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: .-: , <br /> . ' - ' . . i 4 - A.l1:1 <br /> . . . . 1 .. .. 1 ' ._ y _ 1 _ .. ... <br /> . . - �- . y� ) y () <br /> �.C.� �_ _ _ __... _ _ _ .. . . ._ __ ,�-y}� _ . �r. . �- I . . <br /> . '. _ . , . IdV ' '{, <br /> �Q� <br /> . �condemnoHano�'otherteklegopanypartot�hoPropeqy,o�forconveyencolnlleuoteond4mn�don,aro�eteby slgnWlyid ; <br /> ;he11yppdt4loLenper. • . : ,, . <br /> [nf_16Q Qre�li 4�u�ouT�akinp_ot�ho Pfo�cny,.�hayroxe�a�all bo epp7�ed to�ho qume�ccytsd tiy 1hi!S4cudtY: <br /> fistnmxn�,whelAet pi nOt Ih��dua,wft6 eny exaw pa[4�4��wer. In No evene ofi g pqttiollaking of�e Propeny in^ <br /> xfilch t�o f rinaiket value of t�e Propeny tmmWletely beforo tho taking b oqual to orgrcater iheil thp,am9unt otth0 wm�. <br /> r.C+:r�t;�b�:�rt:y 1rt�iin�-�s:nm�tarSY�fas�ths r.kMg,u;'tess OarowE`end Iz�id�r ath-�1w agr�ln xM2tng, " - <br /> �he cum�cecured 6y fhU BeeurUy inawment�hpll bo rcduaC by We omount ot tbo proaed�mulUptled by tho tollowing <br /> freaton= (�4io loul amowt oi IAo ium�sea[ed Immedia�ely beloro tho tekiag�dlvidW Ey(b)tho fair merket vptuo.ot�ho " . <br /> Property ImmOdiately De[uo the teking. Any balanco ehail bo pafd to$ortowet. In�ho event of e pMtd teking o/Iho <br /> Pmpe In whleh tho felr ma[ka valuo of[he Prope�ty itnmedieroly bo[oro�he�aking i�lee��hen tho emoun{of e¢e auma <br /> �Immediacely iwforo tM�eklng,untea�BoROwer and I.cndcr othmwlso egreo tn ivrlqng or unla�a�plkAblp tew - <br /> o�hrnvl�e provlda,�ha prooeed�chelt ba app1lW ro�he eum�eecurcd by thb Securlty Imwmcnt whether or not�e eume aro ' <br /> �hen duo. <br /> I(the Properry ia ebuMoaed by Bortower,or if,aIIer notice by Lcnder�o Bortower thnt�e condemnor offon to malw <br /> an awerd or eettle a clalm for dem�goa.Bortower fail�to respond W I.ender withln 30 day�aRer the date Ihe notice It gtven, <br /> I.cnder i�authoriud to ailcet end apply�he proceed+,at iu optton,elther�o rosrontlon or rcpalr ot�he Propeny or to�he <br /> cuma secured by lhle SeeuAry Inslrvment,whtaher or not then due. - ��- - <br /> Unlea Landu and Bortower otherwisa egrce In tvrlNng,eny applicatlon of procads ro principal ehell rrot extend or <br /> postpone the duo deto ot�he momNy paymem�rofertod ro in paregrephe 1 end 2 orchmge�he smoun[of euch paymenu. <br /> Il. Borrower NoFReleaud� Forbearance 8r I.endw Not e Weirer. 8xtenibn of the tfine forpiyment or <br /> modfflcetlon ot alnoMzadon ot tho aums euured by�his 3eadty Insltument gremed by Lender ro eny sucaawr in inte[eat <br /> ot Hortower ihall not opereta to rclease Ne Ila6itiry of the odginal Borrower or Bortowerti cucceamte In Intertat.I.ender <br /> ehell not bercq uircd to commence procudtngi egeinst eny succesmr In imercat or rctuse to extend dme for payment or <br /> otherwlse moiffy emoniutlon of the suma aecurcd by�his 3eeuri1y Incwment 6y rcason of eny demend made by�Ae odginel =_____.. <br /> Bortower or Borrowerl�uceeason in inrcrest. Any forbearence by Lender in exere(dng any right or rcmedy ehell noi ba e <br /> waiverof or prcclude the exercf�e of eny right or remedy. <br /> 11 Successore and Assign�Ooundt Jolnt and 8everal Llability;Casignen. 7Le covenanu end egreemenu of�hb <br /> Suurlty Instmment shell bfnd end benefit the cuccesw�s end essigm of Lender and Bortowez,aubjcet to�he provislonf of <br /> puagmph 17.Borrowarti covenanp end egramenu:hell he Joint nnd severel. Any Bortower who co-aigro thb Securiry �-. <br /> Lupument but daes not exxute ihe No�e: (a)is co•signing�his Security Insuument only�o mortgeg0.grnnt end eonvey�het <br /> BortowerY finemst in 1he Property under the[emu of ihia Saudty Inafwnem; (b)6 not personally obligaled lo pay the sum� <br /> cceurcA by thG Savrity Imuummr,end(c)agrcea�hat L.endcr end eny oqur porrower may egree ro cxtend,modify,forbear -=--- <br /> or meke any ncammod�tfons wi�h regard ro ihe ic�ms of ihis Secudry Instrument or Ihe Note wi�hout �het Hortowerl ��-;;= <br /> conaent. - <br /> 13. Loan Char�ea. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument i: subjat ro a law which sets maximum loan —__ <br /> eherga,end�hat lew is finally inte�rcted so that the iMCrest or other Ionn chargee collatW or ro be collected In eonncedon a.�= <br /> wS(F ii�d I�iu�dwi2w�-' [Fc yiiTuiiti�I�riU�(FcTL (6j u�y SUCF Iiai�tFn($c SFdI�11c Rdu-Kn1 by ih�:ara�nt n:::,;�ary•to�...iJ:. --"--`-� <br /> �he cherge to�he permOiW IimiG end(b)eny cuma alrcady collceted from Bortower�vhich exceededpe rtnitted Ilmiro will ix `;�:'_;. <br /> roPonded ro Borrower. Lender may choox ro meke�his refund by reducing the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making e --., <br /> direct paymmt to 8ortowec If o rcfund rcAucea principnl,tbe mduc�ion will be trtated na a paniel prcpayment wi�hout xny ��.".'�<?- <br /> prepayment cherge undcr ihe Nota $�rf;�_: <br /> 14. NoOces. Any naice ro Uorrower provided for in�his Sewri�y Insirument shall be given by delivering it or by �':<<-- <br /> mailing it by Flnt cleas mafl unlen eppliwblc luw rcquirea use of nnother method.7Te noiice ahell be dirated ro�he Propeny "`�� <br /> .?i-��:._-. <br /> Addmas or eny o�her nddnss Bartower designates by notice�o Lender. Any notice�o Lender ahall be given by firat class ,:�� <br /> mail ro LenderS addrcss:�med hercin or nny o�her oddrcss Lender designaies by no�ice�o Bortowee Any notitt provided for � -- <br /> in this Sewrity Instruntcro sh¢II be decmed �0 6mc bcen givcn m Dovo�ver or Lender when gtven nx provided in ihis _.-= - <br /> paragreph. <br /> 15. Coverning Lex;Severabllfty. This Securi�y Insuumem shnll 6c govcmed by feAerul law and the la�v of�he i�° ' <br /> juriadiction in which�he Propeny u loce�ed. In�he evem that ony provision or clnux of this Security Inswmem or ihe Na�e r 1 - <br /> wn0icts with applirnble low,such coMia shull not uffect a�hcr provisians of�his Saurity Instmment or�he Note which cun � <br /> be given effat wi�hom ihe conflicting provision. Ta this end the pmvisionn of this Securiry Instmment and the No�e are '� 'z-� <br /> datercdtobesevcnblc. �- - <br /> 16. Borro�rer's Copy. Bortower ahal l be givcn anc canfomicJ anpy uf�he No�e:md of this Securiry Inswment. c';=_`- <br /> -�r,+.:s.:-. <br /> l7. 7}anaPor of�he Praperty or n Qenellcinl Interext In Borrawer. If all or any pan o(the Propeny or any intercst in �-_�� � <br /> it is sold or trensfeRed(or if n 6encficial intercsl in �ortux�cr i.sold or Ironsferrcd und�arrower is no�e nnwml person) C;-?`r°-- <br /> witliout LenderY prior wrillen consent.Leuder may,at ih aplion,rcyuirc immediate paymm�t in tull of all sums secured by �%�i`�';' <br /> this Securily Instmment. Howcrer,this oplion shall no�bc ecercixJ by LcnJcr if cxcreicc is pm6ibited by fedeml law as of - <br /> the date ot�his Securiry Inswmem. <br /> If Lender excreises this option,LenJer shall givc 6ortuwcr noli�ti of accckr.niun. Thc noticc shnll pmvide a period ot •i:,'si'---. <br /> not less than 30 d�ys from�he daie the no[ice i+delivemd or m�iied e�i�hin w�hich Hormwcr mu�t p�y ali wms securcd by�his >=.>�S' <br /> Security Inswmenf. I(Bortower(ails �n pay�hese sum,prior lo Ihc expinlinn of Ihis pericd. Lcndcr may invokc my ��;:�;;`.., <br /> remedies permiltcd by IAisSccurily Inummcnl wilhom funhcr nuiim nr JcmanJ on Bnrtuear. " - �'' <br /> 1& Borrower's Right to Refnstnte. I!Dnrtmrcr mcch rcnain cnndilinn.. f3orta��er�h:dl hnvc Ihe righl la 6ave ������� <br /> enforcemeni o(Ihis Securily IO+INnlellt dixoniinucd Nt:InY linle�lriar lo IIIC eadicr oL' Ia1,S de)•�(Or auch olher PCriod ax -- <br /> . Smglei'm�ly-linnie\I�e�Fraddle\farCYlFI>R\IISAIRINF.\T-t�m4wmCmemnh 9N0 �ry.erl/nMK+� <br /> �._..(._.. <br /> „ __ j _ <br /> �yl, k.f557 ,- ��� . St. `.:.... . .,..� -l-i_ ,...5 . �: . .,�� _ s _ �. �-- .a� � -._ '. �_ .._ . <br /> .... . . � � <br /> _ • . .� , ..� .. :,o_ � <br /> . . . <br />-� i �-� .� ' _ . . ._ . . _ _ . <br /> ' ��:._t.; �:.yL.�� : . - - . ' _ - - . <br /> ,s:' ,' _ ` . . _" " . - - - " - <br /> S �t s-� � • . - � . <br /> . 4 ;! ' � <br /> �r _ <br /> , � _ , <br /> �- " ' 'i � . <br /> • `� _ - . . <br /> � <br /> , ti s i _,- <br /> - •. . �, . <br /> �a . : � M1- . _ .. ._ _ --, . . - ' '. •. . .. - . <br /> it _ ' <br /> t � - <br /> � f- � ' o t . � t �� " , _ . <br /> y\3' ♦. t -y4 <br /> �1 -�t i5 � ');- s } . . ,I � � � - - . <br /> . r ys. - � <br /> -' n . - > .:: t.� - i <br /> yt _fi r t-. I .� -- , -�.. - . <br /> f -. 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