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' � � <br /> _ -• pay�uanRr�TMa u�r.v al�►.Umik�ttro am�nn�Rnv IxO.vrcet sato c�n cdwaae al nny aae Iln�c end + <br /> �� ` : � nIan thn minin�um anA firo mn�louun�utq 1 muAt pnY. . _ <br /> `.",:,..•. :r ._.,, An}tiff[AI'I.�L,COt��?�qN'f.�i. !n Rad!ti^�r��hn cnvoimnt9 nnd nsrccmcnta mucic In the SccuHtY Instrument,Harrowae nnd l.cndcr � ' <br /> ..,,-•---�--- , <br /> , . 1linhar covpnnr.tnix}t�r►'�as fril�����v: . , . <br /> _ . ' �.i� <br /> • �. IP1Th?�h..��'L�LA'�'k�AN5)!1tqNT{,II�Y 4'.A3 A6[:NT�lI�1NGl•:� <br /> °• • '��e l�mn g�Y�tii�t�,�fc'v nn inUtnl iLJr,rest rnte oc_._...�. °Jo.Sr.etion 4 pf ihe NotC►+mvidts for chan;es In Ihe iaterest rate«nd tho , � ;`� <br /> .`•.it;'S• monchlp paym��»4v,cu�o!(a�vs: .:�_.,''� . <br /> • , _ ''"�'�. . : �'s� <br /> ° • 4. INTER.£S�'D«9T6'�IN�AlONTIfI.YF;4YAfENTCNANGk'ti ��.'�•�• �.� , <br /> � (A) CQu►�aet'�ttea . ��'11`��� ���;-. <br /> . Ju1 �g 92 nndonthmda.cti�ery ' �tl����' ` <br /> Tho intcrest tata!�viQ pe�Y n�u�y cli+inp�an th�(irst duy�f — �. � �� ' �>k,;;,ti��'` <br /> ` twel�e ,.,__mcn�.Fh tt}m'eaft;r.f?ach datc on whirA rtU 9ntcrc�l ratc cauld chungc is c�iled n'•Chongc Dntc. �,�:`-��•�-, <br /> . � (B) Tho Irrtoa . ;I�"i:; <br /> • ylt.(, <br /> " • t{cgin»)�,��vith thu first Channo lauta,m�interest rnte wiil be b�sed on an Indcx.The"Indcx"i9 tho wcekly ovc�n8o Ytcld on Unitcd States �, <br /> � Trca4ury scc�iaiti;a ndJusted to n constant mnturity oP 1 yenr,na mndo nvwilable by the Fcdcrnl Re.gcrve BoArd.The most rcccnt Index f'i„�ur: - <br /> � nvnUublo as o!'the dote AS doy�betore ench Change Dute Is collcd the•'Corrent Index." " <br /> Ii tho Indox is no Io�Lxer avallable,the Noto Holder will choose a new index which le bued upon comptuoble InformaUon.ThC NOIC '�,� <br /> , Haldcr wiU g{vc me nodcc af ihis cholce. � �:. <br /> � (C) C�SculAtionotCt�ar.ges ''�•° `y"� <br /> thxee and one/half ��. - <br /> • HePorc each Chnngo pate.thc Notc tEolder will calculutc my ne�v intere�t rnto by ndding. -pen�enta�e , ,1'.;��. <br /> _ ___ _ . �;�;= 3_� ¢��se��!A���r���c�nde�und rauudine to the ne�cc�t E i8th of 1�lo,subJect to thc Iimit9 statcd M Sccdon 4(D)beiow. � ;:. <br /> - _-- - <br /> 'f'hl9 roundcd nmount�Wil be my new interest ratc unUl the next Char�GC Datr. � <br /> � Tho Note Halder will then dctennine tho amount of thc momhly p,ayment that would b,.sufticlent ta rcpny in full tha Drincipal 1 am <br /> " --=--- .. exocctcd to owo on thut Change Dnte in aubvtonUally cqunl pnymcnts by Ihc maturlly dute nt my nc�v intcrest rmc.Tt:a result of thls calculntion •. ? <br /> ....___ _=°---- ' <br /> _ _ - � . _ <br /> - � will b.^.the ncrr nmount oP my monthly paymcnt. I - . <br /> . , (D) 41m11�an intetesl R�te Chnngcv 1 1 �a �o o� Icss than •+ <br /> Tho lnterest rnte 1 nm requircd ta pnY nt tha r,cs� ct�nnac D1to will not bo Rrcuter than .._._ • two pP.TCF'f1t � 1 <br /> � �-� %.Thereniter,my intcrc9i r�uc will never be incrcascd or dccrcascd on t►ny single Chnnge Dntc by morc tt�nn � <br /> ,_____�_from the rnte of In�erest I Auve bcen payinp fu��he prcceding twclve months.Thc minimum intctcst ratc on this loun wip naver bo <br /> °, icss thun 6 ?5 %and thc maximum Intcrc9t rate will ncvcr bc srcatrr�hnn �� °�o• <br /> (F.) Ef(cetive pAte ot Chonqcs <br /> � ' My new interest rate will become effective an each Change P1te.1 w•i91 pnY tho amaunt of my new montAty pavment boginning on the fizst <br /> , ' °.,5;t,, monihly puymcnt date c+ftc�the Change Antc until tNe amoum af my m�nt4�ly payment chaages again. ; '�..'"• <br /> 'lr"i� (E1 Natice ot Chwnges � • <br /> -- ' ' . The Note Holde�wlll mail or deliver ta me a notice before eaeh Chan&e Oate.The nodce will advlsc m.,f: <br /> (i) tho naw inicrest rnte on my ta�n ns of the Chrng�pntc; • <br /> , , (U) thc nmount of my mon►Mly paymcnt faQowina tho Changc Uate; <br />``�''• (ili) any ndditionnl mattcrs�vhich tha No10 Holdc�Is required to disclosc;and ` <br /> � (iv) thc nddress of Iho asscxi�tion vou could cnntact rc�a�dinB an_r•yucstlans uboui thc nd)ustmcnt nadca � <br /> i <br /> B. CHARCFS:I.I�:NS ! <br /> Uniform Covcnant 4 of the Sccurity 1 nstrument is nmcnded to rcad as(ollowi: <br /> 4. Chargest l�ens.Boriowet shall pt►y nll tavcs.lssessments,und other cP_arF;c.Hne�,and Impc�sition�attributnblo ta the Prope�ty which moy i <br /> � attaln n prio7isg ovcr thia Security instrument,and lcaschald paymcnts of grot:��rcnts,if any,in the mnnncr provided undcr pu�agraph 2 hcrcof i <br /> �, .` � or,lf noc pa��in such manner,by Borrowrr mzking payment,whe�duc,direcdy to Ihe payee ihercoP.Borrowe�chall promplly lurnish Lender , <br /> nll nolices aE�maunts due sir.der this paragraph,and In the event Borrower shall mnke payment directly,Borrower ahull promptly fucnish to <br /> L.ander�cceipts evidcncin$�u:h paymcnts. Borrower shnl) prampliy dischargc nny licn whlch has prlority aver thls Secu�ity Instrument; <br /> howsver, Horrawer shall not be rcquircd to discharBc any aich licn cc. lonb a5 Borrawer: (a) shall agrce In�vriting ta the payment af the <br />� . obHpatlon secured by such tien in Ihe manner nccepinble�o t.ender,(b)�hsll m guaJ faUh coniesl such Ucn hy,nr detend agamst enforcement v( <br /> sueh Ilen in,legal proccedlnps which in Ihe opinian ol Lender operate to�-rc�c:st the cnforccmeN of the Ucn or forfeiwre of ihe Proper�y or any � <br /> pa�t ihereof;or(C)shall secure from thc helder of such lirn an aFrccinem in a form satis(actory�o Lender subo�dinating auch Uen eo this <br /> Sccurity Instrumeni. <br /> If l.ender determines that all or any part a(the Propeny ia cubJect�o a llen which may auAin n priority ovcr ihis Security Insuumem, <br /> Lcndcr shall givc Borrower a notice idcnrifyin�such licn. E�orrow•cr shall satisfy cuch Ucn or iakc onc ur morc of thc t+clions sct forth nbovc <br /> within tcn days of thc giving of thc noticc. <br /> C. NOTICE <br /> UnlPorm Cavenunt 14 of the Security inserument is amended as follows: <br /> 14. NoUce.Except for any no�ice required undcr oppHcable law to bc givcn in cmothcr mnnner,lal nny nodce to Barrowcr p�ovidcd for in IMc <br /> i 5ecurl�y Instrumeni shnll de given by deflverinA it or by mailiag it by fint class mnil ta Norro�v�r nt ihe Properry Addres�or at such ather nddress <br />. ' as Borrower moy designnte by noUce to Lender us provided herein,nnd Ib)any nodce io Lender shall be given Uy first class mall to L.ender's <br /> address statcd hcrein or to such other address as 4cncicr may designatc by naUcc to Bor�owc�as pravidcd hcrcin.Any na�icc provldcJ for in ihi� <br /> 1 Security Instrument shall be dcemcd to have bcen givcn lo Hatrower or I.endc�whcn givcn in Ihe manncr dcsignalcd hercin. <br /> „ � <br /> . . <br />. � _._._. _ <br />