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, . <br /> t , i ; <br /> �)-- _. . � _. _. - . . �: _ . __ . ,.-_ . . , bl.- . _ '-' . `.•�� ��1/7{.�4AY �' �` y� ` —._.. <br /> 6. Ha�prd or Yroptity Insaransc.9oaaaec+hat(keep the imy�vanents noty Ning ol h et a`ee{M dn t�p -, <br /> Propeny Irisdrcd 4ge�nst tou 6y Aro. hezuds IricludM wt�hfn tho.tum'oxundat covcFpge'and anY a�AuEaraoq�.IndUdtn� � <br /> Omdaotfloodln8�iorwhlchLerMU_�NUircalnsurer�e.7lilalnsurencachall6omdntaintdintheemountaa�t�oxtdep�Jods �,:;�;'. <br /> - � .., <br /> -- tAat Lender'requirca.'mo InaUrettee cartiu provldin��he Insuranoo diaif be chosen 6y�orrcwer su6jeci 4o Geiide►'s Wyfo"vai.,�c . � — <br /> which ehAl not be unrwsonably withheld. If floriowu feile to meintOn cpverego deaedbed e6ovo, Iknder may. ai i.<ndir'r;`,. <br /> optlon,obtaln avemge to protea I.s+tdtt'�rfghta ln tla Propeny In eaordarrce wlth peregtaph 9. • <br /> All Insucanoe pollclp end renewde�Aa11 6o ecaptebla to Lcndu and ehall Include a standard mortgeg8 clausa l.tilCer <br /> �hell have the dght to hotd the poilclea eid renowala.It Lendu ra(utrw,Borrower thall promptlY 61va to i.eodc��II raeipfe ot. • <br /> — D�d D�ilume and ronewel nodaoa.In eho event of loa.Borrower shail giva promp�notico ta�ho Insurence cartter endlAndfi. <br /> .- , Lender mey mnke prootot lose It not made promptly Ey Hofrotivu. <br /> tJnlesa I.endu and Borrowu othuwise agrce in avddng,insuranoe proaeda ehatl6a applled to resroretioa or repalr of t5e <br /> Property damaged,if tla rcsto�a�Ion or repalr le eoonomicelly tea�ible end I,endu's sxurfry i�not�he reatara�lon ot <br /> — rcpalr ie not eoo�romicaily kasible or I.aMer'�escuriry would be lessened.the Inaurence prooade shall ba applled w Ihe eurtu <br /> a uwrcd by th(s Security inmument, whe�her or no[then duo. with any oxow paid to Hortowu. [f Bortowu ebaMons �he <br /> �- - Property,or doa not enswer within 30 day+a notice from Lender thet�ha I�uurance earrier Ma+oftered to cettle a cleM, then <br /> - —= Lender may collect the inaurenoe procad�. Lender may uee the p�ooecda ro repafr or rcstore�he PropaRy or to p�y aum� <br />�:���,`=; cuvrcd by this&writy Insuument,whaher or not Ihen due.1Le 30-0ay perlad will begia whrn the noNoe ie given. <br /> =:;;;��� Unlea+ Lender and Hortower otAuwiu agree in wd[ing, any application of procadi to pdncipal ehall not extend or <br /> ""�" s� ne�he due dete ot tAa monW mcnta referted to in ara n M1e 1 and 2 or change the emaunt of tha mente.If <br /> �„5�_ P� Po Y PaY P 8 P PeY <br /> � u�er paregmph 21��he Propeny 6 ecquircd by Lender,Bolrower'e dght to eny insurence policlea end prottMa reaultlng fmm <br /> = damege ro�he Propeny prlor to lhe acquisition ahall pav to Lendu to Ne extent of the curtu secured by tAfa Secudty[aummeat <br /> -r!�?�i ' immedlatelypdorrothoacquisition. �. _..._ <br /> �-"F"{�`+� 6. Oavpancy,Prcservatton,Malntenence and Protedlon of the Property;Botro�su'�Loen ApplimNon; LeaseAoldv. <br />'"�`v�t`J' Borrower ahall occu establish,end uu ihe Pro es Horrower'n dnel al rcsfdence whhin aix a� anu ma e�eaaon or <br />•-:�.:i��'F`.� PY. PenY P P �Y Y� <br />::t;,}t;;!i �hia Security Instmment and shall mntinue to occupy�he Propeny as Horto�ver's principal residence for at leaat one year afler <br />--`-•.°��-��!`-;; �he dato of occupency,unleas Lender othawise agrees in wd�ing, which wnsent ehall not ba unrcasonably�vithheld,or unitai <br /> :-:ns... <br /> =�'�+'•�<•2:p exienuating dreumatenma exirt which ere bcyond Bortower's control. Bortower shell not destroy, demege or impnfr Uw <br />�;-.;:i�z..�„ <br /> �_;,f�-.�? Property,ello�v the Propeny lo detedomte, or commft waste on the Propeny. Bortower shall bo in defadt i[eny fodeiNre <br /> ;:,./,'s;.:* eaion or praceeding, �vhe�her civil or edminal, ia begun that in Lendu's good faith judgment could rcsult in Porfeituro of tha - <br /> M18f4' _ - <br />-_._�'ih�,`;�.sj Propeny or othuwiu materially Impair�he lien created by this Security Inatiument or Lender'a aecurity Interat.Botrowet may =_ _ <br /> ' �i�� cure such a defeult and provided in peregreph 18,by causing the+ction or procteding to bo diemissed with�ruling <br /> '.. �,.•. . . . <br />�-�-�*.-.�+'�::��i.t ihat, in Lendcr e good.taith duerminatfan, precludes forfeiture of�he Borrower'a imerezt in the Property or other metedel ---� <br /> r % _� impairment of the Nen created by this Sceudty Inswmen[ or I.endcr'�security interest. Borzower ahall also be In default if "�_.� <br /> � 4'k Bortower,during tiie loan epplication prottss,gave m�terielly fnlse or i�ccunte information or stetementn ro Lender(or fal led _.. <br />. ._�:..;.�,:�� ro provide Lender with any material information)in conna8on with the loan evidenced by the Not0.including,but nU Iimited tis,,,.-_- <br /> 5�{ to,rcpraeNetions rnnaming I3orrower s accupency of the Propeny as e principal residence.If this Searity Instrument is on a � - <br /> 'f`.i r leazehold, Borrower ahall comply wi�A ali �he provtsions of the Itase. If Oorrower acquircs fx title ro !he Property, the s �__- <br /> ��- �/i�� leauhold nnd the(ee�i�lc shal I not mergc unlcss Lender agrces m�he merger in�vriting. 4 i�� <br /> . -y 4N,� 7.Protectlon of Lender'e Rlghta in Ihe Propehy.If Bortower fails ta pedortn the covenants and egreemenu rnnuined in i �. <br />"�:�=''fr t this Security Inawmen4 or therc is a Iegel proceeding thnt may algnificently affect Lender's righ�s in�he Propeny(weh ai a �""`'- <br /> �- ,� pmmeding in Wnkrup�cy,proba[e, for mndemnntion or tor(ciwrc or to enforce Invn or rcgulatfons), �hen Lender may do md �,.� <br /> '� <br /> �` 4 pay for�rhetcvcr is nccesmry �o protea�hc veluc of thc Prapeny ond Lcnder s righ�s In thc Propeny. Lender's actlons may �.,, . <br />_;:.,...;:� include payins eny sums xcurcd by a lien �vhich has prinrity over�his Security Insuument, appearing in coun, paying 4,,.,;`` <br /> �� ?'.-'��• rea�onuble mtorne s (ecs nnd enrerin on�he Pm n m muke rc �rs.Althou h Lender ma �ake oction under�his re ra h `"'''"'�`" <br /> . Y 8 P� Y Pa E Y W B P 3ri� ,--: <br /> � -t.ti. 7,Lcndcr dces no[6ovc to do su. <br /> - Any omounts disM1urscd by Lendcr undcr �his parugmph 7 .hull beconu addiiionnl deM o( Borrower securcd by this .`s?�,°�_; <br /> -'''�'.'� Securit Instrument. Unless Bnrmwer ond Lender a rce �n nther temu of a men6 these mioums shail 6ear Intercst from the '`�"�` <br />�--.'.?�;�'-; Y B PY :,L;,�,,.. <br /> -� .- -'. date at disburscnun� at �hc No�c rate anJ shall be paynble. with interext, upm notia from Lender to Bnrmwer rcque+ting `• <br /> �,.5r�.�: NYment. 4 �.�.r4 <br /> �•r{' S.hlorlgeRe Insumnce. If Isnder rcyuintl mong;�ge in+uran�r a+a candi�ion nf making the loan+ecured by this Securiry �`3��--- <br /> �"=�•: Inurument, Bormwcr.Aall � thc rcmiuma re uiml ta maintain �hc mon a�c inwrance in cfPect. IL (ar an reason, the '` ` <br /> ` P�Y P 4 f b Y , 1�.�-: <br /> r' � '�` nxmguge insumnce cnvenge rcyuired hy l.enJer lup.e�ur Ik in cl7ity. Ilmm�cer.hall pay�he premium+requimJ lo .l <br /> - Y Ir: �r��: :�. <br />-- :_`r;• ob�ain rnvcmgc subsmmially eyuiralem�o�hc mortgage inwran�e in eff�c�.at a m.�wbuamiully equivalent to the f..-.. <br /> ' �i ., f�.ip.{.:�: <br />� •?..�'.�� nu� lo Onrrower af the mangage in+unnm prcriou.y� in rlTCCi. from.m :dtem:nc mnngage in.urcr approreJ by Lender. If :}-�:�:.. <br /> - �,';� +uh.�nntiaiiy cyuivalem mongage in.unmr rnrcrage i.nnl:nailahlc.IS��rtoocr+h:dl pa��tn IxnJcr carh m�+mli eyuul lo ;tz�. ::�' <br /> �tr,` _. <br /> nnc-IwcIN�of Ihc)�carly mnngagc insuraml prcmium hcing paiJ M Ik+rroxcr�chrn�h.inwrancc roccragc la��al nr nascd lo <br /> M in M(ixt. lAnJcr e ill accep�.u.c anJ ream�hcv p+cmcnt.a. a lu.. re.cnc m Ifcu ol martEagr inwrancc. lw,.. rcurcc �'� <br /> _.°-�...`?� fo�m3028 8190 `c:�'�: <br /> t.....i�_-., <br /> ::( .......�. �- � <br /> �!: . <br /> S <br /> . -_-'r�.'..'. . . . . . . . : _-. _' . - ' - �- ' - <br /> � ' i. : : <br /> ...3. _. <br />- •'�',��, .::> "' . <br /> '_"� <br /> ;� � � <br /> �-`' . : . .'_ ___ —__ <br /> . '.��•.. . - _ ..._. .. _ . . . . . _ _ . .. .. _._. . _ .. . . . _ . <br />