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��-._.-._ . T. - : . : . y.: �� y . _ . <br /> _ " . . � .__ ' " ._.._ ��. -a. .:_ .�' _ /� __ ._— . . <br /> . <br /> ' �qQ S./� /���/� _ __ . . . <br /> . . . -� ._ " . _ : _ . q+V.�V��r}�t — __.. <br /> appltc�blo lew may epecify(or�rinatatement)befqre ede ot the Propa�y purouant to eoy poWet yf etle ccnitfileA!a thia c. <br /> r <br /> SxudtylnSWSrc,�l.otN)�YOteJudg�unttafordngthla9eaAry�uwmm� 16osetwodqlontetet6atBauatvrac_W <br /> pr�ye Lender�I wm� which then would be duo wder ttiia 8ecudW Inauument end No Noto tw If no asoelet�BaA,hBP <br /> occurred;(b)sx�ref u�Y defaut4of any otLu oovenanro o�agreemcnro;(c)payn ell oxpenua Incurnd in cntorcing thb SCCUdry <br /> InsW�nent,liiCludlag.D0t IIOI II1p11tA 10�fEAf0118D10 Y(tORl0Y8'teoai aed(d)takce�uch acfion a�I.ernter may.reuon�b iy --- <br /> rcquiro to pawre tha the lisn o►thla 8ecudty Uuwmcn6l.enAerl dghu fn tho Propeny�nd 8omowul o�Hgadon toppy Uw <br /> sum� cuu�ed b �h1a BecuAry insaument �h�ll continua unehanged. Upon Minstatement by Bortowu. U� Security <br /> Iastrument end�e oDUgation�cecurcd hereDy iha11 rcmain N11y e(fecqve es It no aaelere�lon hed occurted. Howevar,ttil� <br /> -- righttorclnstaro6he11noteppiyln�hecaseoTuafcra�lonunduparagmphl7. _ _ <br /> 19. Bak of Note C6�nge oi Wan&rtiar. 1TU Nao or a puUat(nerres�N the Now(wgethu with Nla 8ccurl�y T <br /> Insaumenp m,y 6e eold one or moro times M�hout rior noliee ro Bortowee A ule may result ln e ehange la tM entlry <br /> pmown a�the Wan Servlar")that coliecte monthiy�pdyinenu due under the Note end t�ts 8ceudry ImwmenG 7Twro el�o <br /> may 6e ona or moro changta ot the Lo�n SeNlar onY�lBfeQ ro e Oalo of�he Nota U thete la a chengs of the Loan Servieer, <br /> Bortowu wilt be given wri¢en notice of tho chuiga in eocordance wltbparagrapb 14 ebove end eppIica6b law. 'R�e nWce <br /> w11i�tnte the name md addros�o!U�e new Lom Servicer end tlie addrese�o whlcA psymente should bo made. 7t�e no�ice will <br /> - dsoconuinmyotherintommtionroqulrcdbyepplicablelaw. <br /> 20. Hawrdous BuDslanae. Bortower chaU not cauae or pem�tt Uu presence,we,dkposel,qoraga or releese ot eny <br /> Hazardou�Subswka on or In the Propeny Bortower�hall not da nor a11ow anyone clse�o do,anything affec�ing O�e <br /> Property thet is In vblatlon otmy L'nvlronmenW Law. 7fie praWtng two ecntenua�hnil not epply to Ne pretenca uce,or <br /> storege on the Properry of smell qumtitiee ot H�zerdoua 3ubateaa��a�ue genereily ruo�iud ro be eppropdaro�o nortnet <br /> __ ruidentiel usea and eo melntenanoe ot the Proputy. <br />== Bortowu ahail promptly give I.endu written notia ot any investlytton,clalm,demand,Iawsut[or o�her edion by any <br /> � govemmental or rcgulatory agency or pdvnea parly Involving the Propr+ty and any Ha�aMow Substana or Bnvironmental <br /> Law of whicb Bortower Iw ectual knowledge. It 6ortower leams,or la notitkd by any govemmenWl or ngulalory - � ----- <br />�;x� authodty,that my temovel or other rcmedia�on of any Hazerdoua Subs�nnce aRecting fie Propeny 1a nxessary,Borrower -- <br />;_%� �heil prompUy take ell neusx+ry remediA eetlans In eaordena with Bnvironmentel Lew. ��. <br />-.:'� Ae uuA in this paregnph 20.'Hazerdous Substencea"arc those mMtances defined ea toxic or hezazdom aubstenca by �,_s�.:_�� <br /> BnvlronmenW Lnw and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene,aher ilamm�bte or roxic petrolwm producta,roxic d=��--� <br />:_=1a pea�icldef and Aerbicidw,rolatile wlvema,maerleii wnteining aabestos or fomialdehyde,and redtoaaive meteri�ls. As <br />_ _,� used fn thlt para�aph 20,"Fnvironmentel Levf inew federel lawe and I�wa of the Jurisdietion whero the Property i�loceted � �_ <br /> >r �het relete ro heelth,aehry ot environmenrol protxtlon. ,t <br />-,,;;� NON•l1NIFORM COVBNANTS. Bortower and Lender Ponher covenant end egrce e�followr. f ...:� _ <br /> .`;i 3L AccelereHon� Rcmedlea. Lender�hall gfve nodce to Borrower pr�or to ecceieration fotiowing BorrowePe �t°� ew—so:�' <br /> � � breacM of any covenant or egreement in thh BecuAty Instrument @ut not pdor ro ncceieretton unAer paragraph 17 �H* _�. <br /> uNes applicable latv prorida otherwlse). 1rie notice ahall npecify: (a)the defaultc @)the actlon requlred to cure Ihe i`Ci• ��— <br />�-�>i'� detault;(c)e date,mt lea�tAan 30 daya han the date lhe notice b�iven ro Borco�ver,by wAlch ihe detault muat be ��"r."�'.�;a;�- <br /> - ` euredJ end(d)thatfafiure lo wre the defeuit on or Defore the aete specined in me notice may reauii in acceleraiion of ° � j --:s�y,� <br /> `3+� lhe sum�secured by this Saurfty instrument and sele of the Properly. The notice shall Nrther intorm 6orrower oi �y,*i .r �� � <br /> `i the right lo relnstete after acceleratlon and Ihe right ro bdng e court actton to asurt the nomex(stence of e detault or j '�t�L`�'��} � — <br /> A an other defense of 6orrower to ecceleratfon and sale. If the deteult U not cured on or betore the dete e ttifled tn '���`�'�:'•'s rS=��'-�-� <br />'.;�C� Y P r,i�'l,r,tt�ts��.;�:r— <br /> the nodce,l.ender et tte optian mey require Immediate paymeM in NII of ell sumc saured by thia Securfty instrument ��pt�r,�y�:n,;,�a..—,r— <br /> �vlihout turther demand end ma invoke Ihe o�rer ot aele and on other remedies ermitted b a Iicable lex: ;V'��ryF'+•?i�f�r+:�. <br /> Lender fieil be mtttled to mllal ell ex enses fncurred In urauinY fhe remedies rovided (n thla ePe e h 21, `�.Y'��;'`"' '�� <br /> P P G P P 8� P � `S� Lt�' <br /> -�,`��, Intluding,butnotllm(tedro,reasonebleelrorneys'feeaandeostsoflitleevtdenm fY.,�r,�1)�{t == <br />_;'�1 Property b IocatM a d'sheil ma 1 co�plee of mch ootice In the menner�reacr@ed by epplicable lew�6orioi er and[o f'i t j,y,j����°' <br /> �l the other ersonf rescribed b e Iicable Iew. ARer the tlme r u red b o plicable la�x 7Yusfce ehell ive ubltc ? >s --+ �'�-:. <br /> P P Y PP e9 Y P B P , ,� p�E, <br /> ._�� notice of enle to lhe personn and In Ihe manner pracribed by epplfeebte lu�v, 7Yustee.�dthout demand on Dorro�rer, � { vrt.)1�t�i -' <br />-_j� ehall eell lhe Properly et public auctlon ro Ihe hlghert btdder et Ihe Iime end plett and under the term�deilgnated In r �1 aiy �.. ., <br /> the noqce of wle in one or more parceta and�n any order 7Ymtee dererminea. Trustee may postpone aeie of all or eny >>;nt„s h 7;r 7,l, .� <br /> ._�� percel of the Property by public announcement et the tfine and plett of eny prevlovaly uheduled sele. Lender or tts � ���a:,,`+sl : <br /> �• dealgnee may purehase the Property et eny eale. �.. <br /> , Upon receipt of payment ot Ihe price bid,7Yustee ahell delirer to 1he purchuer 7Yustee'a dced rnnveying Ihe F r� `'��,:'� -.. <br />��?y Properly. The reeHale In the'I�uata's decd ahell be prima fecie e�idence of the Iruth ot Ihe statemmts mede Ihercin. ��yjN•�+��5q��.��'�" <br /> _;� 7tuxtx shell applr the proceeda of lhe sele in the follo�rin�order: (el m all casls and ezpenses of ezerclsing the po�rer ,b .. ,� '- <br />_:�� r .iS�itt �lt.� <br /> 1 <br /> ?.xt' t,aS }�i�.. <br /> , �'S. <br /> r�(�1:''.��: �.��{�2.i_•�: <br /> r ' � � .. <br /> 1' c .y���3 '_ <br /> y t . `c <br /> - � :i��, .:.... �" <br /> -�i _ ;.i:,�r1i;: <br /> ':f <br />_ '}� <br /> - Porml02N 190 .ryc<<.,lnryan. � <br /> ,'y" <br />_ ���1,'., � - . <br /> 4'. <br /> . �ti...�_i��.n�:..-��ri r-AaDn.l _..n. . ..'.A. ..r . .::1 �°lr : -+r-.-^o:.,r. _ n:•[1::�..���_.. -�-� <br /> } I f \. � <br /> .�i:,:-.`" . �., . �� � - . . <br /> �-,�' . .. .-. - -_ . �- _ . <br /> .r; <br /> il .- -",: -.-... . . . _ <br /> } ,-__ _ _ -. _- . . . _ _ '_ " ' _. <br /> 3• >f .>S.- - . . . <br /> i � � - . <br /> vy � r:q - ' - - . . <br /> _.,a.:f`,;- . � - . <br /> -�:J/.�i' .T_�' ' ' _ <br /> `� t ] . <br /> '{ yft< '_ . . .. �i .. <br /> I •� > 1 <br /> ) y + " � . ' _"' t . <br /> `� f Y <br /> - �t �t � ) st 1 ,_� t � <br /> l Jrh- � - \1 L qp Y � <br /> 2 l r t J �. <br /> . -.t r - _ . . i..�... t�: , ._tf._i� +..� . . , �` . . � .. . � .. - . . . . �:�.��. .. ._ . ���' ._ - � ! <br />