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' . .._ . <br /> � . . <br /> � tJ . . � . . _ -. - �- - �-- ----= -. :_ .:�_ .._. :.._ . ��3�` �!1'��t�� �.�� . <br /> �- - __ <br /> �. <br /> - -- .. � 17.11�ansfa otiGe Pcoper.�y orq Beaeftclal Int'erestln �orlqsru.� nii ot �u�o[thq�ro rty of any'lmerqj n7t a� r' <br /> lesold or trensfercrd(oNt e tion fiol�iaterca�in Borrowu b�jd 4r trons�md a�orrowc�!q n6��netpte�Dtt��w,t�t' <br /> �ndorY prlo�wrlRci�copaent,�er may, at Itb opUon r�►ro Immedia�e pqymcnt In Polt ot�I!eum�stsur ,bj+ Q4ie <br /> p�udty I��nsWmun.However,thie optlon chdl not bo exercfsai 6y l.uMc�itexerciso 1�profilbited by fateml low a¢ot�hc�¢ate, . <br /> —_= of ihG 6avdry Insirumeoi. . .. �.-;. ;;: - <br /> If LenCer exercisea thle opHon,Le+idar�ap 8ivo Borrower notloo of aecetcietion.Ttw notico sh�ll provide a pErlod otaot :- <br /> leas ihan 30 dayr fmm ehe d�ro tM no�ioe u delfvered or maltcd wlthln whlcA Borrower musl pay ell sums 4ecuicd by.lAld . .�, �' <br /> 3aaulty insteument.It Borrowu falle to pey�heao wmf Drlor to tAe ezplBHbn ol�hle pedod,Lender m6y tnvoko eny rcincdlea <br /> - — permine0 6y tAle Bocud�y Instrumep t wlthout Portl�er notfco or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrowa'e RIpht to Relnstate. if Bortowu meete aneln condiqons, Rortower sball have the dgM to have' , <br /> entoroement ot�hia 3eadry Instmmont dteontigued et.eny time prlor ro the earller oh (a)3 dayn (or such other pedod es <br /> ." epplicablo law may specity for reinstatemart) befom selo of the Prop�ny punumt lo any power of eele aontAfikd In Ihis - . . <br /> &adry InstNmenq or @)eNry ot e Judgment eqforolrig thie&ariry Instrument.7liou conditlons are�dat Bottowa:(a)psye <br />_ - Lendcr all euau whlch�hen xrouid be due unAer thle&adry Gutmment and tha Note as it no aocolcredon had oavrrad:,@) <br /> -- arw wny detoult of any other covenante or rgnzments; (c)pay�ail expenaa incumd In enforcing�hia 3aurlry instrument, <br /> includlng but not timited to,rcasonablo aitomeYa'fea;and(d)iskea�uch eaion es Lender may reasonably requiro to easuro <br /> �6nt the Iien ot this 3eaHty Instrument,Lender e dghte In the Property end BortoweP�obligaUon ropay the cum+eaured by <br /> --__^— �bb Searlty Imuument �hall contlnue.unchanged. Upon retmtatement by Bnrrower. thia 3ecurity instNment end �do • <br /> _- ---- - obligedotu seared hereby ehell rcmain Polly affeaive a�it no eaeleretlon had occurrod.However,thla Aght to relns�ete ehdl - � - -- <br /> not epply in the ceae ot eooelere�ton under paragreph 17. <br /> "='�� 19. 8ele ot Natq Chenge of Loan Servtnr. 7Ta Nota or e paniel lnrercat In the Nae (toguher with tht�3ecudry <br /> �'�� Insnument)mry be sold one or mom tlmw witliout pdor no�ice to Horrower.A rale may reault in a ehenge In�e ent(ry(known <br /> r'�,'�,`^ e�the'Loan 3crviar')�het collect�monthly paymenu tluo under tha Note and I�la Secudry Inawment.'17iero elso may be one <br /> ' <<��'� or morc changea of the Wan Serviar umeia�ed to e salo ot the Note.If thue ii a change of iho Loan Servicer.Hortower wlll bo <br /> .,,.�. given wrhten notice of the ehmgo in e000rdanee wRh pareg�aph 14 ebove end applicable law.The notice wlll Nete the name end <br />- -=�'�i�;'-'�---. addrcs�of the new I.oan Servicer end the eddrea�ro whieh paymenta chould be mede.7fie noNCe will elao antein eny other <br /> 7 - %;i-- infomietion requ(red by appliceble law. `....---- <br /> �3 ;�;.��_ 20. He�rdous 6libstaaces. Bocrower�hall not cause or pertn(t�he prcsence, uu, diapoml, storese,or releau-of eny <br /> _; 77r ,; <br /> ;:..s:,�'�r. He�ardam Substances on or in thc Propeny. Borrower ahell mt do, nor dlow enyone elae ro do, eny1hing effating �he <br /> -��"-=s..�=S�• Propeny thet is in violnion of eny Bnvlronmental Law. 1Le preceding two ttntencw ahall not apply lo the presence,use,or -- <br /> :rr.:.s:�. <br />_--;j;;,�;��*��._�� etomge on the Property of amall quan�itia of Hazardous Substanas �Int ere 6enerally rcognized to 6e eppropdate to nomiel _ _ <br /> v4�r.: rcsidenUal usa end to maintenance of the Propeny. -� - <br /> *�j y -�;# Dnrrower sheli promptly give Lender written notix of any investigetlon,eleim,demand, lawault or aher aIXion by my o1A`T� <br /> ,,..,y;,;�;�,:�j.# govcmmentel or rcgule�ory agency or pdvete pany involving the Propeny and eny He�erdoua Substena or Enviionmentel Lew --- <br /> ;tt_x;�`tl'�, of which Horrower has eaual knowledga If Dorrower leams, or is no�ilied by any�ovemmemd or rcguletory authodt�. �hat = <br /> '.•.,;h=�.;:d eny rcmoval or o�her remedie�fon oteny HeiarAnnc Sahannce nffecflng the Pmpeny ix naexsary.Bortower ihall prampt y teke �_._ <br /> '' ell nxessery rcmediel actioro in attrordanx with 8nvironmemel La�v. <br /> ��;r�����+i A�used in this p�regreph 20, 'Hezerdous Subuunas'are thou substenas defined ea�oxic or hvardoua substnnces by <br /> ...,3 °t Envimnmantel Law afd the following subsiences: gawlinc, kemsene, other Ilemmable or roxic pclroleum produde, toxlc �+__-_-_- <br /> f-�JE �. pesticidea and herbidda,vota�ile solvents,materials conreining asbesto�or fomnldehyde,end redioactive mateANs.As usW in ---- -�- �-- <br /> ��¢� +�t is„ this paregmph 20, '8nvironmeneal La�v" nuans federal lows ond lawa of the judadiaion where the Propeny ia loceied that <br />