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srr ____ _ . __ <br /> rFJr __ _ _ :. . _ ' ' . . . . .. • ..:- . ._ - JS> .... ...... . . . . . <br /> v_v� . - . - (,,_ - <br /> ....___.� �� - ' '��"�� �� <br /> v„��O���l/ , " . , ' . <br /> period�Ihat Lendor rcqulrce. 71ro lnwrence canier provlding the In�pranco�hnU be choson by Dorrowor cub]cct to LtlnEerti <br /> b�xaval u1�kh shalt nai ta unr.asarably withhxid. If 8ortocr�i fafls m m�inratn cavcrage dcacdb;��tavr,l.enderfiny,bt '.. <br /> � Leedeif optton,obmin cover�tl�o proicet Leoderb dgh�a In tho Propeny In acooNance wlth parogropA 7, � <br /> Aq Inswmeap�Ileloe ana rcnnw�h ehnq be acap�ebla to Lender nnd eM1ati Inctudo a etenderd mottgage etauae. Ltnder _ _ _ <br /> �hell heve tho dght to hold the polick�end renawate. ll lender rrquiroa,Dortowor�hell promp�ly glve to Lender all recelpro <br /> of pald prcmluma end rcnowol noticw. In�he ovenc ot lora,Bortower eheil Rlve p�om{u noqce to�ha In:urenx tartler and <br /> I.endu. Lendermay make prootof los�If na mede promptly by Borrowu. <br /> Uniess Lender and Bortower othernlu agrce In writing,inauranca proceede chdl bo epplicd to rosto�ation or rcpalr of <br /> ` ' _' t�e Pro�y damagcd,if�he rcsro,a�ion or mpair i�emnomicaliy feaaible end LenderY kcudry ia no[lusened. It�he ��_:-- `-._��� <br /> rcstomt on or repnir Is not eoonomlally feast6lo or Lendcrb saurity aould be lascned,�ha Inaurenca proaeds sheil bo <br />_____ nppiied ro tha wms eaurcd by�hfa Seeurhy inatmmen6 whcther or noe�hen due,wieh eny exaa�pald to Bortowee Il <br /> Bortowa ebendon�tha Propttty,or das not answu wlehin 30 day� e naice from Cenda that the Insumnco carrier hm <br /> offercd to sottle a olaim,�hen Lender ma�collect the insurcnce procuda. Lender may use the pmueds�o rcpatr or rutoro <br /> �he Pnperty or ro psy sums eecured by�h a Secudty instrumen4 whe�her or not then due. 7Le 3Pdey perlod will begin when <br /> --- �e nodca ia given. <br /> - Unlaa Ltnder and Borrower otherwise agra in wdting,eny appIlcation of proaeda�o pdceipal�heil not extmd or - - � �-� ��- ---� <br />_ postpone Iha due date of the monthly paymemx rcferted to In pangrephs 1 end 2 or eM1ang¢�ho omoun[of�he p� entn. It <br /> -._.=� wder paregreph 21 tha Property la ecquircA 6y Lender,Bonowerk righ[to eny insumnce pollcla end p�rcsulting <br /> -'-. "'"— hom damage ro tha Propeny prbr ro�he ecqalsition�heil pasa ro Lender co�he extent of�Ae iuma securcd by this Secwity <br /> «.'� Inatrumrnt Immedietel prbr ro tho acquiaitlon. <br /> ��:s 6. OccupMCy,YPrecerreqon, Malntenana end Proteclian of Ihe Propertyt Borrower'e Loan Appliwtlon� <br /> "°`°,: Leaseholda. Bortower chell occupy,establi:h,and use�he Propercy ea Bortowerb pdncipal rcaidence w(thin dxty day�etter <br /> � the execution of�hls Secudry lmwment end ahell continua ro oaupy the Property es Bortower`�pdncipal resldenco for at . ..___.. <br /> ;;;;�t;;:` least one year aRer �he dete of occupancy, unless Lender aherwise agrces in wdting, whieh consent shall not bo . <br /> .s%.c�r+�� unreasonably withheld,or unleu extenueting cfreumstancea exist which ere beyond Bortowerb control. Borrower shatl not <br /> `�"'S"'-�" dutro d�me e or im Ir the allow the Pro n ro deteriomte,or commit weste on the Pro n Borrower�hell F:,;t.. <br />.:;?<:,�. Y. 8 Pa RuPonY. P� Y P� Y• �i-r, .;.. <br />'�._;:;�;.:�' be in defeult itany fodeiture ntion or proceeding,w6e�her civil or criminal,ia begun that in I.enderh good feith judgmrnt �'�.F,_--. <br /> : eould result in fadeimre of ihe Property or otherwise mareriuliy Impair the Ilen crceted by lhis Secudry Insuument or �-._- <br /> S� Lenderh aecuriry interest. Borto�ver may curc nuch e detault nnd rcins�a[e,as provided in pamgreph 1 B,by eausfng the action �t,e,;: <br /> yy t or proceeding W b¢dismissed wi�h a mling tha4 in Lenderh good(ailh determinetion,precludes Podeimre of Ihe Bortowerb - :- <br /> ri F,: interut in�he Propeay or other mercriel impai�ment of the lien creared by this Securiry Inswment or Lendert secudty ��r�- <br /> +.,�� intercst. Dorrower shall also be [n default If Dortower, during �he Ioan appliceGon pracaa, gave matedally faLse or ��ta �:-' _ <br /> �,-�r: ineceumte in[omietion or statemema ro Lender(or failed to provide Lcndcr wi�h eny ma�eriel infortnetioN in conna�ion with � ; _ <br /> #T -�'T,'� the Ioan evideceed by �he Note, inciuding, but not limited to, rcprexmations wnceming Bortowerb occupancy of the �� ;�, � ��- <br /> A��i+;, Propeny n�a principal rcsidenw. If this Sauri�y Inswment ix on a leuehold.Borrower xhall comply wl�h all Ihe provisiona +%�:" = <br /> o!the ka«. If 8arroixer a;qu:rcs f titl^.to th:ftnrny.thz k:.;t5cld an�:�t�.-tit�:ahall n:.t m::rge nnl:a La�xi::r agr�ex " --" �� --- <br /> ?st �� to�he merger in writing. r=' — <br /> V�: !�n v/ .=. <br /> 7. Prottctlon of Lender'a Rfghta In the Property. If[iorrower fuiln to pedortn �hc rnvenenu end egreementa pi,,<�,���,� <br /> " �%'� conteinW in �his Securit Insimmen6 or�here is a le el rocecdin thot m¢ i� mficantl ¢ffect LenderS d hts in the h''4$�"�`•°---- <br />:�„y.��,,t Y 8 P S Y ��8 � Y 8 .s�i�17..5,awas.��. <br /> ;,�,��,, Propeny(such ea e praceedinE in 6ankruptcy,probnrc.for mndemnntion or foReiturc or m enforce Iuxa or rcgula�ions).�hen 4;ts,,t��j• �,��;j��s�_ <br /> .tr ' Lender mey do and pay Por wha�ever is nece.smry io pro�ect�he vulue ot the Propeny and Lenderl righu in ihe Property. '�- c•fn+ra} <br /> -���.1� Lenderh ections may include paying eny mms securcd by a lien�vhich hns priority over this Securily InsirumenL appearing - ��d1z����',� N�__; <br /> � ,'St in coutl,p�ying reasanable anomrys'tees und entering on the Pmpeny to make rep�irs.Ahhough Lender mey teke nction l (+�T <br /> �-`Cr T a'_ � � -_ <br /> -�--c under ihis paregmph 7.Lendcr dces no�haee to do m. - x�t 111�, a 1.� -.-.. <br />.._y�y_ ;�`.�- Any emoun�s disburxd by Lendcr under this pamgr�ph 7 shnll bemme uddilianel de6t of Borto�ver ucurcd by lhia , :�i��'�,�_`�;`.V_'�"'�� <br /> r�-"�:, Seeurii inswment. Unless Bortoiver nnd Lender a ra to o�her�cm�.t of a mcm,�hesc nmounis shull bew intercs[from the F '� 7 �� <br /> fit_;�%' dxte otdisbuaement at�he Norc m�c and shnll M1c s� nble,wilh intcrosL uy n notiw from Lender ro Bo`ro�ver ues�in �{'4"��r i --� <br /> .�u:',` paymenc. PY P� rc9 8 o-�< <, .'r� �'"� �T.'•. <br /> �- t?. & Mortgege [nsurana. If Lendcr rcyuircd mortFagc insunnce na n�rondi�ion of muking thc loan securcd by ihis 'i��ay;� �4 �� <br /> �y�,�{ Securily Instmment. 6ortower shall pay Ihe prcmium,rcymred la maintain�he mungngc insumntt in effceL If,for eny f7 -r ,� h}Y`�*'¢' ' <br /> tir�.¢. reawn. Ihe mortgage inxumnce cuvemge reyuired by LenJer lap+es or aaw. m be in effec�, Borrower shall pny �he � _ � F� �# �`_ <br /> prcmiums rcquircd to obtoin covernge wb�mntinlly cyuivaicm io �he mnngage inwmnce previously in efkct,nt n cosl f � - 4 �b ' T �-- <br /> ��'y <' wbstnnlieily equivalent�o ihe cmt lo Dartuwer of�he mungage inwmnce prev�ouzly in e(fect,from an altemate mangage �����'�?'#3 ��� a;�- <br /> i �-^ insurer appmved by Lendec If substaneialiy eynivalem mnngnge imumuce a�veruge is not availabie.Bortox�er shall pay to ). •^5 t�1�? '- �� <br /> Sf�-rf� Lender cach manth u sum eyual m one-nvcl0h of the��early mongage inwnnce prcmium being paid by Barto�ver when the F`� ':;,.a i ?r ���` <br /> tr + --�- insurence covenge lapsed or ceaxd m he in effec�. L.nder a dl accept.ux anJ m�ain�hne piymema a+n Iass reurve in lieu '�-�;� ���� t_.., <br /> y ia•- of mortgeae insurnn�r. Locc rcurve p:iymene. may nn Innger Ix reyuind,a� �he np�ian a!Lender.if mongage insumnce ' - ; ���F y' �:�y <br /> c^:;�;.5' mvemge(in the nmumn m�d(ar thc peri�d ihat LcnJ.r rtyuirnl pmvidcJ by an in.urcr.�ppm.�cd by Lcnder again bccamc+ �%i•.'•,�:1.�.;,�`hr�;,�y>- <br /> �. ' ' evailnble and isobtaincd.Burrox•er+hall pa���he pmnium.mqnircJ�o mam�aim m�ngage imurance in cRca.or to pmviJe a : ;i§ti �':=: <br /> �t. „ Iatt rcserve.umil�he reyuircment for mnngage in.unnce accnrdance�ci�h any��rinen agrcemem bencecn Bortower �--� e,' `��� n � ' <br />.,;�,}.-� andLenderora licablelaw. -,� .., •- >�!.,;" <br /> PP � <br /> �� N�:� 9. Inspecflon. l.endernr m:q•maAc maumabte cmric. upnn end in.�c�imm�f�he Pmpeny. LenJer.hall -� .'''� -� "�. <br /> - i': give 8ortowerm�icc a��hc�imc nf or prinr to an in.�.�ian.�ul�mg rc.uunahlc umv Inr Iht in.�clinn. ' : :i. <br />. .i�,:�.;;;. 10. CondemneHon.�arJordaimlorJ.imagcwJvca�orann.avrycnlial.inrnnncriionwilhany. ` - . . <br /> � � timklwd FannlrflveRedEk�l�rl\IFtlp\II\SIRf\IE\f��l'nn.nmt"maunn 9�90 !n - .. <br /> �i F )"' �ryer�.. ry��i <br /> �'.-.�._ � ■ •'ttC..'`l ��� <br /> `�;F:.- i��Nt1:Yl IAOST9J41GFM61cUlllll . . . , . <br /> - • f..•. <br /> ;:y_T..[c s," . - . <br /> -1� a �. `_"`"`FT°e`1'..'.-r_� �'__'.�........._ .. " . . , :�r- .! : .,i�. , ' . <br /> 3A .f . . . . - . " _ _ . i. �. <br /> I/• <br /> S -�_t.).1.�: _ <br /> � : . � - - � .- .. � . . . <br /> � � '` 1 - " ' ' . <br /> I Ij l <br /> _L!rc•.:�A;.'��� . , - ' <br /> � `+;'� rr- . .. � - . . � <br /> � �3:-. c it,`; _' . . � . . <br /> _{J q�'. `4'� � Y . . <br /> N/' - _ __ ' . . _ <br /> .(. _l_. ;' ' _ . . <br /> �'� <br /> >< < � ir `. t ' <br /> '� . �� i . -� � .. . . ` ' <br /> i> f> :. { -�-�� . 4 � <br /> Sy '--�F f- - a 3 • . .'f � J ,.� y- '- <br /> �iC 1 1� If 1 ' . - <br /> . 1- -' � . l - . . t � . .� <br /> ' � .. } -. � .� <br /> ( y f . [ )� � 1 <br /> .. v,. � _ f• .�. __> �r .J.-l.. � "l. ./.. . 1 �_.. . r .. .�1 ri _. ... ..-�.. 'It .._ . �.���._ .J <br />