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" S.�" - .. .� �. � ...' �.; .i.. . -�-:��fi r1f'1� � i-(��di n:` .. <br /> � � '� . (` n tl�.,�-,d�M!���' i t ;{� t. <br /> �({ �_ '. <br /> i l �' i <br /> 'CAOB`11I�tWP�7rn114h41mpfoYSmem�flo�ot.Masi(1�tttsteCanWepio�iecry.andellehu�te �o�ur[ee�ece�. - <br /> o(id fixtorea�ow or herfnt�er s part ot Rw pmpert�, Ai)re Acefn�nte end eddlcionb ehYll itt6 bb wvaed,by t�[a Bbcu�iry ,�'- . :� <br /> fnsdum�nr. Alla�4heforcgotngiomtcrtedtqinrNaSccudry��nu�n�n�wub^?ropenq.•- . :. <br /> BORRQWP�i[QOYdNA1�b thet ooaawuleiavit`Ully soiiea of Ne sstato1�ucby canvoyW end t�as the178h1�o�nt- �``- -- <br /> a�id canvey the Froperty and ihat tAo Propeny h unenambered,except for encu brapoen of r�cord Bortowu wei'ram�end � �, ; <br /> w1lldetenO geneNly.�ie Ut10 to1hO Properly o8dast di ctalmsanddemanda,►ub�ateo any encumDronCC�atraord, <br /> 7Hl9 BpCURTI`V IN9"1RU1vIADPI'oombin�a iinl(omt oovenente for nnqonel Ueo and non•unitomi covenanp-tvith°; : . .'� <br /> Iimped vq{atloru bY�udcdteqon to wngttute e uaifoim cu.y�qry Inswment covwing rcal D�Y• - <br /> UNiF4AMCOVBNAN7'8. Bortowaendl.endercovuuntandagrco asfoliows: ' . . - <br /> 1. P*yment of Pr1aGpW aad Iaterest�Frepayment and Lata C6nrges. Bortowu sha11 ptomptly pay when duci tla <br /> p[inclpaIotendinterostonNedebtevldenoedbythoNo�aandanyproprymentandlarochargeadueunduthoHOto. <br /> 3. I�Unda tor'puea add[nsuronce. SubJect to epyIlceble law or 10 a wrlaen walver by Lender,BorroWp ahell pay ro <br /> 4aMer on the day montNy paymenb ar¢dua under the Note,unHl the Noro Is pild in N16 a tum("IVnds")tor.(e)yearly <br /> taxes end assesamenp whtch m�y aitain prlodry over�hb Secu�iry Inawment aa a lien on the Property;@)yeuly leuehold _ __ <br /> Paymente or growd renu on Q�e Propnty, it eny,� (o) yearly hazerd or propeny Nsurance prcmlums; (�yeedy flood <br /> nsuranea prcmium�, It any; (e)yearly mottgage inau�moo premiuma,lt eny:and(Q any surtu psyabte by Bomwer to <br /> Leuder,in aaordance w(th tho�rov4lom of pangreph 6,in liw ot thopayment of mortgega insurense premtuma. 7hew <br /> Ireme are ulled"Burow Tteme. I.endw mey,et any tim0.coAect md hotd Wnd�in an emowt no[to exceed tAe meximum <br /> amount a lender tor a tederally roleted mortg�ge toan may reqdro for BortowuY eacrow axoun[under fhe kdual Reil <br /> 8s�ete Seniement ProcWures Act of 1974 ae emendM firom dme ro Wna,l2 U.S.C.p 2601 rr req.C�PA").untesa uwtha <br /> !aw that appltea to tha Ivnda seu n losser amounc If eo,I.ender may,st any dme,collxc and hold Punda in en emount not to <br /> oxcad tho Iesaer emwa. Lender mny esHmate the mwunt of Ivndc dua on the basis of cmront d�ta end reawnabla °-- --- <br /> e�amatp of expendiNros of Poturo Hurow Irome or otherwiae in aaordanca with�ppIlcable law. <br /> 7tia iNnda ehall be held in an InaiNdon whose depoaita ere inwrcd by a fedcral egency,instrumam�iry, or entltr <br /> (Including Lender,it I.ender Is wch an inadtudon)or in eny Federol Home Loan B�nk. Lender chall apply the I+undf w pay - � <br /> tha&crow Itema. L.ender may not eherge Bortower for holdina end epplying the i4�nd+,ennunlly enaly9ng the aerow -- <br /> axount,or verilying tho Escrow Items, unless Lender pay� Bortower Intereat on �he Amda and epplicable law pemNu <br /> I.ender ro make such a cfierga. However.LmMa mayrcq uim Hofrower ro pay e one-dme charge for m tndependent real - <br /> u�ata tax 2porting urvice used by Lender(n connecdon wlth thia loan,unlea apyIicable Iaw proWda o�henvlu. Unkas an <br /> agreement ie made or eppilceble law requirea Inttteat ro be paid,I.ender ahall not be rcqulrcd ro pay Bortower eny interest w <br /> eaming�on the Plmd�. Bomowcr end Lender mry agra in wdting,however,�hat inrerost shell be peid on�he Mnds. Lendu ==-_.-_. <br /> ahall gfve[o Bortower,wtthout cherge,en ennual eccountlng ot U�e Pund�,ehowing crcdiu end deb(te ro the Amda uW the =� <br /> puryox for which eech deb(t to tho 1'hnda was mede. 7Tie Ahnd�ere pledgW aa edditlonil euuriry tor�i sum�securcA by <br /> thf�Seewiry inst�ument. <br /> ii the Funds heid by Lender oxcad tix unoume pefmltteA to be he16 by nppllcaDle Inw,i,enau eha� aceount to -----°-°� <br /> Bo�wer for�he exces�F�nda in eccordance wIN the requircmenn of applicabie Inw. It�he amount ot the IUnda held by `-:: <br /> Lender et my time ia nat sufficfent to pay�he Eserow Itema when due,Lender mey co notlty Bortower in wddng,u�d, in _-'_`;�?_- <br /> such caae Bortower thell pay io Lender Ne unount neaasvy to make up the deflcieney. Dortower shall meke up the <br /> deflctency in no morc than twelve monthly paymrnu,et Lenderb soie diuruion. �;:_;;-- <br /> Upon payment in PoII of all sums ucured by thia Secudry Inswmen6 Lendu ahWl promptiy rctund to Bolrower eny y;,�c�,�_�,;;__, <br /> Wnds held by Lender. If,under paragreph 21,I.ender�hall ecquirc or ull�he Properry,Lender,prior ro the ecqulaliion a �1p;;5-�,;: <br /> eate of the Propeny,ahell epply eny[i�nds held by Lender ot�he time ot acqWsNon or eNe es a ercdit agNrot Ne sums Q;���==-.� <br /> : r,._,,.:,- <br /> seeurcd by�his Saurity Imwment. -G�_��-;.�=�:. <br /> J. Applicatlon of Payments. Unlas eppliceble law prorides o�herwiae,ell paymenu reaived by Lender under Sn,�Y;;�;�:�:-- <br /> paragmphs 1 md 2 shatl be epplied:fin4 ro eny prepayment charges due under the Note;cemnd,ro emaunts p�yebte under �::=*!��u't"� <br /> parograph Y;third,m Intercat due;fourth,ro principal due:end IesL lo any laro cher6u due under�he No�a :��'i i'�i?;:_: <br /> :�-:<'-+5- <br /> 0. Chargea; Llent. Bortower shall pay dl texea, asuasmenta,chmgea,flnee ond Impositions ettd6ulsbte to Ihe . _t._c•.,-. <br /> Pro n whlch me euefn riori� over�his Savdt Instrument,and leasehold a cnla or "t:r��i��"''�- <br /> P� Y Y P Y Y P Ym Bround«nu.[f any. Bamwu t._,,,_;.,,, <br /> eheil pay Ihese obifge[iom in�6e manner provided in paregreph 2,or if no[paid in�hat manner.Bortower ahall pny�hem on ��3,.�R��;(;, <br /> time direetly�o�he person owW paymem. Bortower ahall promptty fumish�o Lender all noiices of amoums to be paid under �gs,S[�n``f'': <br /> �his qragreph. If Borrower meka�Iwse paymems dircctly,Bortower shall promµly Pomish ro Lender rcceipu evidencing ,iTj;:.(,?i_,-,.,; <br /> �hepaymems. ,.. s�,�,,,.,.. <br /> 3,t7..:.;; <br /> Borrowerahall promptly diuharge any lien which has priorityover�his Security Instrumen�unless Bortoxxr.(a)egrea �`rt,"�sF��;._ <br /> in writin ro the mene of�he obli a�ion�cufed b the lien in n manner acce mble�o Lender.(b)camesu in }s`�'�=�=��•.-. <br /> 8 WY 8 Y p good fei�h the <br /> Iien by,or dtfends ageinst enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in ihe Lenderh opinion operate io prevent the ���u5?%';t�;-� <br /> enfoaement of�he Iien;or(c)secums(rom ihe holder of the lien an a reemem se�isfacro to Lender subordimtin �he Iten �',"�^`"='-�� <br /> to Nis Secari Insirument. It Lender detertnines ihat an 8 ry g "`���`�'��>"-'-�_ <br /> ry y pan o(�he Property is subject�o a lien which may anein priority .,,�.i�,,.,.;�,___� <br /> over�hia Security Inatmmen6 Lender may give Bortower a noticc identi(ying the lien. Bortower shall sa�isfy the lien or take -;�i�T:;�;_;- <br /> . i::•..:�s_; <br /> one or morc of the ections u�fonh above wi�hin 10 days of the giving o(mtice. , r. ,,--- <br /> S. Hezard or Property Insurante. Bortower shall keep thc improvemems no�v existing on c�reaRer erccced on the :�;�:��'=:-�'�� <br /> Property insured against bss by firc,liazerds included wi�hin Ihe tem"extended coverage"and any ather havudc,including 5^y.f;';,� `� <br /> floods or flooding,for which Lender requircs insurance. "Ihis in+umnce shall M meimained in ihe amoums and far the ����;�,;. <br /> Form30!! fq0 �p�rInJ6Nxn� <br /> 1 , . <br /> ; <br /> -� �:� -r,.....-. .,_. . -- _ . . . <br /> '_��!�`i::�,.`.' - . " � . . <br /> °._ist^ ..;'::`''- . <br /> ( r. _' _'_ _ - -- , . <br /> i �,� <br /> Y 1 + <br /> �h�r.��' ' _ .� - <br /> �:�[ l.-. ' . . <br />�'(.-. . � " . . <br /> S_�'..: • - .. . . <br /> X_ _ . . . " . _ . ' . _ _ <br /> - �i S} li _ - . . <br /> f i <br /> a. _. F -o.i 7 '. � <br /> t � <br /> ti i -e� � i- . . _ _ .. . � _ . <br /> � � �. <br /> r_ r i yq, <br /> S•,f.. . � , l., �. ...6i l5:. _ _ ".. . ._. . . . '" � . .. , � �,3.�:,. . ' . 1�' . <br />