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,�.- . . . ,._ inc:sw - =-•- 1`: t� ' \ . -. - - ��---� . --- .. . � ' , :i . ;•3;�-nr. --�t- - � �qr ----. <br /> it ��,,1 F� ,�- F , •;�,;: : � ��-:,•� -.R =2s, , �, <br /> :.: <br /> ,. , i,� ' ,. ., t'�i ,�t, �' < : i - _ <br /> , <br /> . ,. , <br /> _.:. ... . - =_- _.. . .., ---. �.. . -� ---- '- - -- _..---- -_ -_ <br /> ,,. � <br /> . ' �.,� . .. . 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'1'hosc cundiQons nru Utut Horraw�r; (n �_- <br /> -----r-i.� - - , pays Lcnder all sun�s whteh then �vuuld bc duc undce ihiy Sc�ueity Instnnuem nad tttc Nota ns IF no iu�elcmtlun hud � _--- -T ._ <br /> ' ' �� oc:ct�rn:d:(b)curas nny dcl'autt uf nny ollier cuvenant�or ngn ements:(c)pi+yg+►tl ex�x�nscs incurred in enforcin�;li�is S�curi�y �} <br /> �� �,z <br /> - � Insin�ment, inrludin�, Init m�t limited tp,re-usunuble attameyy'Y�cv; mTd (d3 lekcy suah uctit�n us 1.eeYdcr ina�y �enscmnbly ,�-= __ <br /> � �v�c;uirn tn a��uro that lhC I�etl uf tids SecU(1ty ltt�t[ument.Lcndcr�r+�;hts tn Irie ���f�szny:uti3 I�uciurrc:�`�,b1i�.;ttc���to�:ay nt� � - <br /> �� .-� �u����: secur�d bV [hls SecuritY U1�t�ument s hi�ii conii�u�c u��cnanbed. IJ=1r�� r�l����n�niuent bv ilo�r��wer, ihis S.,curity ' -� <br /> �. ' Instrument nnd thc obllBntians sccorcd hcrcby shull rcnti�in i�uiiy cffcr►iv�us ii no cjcce{cr.�iti�n h:td zxcurrr�l. Fti��eF��r,►his '6��=- <br /> �t �•.. - ri�;At ta rcinstntc shnll not apply in thc cutir.uf nccclenni�m undcr p�u+�grnph 17. .��;�°`��,° <br /> - 19, 5nfe of Note;Chnnge aP I.ann Servieen Tho Nolc i�r i► pnMinl intcrcyt In the Natu (to�;cthcr�vith this Securiry � , _: �; <br /> ��V �. <br /> Instn�mcntl muy bc tiuld onc ur n�aro Umcs without priur nuticc to [lon•uwc�. A sntc miry result in u chi►ngu in the- cn�ity _ , _, <br /> � (kn��wn ns thc"L,oan Scrviccr")that c��liccts numthly paym�nls�luc�mdcr thc tVotc imd thi.r• Sccuriry Instrumcnc. Thero nlsn <br /> �:- mi�y tw onu ar mur�chan�;os af thc Lo,m Scrvices unrc lnted to n si�lc��f the Natc. If Ihcrc is u chnngc af Itic L�►au S�:rviccr. - <br /> Borrawcr will bc giv�n�vrittcn nudcc��F tha rhiinl;o in nccurd«ncc with �,a�a�;ia��h I•1 abuvc nncl appUc:ahlc luw. Thc� n�ui4e - - <br /> will�u�tc thc mm�c and i�ddre�ti oti thc nuw I,oan Scrviccr nnd thc uddre�s to�vhir�pi�ymcnts shuuld tw madc. 1'hc natice wi11 Y� <br /> � • i�iso conti►in i�ny othcr inFarmzuiun rcquircd by appllrablc la,". : ,` '' :°-=�. <br />;�;;` 20, Hnzardous Substnnce9, Hotr�+wcr shall n��t ci►usa or pcnnit thc prescncc,usc,dispnsul,�turagc,or re!rusc of imy �i �;,;�`�,.�,._ <br /> •.:.`'� Huzardous Substanees on ur in thr. I�openy. Borro�ver sh:�ll n��t cio, nar nllow cem•une clse to da,unythi�>�e:�fi:!�ceting the ;,�,,1;�;°` `.'<`;..:, � <br /> ` "' Ft���x:rty thiu is in viulndon af imy I:nvimnmenlul Lnw. l'hc precedin�,t�vo seatcnres shtdl not i�pply lo Ilte pt��t tt�e, usc,��r `';t�,. .� � <br /> }�� ' stori+gc on thc An�perty of small quimtUics oi Hnziirdaur�ubtila�nrc�that:uc gcncrnlly roc�ignlrcd ta lw uppmpnaqe to nurm:d T*i _ <br /> �j . r <br /> �.�,;� �'c�lctcntini uscs und to maintcnt►nco of ihc Prapeny. , l, ,���=a <br /> ;�� Flotrr��•cr shnll promptly givc Lendcr writtcn noticc of uny invrati,;:idon.dnim,dcnwnd,luwsuit�,r uthcr i�rNon hy uny ,, <br /> • -` govemmentul ar rogulutury t�bcncy or p�ivute party Involving thc Prape�ty und nny H+�r.urdnus iubsmnco ur Environmenti►1 �et <br /> ` '� Liiw uf ���hich BaRrnvcr huti itClUill ICf10WIl'd�'C. If Borrawcr Icurnr. or is nmificd by uny g��vcmmc�ir,►1 ��r �egulutary �• , �� ��' <br /> �� ' nuthonty,ttant�►ny remaval ar ather remediution of imy lii�ziirciuuti Subst�+nce �dfecdng the Praperey i, neceysury, Borrower , ,=�;�--= <br /> _ � ' shall pron�,vtly�ake iill necessury remediul uclions in accnrdance with�nvironr�enu�l I.c�w. '�:,,.:-- <br /> - ' As used m this piirugrnph 2t�,"Hiui�rdous Subst+inceti'i+re thosc tiubsumces deflned ns[nxic or h;�ardous substances by �,.��1s��__ <br /> �+ Environmentul Lnw and Ihe tollrnving rul�titunces: gusuUne, hcravene. other fli�mmi�ble or taxic �retra�lr�+m praducts,toxic ,'�1,,,;,___ <br /> .,�.:,� ' = <br /> . pcsticldcs and hcrbicidcs, volinUc tialvcnts, matcri,ils conti�ining uxbcrtas ar tam�nldchydc, and rz�diractivr matcriuls. As • ���<�•�_�--:. <br /> . uscd in this parc�gri�ph 20,"Envirnnmentul l.uw"meuni:cderiil laws i�nd Ia�ws��f�hu Juri�diction whcm the HYope��s��iti Icx�uted <br /> � thnt n�late to hculih,snfcty or environmentnl pmtecdon. • • -. <br /> - NON�UNIFQRM COVENANTS. eorrawcr imd l.ender funhcr caveni�nt and ligrco us foll���+��: . <br /> � 21. Accelcrnttun; Remcdies. 4ender shull give natice tu Ilo�rawer �rior to ncceleP��tie*n 9�i1lu�vinR Amrrmvcr's _ <br /> ,.,�,,�, breuch uf any��avenu�et��r uRrcement In Ihls 4ecurity Inst�umenl(but not prtor ta�►cceleruSio» unc?es�urag�nph 17 . • -t. <br /> :�-,:.;� ' unlek9 nppiicable la�v�+r�w�•fialr9�itherwlsel. The notice shull specify: In)the default;lb)the�ution��e�juirec9 to cure the a�,,_:±;. ,' �� a <br /> •�'�:�t,�; dePeult;(e)n date.n�9 Gecc Ihan 30 doys Prom the dnte the nutice is�Iven tu Narrowe��by whlch Ih��dr9�u11 must be ,�,.,;• �. <br /> �'..� ' �.����n���?t���,��t�r�t��cure the dePuult on��r hef'ore Iho dute specl�ied 10 ihe nutice mny result in iiccele�atlon of ' <br /> - - -- _ , t'` ' " <br /> ` � the sumy oec�rcd by this S�curity Intitrument and tiale uf the Praperty. '�he notice si�Aii iur's�ie� irii�i��arra�rr nf -- --- T� , <br /> the right ta reinsts�te ai�er uccelers►ilon iind th�right to hrinu n caurt uction to i�ssert Ihe aun-existence oP u deP��ult ur � , <br /> . � ;'� ' <br /> , • '.,,:,�, - <br /> �, uny other clefe�se oP Uorrowe�t��uccrlerutlan und side. IP the dePault Is nnt cured on ur befi�re the diite specitled in �I;; , � <br /> :.1;�-` _ _ -- mc noiice,i.enurr ui iis��6��ti�ss�.^.;:s�ulr.!��!°rp��ysn�mt In Pull uF ull sums sccured hy thls tieru�ity Instrument - <br /> -----. <br /> - � without i'urther dem��nd i�e�d mi�v inv��ke Ihr power af s�do und imy uther remeclicw �ertt�ilted by i�ppucuaie iaw. ��,���� ._ - <br /> Lender sht�ll be entiUed t�� cullect i�U expenses incurred in pursidn�; the remedles pro��lded i� Ihis purupra�ph 21, f . <br /> ' � iocluding,but nut Umlted to,reaisonubie utturnuy5'Peey and custv oP Utle evldence. � <br /> IP the puwer oP tiule is Invuked,7Yustee yhidl rec��rd i� notice of�lePiu�lt in cuch cnunly io whlch nny paM of Ihe <br /> 1'raprrty ly lora�ted iind shaU mnil c�►piev of tiurh notlrc In Ihe manner prescrihed by uppllci�ble lu�v tu Hurroa�er nnd to <br /> � � Ihc��iher pe�sons prescri4ed hy i�ppUci�blc luw, AiYe� ihe Ilme i•equired by uppllci�hle Imv�'Irustce shnll�;Ive pub9ic <br /> notice af ynlc to tUe persuny nnd in Ihe munner prescribed by upplici�ble law. `It�ustee.��'ithoi+t demand un Harruwe�� k;.:�. <br /> ' shnll sell lhe Pruperty i+t pul�Ilc uucllun ta the hi�;hest hiddc�nt the time und pince unal under the te�ms dest�;�ated in <br /> � � tho nutice o4'su�c in ane ur morc purcek nnd in imy urder'IYustec detc�mineti. 7rustec muy p�o�tpnne sule oi'i�l!or nny <br /> ;,,,,<<;r`, � pa�cel�eP t�e 0'ruperty by pubUc unnou�c:ement at the time and{ili�ce��P uny previu�asly sch�ilaled sule, Leader ur its <br /> � designee mm�purchi�se the Prapertv i�t any tiule. <br />`:�.-�.��-+� . . Upim receipt �►P pnyment uP the pricc bid,'I�•ustce shiill dcliver tu ihe purchuser 7Yus/ee'y deed cunveyln�; the , • <br /> '"''� Propertv. '1'he redtuls in the'lrustee'::feed.hatt nc prima facit cti•ldcncc nP the I�uth oP!he titatementg mo�d� thereln. ��' .. <br />.,:,,:;� � <br /> • . . 71�ustee shi�ll upply ihe proceeds of the sale in the Pnlla�ti•i�f;orders lu►lo idl cositi+md�xpen�es of exerc19io�thepo�ver ���•. <br />< <br /> �, � .. <br /> �',�� ' ,t <br /> ;�';:�. , (."� <br />',,, , i.. <br /> ' � <br /> . j: <br /> Forn�1D28 9'90 �p��er�n(n�����ru ;, <br /> . , i�: <br /> { <br /> , ...=_=_-.-.-.- .. . .� � , � <br />- � <br /> � � � <br />._ .'- ; � _ � _ <br />