the amount of Wnds due on tha basU ot curtent data md rcaaomble <br /> �- ea�imetea of e:pendimra otfumro 8sttow Items or oeherwiae in aaordance�vi1h npp!lcnble law. - <br /> r rt • <br /> �.ty�� 'ITie Punda shell he held in an (nstiNdon whose deposits aro insurcd by s federal egency. I�ut�umenul(ty, or en�iry <br /> .+�..e (including Lender,if Lender ia auch en instltutloN w in eny Pederel Home Loan Bank. [.endu shell apply Ihe Phnda ro pay , <br />.;=:�;-��%�� �he 0scrow Irem�. Lender may not charge Qortoxxr for holding md applyfng�ha Amd�,annuelly enalytJng�ha esttow <br /> eaoun4 or verirying [he P.scrow Item:,unless Lender paye Bortower interest on �he Phnds and applicable law pnmlte <br />���`n--���� Lender to meke sueh a eharge. However.Lender mayrequire Bortower ro pay e onatima eharge for en Independent rcal - <br /> '-'}���'•;� estato tax«poNng eervlce uaed by Lender in connatlon wi�h thta loan,unless appIlceble law provida olherwix. Unlese tn -- <br />:��:i�,ri3i. egroement ii made or applicabla law requirca inrerest to be paid,Lender chall not be requlred to pay Bortower�ny Intemst or <br /> ;C,A;: — <br /> =: ,� eamings on�he FO�nds. Horrowerand Lender may agrcc in wri�ing,however.Nat Interest ahall be paid an�he Ponda. I.ender <br />-_'.iy��{S'{F[ ihall givo ro Borrower,wi�hou[chargo,en annuel aaounting of Ne Punda,ahowing crediu and debiu w ILe Amds and Ihe �- <br /> •q,a�_ pu�pose for which eaeh debft to iAe Punds wa�mede. 1Te Rmdn ere pledged ea additlonnl aecurity for ell wms securcd by <br />��Y��"••�+��4 �hla 3tcudty Instrumenc <br />?�<tbt�%ah If the Phnds heltl by Lender excad the amounts pe�mitted ro be held by applicable law. Lender ehAl naount to _ <br /> =��+�.+-�'�=-� Bortower Por�he excese FLnAS in acmrAence wi�i�ihe rcquircmenu oi eppiicaote law, if fie emount oC iha FunJs hcid Gy <br />--��?s,%;i�'i;. [.ender at eny time ia not wfRciem to pay the Esc�av icem�when due,I.ender may m notify Borrower in wriUng,end,in ==- <br /> �r >°�f such ceae Bortower sh�ll pay ro Lender the omount necesury ro make up�he deficiency. 6ortower ahall maka up the �- <br /> i 'zr�Zs; deficiency in no more than twelve momhly paymenla,at Lender's sole diuretion. <br /> ' -ev�:� Upon pnyment in full of ell cums secured by�hia Security Insuument,tander ahell promptly rcfund to Bonowm my � � <br /> 7+-;f Pond�hcld by Lender. If.under paregrvph 2I,Lender shall acquirc or sell�he Propmty,Lender,pdor ro the acquisitlon or � � <br /> r <br /> �'k+I sele of�he Propeny, slull epply any Wnds held by Lender at the iime of ecquisition or seie as a eredit age(nst the auma � ., <br /> ir}ir=; cecurcdbythisSecurityinswment. r-: <br /> -;� �. Applicatlon of Paymmta. Unless applicable law provides othawisc, aIl peymenta reaivcd by Lender under ,f,__ <br />.:."u`:��;.:.' Pe 8�P PP Y P P Y 8 �Y <br /> i, � re hs I and 2 ahall bc a liul:fint,io an re a menc char a duc undcr�hc Note;accond,to amounts eble under �. <br /> --. --�, peragmph 2:third,ro intemst dur.fourth,to principal due;and lest,io any le�e cherges due under the Nole. �' •- <br /> ':��;.;. 4. Charga: Llene. Bartower ahall pay all tuxes. aueumcnta,chuges. Mes and imposftfon� nttribuuble ro�he �?;._� <br /> �_�+F4 Propetty which may andn priomy over thia Security Instrumrne,end Ieasehoid paymenta or gronnd renta,if eny. Oortower <br /> �k„ shell pay�heu obligetioos in[he menner provided in paragnph 2,or it not paid in thnt menner.Bortower ahall pay�hem on � �' <br /> a � iime direc�ly�o the dersm owed paymen[. Borrowcr chall prompqy fumish to Lender ell no�itts of amoun[s�o be paid under � - <br /> �t�'�i r� this paragraph. If Oortower ma¢ea ihece paymems directly,Bofrower ahell promptly tumish to Lender receipu evidendng 6� _ �_ <br />-'i•:!?2",�;+i? thepayments. {,;;.. <br />"'a`"S`'' Bortower shall promptly dixherge any lien which has priori�y over�his Security Instrument unleu Borrower.(a)agrees �-c;_ <br />'--ai:._:�`i �i;r::, <br />-��t r in writing w�he payment of the obliga�ion securcd by the lien in a manner acmpmble�o Lender,(b)mntats in good tui�h�he <br /> �t t i•' lien by,or defends egainst enforcement of the lien in,Iegul pmceedings which in the Lenderh opinian operote to prcvent the r � <br /> - �� mforcement of lhe lien;or(c) securcs from the holdu of the lien an ngreemmt m�is(ectory lo Lender subordinating the lien �:` <br />.,.�Sc -. <br /> ,,,� �� ro this Savrity Inswnxnt. If Lender derertnines that any part o(�he Propeny is subject to a lien whicA may attain pdoriry �,;.,-: <br /> � over this Security Instrument. Lender may give Bortower a notice identifying ehe lien. BoROwer shall satisfy�he lien or ieke i . <br /> .,.:�._,, `� one or morc of ihe actiom sel foM above wilhin 10 days ot�he giving of no�itt. r' �� <br /> -:-3 �-�'=" S. Hezerd or Property Insuranee. 6arrower shall kcep�he improvemcnts no�v existing or hemaRer ercaed on�hc <br /> `_.�w':.>. Propeny insurcd�gainu loss by fire.harards included within the term"extended coverage"and eny other hanrds,including <br /> Ooods or ilaoding.for which Lender rcquirca insurance. Thi. insurance shall he maintained in �he amounts and (or�he ' <br /> '-.��--�':�.; L'_ <br />. +..s:-.;.� Form.tOH 9190 �NR�2.fbpsrsl i. "'. <br /> 1'. <br /> ��� ` r. <br /> `' -^i---••.;>r- . ._.. _._, . . : . . .. . . - -. . . . --- . .� - . :�.� -av,. ,:_�:;�_ , . .. -- ..- ,.:_-- ;,� . <br /> FS�. <br /> :1' <br /> `.- !K�'�oL."'.t�..� ' _ _ ' <br /> _f�j.s��2�:Jt.:�`�• . . . - . . _. _ _ <br /> t.:,i:,,ii�: <br /> � _ �; <br /> .C^ <br /> .;ii`d".:'_ . .. _ _ ' . . <br /> ^'>�:. ..?•. :.jc . . � <br /> �-tS:::1�iiLa.', � . <br /> .Y,j. �.f.-, . - . <br /> -_!i. 1 . . • - �. . <br /> �� ii -t� _ ' . .. , . <br /> ��_ .: - - � ' _ - - - ' <br /> ]� Yi ' � ` . . . •. .... . .��• M1 <br /> . <br /> i -T � � ' � - . . � . . � <br /> < < til . . . , r ,-- _ <br /> � + <br /> ) � . : . _ ' .-. . — .. . _ , . - - a t <br /> W�l�. �. <br /> ,1 ,. <br /> .54 Hi�:. , t . . . /' . �. : -.a V -. .y.r • . .. ._ � ---" - - � 'J' <br />