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i ;,ri � (� f� y <br /> { _ _" _ . '"__ 1-. _ li� -llli. r _ / { .'"'. . l '�j, lil� '��-:tY � � �r� -_ <br /> - __ ,_.� . . . _' ... . "L p�`�-..�V�`��{�L- .� - � . . _. <br /> M <br /> payineNe mey no tongei tho opHOri bf Fendet,l/mbngage InSurnnco MYdtpBe,{�p py y�pupt c�1!Ae�1� pfiJpd <br /> • q�a�I,endd►"Roquira)proviAsQ by ut InwT�apyrqvfd by irpder again baoomee av+i(ab►o and ie obf�(neQ,6otrower ` p�,y' + . <br /> 1To prcmlum�requlrtd to ma[nkein tnnitgago I�15utanto tA efkcl�ot to pmqldo i foaa(45ervd;ithUt thn e�uTrpdxA�fo��e�7 � <br /> — . idsureiMa,enda�ji aavnTa��lth�wy wr{(kn egrism�s(1tdR.'�n B�tOR�ttsr3l:�nEzrcr ayplttd6�8 taw.� •� . - ' <br /> 9.Inspectlon.�iWpt or tu ngent may malio rCaso�mblo cn�d'ee upon aiid INspxviom ot itia Proyeny:l,NMk sha1T givo'`t �' <br /> BortoNer notloo et�Ae tiem ot or pflor to an inayxtion�paltylag reaSonaElo causa for�he iruycetlon. . .. f , ;.a�.,.;, - ? <br /> !0:Condcmnatfon.Tho prooetda of any ewazd or delm foF damegw,d(rea or cdnsequcndot, tu connuqon tivtth eny, � ' <br /> oondemnntlon or otAer 4eking of any pen oP tAo Property,or for conveyanco in lieu qt eondemnatlon,aro hcttAy¢;ei�pnd.:.;��: •;: <br /> ehall bo pald ro Lender. - <br /> ... .:. . :.: : , <br /> - !n Wo event ot n totel taking of tha Pronerty,the proouds chall bo appfled ro the nunx�ewwred by W�8ecadry ins)cament; .__;_. ___ <br /> �vhethu or not�Iten due,atth eny exoess paid ro Borrower.In the ovrnt ot e partial tektna of No Propoity In whlr,�Oio fati�':� . <br /> merku vaiva ot�ha Propeny immedietely beforo tlw tektng is equal ro or grcater than the unount of the 6um!seated bY��� <br /> 3aurtty GutNmrnt immedietcly bePoro the taking,unlw Bortower end Lender othervvlco egrco in writing,ihe tyntf eeCUttd 6y . <br /> tfda Seadry Inswmene�Aall ba reduad by tde emount of ihe proaeda mulUpllad by tho following Gaaion: (a) tho totel .. � <br /> emount ot tM1e wm+secursd immedlately peforo the taking,divided 6y @)tho feir merket velue ot the Propetty Immcdialely. • <br /> - 6etoro�he taking. Any belance shNl Ixi pald to Borcower. In�he event ot a partial taking ot tAe Property In which tltC falF - <br /> merku velue of the Propttty immediately betoro the teking la less then 1he emount ot�he suma scared Imnedletely boPorB thp <br /> — �eking,unlea Borrower end I.ender othuwiae egree In wdtlng or unlea�applicabla law othenvteo provida, tha proa.edi�hall <br /> ___ ba applied to th6 surm saured by�hia 3tat(ty Tnstmment whether or not�ho�um�ere then duo. <br />..— tf the Property�ia abandoned by Bortower,or if,afler notice 6y I.ender to Borroxxr th�t�ha andemnor offen ro mako an - <br />--- awerd or cuAe a claim tor demega. Bortower feile to rcspond ro Lender whhln 30 daya eftar tho dale Iha noNce ia given, <br /> — Lendu is euthodztd to wliwt and epply the prooeeda,et i4 option,dther ro rcsmration or repair of the Property ar ro tha twns ___ <br /> — �xuured by this Secudty I�tmment,whether or not then due. <br /> -= Unless Lender end Bocrower othe�wise agrce In writing, any appticallon of procer.ds to pdnclpal �hall not axtend or <br />,;�� postpone�he due dete of�he monthly paymenu rchrred ro N pawgrepha 1 end 2 or chango tha emount of mcli paymente. <br />��-"� 11.Borro�ser Not Rdeasedt Forbearence IIy Lender Not e Walrer.Bxtenalon of the time tor payment or modiflcetion <br />"� of vnortimtion of�he sums ceeured by this Secud�y Instiument granttd by Lender to eny auocessor in inteart of Bortowu chel! <br />__`:'+� not operete to rcleax the Iiebility of the original Iforrower or Horrower'a sucaasom in Inrercat.L.ender chell not be rcquited to <br /> _R.� wmmence proccedings egainat any mccessor in Interes[or rcPose ro extend time for payment or o�henvisa modify emortliadon <br />,:_.� of the sume secured by ihi� Secud�y Inatrument by reason oi eny demard made by the odglnal Borrower or Horrower•e f <br />,;:Ay cuccesson in intear�. Any forbea�anee by Lender in exerciaing any right or rcmedy shall not be e waiver of or preclude the - <br />'_'_�;yi exercise of eny dght or;emedy. <br /> � 13. Successon an8 Ass(gna Bound; Jolnt end Seveial Llabllltyi �gnen. The covenants and agramenta of Ihla <br /> � Saudty (nstrument shall bind aM bene6t �he cucees.wn end ossigns of Lendcr and Borrower, subJat to �he provision+of <br /> ,,:� paregreph 17. Borrower'i mvenems end agranxnts shall be joint and ceverai. Any Bortower who co•afgns �hia Smirity _ <br /> -� Instrument but does not execuce �he Notr. (a) is ca-signing thts Secudty Instrument only to mongage,grent and convey that <br /> Qorro�ver's interest in[he Propeny under the�e�ms of thir Sccurity Instrument;(b)ia not personally obligeted ro pay the wms <br />�"+ saurcd by this Security Imtrument:and(c)egrea that Lender end any other Bovo��er may�grce ro oxtend,modify,forbear or �.��.-- <br />�"`"�" make eny accommodetions with rcgard ro�he terms of�his Securily Imtrument or the Note without lhat Borrower's consenl. - <br />";s.� 1°i_+ <br />-��� 13.Loan CM1argea.If the loan secured by thix Security Instrument is aubject to e law which�ets maximum Iwn chergea, ,';:: <br />=_-_i� end that law ia�nally interyreted so Ihal the inurest or other loan chargca mllected or[o be mllected In connalion with the ��.��: <br /> � loan exceed Ihe permitted Iimits,�hen: (a)nny such loan charge shall be rcduced by�he emount neoessary lo rcduce the chugo "• . <br /> :^� ro the pemilited IimiC nnd(b)any sunu alrendy mllecled from Borrower�vhich excaded permitttd Hmiis will be rcfunded[o �� _ <br /> �, Borrower. Lender may choou to nuke ihis rcfund by reducing �he principal owed under the Note or by making a direct <br /> payment ro 13orrowea If a rePond reduces principal, the rcduc�ian �vill be tren�ed os � paniel prcpayment without eny � " <br /> -:'� prcpayment chnrge undcr ihc No�c. • � • ' �"": <br /> 14.Notices. Any ndice to Bortower provided for in ihis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by malling [ ' � <br /> it by first clnss mail unlcss applicablc la�r rcquires usc of m�o�her methal.The noticc s6u11 M Jircacd to ihc Propeny Addresa : <br /> or any o�her oddrcss Bortnwer designates by notice tn Le�xlec Any no�ice �a L,ender siwll be given by first class mail to t:�.�- <br /> -�"� Lendcr s uddress sta�cd hercin nr any other nddress Lendcr Je+ignatn by nntim t.�Iiovnuxr. Any no�im provided for in�his F��'�� <br />,_:�,�1 Sccuri�y lntwmem shall be dcemed�o havc 6ccn gircn to Bnrrowcr nr LenJCr whcn Eivcn m proviJni in�his paragreph. F'-�- <br />. 4 IS.Goreming I.em Severabiliq•. Thi. Sccurity In.uumcro shall be govcmed by fnicral la�v and ihc law o(ihc <br /> ' jurisdictian in which�he Property ix Lka�ed. In�he event�hut any provision or clause nf�his Security Insvument or the Note {�'�� <br /> mn0icts�vith applicable law. .uch mnflia+hall a+�:dfeci oiher prnviaio�u of thi.Scavrity In.�mmem or�he Nute which rnn be [p - <br />- given ef(tt[�vi�hom Ihe mntlicling prori�im�. To Ihi+enJ Ihe prm•i.inro n(Ihi.S�tiurily Imtrumem anJ Ihe Nnle arc dalartd "�`�'�' <br /> -�� to 6c xvcrablc. <br /> t6.Rormner'.Cnp}�.Qnrmurr+hall hc gircn onc.onfnrm�d a�p>'al�hc Nnlr ad ul Ihi+Snvri���Imlrumcm. �.;--_ <br /> � <br /> - Fo�m 3028 8180 - <br /> ✓ryM�u�6 <br /> �F[�� .' <br />. �� /. <br /> ♦ ...�...� +'���.r� . .( . . .. � . .. -. ..— -� _ <br /> .T_ _� ... i r.... . . � . .. � _ . . ._ . • • . . . . _ . ... .��.. F.-�l _� . ._':��i . • 'a�� _]..t• <br /> ''� � <br /> �-¢� -. _ . . _ . . <br /> �Ti y � - . ' . , . <br /> •.i. �. . <br /> _lil,_ <br /> •�r.- � — . <br /> �,I r�.' . . . - . <br /> .. .; J .. , _. . . . - . . .. ... .. . ' ' .' <br />-'`�'� . ,.'i��� ' . ' ' . . ' � . - . - . <br /> . . .�= _., .' . _ . _ � . - _ <br /> � <br /> r to -� - ' . . � i - - -- . . . . <br />