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i. . .. . ' . ' _ -�:. '. _ " ' s -i <br /> >ti,E - . �- ti ��.�--. — <br /> �-__• '_ "' _ - ..._." ' _" "_.:.. _ .�_._�_�_ �._...� __� . ..e_. �.�:.�_._ _ ' ., .._ <br /> _ _ '" _ ' ., . ___ . .. _ <br />_ ....... F �,. <br /> -�- : . . . . (g�`�4P�41� � ' . <br /> pedod+thm 4enderrtqulrea. 7tie Iroumnce curiq provWfng Ihb huurmc0 fidl Eo chosen Dy Borrowuiiub�ctto tRndetb <br /> —" .epyroval WHkti sheil not be mueaaonably wl�Ahcld, if BGrsowot inll�w mi�atsfn aoveraga dsacdbed a6ova�de�m�y:at "� <br /> _ ' t.endecboyt)on.obulncovet�getoprote�CLcndertidghtalnnlbRqyenyina000tQoncewl0pa»g�ph�, t - <br /> Afl Iniurenoo potleleo rnd ronowal6 ehn116e acoepqbla fo Ltndu and aiafl lncludo a�landeN mong�go'clauu. I,enOef <br /> , nAallhovo�harlghteoholO�Aepolideeendronawatti B[.enderroauhea,Bortowerehallprcmp�lyglverol.c+�Aerellrealpts <br />-- of psid p�cmiumi end ronowai notice�, In tde event of los�,Bortower ahell givo prompt notice�o tho Insurance curl¢r at�q <br /> LenAa, l.endcr may mako proof otlwa itnot made promptiy Dy Oortowu. <br /> Unless LenAer and Bortowor o�huwim agree In writtng,tnaurence praeeed�sheU bo epplied to rcswretton or npalr ot <br /> . �ho�rry dam�ed,it�M rcstorellon or rcpaIr ia economically teealbte end I.endarl secadty ie not leasened. p A9. r- - .,. - <br /> rcstoret on ot rcpa r I�not ioonomieslly kaaiblo or Lenderti iaudty wwid 6e Iessened,�do inwreae pracud� ehell be — °-- <br /> epp11ed to�he iutne secuad by thb Suauity Inctrument,whcther or not tlien due,wlth nny exasa pdd to Bomowee If <br /> Bortowtr a6andom�I�e Properry, or da�not anawcr wkNn 30 drye e notice from Lender th�t the insurentt cAniu ha� <br /> o[tercd to uttle a eleim,thcn Ltnder mey coileet�he iasurence praoeed�. Lender may usa tho proceed�ro mp�1r or reato[e <br /> che Property or to pny�um��uurcA by chli Securlry Inmument,whether ornot then due. 7La 30-0ay perlod w1116eg(n when <br /> the notke U given. <br /> Unlcu Lendu nnd Bortowu ahernlse agrce!n wddng,eny ep Iicetion ot procuds ro pdncipal�ha11�ro[extend a - - <br /> postpone the due dete ot the monihly paymente rcterted�o In paregrayRa t and 2 or chenge tha emount ot the pa enu. (t <br />— underW�egreph 2l �he Propeay le ecquircd by Lendu,BortowerY�laht ro any inaurance polkks and p�rasulUng <br /> =° 8om damage to�ha Propeny p�ior to ihe ecquiaitlon aluil pase ro Lendw�o the excent of�he sum�securcd by thb 3ecudry <br /> _-� Inswment Immediately prior ro t�e�cquinidon. <br />,__;a, 6. Occupancg Preserrst�on, Maintennnce nnd Proteetion of ihe Property; Borroeer'e Loen Applicatlon� <br />'-' Lee�eholda. Bortower ehail occupy,wtabliah,end use the Property u BortowerL pdnclpal maideaca wOhin aixly daye efler <br />--"� the exaution otthb Saudty Inatmment end�hell contlnue to oaupy the Property as Bortowwh princip�t residence tor at � -�-� - <br /> _„cs <br /> �_�- least one yeer e8er �he de�e of aeupency, unlean Lender othenvise egreea In writing, which conaen[ ehaU not 6e --- <br /> ��_�?� unreasonably wt�tiheld,or unlw axtenuating etrcumataneea exfat which ero beyond Bortowenc�ontrol. Boaower shall not <br />��� ;;`y� dectroy,damnge or impair the Propeny,ellow the Proparry�o daeriorete,or commit wasro on the Propeny. Bortower�haU ��_ <br />'�t;� 6e in defeul�if any fode(turc ec�ion ar proceeding,whuher eivll or edminal,Is begun that in I.endart sood feith judgmen[ --=- - <br /> . ^.i could recult in fode(turo of tho Prapeny or ot�ernfse matedally impatr the Ilm crcated by thb Secudty Luwment or _ <br /> ___Y� Lenderl cecurity�mercat Oortower may eurc cuch e default end rcimtate,es provided in yaragreph 18,by cauaing�he netion � t,�, :; <br /> or proaeding ro be Nami:sed�vtth a iuling thet,in I.endttY good teith detertninetion,preeludea torfehuro of�he Bortowug <br /> j� lntercat in the Property or other metedal impatrment ot�he Iien creatW 6y th(a Secudty lmuumen[or Lendery xcudty �r <br /> intercs�. Bortower shail etso 6e in defeult it Borrower, dudng ihe Iwn applieaHon procen,gave mateddty felse or ���v_ <br />�--e�� inaccuroro Information or etaumenu to Lender(or f�lled ro provide Lender wi�h any metedel informatton)In connecdon with _ . _. <br /> �he lan evidenad by the No�e, including, but not Iimited to, rcprcaenlettoro eonaming Bomower6 occupaney of the <br /> ^�:`. Propeny a+n pdneipal rcsfdena. If�hia Secudty Inatmment ia on a leasehold,Borrower slull wmply wiih all�Ae providons ��_'�-'=. <br /> c ,:� otthe lease. If BortoWer acquira fee�INe ro the Propeny,the leasehold and the fa�itle ahall not meree wless Lender eaeea rr - ___ <br /> ;:� �o�he merger in writing. t y $ - <br /> tr 7. Protectioo of Lender's Righro in the Property. If Bortower fail� to pedo�m the mven�nu nnd egreemenro , ,`� — <br /> contained in thia SeeuAt Inat�ument, or there ia e le al roceedin that ma :i Nficantl aRat I.enderb ri ta in ihe " jy��`�' ` <br /> �S`' Y 8 P 8 Y 8 Y Sh .,C...ue�.,n-'__=-�. <br /> -_.^ Propeny(such az a proceeding in bxnkmp�cy,proWte,for condemnadon or fodeimrc or ro rnfo�a laxa or rcguhtiona),�hen rf�t;l{-;•:�.::�;:--—� <br /> �-;;i Lender moy do and pay tor whatever is necesvry to pmtect the vdue of the Properly and Lendert ribh�a In Ihe Property. �fi! ,r�4,:�e —� <br /> f.�� Lenderk acHorm muy include paying any suma secured by a lien�vhich haa priority over ihis Security Imimmrn6 eppearing 'x�n+Ir!-�+ -' <br /> _-g �. .Yx'�"r'a:.:":.-.c. <br /> `,. in coun,paying reusonable a��omeya'feea end entering on the Propeny ro meke apa(rs.Ahhough Lendu may take ectlon t � y ���,-_ <br /> � ;; undenhi�parvemph 7.Lenderdoes not hnve[o do so. �,�s 53z��F.E; _ <br /> ;-j� Any emounts disbursed by Lender under�his paregmph 7 ahill become additional debt of Bornower aecurcA by this ��f,j r�"YU.S �`-- <br />.:;'�� Securiry lasnumrnt. Unless Bortower and Lcnder egree ro o�her�ertns of payment,�hese nmoums shall bw imercst from Ihe ..'r6>>;;r;.;r.ti;;���-_ <br /> . 2� date of diaburscment x��he Note rate nnd shell be payable,with inmrcst,upon notice trom Lender to Bofrower requesting i�„�Y-_�,,� : <br /> paymenc ,+h ,� <br /> i ,. 8. Morlgage Insurenm. It Lender rcquircd moegege insuronce es a condifion of making the Iwn securcd by Ihia +y Iftti'-n5`r F; , <br />-,.;�., Security Insimment. 8orto�ver shnll pay the pmmiums requircd ro maintain the mongoge insumnce in effect. If, for any .�i���,���%,F,}f;.;:c�;=� <br /> -,s rcnson, ihe mongxge insuranm coverege required by Lender lopsex or ccasex ro be in effect, Bofrower shall pay the ��,�ry.'� td���� <br /> ^t premiums rcyuired �o ob�ain covenge substamialiy equivxlem �o�he mortguge insumnce prcviously in efftt6 et n cost , s'�r�r�t;�� }s, �� <br /> -t' subs�entinlly eyuivnlent to ihe mst to 6arrower of�he mongxge insumnce prcv�ously in eRect,fmm an ahemu�e mongage �°il�x 5,,;��z � <br /> J`a� insurcr upproved by Lender. If sulzctamially eyuivalent mortgnge i�umnce cover�ge i.not avuilahle, Bofrower shall pay ro � --/y(�� �{ ' - <br /> Lender each month a sum cqual to u�m•twci(�h uf ihe yculy mortgagc insunnce pmmium being paid by Uorroozr when ihc i. ��(.�•_ia.•'+i•1••,,•.`• <br /> v.� ..i».vi,: <br /> --� i n s u m n c e c o v e a g e l a p.u d o r m a u d ro b e i n e R c c t. L e n d e r�r i l l a c c e p�.u s e a n d re t a i n t h e.ce p a y m e m s n a a l o s s rc s e rv e i n l i e u F �t T;y�r�.,_,�_ <br /> _,.� of mongugc insumncc. Lat<ascrve paymemt may no longcr 6e reyuircd,m �hc option o(Lendcr, if mortsage insurence ,'7-- y�r�r-� <br /> covewge(in�he amount and for the period thut Lender rcyuircz)provided M1y an imurer npproved by Lender xgain becomes - t `.'F:; '�` <br /> nvailable and ix obtained.Borto�rer shail pay the prcmiums rcyuircd�o mainmin mangage inxur.�nce in e(fec�,or�o provide a "����'��'•`%�'��a.;:i'>- <br /> ;<cr:.. : <br />�-c�r.�? lozc rcserve,umil Ihe rcyuircmcnt for mnrtgage inwrantt enJi in acmrdancc wi�h any�eriu�n ngrcemenl belwcen Bortoiver �!t-�� ��"7*::�•: <br /> � and Lenderorapplicable la�v. ��.,`.. r _ <br /> - �.� 9. Inspcetlon. Lender or ih agenl m:ry make`ez.onable enlrie�upnn and im�:ctinm of�he Prnpeny. Lender shall <br /> give�urmwer noiice at Ihe time o(orprior�o an inspeaion specilying rea.onahk far thr in.pectiun. . . _ " _ <br /> - I0. Condemnnilon. Thc pnxttds of any�a�vard or claim fnr Jmnagca direcl nr n+n.cqucmial, im m�neclion wilh any ����,r.-- <br /> �-'-°%• SmgkFamd�-FennlellaaFreddGlLc1'\IFOR\11\tiiRCNE\T..Ind.�nn(lnmam. 470 �ryirt/hry(rv " �'� ��'•�'::-'�. <br />�..]c.:. r..�intr.c.v..�'n..�rc G . . <br /> b�Nr��JHImSYNAJOiAl6LL]91.II11 .. - <br />.-�:} ( <br />. r <br /> - S 'rt: --'-.._. n ' ' . . . . . ... <br /> h�_._...-nt' t.... . . . . i -_ . . . . ...�. . �........ <br /> .� . . . : ..._ . . <br /> - -- . .� .. . ' . -1:-. . - . <br /> 1 • <br /> _ -; <br /> � If' <br /> '?5.:.':. - . <br /> =��: _. <br />�:d'�i�.:'; " . ' _ . <br />".J�i��{:.4: _� <br /> f ��� � � - . ' � . . . <br /> i 1- - <br /> } . <br /> J L f3•l ��. - • <br /> �S . . . .... ,�. .. ,. �� _� _. � _ _ <br />