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_ L . . - r_ ..-. i _ ./� _ '-C f i_A. .T� � 1 � i�l` �4 _ '. .. <br /> - -:. . .�i. -� 1 � �i 7 ��3 ;P �'�f� 3L h x i <br /> DU'AitnuR�y+apiarBetbPtsqulfiA�! �htrn�on.ottsndet.ltmo�tBqBbMf°r�acolx7Ya�P�l�� i ar��(a1 � - � <br /> tL�e�;et+�gtrb�ulralP�m'�AOdhq�yti�na� rokedOY'����,89�n4ep,4hus�vetiaElAy�dlivT�11����og4Wt�`�, ' <br /> tlia�rbielumircqiili�bton�almatnt�w�t8A8o n��j' FeiwelaoPtYci,oetgpfbYlda�ibl��aetv�,uatJtUtdFqguft'��MfdB , ' ` ' <br /> •_ __� �:r __sa, ... . � .� --. ,._,L t _ <br /> �(nl{ymnSa`�aine000r`u9110oV/lt�istlywnt0.tilpJjaii�nit�abc�wqw�,v}�qv(�au� �' �aa'. <� � . < .s.t ---.. <br /> , .r �''"9,INCf��oa�rkndu'ot:1w egwtmqy!nake reasohabla,�iulaS uqca e:tb Iwy�1l4N�4 A��qu,►Y I.bnQet,DU1(!�Yp,r r °.��' <br /> 8orrowfr"t�ottcepi��nlespeqtantPs�►�rt�RtE�whabidCd�lq,rUSelas4Ldl?� .,r, � tf ,:;; .. <br /> � !0.Coudemo�Uo�.74�o pcooada ot eny ewe[d or 81atm for d6meges;dimt bt;gau4Niiienttali la bbnnedioA w�t� "- <br /> M�CQIDBtIdA OJ,Qt�Ct�RkIl18 of�M1j!�IUt ot 1�0 P(OQEftJlr�.S6hvoyCtIC0161ft{I Of COIf�C11yJU�0A��[0�It{GbX i591gI�� i� ..i- "-. <br /> 6h91lDOValdtOlkMet. � ��:, , ., .,. :� ;�i -`� _s 1:; '✓'��� . ..._ '�' s F. e .-_ <br /> --FnU�aevuuola19tu1�a7ciP$otd�aPmF�T�YetLOp(dCGCd6.ILBU�"�=rrl�rrcrF_1�^�aimn�n�ihvrM�RmvtNYn4}mme�{E '-� <br /> vi8e11iir dF n01 i6en due,w[tH tlnjr p:Fota9�pgd to 8ortowu: In Ihe ovent ot e putial roking of d�e'PfbQeny lA wt�1c11 itio-ti11c . <br /> merku valua of tho Proyaiy Immediatety beforo Uro taldng ia equel�o or grcaiu then the amount o�I�e swm seoUrod 6y thft� �''�.s ': <br /> 8eoudry Iastrument ImmedieSety 6eforo tho taldng,uNea�Bortower end LenAer otherwlse agree in wtlWig,tliy,swi�1 E"MA�[60 ryY. . . .:." <br /> thle 6ewdty Imtrument rhalt bo roduced by the emount of�ha prooEeQa inuidplltA bf� Oio followLig treetibp:(a)itie_{otel ', <br /> euwunt of the eums sacured Immsdiately before t�o taking, diridod by @) the feir qurku vatue ot tha Pro�erry_i�unedlately .;, <br /> -- beforo�he tektng. My balence�hall 6e�eid to Bocrawer. Jn tAo cvent of a partlol toktng ot tho Prbperty in ryhleA tiib fett _ - -- <br /> marlcU vetue of the PtopuW immedietlly beforo the tak�ng Ja leu tAan tho aawudt of the shuu wd�ie4.bnmediately 6etoro 4hg <br /> taking.unles+Ho:rower and I.endu otherwlae agree In arldng or.unless app8ceblo law othu�vlu prdvldea.the Prapade q6ell _. <br /> be epplfed to tAe nunu searcd by thfa 8eartty L�saumw[whGher or not the sume ero then due. :.` ' <br /> It tha Properry.U abandoneA by Bortower,or It,after nodce by I.endu to Bortower that the candemnor olle�e ta m8ke ea <br /> sward or eUUe a eWm for da�nage+,Dorrowu feila ro respond ro Lenda wtthin 30 day�eftu tho data tho qoHce li givin, <br /> Lendu b euthorized to collea and appty tha protted�,at Ite oplion,dther to reswmdon or cepalr ot�he P[9peery or ro the tunts <br />-- -- - Kcured by eNa 3ecudry Inu�ument,whe�Au or no[then due. `- - -� <br />== Unies�Lendw end Botrower otlKmiae egree in wrlHng. eny epplicadon o[prooeed� to pdncipal ehell not extend or <br /> .,;�_;� postpone the due daro of tAe monthly{wymente referrcd ro in pareg�apha 1 and 2 0�ehenge tde amount otsuch paymenu. _ <br /> -- 11.Borrower Not Rdeasedt ForLexrana By Leader Not a Watvw.Bxtenslon of the tlme tor payment or modiHcaAon <br />_-___f.-}� of emoNraqon of tM eum�searcd by dds Socudty InstNmant granted by L.ender to nny suaeaaor In intueat otBorrowu ehell <br /> not opewta co releax the Ilabil(ry of�ha odginel Borrower or Borrower'�woaason in intercat.Lendu�hell not ba tequtred ro <br /> , "y� commenoe prooceding�against any sucaasor in Intucst or raPose to extead time for payment or otharniw modify amortlratton <br /> �., of the cunu saured by tAls Saudty InsWment by reeson ot eny demand made by the originel Hottowu or Borrowu'e <br />- -��;:� eu�suon in inter�t. Any forbcuana by Lendu in exercteing any dght or rxnxdy chali�wl be a w�ivor of or procludv Wo � <br />��-'.,=�? exercise of any dght or ttmady. <br /> �'1�Z��_, 12. Succeuon end Assign� Bound; Jolnt and Several Liabilityl Cu-si8�ue. 'fia covenente and egramenu of thla <br /> < : <br /> srF &CUrity Instrument Nell binC enti Eenetit tlw tuocesson and wigna oi i.ender end Ho`mwer, aubjea to ihe pmrieion5 ut `--"-'-- <br />:.,,,�,�.� peregwph 17. Horrower'�mvenanta and agreemente ihell be Joint end eeverel. Any Borrowu whn caalg�u tMe Searlry <br />'°='=''.` Instrument but dow not execurc ehe Note: (a) la co-signfng thls Secudry Instrument oNy ro mortgege,grent and convey that <br /> � -'�� Bortowu's intercst in the Propeny under tho terme of�nis Saudty Instrumenr,(b)ia not persoirelly obligated to pny the eums — <br /> 'n't� �ecuttd by thL Securfty Instrumrnt:end(c)egrcea thet Lender ond eny o�her Borrower may egrce to oxtend, modify,torbear or <br /> z�;,. meke eny acoommodaUom with rcgerd ro the terms of Nia Secu�ity Instrument or the Note without that Bortower'�consent. E�' -__- <br />� 3"�l 13.Loan Chargea.If the loan atcured by�hi�3avriry Instrument fs aubject�o e law whleh een max[mum loan chargta, �. +,�-��;, <br /> r�`� end that Iaw ia finally interyrcted so tAa[the intercst or od�er loan charga collecud or to be wllected in comeGion w(th ihe �y ��-� <br /> � : <br />.._�_ .;�;� loan excced Ihe pe�mitted limits,�hen: (a)any cuch loxn charg¢ahall be reduced by the amount neastazy to reduco�Ae eLarga ��.,�i, ;_'-"�. <br />�%`�� ro�he rmi�ted Ilmir,end(b)an sumn elmad collected from Bortower whkh excecded rmitted Ilmiu will bo rcPonded to -���•���'•=�-� <br />-•i14.��r � Y y � �{�MjC'�y` <br /> ry,;. Bortower. I.ender may choose a make this «fund by rcducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by meking a direa _ ;,,'g: <br /> �-} payment to Bortower. It a rciund rcduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a partixl prcpayment without eny { 3 yj{ :� <br /> �- <br /> P�Y��charge under the Nore. . ,,_.-�.;;__ , <br /> +��'. 14.Noticea.Any naia to Oorrower provided for in this Sauriry Instrument shall be given by ddivering i[or by meiling + ¢k-� <br /> y �'� it by fint class meil unless epplicable la�v rcquires uu ot another method.The notice shell be directed ro�he Property Address - <br /> or any other addrcss Borrower designates by nutice �o Lendec Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clw mail to '7�'��; "�� <br /> � Lendcr's eddress slated hercin or any other address LcnJCr designarcs by mtice to Bortowcc Any notitt providcd tor in�hi� '�r# ' i" <br /> 3'r, x f� ` <br /> �i n. Securily instrument shall be deemcd to havc bcen givcn to Bnrro��er or Lend¢r�vhen givcn as proridcd In�his paregreph. -,�, ; <br /> ��i� 15.Goveming Le�r, Severabllity. Tl�is Security Instrument shall be govemed by federel law and thc Inw of the i� r ^ <br /> - ['��?o jurisdiaion in which�he Property is located. In the evem�hu�any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note i�:�a'r==;'�- <br /> - �':rt'1J'r:��'- <br />--:;`t�i.' mnilicts with applicable law,such conflict�hall not o(fat other provisionc ot�his Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be , I's...-.-- <br /> - given e(ka without thc mn(liaing prnvision.To this end the provisians of this Sccurity Imtrument and thc Notc arc dalered � �`4;:�, <br /> , - ;�! ta be uvcrable. +- =�:- <br /> -3i E��" 16.IIorro�ver's Copy. Oormwcr shail hc givcn one nm(ormeJ aopy of thc Notc and of this Stturily Instrumem. ;X,-'',�=`4�. <br />. ':i�...., '.%`- <br /> j,-:¢ Po�m 3028 8/80 '��" <br /> a�ware - �'i:JJ: <br /> ;.t. <br /> �"(: ..1.�- <br /> .�,z-�...._ _ -.yn: - _ -•- . , ._ .. _ . �' _ '. + ' _ _ .- '��� . .. <br /> .. -.�, . - - ' . - . <br />. ��':i'.i _ � . _ . . � . <br /> <:,�.- _. . _. _ <br /> '' ..1�. _ . __ _ _ . . . . <br /> _?i:�..,:_ . - . .. . .� , � <br /> !�'.��1�����• ���' :. . � - . . ' <br /> 1i•.:. . <br /> �;�<..Pr . . . . - <br /> `�qi�.� .i - ' � � - . <br /> �• . ' . . ' . .. - <br /> ' _.-. . . - ' .__ _ _ . <br /> � -;. � ' . . : . . y . <br /> " '. <br /> . _ . r _ _ . ._ _ . . . _ __l.� . . ... . _ �.__. . <br /> s Kq . _ � • ,. �f _ .. - - . � ,.. . <br /> . . _ r. . . - . . . <br />