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� _ _ .—` _ j= ;. ;: �._,i.�,';�-4 � s,`i;.pt - <br /> , !. :� _ �t 1 - _.. M1 _..a J___ ���j�j 1.�-�.��N __ . <br /> . . �j. �vYls!j��Ti �{li'�d��-�ri °. <br /> ° TQ0817l�lt WifFt a1l;Jte in�ro,vement6 aa�f dt hur�ltee 4ra�[Q op theproDUty�anddl-fti{�yf�ts�1ypufkiud�cs.�d0 , � . <br /> hxlurcs_noW or haeaROr n qart ot�he_'proyerty.'AII nAlaoqmtnte:eiW a841tloa�ih�ll Ww,be QP�4Ktl by�� l3t�tkY � <br /> L�st�ument.l�i(oAprofor�goin�g�)sreftiredtoinW�Bcaul�y.[netfument�e{he'pcpp�y" � : � <br /> SbRR(3t'/ER COYBNhs�Yt'§sA;t�icsto�xrls imlWly awl,rvG Of tlw t�a;t t4�'z7i��ij�s1?I��s,gnc cq�ar�,F� <br /> convey tlie Pmperiy�nd�Aat�hQ Propeiiy ie unenainbe(s4,eaoepe tor eiiwwmbi�acta o�ruo�d. Bonowchwartnnts.pn0,w1,U , ' <br /> - defendgmualtytfioAtlotoA�oProputyagalm�altdulmsanylder�wMe�tubJatfoenyenoNfibrenc2so{'tewrd,. : . _ .: - . , . <br /> TN19 S6Ct1RifY INSTAtIMgNT eomDlnes uaifomi oovenante for nadnnal uao arb iion�untPorm cnvenente with linfito¢ 'r,', <br /> v�laqdnr6y1pr1sdlalont000rudtaeaunitomiseauityfnsttusn�atcovuingrcelPr6peM1y. . ,. <br /> UN[FORM COYBNANTB.Bortowu eud Lender corenant enA egrco es foUowe: . <br /> ' 1. Yarraeat of Prindpsl and intereap Prcy�ymwt and I.ote A�ugm. Bortower�Aell prompUy pay when duo.lhe - <br /> pdnctpat of and intuut on tha debt avldenad 6y the Noteend eny prepaymeAt and lato cAazgea due under iho Npte. <br /> 9.Funds tor Texcs aad iasuwnoe.SubJxt to epplicable law or ro a written wetver Dy Lcndu,Bortowu ehaU pay.tu <br /> tender oa�he day monthiy paymenu era due under tde Nae,undl the Note ia pald in PoII,a am('Funda')Por.(a)yceily texW <br /> end asxssmenW whltA msy�ttaln pdodry over thia&cudry Insltuntent at e Ilen on the Propetty:@)Yeady Itazehold paymenro <br /> or ground rcnta on tlw Property.ifury:(o)Yearty hverd or propeny lroureneo premlams;(d)yearly flood fn+urence yremlurt}�. <br /> It any;(e)ytarly mortgage insu�anro premiuma,lt my;uid(q any nam+payable by Horrower to ecardanca with <br /> tha proviaiona of pangreph 8,in lia of tho payment of mortgege Inaurence prcMums.7fieae ftems ere calted'Bxrbw I�emf." <br /> I.ender mey, et eny tlme, collect eM hold Pu�s in en unount not to exceed tha mnximum emount s lender fot e f40erally <br /> rclated mortgage loan may require for Bortower's eurow acoount undu U�e fedaral Real Swfe SNqemen[Prooedutta Act of <br /> - 1974 ss emended fron time to time, 12 U.S.C.3ectlon 1601 a req. ('RESPA'), unlea�anolher law�hat epplies to�he Funde <br /> eUa a lesser amount.If�o,Lender may,at any dma colixt and hold Aunda in xn emount not ro exoced the leasu emount. <br /> = I.endu mfly esdmaro�ha amount of Punda duo on the bui�of cvrtent date and roawnable es�imetw ot expendiNtta of Poturo _. <br /> = Hcerow Items or othe�wise in axord�nce with applic+ble 4w. <br /> s 7Le Aund� shdl be Add in en Inadtution whose deposiu ero insurcd by e federal tgency, instrumentellry, or enUty <br />-�--a ((ncluding Lender,if I.ender ie such on insAmNon)or In my Fedoral Nome Loan Hank.Lender ahell apply the Pundi ro pay the <br /> - &crow Itemt. 4nda may not charge Borto�vu for holdiog end epply(ng the Pwda,anaually analyzing the escrow e000unt,or —. <br />':°� vedrying the Euro�v Ttem�,unleaa Lender pays Bortower interest on the Aund�and applica6le law permite I.ender ro make euch <br />-= a charge.However,lender may «quire Borrower ro pay�one-tlrtre charge for en independeat real estate tex reponing eerv)ce <br /> _ used by Lender (n wnnection whh thin Ioan, unleas ippllcablo law providea o�herwlae. Udw an agreement la made or <br /> = appHceble lew rcquira intereat ro 6e paid,I.ender elull not be required ro pay Borrower eny imereat or camings on tAe f'unde. <br /> _ Borrower end Lcndcr may egrce in writlng,ho�vcvu,thu interest shell be paid on�he Fund�.Le�er ahall give to Hocro�ver. --- <br />�-..; without cherge, en ennual eccounting of�he Funds,�howing crcdita and debita to�ho Punds end�Aa purpose for wNeM1 each <br />-= deblt ro the Funda wm made.The Nnds ere pledged u edditfonel wcudty for all eums saured by thia Secudry inawment. <br /> = If Ihe Funda held by Lender e:aM the ertaunu pc,mitted ro bo held by epplicablc Iaw,Lender nhell eocaunt to Bortower � <br />-_�� for�he exew eccordena with the rcquiremenu of epplicable law. If�he emount ot ihe Funde held by Lender at eny <br />; time is not wfFldent to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so no�ify Bovo�ver in �vdting,and,in such case Bortower <br /> , shall pay to Lender ihe amount neceasary m make up the deticicncy. Borrower ahall m�ke up Ihe deflciuuy in no more then <br />" twelve mon�hly peymen[s,et Lender s sole discretion. <br /> - Upon payment in full af all mms secured by�h(s Secudty Insuument, Lender ahatl promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> = Funds held by Lender.If, under pangraph 21, Lender shill ncquirc or sell�he Ropeny,l.ender,prior to the�oquisition or sele - <br />_� of the Property,shall epply eny Funds held by Lender at�he time of acquisi�ion or sele ss a crcdit egainst the sum�secured by �:. <br /> = thi�Saurity Inanunxnt. k. <br /> = 3.Appllcetlon of Peymenta.Unless applicable law provides othenvix,all paynunu received by Lender under paragrapha C,;;;' <br /> ° I end 2 shali be eppfled: fiat, m ony prcpaymene cha6adue under the Nme:sccond,ta nmaums pxyable under parvgroph 2; Ft;;- <br /> = third,ro interest due.founh,to principal dur,nnd Inst. [o.ny luce charges due under the Note. ��;.'t: <br /> ._ 4.Chergea; Llms. Borrowcr shall pay ell texa. ¢ssessments,charges, fines und imposi�ionx euributable ro�he Propeny ��--: <br /> = which may attain priority ovcr ihis Sccurity Ins�mnMnt,and Icu.ehotd paymems nr gmund rcnts, if uny. Bormwer shall pay ��'.�._�-:.�� <br /> _ thae obligmioas in the manner prorided in pamgrnph 2,nr if no�µ�id in�hat manncr. &�rrower shell pay�hcm on timc dircctly ��:'._ <br />.- a�he person owcd qymcm.Uortowcr shull promptiy Nmish to LcnJer ail nnticca uf anx�ums io he paid under thia paragraph. - <br /> �;_. <br />-- If Bono�rcr maka ihuc paymcros Jirccdy.�orru�rcr sh�ll promptly furni.h to LcnJcr mcip�s criJcncing�hc paymenis. t:;�.•- <br />-- Borto�rer shall pmmplly diuhargc nny licn which hu priority oecr thi+Sccurity Instrunxm unlc.r Borroo�cr. (a)agrces in '- <br />.= wri�ing to ihc paymem nf d�c oblige�imi xcurccl by �hc licn in a manncr aitcp�ahlc to I.wJcr,th)a+mcsts in gnod fni�h�hc licn �'-'- <br />_ by. or defends ugaim� enfi�rcemm�o( �hc licn in. Icgal pnwecdings �vhich in t6e I.ender'+npinion npera�c ro prevent �he t'"' <br /> = enforcement of�hc licn:or IH.ccum from�he I�aIJe of�hc licn an agntmcnt,ati.faann� tn lAndcr wbordimting�hc lirn�o �!`=c: <br />:= Ihis Sttvri�y Inalrunxn�. I(tsndcr JACnninc.16ai :my Eun uf 1hc Prn�rty i..uhl�'�t In:� licn which mar auain priority ovcr F..,-. <br />-_ thi.Sccurily Irowmem. Isndcr nu���givc @,rn,acr a maia iJcmilring l6r licn. Hnrrnxcr .h:dl vni.fy Ihc licn nr�aAc anc or "•: <br /> - r:. <br /> _ morc of�hc aclionc x�fonit ahovc xi�hin 10 day+oi�hc gi�inf ol no�irc. ,: <br /> Porm3028 8180 �'���- <br />_ F�Ge>.�6 I <br />. , .�_. <br />'S���1�.�--� ...e-__.-.....__.-�... " ' . . _ <br /> '_„ r-rr.�� _ . . ._'. `. _ . � . . _ <br /> •y. . . _...,, ._� . . . . , . . . _ _ <br />.. . ... ._. . .. . ._ �. ... . . . . . :.-._.2.:`?cr'...�.. . .... . <br /> _ . _ _„ .. 1:.�:�.c:-J�;"'�r.,;' <br /> .'.,�y' .- . . . <br /> • '.j.i <br /> .: .5 '_ ..'. . <br /> [� . <br /> I!�•�J- . � . <br /> '.i i' .. i` . - . .. ' . <br />. 2e..,... _ . . . - , . <br /> j ' . . . ',. � . '� _, _�. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .1�J ,__ ., ._. . _, . <br />