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,_ ,_ <br /> �. � ._ � _ <br /> n,Y _ `;_ �.;c. �,.,. � . -_f;?'k ;;' <br /> i'� . - - " �':- - ,... - � �_ �- .-- :.: r - N � ' �- <br /> eppllr�Eleliv�mu�snesltr_[ot rslnsfAttimen2b�to�e eitq a�Poe ny eunumi to eny po�M�yt�Rv7n��is- ;� <br /> sa�ry�u9 Isuumem�cr(D)entry ote�uo�mmtenfaClnytTf��ecu� sfrvmcnG 'i�wxoo,wt�ton�ues�e�voa�rscjt � <br /> •. ' • p�ya 1:8n�e dl tums.whieh ihcrt woirld be Quti unaq'�Ia Recwl7y�sln�menl end�he Nom af ft na ecsetemdon hi� ' <br /> ' �n N)avtaapydefauttotanyothetcoven�nuoeegmemepust9)pa.y��IIltpansenlncurtrAias�fore;r,��.� o•,,^."•.,". -- <br /> inuivmen4 includ�Dut.not IfndroA tq rsatoneDlo pttomeyi'feea;ena t�tal:ef euch ectibn ap 6ende�may tcxabNabty -: . - <br /> �u�o'lo/aturo�A�� 1wlkaottAlsBZOwi!y tnshumenLLenOg�tdg1�t61nlAeP�epertyin08otrpircrYoUllga71onrophytrya <br /> eumf.tEaircd by thie 8ebiid�y 1nsNUmeni�hnl! ron�inua unchenged. -Upon rcinstetamrnt by Do�wer, thii Bec�41ty <br />- [nsaum@nt v�p�he LDllgmions aauied rienpy atiail nmela Nlly cffaUve.m If no eccelemUon Aad occurted. Hdwove4 i�ff . -. <br /> � dgMrot�lnsE�teeh�lna�pyrytn�l(ocaaeo(asalaeHonuaderparagrey�l?. <br /> 1R-8de o►Note W�iage of Loqn Bervlar. 7Le Notp ot e panial tntuat tn tha Noro(togethu with)lile 8eariry <br /> [nswment)'maY 4o so�d oiro or moro�ime�without pdor nmlca ro Bortowa. A�ate mey result in�chango in tde entity <br /> (kriown at tho I.00n 9ariaV7 that coltecu monthly paymcnN due unpe�the.Nob and�hU 3eeudty InswmenG.7t�cre atto <br /> may be ono or moro changea of tho L.oan&nlcer unrcleted ro�eelp of�ho Nota If thcro 1�a ctiange of thb Loen Serviar; <br /> Bo�rowu will be glven wr(Ren nodce of tha ohanga in eocordanoo w�tb p�ra�aph Iq above end eppIluble taw. 'Ihe notioe <br /> will ntate�ha aama and addreae of[Iw now Imn 3ervlecr end�ho nddreaa ro wMch paymenu should be made. 1Le aotico wlll -- <br /> elso coaWin bnY other infortnadon required Dy epylicable inw. <br /> 29. Haurdow BuDslenote. Sorrower�hall not cause or permit tM prcsenro,use,diaposat,erotego,or ttlease otany <br /> Hazerdow$ubs�ences on ot In the Propeny. Bortower�hell not do,nor allow enyone dae�o do,eny�bing attecpng me <br /> Properiy tdat b In violatlon oteay Bnvironmentai Lew. 7Le prcceding two xntenros sheli not epplg to�he prcsmce,usa or <br /> nwraga on tde Property otaa�ll quantl[iea of Hezerdoua SuMtancea�hat are gmeNly recognized to 6e oppropriaro ro nomiel <br /> renidcnttel uae�and ro mdntenanca of tha Properry. <br /> Botrower thall promptly give Lendu wrltten noqco ot eny InvuUg+fton,ctaim,demend,lewau(t or other ecdon by eny <br />� govcmmenml or rogularory egency or pdva�e pnny Involving the Pcoperty end�ny Hazalloui Substenw or&nironmrntal -" - <br /> Law of w61c4 Borrower hea ecNel Imowledge. If Bortower leame, or ia notltied by any govemmen�al or reguletory <br /> euthodry,�het any rcmovel or o[her remWf�tlon ot my Hererdoua Su6stence aRating the Properry i�necessery,Bortower <br /> snail promp0y taka all necessery remedlal�niona in eccordence wtth 8mironmenul l.ew. <br /> Aa uuA In�ht�parogaph 20."Hazerdous 3ubs�ence�"erc�hom suWtancee deflned ee toxic or Auerdou��ubstenca Uy <br /> Hnvironmen�el Law end the following aubsuncei: gasoline,kerosene,other flammeble or toxic peirolwm produMa,toxlc <br /> pesHcida end herbicida,volntlle eolvenu,metedale conteining esbestos or foim�idehyde,end radioactive meteriad. As <br /> used in�hU parogeph 20,'8nrironmental taw"means federal l�ws end Iawa ot tk Jurisdic8on wherc ihe Property ia located <br /> that relate ro healih,safety or envGonmenul pmtcetion. . <br /> NON•UNIFORM COVBNANfS. Bortower end l.ender Nn6er covenent and egree ea followa: - <br /> 21. Acaleratlon;Remedtea. Lender�Aell glve noUce ro Dorroner prior to eceeleratlon toliowing Borro�ver'e <br /> breech ot eny covenant or egreement In Ihie 9ceurlty Imtrument(but not prior to ecceteration under paragraph 17 !�� <br /> un��c.applicable law providev ot6enrisel.The notice ahell ipecVy: (al lhe ddeuit;fA1 the ection requtred to cure Ihe �s:�+r�== <br /> - - <br /> default;(c)e dete,nOt Im then 30 deye trom fhe date the nottce la g(ven to Borrower,6y nhkM1 Ihe defautt must be �� <br />