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__ <br /> xT�_ • _ - _ _ _ ...� _. . <br /> 7 . . .�_, _ .� ;,,:_ <br /> __ , . ��: a�o�� . � <br /> D, IT�zu4 0►Ptoptny Luunme�8orrowar aNill kcep�1e 1ni�rovNnente now es6 or hsrefilc�s. PR tAe�„ � <br /> Ptopedy inaurod agotnst Iwa by.iire,hnmrW lncludE4 w�thin tpo te[m.OxtepQcd'iovqroge',ehQ ony ot6er hqzgr�.i,,4�fudlDF <br /> Hoad;ar llaoding,fas n'hkh t�r ratuSra inwranca.7Na In;uran.�ihdt La'�airtalisad tn ila`smnnma ai�£�tto��� � ,_ — <br /> -- ---- thet t.coder n,quirc�. 71w insur�hco earr4et providing tno Inaurenoo aheli bo chosen by Borrowcr enbJat to tRnCer'�ayyroVdl . <br /> whlch�hdl not bo unreasonnbty wltAheld.It Bortowa falla to nwlnla�rccoverego desEtlbed above,Lendu nmy,at LenbePr-.. <br /> ---- optlon,obtaln mvuego ro proteet Lender'e rlghte In tho Fiopeay in acooMence wIQ�parogroph 7, ' • �`��:— <br /> - -- All lnsuwwe policlea and rcnemie tMell bo eoccpteble to f.endu end s�sll inetude n e�erMard mo�tgage eleUSp�LenddY - <br /> __ __ tAoll have the dght to hold the pollda and rcnawali.It Lender rcqulra,[iortowet ehdl promptly q(vo to 4uWet ell toce��b ot ' ° <br /> �- '_ Patd ptemlmnt md reaew�l notloes.ln tde erent ot los�,IIorcower chall gtve prompt notice to�he[muronco carrk�and i.tader. — . <br /> LenAer m4y meke pmoTotloae if not mnde prompGy by 8ortowu. <br /> ___= Unlcas I.ender and Borrowu athernlae agree In writing,fnsurence prooroda shell bo epplied ro rasto�etlon or repafr 6t iha <br /> — Properry damageE,it tho rcstora�lon or repalr Is eoonomicaliy teasiblo end LendePe uariry ia not leastned.If t�e rcdtotetlon Ot <br /> — =�= repalr ia not aunomically leasiblo or lender•�ucuriry would ba ItaseneE,the insuranoe proceeda ehe116e apptied to the�um� <br /> '<,-�� sxurtd by �hle 3aurtty Inurument,e�hether or not then due, wIN any oxoea�paid to Borrower. i(Botrower aband6ne tha <br /> ` ' Propeny,or doea not ans�rer wi�hin 30 duyi a notico from Lsnder that�Iw]n�urance cartler hst offerod to sutle a clalm,�hbn <br /> __ <br /> _�'"��'ff� Lender fiay collect the imurannce prooceda. I.ender may uso tqa prooxda to repair or reatoro tde Propaty or to pay surtu <br />-'?:x�"•;�� caured by tht�&wdty Iro«ument,afiether ar not tAOn due.7Le 30�day pedod wlll lxgin when the noUcele glven. — <br />-��r}� Unlea� Lender end Borrower o�henvix egra In wdting, any epplication of proaeda ro princi�al �hail nat extend or <br /> ,�.:.. <br />'-'�':Iy�;,�. postpone tha due daro of�he rtant4ly paymente rc(erred to in paragraptu 1 end 2 or change tho amount ot 1ho paymente. If <br />-:,-q4f:;.a under p�mgreph 21 tho Property la earyired by I.ender.Bortower'e dgAt to eny iasurence policip end prooeeda resulliag ftom <br /> „�`�{«` damage to�ha Property pdor ro the acquisitlon ahall pass to Lender ro the extent ot the cuma saured by thle Seadty�nshument <br /> „�,�.�;;;_" immedf�tely pdor ro the uquieldon. `--".._ <br />:'._,,,��;;,; 6.Oocuppncy,Preserration,Maintenance wd Proteplon ot tha Propertyt Borrower'e iaan Applicatlon{I.easebolds. <br /> ••�3'�n: Bortowe��hell o0cu P�nY P Pe �Y Y <br />�,;,:_yr.��r py.uublish,end ase the Pro es Bortower'a �inci 1 residena within eIx da s eRcr Ne exxudon ot =-_�� <br /> - ��- -�=� tAla Security Instrument ud sheil cominue lo oavpy tho Properry ea Bortoweta rinef rufdence Por et least one ear aRer <br />::�::�r;:;�• P P� Y <br /> >'�� �he date of oocupancy, unless I.ender otherwim egrcea In wriUng,which consent shall not be unrcasonably wltMeld,or untw <br /> ;:;i`;.�< <br /> '�;k��",�;n. - extenueting c(ramstenaa exist whicL are beyond Hortower's comml. Borrower �hatl not deatroy, damege or Impafr the -- <br />'`•`"�'�'r"' Pro n ellow�he Pro to dctedomte,or commit waste on the Pro Bortower ehell be in dehult it an fodelturo — <br />:;,�ir..j7, i P� R P�+�Y P�nY• Y = <br /> `si z, - ecNon or proceeding, whuher civil or edminal, ia begun that in I.ender's good f�ith judgment could rcsult In forfeiture of�he <br />