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j' ,i, . - . " _' _ _ _ '_' " - _ _ .. <br /> .: . . ... . � . . <br /> .� <br /> . .. _ ,. - . . .. .._ _ . ... . - . ._... - :. <br /> _.. . .. . _ - . . . . . . . . � <br /> --� � . <br /> _ i . � . . �. . . '� . n MH�I __ __._�.�.._.. <br /> . a3;� ���� ' � <br /> perlode thnt Lendu rsguiree. 'Rie inswance caztfer providtn$tl�e Insurenoe�heli De chosen 6y BwcowN'oUbleN ro I.EMdrU , '` <br />_ . appmqal_vihlcA�h�UnqtbaunroaspnablYWl�he1A. It9osmwufalletomeimafncoveregedacrtEed�bovo,'l�enpetmqp:AS ._ ;' <br /> l.eri�rloptlon,oDtNnoovemgetopmtectl.endu§rlgh�stn�hbP�openytnaocoidwicew7$puagieph7. - <br /> AU Insyuai�ce pollcloa And ronow�la efiall be acap�able tb i.enAer aM ehalt Includo e standerd mortguge elauae. Lsnder <br /> :A�ii ha+,�tF.c d��taFald tl.:polkta WJ ror�ct:. liL.-nikrrequlrc0.Bosroaer eh9!!P�F�Y 8�ve ro Lcn4tr eU realpu <br /> ot pald pam�um�and rcnewel aotiaa. in the evrnt of lwe,Borrowor�hall give prompt naice to the inwrance eer[fer end <br /> Londcr. LendermaymekoproototloseltnotmadepromptlyDy Borcower. <br /> UNea LenEer end Bortowcr othenviae egrea in wrhing,insurence proceed��hell be applied ro rcsroratfon or repnir ot <br /> � the Prop:rty d n¢gcd,it the KuoroUOn or rcp�U b aanomlcelly feasible end LenderM eauriry ie na lea�ened. 111ho • - .. - <br /> resromtlon w rc�p�ir b not economkelly tea�l6k or Le�MerY�ccurity would bo leasenui,the inaurence pracad�shall be � <br /> applled to tho eume teeuted by th4 3ecudty(nsnumem,whahu or not then due,wUh my axaie pald to Bortowor. [f <br /> Bortowcr nbnndon� tho Fn�peny,or doc�no�anawor wi�hln 70 day�e nako trom Lender�het the Inxurence cazder hee <br /> ofRred Io aule�claim,�hen Lendar may wllsct the Inaurence pro�cede. Lendu mey uso Ow vroceeda�o rcpeIr or ruroro <br /> eM Pro�tty or to pny wm�ueurcd Dy thU 3ccudty Inswmcn6 whqhw or not ttien due. 71ro perlod wlll6egln wfion <br /> tho not co f� vcn. <br /> - Unlw nder and Borrower othcnvlw agrco in wtidng,any appIkaHon ot proceeda to princlpal shnll not extend or - <br /> postpono tho due dnte of eho momhly paymenu roferted to In paregrnph�1 and 1 or chenge�he nmoum ot the pa enb. It <br /> under pueg�eph 21 the Property U ecquired by Lendu,Bo�rowerb riaht to eny Insurnnce pollcla end p�ttsultNg <br /> from damage to ihe Property pdor ro tla acquuitlon shell pax+a Lenda to�M1e ex�ent ot�he�uma Keund by�hie Seadty <br /> Nstmmem immcdietcly prior to the acqulsitlon. <br /> — 6. Oaupancy, Preservation, Melutenance end Protedion of the Propert�t dortower'e Loan Appllcatlona <br /> I.eeseholda. Boirower sAail oceupy,estabiish,end use Uw Property as Borrower6 pdncipal raidence witAln eixty daye eRer <br /> Ne execution of thla 3ecudry Instrument end ehall mntinua w occupy tho Prope�ry ea Bortower§pdncipal reaidence!or at <br /> �-�- least ona yw Uter �e da�e of occupanoy, unleas Lender otharniu xgrce� in wridng, which consent �dell not be "--"--'"'� <br />- unrcasonebly wtihhold,or unlw wettnuatlng cireumatenas exiu whkh ere beyond HortowuY comrol. Bortower�hell no[ <br /> deatroy,damago or impair�he Propeny,allow the Propeny to detedorata or commlt waue on the Propeny. Hortower chall — <br />;'�,-,' be in defoult if eny fodeiture ection or procading,whether ciHl or criminal,is 6egun that in Lenderti good faith judgment �-9n <br />�:�::A could reault in torfeituro of tha Property or otherwija maceddly impilr the Iien created by tbla Secudty Waument or --=II:— <br /> "� Lenderb ucuAry fntercac Bortower may cum aueh a defeult end rcinstete,as provided fn paregreph I8,by cauaing the�uion r��=�---�� <br /> — or praading ro he dismBaed wi�h a ruling thaG in Lender�good fahh dete�minetion,prcclude�fodeimrc of the Hortowerb �'}'"f`�- <br />�`-�� Intercst in the Property or other matedd impatrment of the Iten created by this Secwiry Inswmmt or Lenderh aecudty ��iu;:_ ` <br /> -3J intercst. Hortox�er ahall alw be in defavit If Bortower, durina We loen epplicetlon prxw, gave matedalty feltt or � - <br /> .!� Inaccursro intomution or s�etemenu to I.ender(or feiled w provida Lender wi�h any matedel Infoimation)in connectlon wlth s.�a -- <br /> -! the loan evidenad by the Nwe, including, but not Iimited�o, rcprcsentedona co�rceming Bortower`e occupnncy of�he '` �' ; <br />.�� Rnpeny u a pdneipal residentt. if�hi�Secudry Inatmment i�on a Ieasehold,Bofrower ahell compiy with ell�ha provisiona ;�', =' <br /> hf.:�, <br />-`;�'� Of I�le leau. If Barcower ecquirea&e u�e m�he Anpeny,the leasehold md the fee Ittle:hell not merae unlesa Lender egreea _.'�r.M��- <br />`.j ro the merger in wdting. _°�r r , <br />�n ?. Protec�ton oi Lender's Righn !n the Property. If Borrower teila ro pedorm the covennnta end agreements ?',� '' - <br />"; con�eined in thi:Secudty Insuumrnt, or Wero fa a legal praeeding Ihat may:ignfficantly affa[Lender5 dghts in the ���f;+a;�". <br />`�A Propeny(such at�proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for mndemnatlon or fodellurc or m enforce lawn or rcgulatlom),then �;�if:�.�;^'�`f:. <br />-�� Lender may do and pay(or whatever is neassary ro protect�he value of the Property end Lenderl dghu in�he Property. �3� 7 v..:._ <br /> '�= Lenderl actions may inetude paying any aums saured by a lien which has prioriry over�hie Security Instrumen6 appeving i;� '` ' <br />,� in court,paying rcasonnble m�ameya'feee and entering on the Propeny ro m�ke rcpain.Although Lender may teke ealon `-;g���rj,;?z;=�- <br /> under thia paragnph 7,Lendcrdoea not have ro do so. �y'. ���r� - <br /> � Any amounu disbursW by Lender under this paregreph 7 shell become edditionel ded of Bomower sccurcd by�his fzL e " <br /> _= Saudrylnswmmt. UnlwOortowcrendLenderagreetootherre1maofpaymen6iheuemoumashillbearintcrcstfromtho r;yft; - <br />,..,a date of dis6ursement at the No�e rate and shall bc payabl¢, with in�crcsL upan no�ice from Lender to Bortower rcquesiing �..i;,,;,,,,,,,,,,,'_ <br /> payment. �-s;v tt <br />_:�',��- 8. Mortgage Insurantt. If Lender rcquired mortgege insmvice as a condition of making ihe loan secured by ihis ..5�.��`, ,',y:� <br />.:i Security Instrument, Borto�ver ahall pay the prcmiums rcqWrcd io mninmin ihe mortgage imurnnce in effect. if,for my -,-,tf i� - <br />-;-j rcuon, ihe mortgage insurence coverage required by Lender lapces ar ceases io 6e in eRect, 8ortower shall pay�he '�`"f�l <br /> - �ti.-:,,, 4.. .: <br /> _ prcmiumv rcquircd ro obmin mverage substentiaily equivalrnt �o the mongage inswance prcviously in efhn, nt a mst f;�}F F� " <br /> ' subs�emially equirelent�o the rnst w Borrowcr of ihe mongoae insurnnm prcviousiy in effea,from an altemate mortgage ;�� r _ <br />.-.j insurcr upproved by Lender. If substantinily equivalent mortgage insurance coverege is no�araileble,Borrower shull pry ro - -� _: <br />-,-,:� Lcndcr each mon�h a sum equal ro one-twelfth of�he yemly mongagc insurance prcmium being paid by Borrowcr when�he ''�°"-'"''!1'�• <br /> '1t J+3:,S:,. <br /> .; insurance mverage Ii�pxJ or aued lo he in effecL LwJer wiil attrpl.use md reluin Ihese p�ynunis as n loss rcserve in lieu �•x a --: <br /> of mongage insur+nce. Loss rcserve payments m¢y na Ianger be�he option of Lender.i(mongage insumnce '�"� J - <br />--„ corervge(in�hc emount and far Ihe period Ihat Lender requircs)providcd by an in}urcr appmved by Lender agein bernmes �':"r".":'.t':�'.;�%�•� <br /> ' avuilable anA ix obleined.Bortower ahall pay tlie premimnc reyuircd to m�iMain mongage inwrnnce in e(fat,or�o provide n i�_,j�;�:Y�;��:- <br />��-? lass rcserve,muii�he rcquimnxm for mongage inmmnce enJs in accordmce�vith any o�riuen agreement 6naveen Bortmver ',-," �tr`°� <br />:.,_I end Lcnderor npplirnhle law. ?r�.��t;_�_-'---� <br /> � 9. Inspecitan. Lender or i�s agem may make muonable entrie.upon:md in.�r�ions o(�he Propeny. Lender shall �.�..;_;__",.:"". <br />-.-�i give Bortower nalice a��he�ime of ar prior�o an incpec�ian+pecifying mawnable cau�c(nr ihe inspcainn. i'; ._•,�: <br />,::.J I0. Condemnetlon. The prexeeAs n(nny award or clnim fnr Jamage+,direcl nr mn.equeneial,in conneclion��ilh my �.--'_�,:,_;. .� <br /> SmpkF.mOy�"Yinnle�ladRadEieflucCVFOHNI.\tiTRI}1k_\T -CnnmmCmrnam• 9,90 �ry.sre.Jnryi�s� "�-:-: .�'� . <br />.'J mal�WhamYanls ■ � . <br /> : ieWt41� tAWVWIOIAt�LLbl.lql - . <br />._.' � �•'_ _ ' . <br /> � <br /> '�_ '��.--. __ _ . _" ._ <br /> -.,<� ' u.r,J....S_ ._/Jr. . - . ._ . . .� .. . . . _., a.' :.._- . . _ ._. :�;' _ :_ . ._.. , � - <br /> ../.:, <br /> ' 1 v . <br /> "4 . f) T ., � . <br /> ;f��<: - . . .. . - _ . <br /> - - -'r - _ _ _ . _ <br /> � .1: <br /> �,�i '(.:'.-. ..i.... . . � <br /> _ ..(.a._ . . <br /> f. , <br /> l. ' �. ' _ ' - ' ' . <br /> ..4i:•y' ' , ' _ . " - . <br /> S � _ ,. . - - . . <br /> fti -`�1.�� / . c _ . . . . <br /> �s� � I . I {: • . 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