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�_�� �- � � ... .. - _ - ...- .(�. ' F . __ ;. � , .�.. <br /> = t _ " ' _ ' ' . " " '_. . . " '" _'. — "..... _ _ .�M�..� . . _ . . <br /> = 19.7twror oslne vro or ae«ncial inserat�n uoaawqa rr etr or� . ���� . ;. <br /> �y Qpft�01�Pt'��Cny OtNy��E3��11�1 <br /> + le sotd or ttansferre4(or It a 6enefls�d�ntercc�fn liorrowcr i�wtd or transtarte0 onu a4rrowee ii no{e naiural porco. vytpwpt <br /> I.eode:'s pridr wdttxn eonsent,Lcnder moy et Ite oytlori �re (mmcdidto DaY�t In full ot 811 s � . bY,.l4i�- .. . - <br /> — Bxvrtty Inswment.Howava.ihia opdon elufl nm Ae oxst�sed 6y[,endEt.l!exetcl;o le prohlbitt�4Y��►�aw a9 o Qadato,,; : <br /> � ot1hl�BeCUdryinatrvment. . - .- . . .- --�- -- -�-----` -' —'- <br /> It Lender exereisca thia opNon,Lendw�hdl gtvo Bonowu notice ot aaelaatJon.'Ihe notiea ehdlpro41Ae e perlcQ of obY ; <br /> Icse�han 30 deya trom c�o dete Ute naice i�dclfvcrcd or mailed wlthin whlch Boirowu mus�yay etl eume eecured by�fife <br /> _ Sopuity Insuumrnt.It Bortower fNla w pay�heae sum+pdor ro tho oxylroNOn ot th11 perlod,l.enQer mpy Invok6 eny ranedtea <br /> "�' permhtcd by�hla Secudty Iretrumeni wli6out Porther rAS[M nr dtm9nd on Bortower."_ . . <br /> 18. Rorroeu'e RI�6t to Reim�ata Jf B�rrower meen oertaln conditlons' Bdrtowet'ib I h6vo Gw.t(gln to h4vo <br /> enforcement of thle Sxudty inun�ment dluoneinued at wy tlmo pdor�o tho earll�r o6 �(a�S.da�(or[uc6 bther�erlod w <br /> -- applicabla law may spedty fm minseuemmq�Porc+ale ot tho PmpertY ponuani to anypowcr of�eld�6wlt81nfd in W� �.. <br /> —_ Saudry imtrument:or @)entry of a Judgment enforeing tAta 8xuriry UWiumem.'Riose conditlont ero tbaf 8oi['oiv6f:(n)pays <br />_� — Lendu all eums aAlch Nan wwld be due uader thle Securlty Imtrument uid the Note e�it no eooeivatlon had acwrted�@) <br /> `T`�. curca eny defeult ot eny o�Aer covenams or egreemenu; (o) e all axpensw incumd In rnforcing�hb&adty Inurument. <br /> �+� Ineluding,but not Iim(ted to, rasonable attomere fep;end( tekea euet�ectlon es Lender mey reasonably«qulro ro essute <br /> '"?� thet tho lien ot�hia 9ewdty insimment,Landu e dg1�te In td�peny and Bortoww4 obligallon w pay the eums cearod by <br /> !'?-� �hb Sxu�iry Inat�ument �M1all conHnaa•uneM1enged. Upon reinstatemen[ by Borrower, Pofe 8ewdty Instmment and the <br /> .,- obligatlona cecured hereby�hall remaln Polly eRxHve u If in exeleratlon had occurted.Howevu,�hie dght to relmmte�hall -- - <br /> "'�j' aot epply in Ne cau of acale�etion under paragBph 17. <br /> `<;:e� 19. 8ale ot Notet Change ot Loan 8enlcer. 7fie ftam or a paniet Interest in the Note (together with �hh Seadry <br />:�='i:.'�: Insuument)may ba aold ona or mom ttmes alihout prior notice to Bortower.A nle may result In a change ia tAa endty(known <br /> ^;.� ea the'Loea 3ervic�r')thet collxta momhlY p�Ymenu due under tl�a Noro end�hin Sau�iry InstmmenL Thero eleo mry be one <br /> - or mom chengea of the Loan Servicer unrelatcd ro a aele of the Noro.IP there Ia a change ot the Loan Servicer.Hortowet w111 ba <br />-i''��. gtven wriuen notice of the chanae in a000rdence with paragraph 14 above end a plicable Iaw.The notice wlll stete tde aame and <br /> . <br />�•-��_ addres�of the new Loan Serviar end the address to which prymenu ehoald�made.7fie noHce wlll also contaln eny athu <br /> t'; Infortnation requlred by applicable law. � -� <br /> 7'� 20. Nezardou+Su6stenca. Bortower slmll not ceuse or permit�he preaence,uu, dlcpoaal, storage, or relew ot any <br /> {>`: Heurdow Substances on or in the Property Borrower shall nat do, nor el�ow enyone elaa ro do, any�Ing etfating the <br /> . -? Propeny thet ia in violation of my Enrironmentel Law. 'Ihe prcoedtns txro sentences�hell not apply to tfie prosena,use, or -_- <br />"`�°-•`'= eroroge on the Property of emall quenthtes of Nazardow Substencea thet ere gerarelly raognized to be eppropdeto ro nomW <br />-'���Y��� ruidenqel usea end to meinfenecee ot the Propeay. _- <br /> '��` Bonower shall promptly give Luder�rritten nnNee nf any inve<�IgAHon,deim,demend,lawwit or other ecflon by any °"'- <br />;r;r:=:i <br />�.;;��'�� govemmentel or rcguletory ageney or pdvatep�rty invalving the Property and any Hezazdow Substame or Environnuntel iaw � <br /> -;{:;,;, of which Bortower hm eaual kmwled6a If Borrower leama,or b nodfled by my govemmentel or regularory autlwdry �het <br /> t any rcmoral or oiher zemcdiatlw of anp fiaziedous Substana offecdng the Propeay is necessacy,Bocro�ver sAsII promptly teke - � <br /> all nemsxery remedial ec�ions in iccordance wi�h Environmenul Law. <br /> ��?". Aa used tn thia patag�aph 20, 'Hvardau Subswces'ue those cubstenua deMed ea toxic or hazerdous aubstenaa by —_ <br />���rr.;`�� Environmmtel Lnw end the followinR subsnnees: l,asotlne, kerose�e, other Oemm�ble or loxic petrolwm producu. roxic Ee�.=�--: <br />°��'�,i;; ticidea end herbicida,volaNle solvents, maiedala eontein(n eabestos or fomuldehyde,and red(oactiva matedala.Ae usM fn .. <br /> -.-J,y, lhsii paregwph 20. 'Environmen�al Iaw' nxw fede�al laws end laws of the Jur(sdiction wherc the Property la loated �hat �'f"' ` <br /> ,` rclete to health,sefety or cnviranmentel Protadon. �' <br /> , :, NON•UMFORM COVENANTS.[torro�ver and Lendcr further covenant and agra as followa: <br /> ,<,; 21.Acceleretlon;Remedia. Lender shell gtve nodce lo Bortower prlor to aecelerntlon follo�ving Borrower'e Dreach �� _ <br /> .Ir...,_"�.. <br /> �' of any mvenent or egreement In tht+ 3ecudty Instrument @ut not prlor ro acttlereqon under paregraph 17 unles+ �FS���,.:;r�,- <br /> ^�"� appllcable la�r provides otherxise).The notice shell epecify: (a)the defnult�@)the actlon rcqulred to ture the defeult; r ��.:_. <br />_,;:� (c)e dute,not les+then 30 days Prom the date the noqce&glven to Oorroirer, Ey�rhkh the deteutt must be cured;aud GS � <br /> _- - (d) thet fellure ro cure the defeult on a•hetare the date ryeclfled In the noqce may result in acceleretlon ot the surtu <br />- `�" seeured by thle Sceudty InStrument end selc of the Propeny. The naice chell Nrther Intomi Oorrmrer ot the Aght to ��Z`� - <br /> !^ rel�utete etter aceeleretian nnd the dght lo bring e court ectlon to acseN�he nontxistence of e detault or any other . � - <br /> '� �r deknse of Uorrosrer to neceleretton md sele. [t�Ae defeult la nat cured on or betore Ihe date s ecttied In tAe notice, ��"`i�'--�=- <br /> -. ' Lender,at Its op�ion, mey requtre Immedlete payment in NII of ell suma cecured by thia Security I�utrument�vtthout 1 Yy � <br /> ���� tLnher demand end mey Invoke ths power ot sale end nny other remedies pemiltted by ap Iicable la�v.Lender shell be ;�, r :.• <br /> :tiA`-� � ' . <br /> ---=�•,>,,- entilled to collect ell expenscs I�rcurrcd in pursufnR Ihe remedtes prorided In IhtA pere�reph I.Including,but not Ilmlted ,Ijit;;i�::_. <br /> -+�`• to,reesonnble atwrneya'kes end cast+of tl�le evidence. �� � - <br /> If thepn�rer ot sele la invoked,Trustee shall rcenrd x notice of defuult tn eoch munt9 In �vh(ch xny part of the 3 1 . <br /> _ � Property 6 loented end shnll mail eoptes ot such natfce In the menner prescdbed by applice6le lew to Oorraoxr and ta �t�f-:};'��,._:. <br /> -':,� the other persons prescribed by applimblc len-.ARer thc timc required hy applicahle le�r,Trustee shall give pu61k notice �•%;t..=�.-' <br /> *rS:,.;.tx�. <br /> �� otsele ta ihe persons and In ihe menner pr�eribed hy opplicnblc Iaw.Trmtec, nilhout demend on Oortower,shall sell s <br /> : t; the Property at public aucllon to Ihe hlghal bidder et thc tlme and plece and�mder t6c terms deslgnated In the natlm of i ,� � -- <br /> seie In one or more parcelr and in eny arder Trus[ee dcterminec. Trustce ma�� pastpone sele ot ell ar any paml ot the ;�_/.1..*.,-�_. <br /> Properly by public announcement et Ihe Iime und plece af an�� prrWaaylt scheduled mle. I.ender or ftx designee mey -;:,t�,+��=::-:: <br /> purchase the Property al uny sale. �""`�'"- <br /> �:��".�.�'i: <br /> ��Y.���.,� � <br />- Form3038 B/BO �g,_"� <br /> . . ryso�u -_ . <br /> . . Ir..• . <br /> �.. <br /> � �y� �,!'•. _ <br /> --'..., i <br /> 4 <br /> . { <br /> _�:t, _ .. . _ _. _ . _ . . . . . . __._ __ - . . _ . . ._ _ .—_ _... <br />