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{ . f��:. . .=: ., ._ .. _._ �,.��c_c�. n _�_._ .. . �^ g . --__ ._ . <br /> T� . . ' . . .. ! " .�..— . .. <br /> . , _ � . . � . . 1 lf � SI <br /> 93=�.�d��t�tl , :: . :. <br /> cgndejn�utlono�o�hutekingotanypMotU�oAropttty,ortorcoM1Veypncelnlle44teoq4s�n►Hon,ncohenby�plgpedpgd = <br /> . . shail lapald io l.ender. . . � �. .. . . • - ---. ..- <br /> In tha avrn►ol e rotal teking ot Uw Propcny, the proceeda thall ba applied to tho wfis Kcured by thb 8audry <br /> ::�mu��� wtRther or hw 1hCn dua,wiN any oxass pald to Bormwer. In tho dvent of s p:ntal t�kSng af tho P�peny,in -- <br /> which ihe�'air market vatuo o(tho Propeny Immedlatoly bofore Ne Wcing in equal to orgrce tu�dan�ha amount ot tho wme <br /> «curcd by thb&owi Ineuumem ImmediarotY betoro the tekl unlea�Boirower uid Lendu othenqlae agteo fn wdeI�g, <br /> the suma earcd by th�s 8eeurity Inswment ahUl bo rcduad by��he amount ot�deprooeed�multfplied Dy the followJng <br /> heotbn: (o)�ho rotal emount of tha wrtu�ecured immedletely betoro�he teking,diddcd by(E)the telr merka vdua ot thv <br /> � ' Propeny Immedieuly beforo t�e telcing. My balance�hall be pald lo Bortower. In tho erent of e panlel teklng ot tde --- -� <br /> Propeny In whleh U�a falr market veluo ot tAe Propeny Immediately betoro the takG�g le les�hen iho emount of tho�umt <br /> eaured Immediatoly 6etoro�he �aking, unleae Bortower and Lender othenvim egee In wdiing or unlea applieable Iaw <br /> othenvlse providea,the proceeda nhall be�pplled to the�ums secured by thi�Secudry Inslrumwt whether or not Ihe aumf ere <br /> — then dua <br /> - Tf tAe Propeity U nbalMoned by Hortower,or If,efter notica by Lender to Bortower�het tha condemnor offen to meke <br /> - en award or cettle a claim tor damegea.Horrower fefla ro roapond ro Lender within 30 daya efla[ha data the notice laglven, _ , __ <br /> — Lender le aulAo�teed to mllece and epply the proaede,�t tro op�ion,e6her�o restaation or rcpalr of tha Property or�o�he <br /> :a. wm�seamd by�hla 3eeudry inaiNment,wheeheror not then due. <br />��_� Unle�.v Lender end Bortower othe�wise egrce In wrtflng,any applicatlon of poceeds ro principal shall not extend or <br /> �- posryone�ha due dare of�he monehly paymame rc@rted�o in pawgreplu 1 and 2 or change�he unoum of euoA paymenu. <br />`<� 11. Borrooer Not Releasedl For6earana 0y I.ender Not e Waiven Hxtenslon of [M1e time tor qymene or <br /> — modiflce�lon of eniortizeqon of the wm��ecurcA by thu Saurity In:miment granted by Lenda to my succes�or in imereat <br /> ot Bortuwer shall no[opemro to rcleese tha Ifability of the odginal Bortower or Bwrowerh�uccessora in interest.Lender <br /> .:� shell na be�q utred m commence procadtnga agelnst any successor in intereat a refuse io extend time for payment or = ._..._. <br /> .,:� otherwitt modify emonization of the aums secured by Nie Saurity Insdument by reuon of anydemmd made by the originel ��s,� <br />--.�-r� Bortower or Bortowert successon in intercst. My forbearonce by Lender in exeicisfng any dght or remWy shell not be e — <br /> -'-� waiver of or preclude the exercise of ehy right or rcmedy. R.x�,�� ;? <br /> 13. Sucttsson end Ascigna Oound;Jolnt end Severel Llabllity;Co•signen 1Le eorcnanu nnd egreementa of this fs <br />-:'_�a 3ecudry lnswment�helt bind¢nd benefit the sueasson and auign�o(Lender and Horrowec eubJxt to�he provisiona of —'i:;.��,;,_ <br /> -,� peregmph 17.Borrowerk covenanu and agreements shall be joint end ieveol. Any Bomower who co-afgna �hii Sauriry ��',� gri --- <br /> [nmument but daa not ezecute the Notr. (a)la co-�igning�his Saudry inatmment only to matgage,grxnt and wnvey�hat F' ,�-.... <br />�'?'� Bortowerk interest in the Propeny under�he[emu of�h(s Secudry InawmmC (b)ia not peROnilly o6tigated ro pay the cums -"'�iC':��';�?� <br />_-�:%i�� ceeured by�hie Security In:humenr,and(c)egree+ihet Lender end eny o�her Borto�rer may egrce to extend modity,forbear ��%��==�' <br /> ;, or make any acwmmada�ion. with �egard ro the terma of thia Security inswment or Ihe Note without�hat BorrowerL Y� �"� .. — - <br /> \� wnunt. zti��,,>� --. <br /> 13. Loan CharQes. If�he loan saured by�his Secudry Insuument is subjen to e I�w which seu mnximum Ioan - , r � <br /> -�� charges,end ihni law is finaliy interyfefed w ihn[ihe inkfeat ur oihcr iwn c6mgae�die�:tu1 ur lu Ge Wiiu:tid in ivTi�riAa�� °�p ; -----°� <br /> ;� with�hc loan exceed�he permlued limfts,ihen: (q any�uch loan charge ahell be reduced by the amount neceaaary ro rcdua c rti�*t'�.. _ <br /> �'d the charge ro Ihe pemiitted ifmiC and(b)nny xurtu al�eady collected from Bortowerwhich exaeded permitted Ilmiis�vill be 'f�r �� � �-"—; <br /> °�� rcfunded m Borcower. Lender may choou to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed mder ihe Note or by making a Ai����st�'� � <br /> ,�i dircet payment to 6ortower. If u rcPond reducea principal,the rcduc�ion will 6e truud as a pvtial propnymrnt wllhout eny � <br /> ; prcpayment charge under thc Note. �i�'�4�r�+��!� � <br /> J �14K tws:yt '� <br /> _:,,� 14. Noticea. Any notice �0 6ortower pmvided Por in this Security Imuumem shnll be aiven by delivedng it or by i� S �.� -} :. <br /> mailing it by fiRC class mail unless applicable Imv rcyuires um of nnmher meihod.'ILe notice slull be directed�o the Property . + {,� ���,,; - <br />- "•� Addrcas or nny other nddreca Bortnwer designntes hy natice to Lender. Any notia w LenAer shnil be given by first cless '�,_:�..:.,s�:____^-_ <br /> ?� mnil to Lenderk uddrcxs sta�ed hercin or my other address Lender designates by notia io Bortowcr. Any no�ice provided for ;'9}',�'1 zy� <br />--?'� in thia Sccuri�y Insirumem ahnll 6e decmcd m have Ixen given to Bovo�ver or Lender when givcn as provided in �his ` -�j`� �� � - <br />--.� PamgraPh. ;� . �.W'��F�`� -�-- <br />..•��v IS. Gorerning Le�r; Severobility. 7'hi. Securiry Inam�ment shall be govemed by fcderol law and tlie law of ihe i,��,�t.�_i:'y'�;:,;�`�;.;: <br /> --'.Y jurixdiction in which�he Propeny is iocated. In ihe event�hnt ony provision or duuse of�his Security Instrument or Ux Note �? �r s t YI.�;� - <br /> ?r; conilietR wi�h upplieoble Inw,wch mnllict shnil not o(fect other pravisionc of�hix Sauriry Ins�mment or the Note whieh enn .; �x«E-, ; ;-� <br /> be given effett wi�hom the wMic�ing provizion. Tu this end ihe pmvisions nf �his Securiry In+�mment ond �he Note are ",r ( ��� "`- <br /> -t;� declnredrobesevembie. �h��i �; : <br /> l6. Borro�rer'a Copy. Bortower shall 6c given unc cun(omud�ropy of ihe No�eand of this Sccuriry I�ntmment. r� ' ���? f4 '-� <br /> ] 17. 'I�a�fer of the Property or u 6eneticlol Interexl In Rorro�rer. If nll or my pnn of�he Property or any incerest in �, 5} n" �-W-� f�� - <br /> iil it is sold or tronsferted(or if a beneficial intemst in Bumnrcr i+wld or Inuufcrmd and Dortowcr is not a natunl persoN _iL«*� �13��'! <br /> -_'�� wi�hout Lcnderi priar�vriucn canum.Lendcr may,ut ict option,rcyuire imnxdiute paymem in full of all mms securcd by � ,'_, �'?S�, °. <br /> �his Security Instrument. However,ihis op�ion th�ll na�6e exerciseJ by Lender if exemise i+pmhibited by @deml Inw ac of , �.;?�< <br />'.-��� �hc da�c of�his Sccurny frowmcm. ' 'P t� i+� <br /> If Lender exercisex this up[inn.Ltnder.hall gire 8urm�ver nueice o(aader.nion. 71ie ndice+hall pmvide a period of %e a ; �;-S , ,� <br /> not Iess Ihan 90 da s fmm Ihe dale Ihe nolice is dclivemJ or mailed wiihin which Bortoaer mtw u all.ums cecurcd b this " 'b1 y�'�— <br /> Y P Y Y -j.�.; ..•�_.-r c:ylSf'::r <br /> - Sccurily Inawmcm. I(Bom�wcr(aiF. In pay Ihesc aum. prinr �o thc expir+�ion u(�hi+ period, Lcnder may invukc any <br /> rcmcdic.pcmiincd by this Stturiiy Imlrumcnt wilhnut Porthcr nnlicc nrdcni�nd nn Bam+wcr. <br /> IB. Borm�rePs RfRht la Reinstnh. If Bortower mcc�. cenain condilinn..Oormivcnhull havc thc right [o havc ?�����- - <br /> enloRCmcnt of Ihiti Scturily InslNmcill dhCOntinucd:tl an)'iinte�rinr 10 Ihe e:ldieroL' (.11$d0y�lor+uch alhcr PCriad'Ja - <br />-.:-� SmplrfamJ�-F'.nnle\tue}'�dl<NacCSIFON)161TNCVHVT-l'm4�mrt"menani. 9/90 y�ixN/np�ra� <br /> .:;� ,.'; .__ - <br /> _y <br />.�q � <br /> � ..�_ .,: . . -. <br /> b"?2F'��-c--'� .. ..,. . .. . . ... , ....-. . <br /> .;`)-. _ .. .. . . . __ . . <br /> ' ,,.Y.° _ " - . <br /> � 4 _ ; : <br /> � . ��.,_:_ .�:� . <br /> �y4,`' <br /> ��.�- ����.q' . . <br /> 11l� <br />_ ;,`:, ._�,�,"_ ... . <br /> •?:3.. '.i .... . .. . � . <br /> 1�� - .� - - . � ' <br /> � r ' sj{ <br /> 4 � C.i � . <br /> y� _ 5- _ . -_. <br /> Y ' F1 <br /> � � ` • tr , � i <br /> '_� . _. ` ' . ' . <br /> � <br /> : . <br /> . -. � !rt 4 : .. , .; : . <br />