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^ : r <br /> ��_�f .. ... _ ' _ _' .. . '.I�t_ _ "�"... <br /> ' ... _. . ' ' '__ . . . . _ ... . . , . — . <br /> _'_�__—.. • ��, '10�...._;..�.,___"_'—_ � <br /> ., apyllceble Iaw may eyoctfy tor ceN�atement)beforo salo ot the Prapeny punuant to any powu Ot eale r,ometnW In Wa � <br /> 3 ry In+wmen�or N)entry of aju0�nent entotctng tNe 8aaulry I�suumcn4 7hose cRndidoru ero thet Bwrower (a) <br /> _ ppy�Lender ell num+wldcR the�would 6e due vnd�r thia 8�cpdty Inswment and tAe Noto aa It no aopeteratlon had <br /> - ---- occuae0;(6)auw any AetaWt ot eny otMr mvenama oregramenta;(c)peYe elf expenae�Incuired in enforcing thi�&cu�iry <br /> tnsuwsen4 Including,but aot Umlted to,roasone6lo e�tomaye'fees;end(�takW euch ealon ae Lendar may «asonably <br /> ta7ut.o i���.r th�i iha Ilen atttds�r:�L-�st.�ent,tx.dtr2 Rghu in tt�PmFerty:snd 8mronw4 n41la:'.c.z•a{�°,1."a — <br />- -'�� eum� secured Cy thia Sewdty Nwument ehall eondnue unoAanged. Upon telnatatement by Bortov�eR ihis &avtty <br /> fnswment end the obllgalloro cavred hercby shdl rsmaln fully eHective ae it na exolc�atlon had oautred. Howorer,tbt� <br /> _ -_--°° flght to rolnatate shdl not appty In ttw caae oT aoceJeraHon under paragreyh 17. <br /> �°-� - - - -' 19. Bale of Note=Cpangu ot Loau 8etvlar 17w Note or e pertlal lmercse in�he Note(rogether with this Security '�� ' �� <br /> -___ Insuument)ma�be sold ona or mora tlmu whhout ptlor nodce to Bortowu. A aela may result in a change in tiw enHry - <br /> _ -:-,_Y;� (kno�m ss tlw i.oen Servlx�thet colteUs monthty psymrnta due under the Noro end thir Security insaument. 7Lue elio <br />.:u u,.� may be ona or moro chenges of�e Loan Servlcu unraleted to a ula ot the Note. If therc la a chenge of tM Loen 3avlcer, <br /> - _ HortowerwUl be given wdtten notice ot�ha change in�orordana wiN paragraph 14 above and appliuble lew. 1M nodce <br /> -- ;_;°� wIU aero the nema end eddres�ot tha new Loan 3ervicer end Uie eddress to which paymema ehould 6e mada 7Le notia wpl <br />-_=v=:_:-ct?.n atao conealn eny oNu infom�atlon requlred by applieable law. _ ._ . . <br />.-- �'.�..�'� 20. Hazerdous Su6sfnncea Horrower shaU not uuu or pem�it the presena,use,disposel,�rorage,or rclease of any <br />��;ry���;:�s�- Hezardoua Substence�on or in the Propeny. Bortower nhall not do,nor allow myona else ro do,enythfng attectlng the <br /> -��z;,��:-;,� Propeny that b tn violeqon of eny Hnvironmentel Law. 'Ihe prcading two sentencea ehell not epply�o�he prcsence,use,or — <br /> �f Y �torege on the Propwty of ameil quentitip of Hezerdom Substenoca�het ue genemlly rccogniuA to ba eppropdero ro normel <br /> ��i;,` rosidenHel usa wtd ro maintenance of the Propeny. - <br /> {�', f Bortowu ehall promptly g(ve Lender wdtten noHa of any Investigetion,eleim,demand,lawauit or other actlon by any <br /> �„j, govemmentel or rcg��lamry egenc••or pdv:ne pany involving�Ae Property end eny Hezerdon�Substence or 8nvironmental _ <br /> Lnw of which Bortower hae ncw.:l knowirdg: If B•rrower leama,or le notified by eny govemmentel or rc6uletory �; ';_:- � <br />-- '?`��-!-°�"� euehodty,thet eny removel or other remediatlon of any Hezerdaua Substance a(fadng�he Propeny ie necessery,Bortower =��- � - <br /> }`�}r.t'�:, shell pmmptly teke ell necee.+wy eemediel ee�tons in eccrordance with Environmenwl Law. ii<� � <br /> r, - -^; As used in thia paregreph 20,"Hezerdoua Substanca"aze those subs�ances defined a�toaic or hazardou:cubstancea by ti`G� r�',;;:_ <br /> ��,�r iv: Parvironmentel Law end Ihe following substancea: gasaline,kerosene,other Oammeble or roxic petroleum producn,toxic ' <br /> ' � {! pesticides and herbicida,volatile solvente,materials rnmaining asbcatw or fo�maldehyde, end radiwcNve matedah. Aa ��''If�' <br /> <"�'��' used in this pazagreph 20,"Environmental Law"means hderal laws end lawa of the juriadietion where�he Properry i�located ��ti } � <br /> �r L.z''. tha�rele�e to henith,aafery or environmental protenion. `s?•t L .. <br /> _;`�_7�.,a�?f NON-UNIFORM COVBNANCS. Bortower md Lcnder funher covcnent e�ngrce as tollows: ��7;;��sy--_-_ <br /> , } 21. AcceteraGon;Remedla. Lender aball glve notice ro Borro�ver prior to acceleretion tollo�sing IIorroner'e r)'�.�},�' i - <br /> r'S�t 4�� breach ot any covenunt or egreement fn tAU 8aurtly Instrument @ut nat prior ro�ceeleration under paragreph 17 �i�S;�R;t - <br /> ..�y�1 rr�_ unlesa appllcable laN provtdes othenrtu). The noUee ahall apeeiry: (e)the deteuitt(b)the eMton requlred to cure the �:..>;, �'�y��-_ <br /> i,o_!,� default�(c)e date,not lea tAan 30 dey�hom Ihe date lhe notice ia gtven to Oorro�rer.Ay nhlch Ihe defeult must be T,���.��� ,3,,_. <br /> �,,,� p��{- cured;and(di ifiai ieiturs tu curc lhe default un or be(orc[fie dute apeciticd in the noiice may reault in e�celen4on uf � --Y _- <br /> � S`a, lhe surtu secured by tM1la 3ecudty Inatrument and sele of the Property. The notice shell Nriher InPorm Borroieer of ;��r n�y, - <br /> - i;.d L' Ihe right ro relnatete eRer acceieratlon end the right ro 6rtng e court ectlon ro esert the non•exBtence of a def�ult or � --<< �- <br /> �-:�"h��%`vr� any other detenae of Daro�ver ro acceleretion end sela If the default tx nat cured on or before Ihe date speel0ed In ,,:��q�m�:�";T`. <br /> ''z� �c' Ihe nmlce,Lender at fla optlon may requlre tmmedlah payment In NII of all wrtu secured by lhif Security Instrument - t�:��f.,?�_: <br /> +�� � �; Ntthout turiher demend and may Invoke Ihe power ot sale and eny other remedtee permitled by epplicable la�x +�4 s:���+` � <br /> Er ��y-t I.ender ahell be mtitled to collect eil apensee Incurred in puraufng Ihe remediea provided in this peragnph 21, ,--ti�} �- <br /> ^;��j�,` including,bu!not Ilmfted to,reawneble ettornep'feesand eosta oftifle evidmce. 'i,��+,°�i j `,-_ <br /> ` - c„ Tf ihe o�ver of sale 4v Inr�okM,7}uatee shell remrd n natice oi defiWt in eech wunt In�rhich en <br /> p y y pnrt ot Ihe '.y7ul; c �rf?- <br /> ,',y y_.�s��`y Property is loceted end shull mell mpfe�of such notia fn Ihe manner prescribed b�applicable lu�v to 6orrowerend to �S'',:_;_:;. <br /> �i - Ihe other percona pracribed by eppliceble la�r. Aher the Iime requlred by appl ce61e le�v,7Yusite aholl give publle �i`s,t'� i� <br /> �- �{ notice otsale to the persom nnd In the mxnner prescdbed by eppliceble le�r. 7Yusttt,wtlhout demend on Barru�rer, :���'`•<a��� � -- <br /> .,:�:`,._^�•;: ahall aell fhe Property et public auctlon ro the h(gheat bldder et ihe tlme and ptam end under ihe term+destgnated In �;,j;��k�Y�y�._�. <br /> >�?I�q{ Ihe nofice otaele In one or more permis end in any order't�ustce dehrmines. 7}uxtee may pastpone snle of all or any S kl� �t r �S <br /> ��'}' ercel of the Pro ert b ubllc ennouncement at [he Iime end luce uf an re��iousl scheduled sale. Lender or Ib !f,;i;�',a,Zy..:;'. <br /> -;vr t� designce mey purchese Ihe Property at eny sule. P y P Y �: rx ���� <br /> _ ,S* �. Upon rceeipt of payment nf the pdce bid.'I�ustee shell deli��er to lhe purchaser 7}unee's deed conveying the �„± i �r-�� <br />�-:-fi4lj•"''��� Property. The rec(tele in the 7tustee's deed shatl be prfmu fuaie evtdence uT the truth of the statemen4+made Iherefn. ',:•h`-��"`�;- <br /> `�!i��;;:�-�r 7Yusteeshell apply the proceeds uf ihe mle In Ihe follon�in�order. �ol tu ull costs nnd expensex of exercising the po�rer �.`f�t�"'����"�.'- <br /> i. :`a7:, �.�.^h;;- <br /> Ai +-�` +'��t� � 9�. <br />- �fd"� 5��7 S�f•`- <br /> ,.y.F: j.�.G,, <br /> <`g:�3: =:�,�3��� <br /> -� i��, -_ �:d <br /> ) �� . f �� �� � <br /> Ai t. �. <br /> y �. <br /> rl t_ Fi�rmb111990 .rye.'t..�nry�•� � � - <br /> �-:}.��`� .. �� • ' ... . <br /> f <br /> { <br /> I <br /> i ry- <br /> -.x.t.. o✓��'"7T-?i,^y2'.^-.r• 'j�t: "��..— r. .� " _ . . ._. ... .. . . . . _.l . <br /> , —nP-.... . . .-::�'._ , .. r--� .n.q.�_. �._ ..._. .�„_�.I__ <br /> . �.5..-. . . • . _ _ <br /> ��17.�::.�.�:... j_'. _ ." . <br /> �_3 i; ' <br /> .._}• ��'i.�;D "� - . - ' . <br /> .._.-�r � __ _ . __' <br />. J.� r <br /> ":J•' [4. ' _ • <br /> ! 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