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� ,%.IOI.r -r_ _. . - . � � �' __" ' f �., - ._ �, ..��_ J. � =t;l � <br /> � -,. "_ . _ _�_ ....._ _ ' ._ _. _. <br /> . . - . . , . ... , <br /> .. _ . . . .83• ���� � <br /> ��' oYNle ena�aec�k,m�ua�ny�ee�pqqmea:ofc4elras�ce�p tceaacNaitytowrred,nottoaiaed ' 9 0,•• �ct�� <br /> - t�4Qt�ndpa��mauntQt@@aWO..¢�itneltm�oithedet1ar91bn�fd�feuipqndreesanaEAej�Ont�ya'�aa�+�e+�nt4(ed,- <br /> . b y t qw�(b)to aD eum�4 e eu�ed b y tAy Becurl4�instrumEnt j and(c)en�exatsf to th�penon or persotu le g a l ry 0ptltiaA. <br /> ton�- ._ • . � . <br /> ax Reoon»yana. upon payment of ell eum�ucorcE by @t�8ecurtry InswmrnL LenOer eheil rcquai 771usuo io <br /> �onvoy the Properry end ehail�urtenAer thit 8ecu�lty Instrumem en0 qll nota ovlQencing dcbi thi�Bca¢ity ' <br /> idswmcnt to 7tuatoe: 7Nateo�hn71 rccanvoy i�ha Propeny WI�M1ou�Nuranty end wUhout charge ro tho penon or.puwna <br /> Iegaily enNUedrolt. 8uchpersonorpenon�aliallpayenyrcoordatloncosta. <br /> ' • 2J. BuEstitute'tYUStee. Lendc►,at iW optlop,may from time ro Hmv rcmove 7tueteo and appoIm o sucasaorausiw to �" <br /> eny 7tu:tee appointed liueunda by m inswmem raorded In the caunry In whlch �hla Security Inatrument le recaded. <br /> _ Mthout conveyenw ot Ow Ptoperty,the ouoceasor Wstw ehall waxd to¢II tha tttte,power end duNc�conferted upon <br /> 7luctw h8relh enA by e�dlcabte Iaw. <br /> tA. Requettlo►M1(oNees. Borcower requcsta U�at copiea of�he noticea of dNsult end eale 6o cent to Bartowet)addreae <br /> which le the Propecry Addrcse. <br /> 31. Ridero to Ihia 8teurlp Iustramenb It one or moro dden ere oxecuted by Hortowcr end raorded toguher wIN <br />-� � thln Suurity InsWment,�ha corenante'and ngreemenu of each euch rider chell bo Incoryorated inro and�he11 emen0 end - �� <br /> su plement tlw corenant�md ageemenU of W�3ecudry Instrument u it�he rldeKs)wero e part ot�hG Suudty Tnstrument. <br /> _ [��k appllcablo box(w)j <br /> QAdJuatebla Rate Rider �Condominlum Ridcr �td E'amily Ridcr <br /> �draduated Payment Rider �Plenned Unit Developmen[Rider �Biwakly Paymen[Ridu <br />_!' _..>._.___ <br /> _ �Belloon Rtdor �Rero Improvement Rider �3econd Home Rider <br /> � R�OcheK�)[iPuityl Acknovledgment and Aseignment of Ranta Rider �'��w <br /> - Ec:,� <br />��'- BY SIONIN4 BBIAW,IIaro�ver axepu end agrces ro Ne remu and covenanta comeined in Nii Saurity Inswment --_ - <br /> ' end In eny dderU)axecmed by�orrower and recorded with it. ,—r� _. <br />- Wimessm: �?�' � <br /> ; � F,��.=._- <br /> .� �,2L���- r <br /> G'^�;Y" ISCep �'�r.•�.,.: <br /> -_� Patrick A. Glyfin •eamwer ° , ��, <br /> � Soci�ISecurityNumber `�5-98-6534 J�t'f`�. , <br /> ,�u.Q.�r R• .�i►u� l.,.,, <br /> :� p-cs�u ��<� ' <br /> �, <br /> �' Shelly R� Giynn •B^^��« t4` <br />._� SocielSecudryNumber 506-9G-A273 .5?:'',�. <br />._i �,,:}_.. <br />��-��� STATBOPNEBRASKA� Hall Cwnryss: '-'f;i!;E�''•�. <br /> -, • i«: <br />::�� %ii°f�:fy;�i <br />�_ On this y4th day of �y 1993 ,bcforc me,the undenignW,e Notary Public :;;.;:�r;�*;`,: <br /> ' dulyrnmmiulonedendqu�liRedforaeidcounry,personnliycame Patriek A. Glynn and '"�?�r�� �� <br /> •� Shelly R. Glpnn (huabend and wife) .romeknown�oberhe �;;,i(,ti- <br />-_i Identical percons(a) whose namNi)are cubudbed ro�he forcgoing instrument end acknowledged�he exaution ihercof to ,;�jvil �; <br /> - � thelr votuntery ac�and deed. %�rn <br /> -� WiNess m hand a In wid coUnl ,lhe '1`-,r �- <br />-,,. Y d and, Ne a Y ,�;C <br /> dete ePorcaeid. `� ' � ':��� - <br /> = MyCommfuionexpires ����� ��li ' 'YA�� `� <br /> - ��� NaaryWblk i,:=ii':.�.-. <br /> = `1Jr;,`.,,<•_'.. <br /> �= REQUESf FOR RECONVEYANCE T�+=�.i_;�- <br /> l'.,K., <br /> .1]'.�Y:%:s�. <br /> = T07RUSfCE -. <br /> = The undcrsigned la�he holder of 1he note or nola secured by thu Deed of 1tust. Said note or nores,together wi�h ell .7�3?1='�: <br /> ; <br />