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r��1R� � � - - r -..n�_ � �-. �`{ f� '. ��......Y-:w...�.-!_ �- - - <br /> vi�[�.i � . � . . ._ P Ij. . n'i � . _, <br /> .. . _._ _ _ _ _ _� .. . <br /> .. . .. _ . __ .. t . �I���'!��� ` ti <br /> ... . .. . . ._ - �� � tl ii�.�. .��- <br /> � - • -_ __ _ ._ .4 .ni f . / � -� <br /> condenl�utlaiotothertakinffofanYDanotl6e�ropeM1y,ortoroonrpyancpinlltdoiCOndaMptlon;IdlhptEt�}ru�1�{ppdYY�r�, '�i _ <br /> J �tullDepelatoLenCer. : • _ .- . ,_ . , • , ;;,� � <br /> tn itle evont at a total uking of the Pm�ty,�ha procced��haU 6a opqilpd{o�he eunuaecyrrA Dy thb SEcildry , <br /> In�Uuma�t whSther oe n4t�e++duo,wi��y oxaqu paid to Rorrowcr. In tho;vent o�'o patla!/aking of thp�raPerlY <br /> whlsh the falr mulce�paluq of the Roporty mrtediemfy betoro mo�eking b equat io o��reacer ihan uropmaun�p(fhd eum! <br /> aecurcd Dy�hle Bccurity InstNment Immcdlaicty 6atoro�Bo taking,unlea�Uortower an4 LenAct o�herwlsq egtleln 1vr1U�g, � . <br /> p�a�ume cuurcd by thfa Saurfty Insuumem ehql Do reduced by�he, ount ot Ilrop�e muldpIIW b .tho foAoWing <br /> fiac�ion. (e)ae roW amount ot'lw wme socured immcdinroty Datoro��ek1Ag,dtvtdW by(Cy cho f�lr ms�u�+�ua a a <br /> . Propetty Irtmedia�oly befaro�o teking. Any balence �hall be pnid to Barower. In�ho evcne of a paMN�Icfng ot� .' <br /> - Propenp In whlch�he talr markpt valuo ot�he Propeny Imme41ate1y boforo�ho iqking i�iwe�ipo ifib aqpunt olihdiumD, -- <br /> sceured Immedlately be[ore ihe taktn�� unteu Borrower and Lcnder otherwfso egrco(n wdNng or unles�ipplicablo'law • <br /> ocherwlse provida+,�he proacda ehail bo apptkd ro�he numa suuad by thi�&adiy IncwmeN whCther or ritlt the euma ero ' <br /> then dua <br /> - If the Propnty i�ebandaiW Ay Bortowe4 or it,nRer notice by Lender to Bortower�Ant Ihe condemnor oHen[o meke <br /> an award or atqe�claim tor damegee,8orrower tella to raapond to Lendu wlthin 30 dayr eRot Iha date�Ao aotice la glven, ' <br /> -- Lender la authodted ro coliect end eppiy ihe pmaeE�,m ita option,Ntha ro rcatoroqon or repalt ot�he Propttty or to tAe _ <br /> -_= suma secured by�his Seeuriry Instrument,whether ornot then dua. <br /> Unles�Lender end Bortower otherwise agree In writing,eny�pplication ot proceed�to pflncipal ehWl not extGnd or <br /> — postpone�he due de�e ot the monthly pnymenu rekrnd to in paregrepha 1 and 2 orctiange the amount of�ueh paymenu. <br /> = 11. Bortoxer Not Released� Forbetre�ce 0r Lender Not a Welver. 8x�enalon ot the �ime for paymtnt o� <br /> ___= modiflcxtion of emonization ot the sum�secWed by thie Secudry Inswment granted by I.ender to eny�uauswln tAtorest <br /> -- ot Bortower�hell no[opamro�o rolaase�he Ilablltry of�he odgin�l Bortower or Bortowcrb succenwro N Intereat I.lndet <br /> ahetl not be rcquired ro commence proceedings egelnst any succeuor!n Interost or rotax ro e�etend Nme tof pe��t 0� _ � --� <br /> -� otfienviio modify amortization of�he sume eccured by thla Sceurt�y IroWment by reason otany demend mede by t gInal '- .- <br /> `���;� Borrowu or Bortowerb aucasmn in inte�es� Any forbearance 6y Lender in oxerclsing eny dght or rcmedy�hell noCDo�a - <br /> �'r weiverotorpceclude�he oxwciae of any dght or rcmedy. - - - <br /> 1=. Suoceasoro end Assigna Qound�.Ioint end 8everol Llobilityi Co•aigncre. 'Ra covonan�e and agrecments ot U�Id <br /> ��. Saur(ty lnsdumrnt edall bind end beneftt�he succeuon end dvig�u of Lender md HorrowCr,subJat t0 lho provi6lom pf _ . <br /> %+,., par+greph 19.Bortowenc �ovenanu ond agaments�hell ba Joint md sevcral.My Bortower who caslgns ihls SccUflly <br /> sy� Instmmene but doxa not exauro ehe Nota: (�)la co-signing�his Seadry instrument only ro mortgage,gmnt end convay IAat - ._ <br /> ; BortowerY intercat in�he Propeny under�he kmn olthla Suudty insirumenl; (b)la not penonally abligaled to pay th6 4iuni <br /> _=:a.,y securcd by th(s Secudty Inatmmenr,end(c)egrcea that l.ender end my other Bortower mey agree to extend,modiTy,totbtat � - <br /> S�+'� or mekc eny eemmmodntlona with rcgxM m tM+ te�m.�f rhis 4eeudry In.tmment or the Noro without �hat Borrowtrb � <br /> . s: consent. , .. <br /> 13. Loen Chergea I[�he lonn secured by thie Securlry inumment ia aubjec[to�law which a�n mazimdm loeq <br /> 3�n�� chargea,end that lew tn finalty InreryrciW w ihet the interest or o�her loan charga collated or ro bo mllected In coimccHon . <br /> ;.; wi�h the ioen exaed 1h¢pmmitred Ilmiw,�hen: (e)any euch Ioan chuga ihn0 be rsduced by the amount naeasuy Io rcGUOe � - <br /> �y� �he cherge ro the pertniued flmit;end @)eny aum�elready rnllened from Oortower which excaded pertnitted IImtW wUi ba� � - <br /> rofundW to Bortower. Lendermey choo■e to meke thie rofund by rcductng tM1e pdne(pal owed under tNe Noro oPoy malctng e <br />"�:%�ii�� direct payment to Rortower. lf e rcPond reducen pdncipal,the reduclion will be trcated es e pertial prcpayment wtthout uiy � <br /> `>'�'��' prcpaymentehergeundcrtheNote. : <br /> =iyr:4 <br />�,:;;;r�. 14. Notica. Any notftt ro Oortower prorided for in th(s Saudty Inauument chall be given by delivedng tt ot by . <br /> :;�;c•i„ mailing it by flrat dAV mail unless epplicable Inw requires use of anaher meihod.7Le notia ehall be dirccted to the Ptopuly <br />�-�-'�+-�?���" Addrcas or eny other eddres Bofrower designatea by notice to Lendee Any noiltt ro Lende�chail be given by Onl cltu <br />�.:�`j;�� mail ro Lenderh eddrcss s�ated herein ar eny oiher eddrcv Lender daignma by no�ico to Bortower. Any nolice provided for - <br />�,:°��FS in �hla Securiry Inswmem shall hc dccmcd ro huve becn siven w Borrower or Lender when given ss provided In�h(a <br /> ",`� pnragreph. <br /> t IS. Gorernfng Lx�vi Severabllity. 77�ix Security Insnument shull he govemed by fedewl law end the law of tha <br /> �;)_� judsdictfon in which the Property is Iceotcd. In ihe event thm uny provision or clnuse of thin Secuflry Insnument or the Noie <br /> -;_.y y conflicu wiih applicoble Inw,such con0ict sh�ll nat atfca oiher provuiuns of thi:Security Instrument or�he Nae whieh cen _ <br />;;;.`��r� be given cfkc� withom the mn0iaing pmvi<ion. 'Ib this end �he provisions of�hie Saurity Inatmmem end�he Note�ro -"' <br /> �"� declemd to be xevcrobla `,. <br /> i l6. Uorrawer'a Copy. Oorrower shull 6e giren one canfomied copy of ihe Note and af this Securiry Inatmment. - <br /> 4`fE�.' 17. 7YenaRr of the Properiy or x Deneticlel Interest In Rorrower. If otl or eny part ot the Propeny or any interect In �,:: <br /> t°.,. it is wld or�rnnskmd(or if o 6eneficial imemu in Dormwcr i+�nld or tmnsterted nnd Bortower is not u nemral person) �.;�. <br /> _ �°- wi�hout Lcndcrs prior�vrincn conum.Lender nuy,a�itx option,nyuim immedime paymen�in PoII of all sums secureA by _r <br /> ='"j�;;� �his Securiry Inswmcnt. Howevcr.�M1is option+hall nnt he ezcreiud by Lcndcr if cxerci.e is prohibited by fedcral lew as of •�: <br /> the dale of this Security Instrvment. :;".- <br /> �� If Lender exemixs this option.Lender.h•rll give Burniwer nwice of accelem�ion. The nnticr sh�il provide a period of -'-- <br /> �;,�:- no�less than 30 duys from the Jatc thc notim i.eklivcrcd nr mailed���i�hin���hich Rarrua�er mmt p�y all sums samed by�his �'':- <br /> ��'-x'�� . Sccurity Imemment. f(Bortowcr faih �a pay � prinr ta�hc expiration nf Ihi.periud. Lendcr may invoke any �'��� <br /> .e-4ti,�4 F�;.- <br /> � • remedies pertnined by this Saurity Imuumem wi�huut fimher na�iacar deiremd an 6ovnacr. r,��• <br />•'•;�i�:;:� I8. 6orrmrer's Right fo Refnqute. If Bomn�cr mect.ccnain cnndi�inn.. Rnrto�rcr -.6all havc thc right �o h�ve Ci`� <br /> b.�ry�: enfo¢emem of Ihi.Securiq�ImtrumeN dix.�minueJ al an�-lime prinr la Ihe eadicr ol: (a15 da��.tor wch olher period as vrr- <br /> „'_. <br />_.i.'1=,� timFliF+md�-Finnie\lurl'rMdleNOCIVFaRNI]}?RI'VF.\T-I'nmvmC�nemm. 9.W �rytef,.(hry�n� -�: <br /> .�,:; k� <br /> �.`: <br /> ;,,:: �_ <br /> .t�r=--; ._ . ._. _. ., . . . _ . � .. . ... ...... . _. _ ., , ... . ,-.. . <br /> :r•�. �.J�' ' <br /> 'rr. '';.�.- - �_- <br />_ ;.'['t_nr. <br /> T.f:'�y}.':' .'.. i_ ._ _ . <br /> :,.�,((. <br /> ..,�_An�Y . <br /> ;lr:.)!.:: � ' . <br /> _ rr- ._ <br /> `� L . . _ <br /> Y 1 . <br /> ' � <br /> • 1 • <br /> +� ,' ��' . <br /> . .1 .1-.. .i. . . ..- . .• �_ _ .. . . _ . . . . - . .. .. � . -.._ .. ._. <br />