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.Ir . . } : . . .' : ;. . �.- ,. . .- '� -ii� '4�. �R1..ia 3�i <br />'..C!- . "__Y.' _ _. .. .�..e ,; . :.:..:•1•. .t-l.=..r -J ) l p . <br /> r - �. .1, ':t r .�r ': l -.. ' Y_4,`r ` .- _ ___ __.. <br /> -. - p . . _ . ,_': - _', . . , ... Y '�1� r q=`�,1 < .. �. �i i�. <br /> -::.f f - ._.- . � _ �: . - - � . . : �Y�y•!Mr'""�T�� -`_ t < ti <br /> � cWiQOmnPClonvruheii�tcingotnhyp�Rol�hePNpaaYroKor�onvqypncq►nllpuotcon�mlutiWr,aroho�ebyw}s1�0eW <, n", <br /> FM-(lfiqp�id�Qitn�ltrs _ �— ---- <br /> . . � Ie l��eovent ot.n mk1 teklnB of.4Tio PiopeRy,lho'p�gte0a thdl 6b oppllod lo Qio�wRif�CeuioA�bY'��i BF�e°u�lty � f <br /> inuiufae�r elhtr_9r�rot 1h e-��due,wlth tny oaSeas D�id«�biro�4er..t6�ha cvbnt dt n'pultd�a1elnA otfio In <br /> C <br />" vTloh Ihe F�muket value of iAe'Proyorly Imme4lately�tsfore tha�a�ing b ey�al to br greaur►hcn Oib.airibunt olt e ium; <br /> f,twf4d by INe{9audty tnsWmcnt(mmCdiete►y boforo�ha Iplcing,unlesa Bortowcr end LeMer o�hcrivlso egrcq In Wdiin „ <br /> ihe�uma�ecurtd py thit$aadW fro4ument itidl6e"rcduad Dy.tM amount of�he proeeeda muitlDtled by the follpw�� . <br /> fineHonE (e)�he toial smoun[of t�e�umn u�curcd Immedisl'o1y Eoforo tho�aking,dlvided by N)tAe Celr m�ket valno.ot�Ae <br /> CCG <br /> , 1mmWlatoty Oeforo tiro�atu'ng� My balmCa eh�11 be paiC w 8ompwat: Jn�he evcm ot o ppqi�t taJcinB at Up. . <br /> J �In alllch t�e felr maftet vaNe ot No Propeny Immedlatety beforo the�aking Is Pos��han tho amoupt.ot�(�e nimi — <br /> eecu itnmedlelely bbfon the lek�, uriicu Bortowcr end Lender othHwiso'egiee in wAttng or unlesa eppltca616 lew <br /> oNenvlao provlda,tho procecd�ehall6e eypllW ro the sums eauied by thia Seeurtry insuument whahu o�ndt tho eum�em <br /> then Que. ' <br /> Itthe Properry b ebandoned by Bo[tower,or 1/,ofter notlee by Lendcr ro 8orrower tha��ha eondemnor otten to meke <br /> _ en�waM or attle a olalm for damagn,Borrower faib io reapad m Lender wi�hin 30 daya eRa the date tho notiw 1a giren. _ _ <br /> I.rnder is nu0�orised to eollect m0 apply the proaxd�,st fte oqlon,ei�her to restore�(on or rcpair ot�Ae Propeny or to tho <br /> wma securedby thl�Securtty Tnswment,whether or not thm due. <br /> Unles�Lender end Bortower o�henvise agrea In wrtting,my applica�ion of prxxd�to pdncipal ehdl no�extend or - <br /> poupone Ne due date of�he mon�hly paymeuu rot¢md to In pangrepA�1 and 2 or elunge the emount of wch payments. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Releacedt Rorbearaqee B7� Lender Not a Waiver. Hxtenelon of �he tlma tor paymem or <br /> modlflcaHon of amoniuHon of tho suma saorcd by�hte Secudry Inatrvment granteA by I.ender to eny�uccesaor la interoat <br /> ot Bo�rowu ihaU not opereta to rolessa the Iiebiliry of the oAglnal Hortower or Bo�rowerl successon in interear.I.ender <br /> --�- tAall not be ulrcd ro commence proceedinge egninst any successor in Inmreat or rofuse ro oxtaM dmo ta payment or - <br /> otAenvisa moi�y emoniration o(the wma securcd by�his Secudry Insmunent by roason of any demand mede by the original <br /> Bortower or Bortowuh tucasso�e in inrorut. Any torbeerena by Lendor in eaeccising any right or rcmedy sheli not 6e a <br /> ,:� �veiverof or prceluda the exercisa of u�y dght or remedy. <br /> - - 71. Suueason end Asatgiu IIounda Jolnt and Several Uablliyj Co•algnen. 'R�a avenenu and egrccmenu of�hia <br /> -"`� Secud�y Instrument ehell bind �nd benefit�he succawr.+end wigns of Lender and Borrower, subject ro the proviaforo o[ <br />`:� pu�gnph 17. BortowerY covenenta and agrcemenu shall bo joint nnd severel. Any 6ortower who co-atgn+thia Secudry <br />__'�� Insuument but doa not eacecute�ha Nota (e)ie co-aigning�his Secudty Instmment only ro mortgege,grent end comoy ihnt <br />_;:�� Hortowerh imerca�in the Propeny under the imma of�his Sauriry Imwmem; N)ie not personally obligated co pay�Ae wma <br /> eecured by this Security(nswmenq end(c)�grces that Le�er and any o�her Bortower may ogrce to extend,modffy,foibear <br />��"-� or make any ecrnmmodat(ona with rcgerd ro the tmma of�Na Secudry Instrument or the Note wtthout ihat Bortower6 -- <br />���;:y� consanc <br /> _:.n 13. Loen Char�ea. If the loan securcd by thia Saudty Instrummt ia subJect�o e I�w which cew maximum loan --_ <br /> �- cfiaigw,and ihet 1¢w u finaily inie�pmed ao�hae me imeresi oraher loan cfiafges coitaced ar eo be coilec�ed in connecrion "-'� <br /> ��� wi�h ttxi loan exceed�he permitfed Itmits,then: (e)eny such Iwn charge shell be rcAuced by the emount neeessery ro rcdua °" '� <br /> <<'� the charge�o�he pertnitted IimiC end @)any cuma ulrcady colla�ed trom Borrower�rhich exceeded pemiltted Iimite will be _ <br /> �'a rofunded to Bortower. Lender mey choa4e to mekc thia rcfund by reducing�hc pdnclpal owW under�he Note or by making a —_ <br /> i q.� dirtct payment ro Bortower. [f�rePond reduma principol,ihe rcduction will be treated es a partial prcpaymcnt without eny � -_ <br /> prepayment eharge unda tM Noie. ,1' <br /> � � 14. NWices. Any notice �o Bortower provfded for(n �his Security Inslrumrnt shell be given by delivedng it or by < �t� _ <br /> ',� meiling It by first clav muil unlas epplicable luw rcyvircs use of anoihcr meihod.'Rie nmia ahall be directed ro the Propeny � �, <br />__j„' Addreu or ury other address Borrower designo�es by notice to Lendec Any notice to Lender sh�ll be given by first cius ,�a•,?:,_.�' <br /> ..`;� mei�to Lenderk addreu ata�ed herein or any aher uJdrca�I.enJer deaignate�by nutiw ia Bormwer. Any notice provided for � �r��,z_;_� <br /> - '1 Ipangrophecurity Instrumcnt shdl 6c dcemed ro havc 6cen Siren to [iorrower or Lcnder when given ax provided in thia ����s :, <br /> -;� 16. Corernin LeN;Severabiiit . 7Lis Securit Ins�mment shall be ovemed b kderal law and �hc law of the ' <br /> H Y Y 8 Y .il%ri,� ._... <br /> '+ Jutisdiction in which�he Propeny is Iaated. In the event thnt any proviaion or cleuse o(thia Security Insimment or�he Note +� - <br /> .�i� conNcu wl�h appliceble law,xuch cantlict sh�l l not x(kct o�her provisioav o(this Sewri�y Instrument or ihe No�e which can z�$*�`h '�- <br /> be aiven etiec� wi�hout�6e con0icting provuion. Ta�hix end�he provisions o(�6is Security Inx�mmwt nnd�he Note ue 7jf��,;�.i°:;. <br /> r-'� deciered ro be xevemblc. x �1��� <br /> -;1� 1& 6orro�ver'a Copy. Barowershu116e giv<n ane confafined capy otihe Note and o(ihis Securi�y Inswmem. ��,`r� <br /> -iy 17. 'henster ohhe Praperty ore Beneticlal Interest In Borrotirer. I(all ar any aan of thc Pmpeny orany intercst in i x/}n E ` <br /> 7 it ia soid or uansferted(or i(a 6eneficiul imcrcst in 6orrowcr is xold ar tmn�tericd md Bortowcr is not u neturol person) <br /> %%'1 without Lenderk priar wrilten coasen6 Lender its uptian.reyuirc immediate payment in PoII of ail sums xcurcd by �'x ' <br /> '- �his Security Instrumrnt. However.this optien shall no�be exerci.ed by LenJer if exercix i+pmhibi�ed 6y kderel law os ot � '' <br /> ;-' l6tdmeofthuSecurilylnslmment. i�'' <br /> (n If Lender exercixa Ihis oplion,Lendenlull give 8ortmver notice nf acceler.�lion. The noiice�h:dl provide n period of �' � t '__ <br />,-J��,., na less thon 30 Axys from the da�e the notice ix JeliveRd nr�hin which Rorcoaer mutt pay all.wu.securcd by Ihis !,;,�;:Z�.�. <br /> Security InsuumenC I(Bnrtower tnilc m pay thcx wm. ri�v lo Ihe ex valion of�hi+ n�M,Lender ma mvoke an %}'.'� ��%�0'- <br /> ..�•r remedies pamilted by Ihis Seeuri�y Irovumem withom(unl�r maice orJCmanJ nn Bnrtnxe�r.� y Y � ���r <br /> 't 1& Qorro�ver x Rlght to Reinclete. I(Barro��er mccn ccmm�mndiuom. BnvoW er.hall have the right m have ,, <br /> . ,!:,, ,y'..��;.,-.�. <br /> ;.._ en(arcemem of Ihis$ecuri�y In.lrmnem di+avminucJ:n:my lime prinr�o Ihc rarlier oL lal S y����ur wch alher pericd ai <br /> -T`� SmFicFamuy-FannkNvr�}Yedd1e11ecf�IFOR�f1��TN1-11F.]T�-1•mtam�Cuvaum. 9N0 �rye��.•J/�ry.¢��� ���, - �� <br /> .:;''' �. . . <br /> _r� •_,T-.• ;c.:_T -i!._ ' . � - _ . . � . . . . <br /> � .... � i...0 - �._- .�.-.::��r. .di-- -`i '- --":.:'! - _J . � � . `Y/b_- 3�. '.-/..> 'j.l , 1 : ' <br /> :q a . _ ' . ' + • <br /> yK _ .. - . . . __ - - .. �- , " <br /> :- ,- :— _ " - - - - _'- � __—_ � _ -- _- �_— T --- _ . <br /> � r_ k� . .. ... <br /> � �' ",. -. ;- - . � . - ' - . . - <br /> � V l"" <br /> � . t.s y .y�__, < �:•- . •.. . . _�" _ . . <br /> �. . <br /> � -_a ". 1 ' ' ' . . . � . . - <br /> T-.i -- .- - _ . . _ . <br /> r 1. ..�: . . . - . <br /> '�ra '.e. . ,.u- . _ .. . ._ . <br /> � --.J . �__ . _ _ . , . _ _ " <br /> ,� ' ..-.. , , . , <br /> r1 _, ... r � : . ' <br /> � � , , . ._ <br /> •, , , , . .., � <br /> j r.`- r �- : - ;:. . � - � <br /> p � '+ ` <br /> ,� . .-' { 1 �� � .� �� [ L f . . . • r� Yi - �ln..:_- . <br /> ; t I � 1 <br /> < t 1 1 � � <br /> '� '})� 1 .r i t. �}, - '• � i � � S '�..t > �a,....�1 .. . �`. <br /> :.. .. . .. . .-';., .,.,,�-� . � .. �..xr .� . . . A ., .!- . . , . . . .� _ , t.� '. . <br />