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<br /> _ -Y._� 22. Eis�r���4eyance. 1Jpon paymem af nll nun�r .r��;��r�y1 hy Qds ticcurl�y Inwtcun�4nt, t.cndcr shull rc��ur�1 'll�u•tce lu ' � - -
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<br /> = . .� Instniment tc►'llustec. 'Ih�htrc ,hcH� nrconvey ihc i'mpcny wiitiuut ���iii,►�ty� :�n�i«•ithout cfi;�r�:r tn tim {��r,�n� or �ic��:;oiiti !-:: ��.� .:;. _,_
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<br /> 0.:_,.�,:"•. �1. Sutist�tutc'�ustcc. l.cndar.at i�w��ptlu�i,mi►y 1'�am�imc tu�imr�Ym�,vc'ttu�trc nnd i�p�wint i►tiuccr�sur I�Yistcc t�� � ° � -
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<br /> °�"''` "'��., 1Vithout cunvc)�nncc oP thu 1'rapcny. Ihe succcs+ur tru�tr�� sh��ll .uccccd Iu adl thc 1111�. puwi�r nnd duliis canfcrreQ upun . ` , , .`
<br /> � � 'IiYistca hr.�cln i►nd by upplicnhlc li�w, �
<br />—�: -";'.;'-`- 24. ItCt�uCSt Por Notlees. Han�u���cr rcyuerts Ihnt cc�pics uf thc notic�s uf dePuuh wtJ tinle tx:sent ti�Hurruwcr\ud�ires� �� - -.
<br /> '��' ,' which is tho Property Addr�ss. �,
<br /> °��=�.. ��� ZS. Rldrrs M thl�Sccurlty Inslrumcnl. If cm�ur ntorc �idcrx a�rc�xccutcd hy 13ui7uwcr und rec��rdcd tagcthcr with
<br /> - -= Ihi;; Se�:u�9ty Instn�mcnt. �hc ruvcnnnts und ugrccmcnts ui'cacli �uch rldcr :;hul! he� i1tCt�1�,uYatril Intn nnd�hnl) nnic:�td and
<br /> _,�-_�' �upplcmcnt tha cUVCnant.r•:�nd agr�emrnt.r•uf this Sccurity Intilrument us IF thu ridcrl�)warc�i pnrt ot'lhiz Srcurity Insut�mcnt. •
<br /> =- ", �Check i�pplict�t�lc hax(oxll �
<br /> �.`, • � , �x Acljusu�hlc ltz�tc Ridrr �Cundi�minlum Rider � 1•A 1�:►mily Iti�tc�
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<br /> ;�,•„;rs';,�ar':�i;`,,' Hl'SiCN1NG NF:I.(�W, 6orrnwcr nccepts iintl n�mes to the tern�s and covcmints contiiined in thiti Sccurity Instn�mcnt - ___-
<br /> `� ;�ti'�;�'�?`� �md ln amy ridert�)executcd by Ban�o�ver:uid recordcd with it.
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<br /> .. K� hie L. melson �N��rmwcr '�i; . �,.
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<br /> . ., .. _ ASKA Cuunty sti: � ' .
<br /> STAT�OF NFBR . Hal l
<br /> ,. On this 12 a��y i��• 7une, 1991 ,hcfi�re mc,lhc und�nigned,i�Natary Puhlic ' .
<br /> , . duly commitisiuned und qualit'icd fur+nid rounty,pertiuniilly ramc I<arl T. melson and I<athie L. ;
<br /> mel.son, Wusband and Wif� ,tn ntc known to hc thc ':,",;
<br /> . � ldentici�l pertionx(s) whatic namcls) an subsrribrd t�� thr fi�re�ainh instrument iuid arkn���vled�;ed the�xccution thereol'ta
<br /> .. bu their �•�,luna:ir>�iici und dcaf. ..;�.,_ .
<br /> Wltnetis my hand und nutiviul.e;�l a� Grancf I . and, N�braaka in •aid crunty,the ; ,_; _,'�
<br /> „-��,:,`�:::ti�� :��- ,�i, •,,
<br /> t>;;:>;,,:� ,. data uioresaid. ..
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<br /> „ - �•�' M Commissian cxpires:��e�ne, a°� ��� wo,a�•e��r�,. �
<br /> , ' . . GFM�RAI NI��7AAE'�bIP'�ti� I:EQUGST F()R RFCONVEI'A CE •
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<br /> '. `;�;�:�. .. �'�i1h�.F�A lun�30,IS93 ,
<br /> ;:,,•,,;1. . . cr vf ihe note or notrs.ecured by ihis Decd of 7Yutit. Said note or nrnes,iagcther��•ith ull � ,
<br /> � � othor indebtedness secured bv this peed ot'71'ust,have been p:�id in full. Y��u urc hereby directed to cancel ruid note ar notes `
<br /> , �',`'',•� t►nd this Dccd of'IYust.���hich am dclivcrcd hcrcby,and tv mcunvcy,without wi�rrimiy, all thc cstatc no�c hcld by you undcr f • �
<br /> this Dccd oP'(Yust to the persi�n or{xrson�Iegall}•e�»iticd thercto. �
<br /> '� Date: — •
<br /> . ,`"�', Form3028 9iSN1 �puGrde�.+h�uCrsl �•
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