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" _Vf� r. T_ ..-,—_ .�It -. � '•?�1 � _R_. . s'r_ __ _ . <br /> - t - .�y'. - L.._� f , �� � Y< vY� - __.�__ <br /> ) "-� /�� f_ <br /> 51 - -1 1 . � f ♦ ,f� <br /> t- . _` L��-��'3�'l�i? ? ri `' _ _ -_ _ <br /> pIIFpbfe taw mey.�ptclCy fa ceLauTf�ten0 Uoforo ia!e.o!�o Propcnyputsu �ib pny powpt o��+la:coDtrfneq�n U�kt � <br /> . .. � Uy(.�pymenna@)�y otaJud8mcnleutoroingtrii�Sr�Jcy-(nit�!n.a��7udseca�Mttto}isAraihlBacPtiti�err-(a3 - <br /> � dee"ell euim:v�ch @en.wouid,ba dua wdN thb.SqeudCy TnwuAient p�tM Na4 ea it np eMAieietlBr�fiLd 7 - ��__ -- <br /> ' oau�(0)wrwe�yd,CTault�fanjoN,�rcoveaien[io►�reemonu;(olpay6dlexpenseaidcuiredininforclogtht�8efudt� <br /> — instiumFni,�p'ding but na iiatcedt0.reswtleb�e auomayQ;fpes;end(d)takea.woh actioa as.Lender tuey.teason�biy ;:� <br /> " ' cequl�oto�.iiuiJthet�holteno►�hfa8ecurttylnsiiiun�nALendut�dghuldthePtopertyandBortawe+Yobttgatiuq topayrttp <br /> �um� ceguteJ by.tNe BecNdiy LishumSnt iAa1t cominue'unchenged., Upon telmtatlment by 8prtqwer, thti S[cudty <br /> inatiument wd p�o o6118atidna aecurtd here0Y sqali remein tulty ettaUYe e�U no eaolerallon Iwd acairteQ. However:tiila <br /> �{lto'rclnst�t9 ppJ' i.lq the ease ofecceteraHon utider paregrayh l7. <br /> -"t9r tP•a3�` o e. of faan Scrcic¢r. 31a No�e or n�eniet Intueet In the Nae(rogeilrr wIU�tNq Seeudry <br /> �in�4P;��� . .,; � p..4 t�ore�Ses witlrou�prlor adice to Boerower. A wta may resutt In a ChanBe!n ttw'EU�iry . � <br /> (knp, a41fip, �t6at coIIecro montAly paymenu due undenhe Nota md thia Saudry:6uwmmt'iliere alw <br /> mey ba ono or moro change�of the Loan 3ervlar unrelued w a eule of(de Ndte. If�hero ta�change ot tAe laan$ervlaR , <br /> Hoirowtt wfU be given wdnea noNce of Ne ehange tn eccoNaace with ph I0.abore and eppAable taw. 'Rie poqce <br /> wlll etero the name and addren of 1ha new I.oan&ervicermd ihe eddrtat ro w !ch paymeN�et�outd ba mada. 11w naica wlil <br /> elsocontalumyotherinformafonrequirsdbyapplkeblelaw. . . � <br /> - 20, Rnrardow Bu6stancea Borrower shatl not ausa or pumlt�he proecnca�.disposal,etoroge,or rolease of eny - <br /> Heznrdous Subxtanaa on or in tha Properry. Homowa ehall na do,nor ellow enyone else�o do,anything aftecdng the <br /> Property that G In violttion of eny Hnvironmental Law. 1he preceding two sentenca aheil not�pply to elre preaenee,use,m <br /> atorego on the Propary of emell quantlNe!oT Herardoua Subswnaa thae ero genuelly rccogniud to be appropdele to normal <br /> residen�ial use+eqd to maintenenca ottha Propeny. <br /> Barower shell promptly giva Lender written nodce of my invwtiga�lon,cleim,damand Iawsuit or other acNon by any <br /> ._. goremmental or rcguWtory agency or privete party involving tha Pro{xrry end any Hazerdous Subsronoe or 6nvironmentel <br />. --_.— Lew of whlch Bortowu haf actuel knowledge. tf Bortower leame. ar la noNfied 6y any govemmentel or regutataty �:.,;. _�.:�.- <br />--�---- au�hodry,that any removel a other rcmedietion of any Hezudom Subsunce effecdng tAe Property b necessary,Hamwu <br /> _ _ sh�l promptly�eke ail necessery remedial ecdom fn accordanca wl�h 8nvironmental Law. <br />.-,;,y As used In thia puagrepM1 Y0,'7lazardom Substencea"erc those subnences defined u toxic or hazudoua subatene'en by <br /> BnvlrowneNel L¢w nnd tha toilowing�ubstnnaa: gewline,keroseno,o�her ilemm�ble or roxle petroleum produw.toxic <br /> g padcida and herbicida,volotila wivenro,metedels containing ubeitm or tortnaldehyde,uid rediwcUve metedela. Ae <br />-�„;;+] uaed In Ihla paragraph 20."Environmmtel Lew"mwns federol levn end liws of�he Juriedictlon wherc�ha Properry ia loca[ed =___ _ <br />,-;ti.5� tha�relaea to health,eefery orenvlronmental prorcnlon. R_ <br /> NON•UNIPORM COVANAN7'S. Horto�ver and I.ender Nnher covenant ond egree e�follovn: <br /> `- 21. Accelerattooi Remedlea. Lender ehall glve nodce to Borroeer prlor to acceieratton following Borrower'e <br />- - - breech of any wvenent or agreement in this saurity Inatrument(but not prior to eaWeradon under paragrepL II �-�---- <br />.<!''� unleas appl(cable law providee opurnise). Tho wtice ehall speeliys (a)the defeultt(b)the ectlon required ro cure iha =--- <br /> -t�;� defaulp(c)a date,not less than 30 days hom the date the notice u gfren ro Borrovveq by nh�ch the detautt must be -- — <br /> �- curti�a�.d(G)that t�tura to cure ihe defanit an or balorc th¢dato:Fxifl�in Ihe ao!!a msy rwult ln_ecelera�oa ot "` ----� <br /> ` the eum�sesured b�th�s 8aurtty Inatrument and sele ot�he Property. The notice shell further intorm Oorrower of r <br /> �fj� the rlght to rdnstate atter eaelentlon end the right ro br�ng e court atlon to asert the nomexistena ot e detaull or '� -" <br /> eny other deknse of Borroeer to aaeleretlon and wle. If the defeuit fs not cured on or betore the date spedfled fn �.�..-��,-.- <br /> :`� Ide no0ce,Lender et fU optlon may requlre Immediate paTment(n NII of all sum�secured by thla Securfty Inslrument ��*�t'�. <br /> ._>:.� wlthout Nrlher demend and mar tnvoke fhe power of sete ond eny other remediw permttted by appliceble law GJ+,�S i.;.: <br /> -t� Lender aNall be enlilled to mllect all enpenses Incurred fn purauing the remedies prorided tn this peragnph 21, F :� <br /> Including,but not Ilmlted tq reesonable atrorneya•ka and mste of f(tle evtdmce. f���° <br /> -r�, If the porrer of aele ia lnvoked,7Yustee sholl remrd e nolice of detauit fn each county tn which eny pert of the <br /> Property is loeated and shall matl mples ofsuch notim in ihe mnnner presedbed by applleable la�r to Borroner end to ''��x`�'' <br /> -�i the other percons pracribed by epplkable la�r. Atter the t�me requircd by ap Ifcable le�v,7Yustee ahall gtve puDltc � '� <br /> �'t' nol�ce of sele ta the persom end in the menner preseribed by epplicable le�s �usttt,�dthout demand on Borroner. �t�£it1��� ��� <br /> ._t!� ahill ull the Propertr et public auellan to lhe higheal b(dder at the tlme and plece and under t6e ternu daignated In t L dj° .- <br /> the notice of aaie In one or more parcels and In any order 1Yustee dehrminea. 7Fustee mey postpone aete ot ell or eny 5�1� �} �.: <br /> y�� parwl of the Property by pu6lic announnment et Ihe t(me and place of any previously seheduled sate. Lender or Its � � <br /> i <br /> s_� dalgnee may purchaze tlie Property at uny auie. � ` Fi <br /> Upon reeelpt of poymrnt of Ihe priee bid,'1}ustee shall delfrer ro the pureheser'1}ustee'�deed conveying the �' ,�?;;�- <br /> :'::Il �JS._.wU.ii. .. <br /> i;� Property. 77u reclids In tAe 7Fus1a's deed xhnll be prima fade evidmce of the Iruih at Ihe xintementa made lheretn. ,x� , -.. <br /> 7Yustee ahall epply Ihe praceeda of Ihe snle In ihe fallowinp order: (el to all cosis and expenses atexerc&Ing the po�rer A l �i� <br /> `%�' - <br /> [!� f y M1Sl�_� <br /> :�� i�l � <br /> e�•.:4y�:�: <br /> �..:1.: 1:LSt�.':l`,a.. <br /> . 2 <br /> .1`.'�- <br /> SS, nn' >. <br /> ::�� ;:M���'�� <br /> 4:r".. <br /> ...: t�i�!r,f..; <br /> ';d; Fam10S111,90 � °'«:�,-_'.." <br /> ry�n3n�M1�nrrv �,e <br /> n... <br /> � � , <br /> {�„�..,,.. •-�77......«.;r-v�:�-. S . . i . _ . 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