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,) !i 'YS h. ;� i-r fi� ! it�.ry <br /> .. . .. . . . , r . _ . . _. <br /> tiu.l iL_._1 � I .T. ��_._al.� .t�l.-"' ' <br /> -•f � •r �}y���x_-� 3. _-. <br /> ` - r' f . . - .n�/ �^ ; 't � i �� .."i �.��PT � -7� � � <br /> � : ._ �. .l- . . , .. - - �$.� . :� -'...:-r - ..• � .ni u r rtY' y : <br /> � � TOk6fNARWITHA�i'thalmPt�YS1�<IiGnowalisral►pf�erate¢oil�haD�nY�anO�p1lls¢rt{�N�.ap�SlN�t�ltcC6 �Ar ; <br /> �ieaf[xrwesnowordeee.Rereowptmeoroeenv..hiiran7�cemse�eu�dn4dilton�.ehrA.ta�4poeve�taurvnea�n "v <br /> InsuumeAt'At}�/t�f4n&oirtgl#ttfetledSoinNia3uu��?InhLUnunkptilhb"ProP�+!Y" .., .� ,T - <br /> $OhROWp�{1DV�NADTi'9 that�ortowq W:�awiUily�e1aeQ,o!Nd'estato he�ebq,convoyed and h�u tlw rty)i�wrgnnt , r - <br /> endcone �hoVrooe�ty endO�etQ�oProyenylsunoncuihbettA,9xcbqtPoroneuroDranpedofrawtd, BartswetwurwitquW- , ' <br /> wulAefen�gencraltyUioNUeroUwPropcnydgelnatallrlalm;anddemend+,�uOJaatoanycn6um6renoNO►resorA% ' , <br /> �YII�.¢�CUM'Y.Q1877tUMBNP.combintle, uNfam covcnanyr!or naqonel aw end non•uNfomi wviainU.wltA ,..-" _: <br /> Iin4tcd varlations by Ju�ieAir�lon to eoaatlmte e uNfoqn acudry instn�mon4 cuvcring«al propeny. <br /> i7NffORMCOV[tNANfB. Botrowerandi:4ndaccvena�tendegrle�a►ollowa . "� <br /> l. 1'AVfraa!otPrlaelpW�qp taternt�Prepaymenf ind Lpte Chuga. 9ortoWer shail ptomptly paY vfien AueVhp � '-- � <br /> princlpaI otind interest on�he debt evidenced by mo Noro and eny pRpaymont end Ieto chargca duo wdatOw Tioto. ` <br /> Z. Fhnda for7Lxaa rnd fasarance..SuDJect toapYIicsble law or ro a atitten walvor 6y Lenda,Bortowcr�heil pay to -- <br /> Lendtt on No day monthty paymenro are due undat�he Nota,unql tho Note li pald in full,a�um("ivnd�for.(e)yeady <br /> Upuaa end asseaamcnu whlch ma aualn p�loriry ovyor tAl�Securtey Inswment e�a Iicn on the P[opehY;(E) eatplyleaselwlA <br /> Inw�ra�nce prcm uuim,if��eny;(e�ytsrl Y�moitgr�ge inw�ran e�prom�lu�me,tt aPn�(Q nny�suqu Payable by So�iroY u910 - <br /> Lender,in axordance with the�roviniau ot puagreph 8.In lieu ot thepnyment ot mortgego Inauranco premium�. 'Ruve <br /> item�aro oalied"Bscrow Item�. Lender may,at eny time,coilect and hold F4nds In an emount not to exaed rhe muimum <br /> unount a lender[or s fedenUy rolated mot[gege loan may rcqulro[or Hortowerti eserow axount under iha fWeml Reel <br /> Bsu�o Settlement procedurcs Aa ot 1974 oa emended from time to dme,12 U.9.C.p 2601 er r�Q.('RHSPA�,unleu anothu <br /> law ehat epptiea to Ua I1�nds�ua a lesser emounG IP eo,I.ender may,et any ttma culleet end hold IOmW In en amo�n[not lo - <br /> exaed�he Icsscr unount. I.ender may a�imaie the amount ot Hlmd�due on �he baaia ot cuerent dew end reasone6le <br /> eatimetef of expendhures of N[ure 6u�ow Itemi or.oihcnvisa In axordance wlth eppiluble le+v. �-- <br /> '(he FNnd+ �hail be held(n on insHrodon whou deposi�s xro Insured by�fedenl agency. Insdumenteliry,or entlty <br /> (including Lender,If Lender b sueh an fns�itmioN or N any Pederel Homa Loan Benk. Lender ehell epply the I§�nd�So pay <br /> ihe Baerow Item�. Lender may not charge Bortower tor holding and applying the Fund�,ennuelly analydng the escrow — <br /> aaoun4 or vedfying che 8scrow Items.unlas Lender peye Bortower intwest on �he PunW end epptlable law peimtu <br /> Lender to meke such e chuga However,I.ender mey requiro Bortower ro pay a onatime chuge for en independent real <br /> aute Iex rcporting arvia used by I.ender in connectlon with�hia loen,unlea��pplicable lew p,rovldea othawisa. Unleaa an <br /> esrament la made or eppliubla lew rcquirea imerast�o bc paid,Lender shall not ba requircA�o pay Bortower any interoat or <br /> aming�on che Ii�nd�. Hortower md I.ender may egree in wridng.Iwxrever,�hat interest nhall bo paid on the f�nN. I.ender <br />. duil g(ve to Borrower.wi�out charµe,en vinu�l accouming of the Punds,chowing crcdin and deblta to ihe FLnds end Ne <br /> puryose for which euh debit ro tho Wnd�wa�mede. 7Te Rmda ve pledged es eddittonel secuHry for ell wms caured by `- <br /> tAis Secudty Irowment. <br /> If�he Phnd�he1E b� Lender excecd the unounu pami�ted ro bo hcld by epplicable law,Lender�hell aocount ro <br /> O�rtower Tor tha excaas runds in aocordance wi�h ehe reqwrcmenu oi epplicebie la�v. ti ehe amaum oP ifia Funds hcid 6r -- <br /> Lender�t eny�ime ie not wfflcient to pay�he Escrow Icems when due,Lender may eo notffy Borto�ver in wdting,and,in —� <br /> cueA ceu Bortower�heU pay to Lender�he unount necessxry �o make up IAe defidmcy. Bortower ch�il make up the - <br /> defleiency in no morc�han twelve momhly payments,�t Lenderk sole diurcqon. �-� <br /> Upon payment in fuil of all suma aecurcd by this Secud�y Instrumem,Lender shall promp[ly rcfund io Bortower eny �;?:: <br /> Ponds held by Lendec If,under paragreph 21.Leader shell ecquirc or ull the Propeny,l.ender,pdor to the acquiaition or �5-. <br /> ule of�he Properry,shali eppiy eny FSmds Aeld by Lender a� the time of acquisiAon or aole es a crcdit�geinat Ihe sum� - _ <br /> «cured by Nb Security Instrument. ? <br /> 3. Applicetlon of Peymenta. Unless applicablc law providu otherwise, ell paymenU receivW by I.ender under <br /> pueg�aphs I end 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepaymem chnrgea due under the Note;aewnd,to emowu payable under �%�� <br /> puegreph 2;thlyd,�o interest due;founh,�o pdncipal due:end lext,�o any lece chargta due under�he Note. �`_-` <br /> 4. Cdargen; Lfena. 6ortower ahall pay ell tazea, azsessmcma, cherges, fines and imposition+enributable to �he 6�-._ <br /> Property which may ettatn pdodry over this Securiry Instrumenl,nnd leasehotd payments or ground renu,if eny. Borrower N���� <br /> �hell pay thae obiia�iiona in�he manner providcd in paregreph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bortowcrshell pay�hem on E;-- <br /> time directly ro�he pernon owed payment. 6ortower shnll prompily Pomish to Lender all no�ices of emounu w be p�id under r;_ <br /> �hie paregreph. 1t Bonower maka�hese paymems dircctly,Borrower ahall promptly fumish to Lender raeip�s evidencing - <br /> �he paymenu. ���-' <br /> Bwrower shall promp�ly discharge eny Iien which has prioriry over ihis Security Inetrumen�unless Bortower.(e)agrees = <br /> in wdting to the payment of�he obligntion secured by ihe lien in o manner acceptoble to Lender.(b)conteats in good feith�he '�- <br /> lien by,or defends�gninst enforcement of�he lien in.Iegnl proceedings which in�he LenderY opinion opente to prevent the t"` <br /> rnforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfanory ro Lender subordinating�he lien �__': <br /> w�hia Saurity Inswment. If Lender detemiina�hat any pan of�M1e Propeny is subjec��o a lien which may nttein prioriry <br /> over this Seeurity ImtrumenL Lender may give Borto�ver a no�ice idemifying ihe licn. Dovower shall mtisfy the lien or�eke �'�'�� <br /> one or more of the aaions set fonh ebove wi�hin 10 days of tlie giving o(no�ice. ���- <br /> 5. He�ard or Property Insurxnce. Bartowcr shail kcep the impmvemems no�v existing or hercafier erecied on ihe t '-� <br /> Property insured againat loss by fire,hezerds included wilhin the temi"extended covemge"and any mher M1vards,ineWding �; <br /> Ooods or flaoding,for which Lender requircs insurance. This insuance shall be main�ained in ihe nmounis end for�he �r��-' <br /> I,;:r <br /> i <br /> Porm70lL 9�f0 �Mxr.nJn7.oten 4{... <br /> FL`: <br /> 1,:= <br /> �� <br /> - m .,.; . ... .�- . . ,.,_ .,. ._.. .r• _ _'_ _ _ <br /> .._. .,..,.._.. ..__;':- <br /> 2�- .,-..4 }�. �— .. .�. . . TL ._.• . _. . _. . . _ N'. v 8.., .. .'l� . . .�. '.� . . . <br /> -z5. . G.�.i - . . . - - � <br /> :..l.a _ _ _" ' _ . _ _ . . _ <br /> J.�f".. _ . . _ " . _' . _ � <br />.. .i - ___ __ . ___ . .. . � _ . ' _ � ____'_ _ _ _ _ <br /> '_���t`_ '� . . <br /> •-✓•' . - .. ' <br /> '�I �. �.! }:�tt�� • ' . • _ <br /> � -h- _ ' . . � ' . . . . . <br /> r{ ... . . ' . . <br /> � ii _ ' . . -, � ' . <br /> ) Y[ <br /> , r � � - �. . I. . <br /> � . J . <br /> � ��� <br /> .: .. ., . '�. <br /> 1 <br /> l� , } ��-: .y�c "" - <br /> it la � :( 5 - ' _ <br /> t r <br /> � Y � 4 i ,i r- - . � - . .. <br /> _. . _ .., _ !.�..'d . . _ .= � . . .- �. , . . I. . .. . }. �� q ''c _ . .. <br />