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i� —'r'—_ . . .. _ . ; ., r� K � S --.._._.__. <br /> .. ; <br /> . , n pa,_.-. <br /> :�. -..:. ._ . . ,- . e �- : -� i '3. � . �,�s� <br /> ,. _ ' .� , ._, _ � • . <br /> . . � . .i T ... ._ . .,_ . � __._ __ _ .._._.-- . ____. /j •.'�i� �-;� Far�l . - —_.. . _.. <br /> �'+ "- , . � � ..' . , .. . . "' _ , .� ��Tq,'.. �� y.r <br /> ._ . .. . .� . . 1 � r �t-. <br /> +� pettodsthatLeAdiittqulrea. 7Mlnsui�iwec�tlerQrovlG.�(g t�sGisw+�ro�hW�b�cfinFfnpYBondwer�u �ptRaAe�t <br /> approyelwhlchshNl�otqeunreadoh�btywlUlhela lfBortbwertaibtomqptaineovere�edc,�ribedebqv��defmt�,�t ,� <br /> le�d'ectopUon.n6WnanremAatu tlsn4er�rlgLt�lumoPm�enylneccordsxn A•Far+gr?pb7 . , _ - <br /> ---- Ail insutalc6 potk[eb md«n wqia ihql¢p ecceck6le to LMCder and�tia1(Inetudo e et�nddrdmortgase slausa��:eAQ�� '' <br /> ifMllhavo�harighttoAolQNepcltoleaandrenawate, ItLenderrcqoitee,RortowenAWlpfompttygivq)o�.e�EerpllfiegC� <br /> of peid pieiniuma md ienowAl botiat,_In tfie evene oi to�e,bonower ehail g�ve pompt notiee ro me i�s¢(m�oo cartkr - --- <br /> Lendce i,endermeymakoproof,ottosalteotmadepromP�yb Bortower, <br /> y ; <br /> IInieu Lender and Hmrowcr othenvlse egreo in wrlting,Iniurance prooeed�iha11 be a�plied to rtstoratbn oi�ep►G o( � : <br />_ _ _-„ tAa Ycoperty damaged,if tho rcstomqon orrepsIr h eoonomlwUy healble end I.enderti secudty !e not teuened..IG�a <br /> rostorotlon or rcp+lr G not economioelly feaa161e or LenderY aecuriry xrould be leasencd,tho insurgnce prooetdS fh�i!be ` � ' <br /> epp11W ro the euma eeowxd by ehla 8eauity Inswmenq whether or na�hen dua with nny axcesa pA0 to Qottdwet. V °---- -- <br /> — Ho�rower aMndon�tAo Propeny,or doea not anewu wt�hin 30 days a notico trom Lendor�het�he lawrenoe oartlei ha+ <br /> ofkrcd ro eeule e cletm,thcn La�dumey collaK the ineurauce procteQa. landu may um the proaeM ro[epatr o��t� <br /> the Property or ro pay eumi saured by thie 3uudry Insteument,whuhu or not Nen due.The 30•day pulod wlll be <br /> the nodca iegiven. <br /> ____ Unlas I.ender end Hortower othuwtae egree In vrtiting,eny epplluHon otproceeds ro ptinetpal thall not eMOnd a __ ___._ _ <br /> postpone the due Aate of the monthiy pnymenu rofcmd ro In peregaptu 1 and 2 a change tla emount ot the ps enu. I! <br /> -- undu peragreph 21 ihe Propeety ie acquUtd by Lender.Bortower6 riph[to eny insuranca policie�and p�iaaulting <br /> — from damege ro the Proporty pdor ro tAe acquidGon sha11 paai ro Lender to the exunt ot�ha�umi saurcd by thla 3xudry <br /> lnswment immediately pdor ro tha ecquUttlon. <br />..i� 6. Oaupancy, Preaervation, Malnteoence end Protecibn ot the Propertyyy� Borrower'e Loan Appliwdon� <br /> �— I.easeholds. Bortower shall occupy,ateblish,and uae the Propmty as Bortowert prina�ruidence wfthla�txry daye afler <br />� '-- tha execuNon of thLi 3ecudty Inswment end�hell continue to oaupy Ua Prope�ry as ortowert principal rcaidence tor el <br />'�_.._,;�: lease aw year after �he date of ouupancy, unloss Lendar ahenvlu agroea In writlng, whioh consent �hall not 60 ------- - <br />._:<^� umeasonably wlthhald,or unles+extenuating oircumstanaa en(st�vidch are bayond Borrowerti control. Borrower chell na <br /> dutroy,demege or Impair�M Propeny,nllow�he Properry to duedomto,or commit was�e on the Propeny. Bortower shell <br />'r%� 6e in deteult if any forkhuro ac[lon or proceeding,whe�her civ(I or cdmiml.Ia begm Nat ln I.endarb g�od tetth Judgment --�-- <br />"»�_,� could «suit In fodet[uro ot the Propeny or o�erw(se matedelly fmpair the Iien croakd by thia Secudty Instrument or <br />;:�:;�� Lenderl aecud�y Interest Bortower may cure wch a defaule ond rcinatata,es provided In peragnph 18,by cawing the ectlon <br /> or proteeding to 6e dismiased with a�uling tha6 in Lender6 good feith detertnfnation,praludta forCelturc af ihe BortowuY <br /> A;��j� inrerest in �he Property or o�hu meterial Impairtnent of the Ilen ettated by thi�3ecurity Intwmmt or Leeder§eecurtry <br /> intercat. Bortower �hdl alm bs in defeult if Dortower, dudng tM1e loan eppliaqon proces�, gave matedelly telae or <br />`°;;r� ineaunte InPormation or stetementa�o Lendtt(or feiled to provide Lender w(th eny matedal tnformatlon)(n anneaton wit4 <br />'=?•�2 the loan evidenced by �he Note, Including, but not Iimited to, rcprosenie�ions conceming BortowerY occupency of the .�_—. <br />--;:'��` Propeny ee a prineipal rcsidenco. If tN�Seeudry Inswment i�on a leasehold.Bo�rower�h�ll comply wifi eIl�he provialom <br /> tti;:�. of the lease. If IIorro�vcr aequtrca fee tltle�o�he Propeny,the leesehold end thc tee tllla ahtll aot merge wiess I.ender agrcc� _. <br /> ,� -;� co�he merger m wnt�ng. ,..._ _.... <br /> 7. Protectlon ot Lender'e Rtghta in the Property. If Bortower faila [o perfoim �he covenenta and egreemenu <br /> + �,� contained in �hia Securiry Lutrvment, or�herc is a legal proeeeding �hat may aigniflamiy atfat Lendery dgMi in fie * � is�� <br /> Propeny(auch ati a proceeding in bankmptcy,probate,for condemnetion or fodeiturc or ro enfarce Iawa or regule�tom),then �t r'1�.. <br />��3j�?; Lendcr may do end pay tor whatever is necess�ry ro pro�ect the value oC We Propeny end Lender§ dghte In�he Property. ����:;'l,�?-"---_ <br /> Lenderl nctians may(nclude paying eny suma secured by a licn which hss priority over�hia Sauriry Insuumen4 appeatina 1+ r}t � <br /> in coun,paying rcamnnble anomeya'feta end entering on the Pmpeny to mnke rcpain.Althagh Lender moy teke ection �,-` <br /> j.�:� undenhia pangwph 7.Lender das not have ro do so. )�r .v....�. <br /> ir� My ¢mounta disbursed by Lender under ihis paragreph 7 ahall bemme add'nione!deb[of Dortower aecurcd by�his i}� �"S.,V�"� .- <br /> � Security instmmen4 Unless Oorrower and Lender agree to other temu oC paymen6�hese+moums ahatl 6ear Inlercst from�he � ; <br /> _t: date of disbursemcnt et the Note rete and shxll he payable,wi�h interext,upon noiice from [.ender to Borrower requeating �°��t� ,}' - <br /> 'F� payment. cd., t '�.� <br /> '�'��� Securrt Inaimment. Bofrower shall��d the�rcm ums ne u red �oroma n a n the mort a e nakorance m effm.0 Ifafor en� ��rn+���,Y' �'�� <br /> �rrcr, Y PaY P 9 B 6 Y '��"yr�, : <br /> �.' rcesan, Ihe mongage insurence covc�age rcquircd by Lender leµces or aases m be in effect. Borrower shall pay �he t .- li�qtl��i �. -:- <br /> ^�. prtmiwns ¢quired ie ob�ain ccr:rage substantinlly equivelent to �he mortguge ineumnce prcvioualy in eRec6 at x cmt ...t,r'3�� ' -- <br /> n. xuhstomially equivalent�o the cos�to Bartower of the mongage insurence previamly in etfect,from an elcem�re mongnge s'.���%}{�, It �-� <br /> y-`;� insurcr npprored by Lendec If subs�entieily equivalent mongage insurance coverege�s no�available.6ortower shall pay ro �i� ��t=� . <br /> Lcnder exch momh n sum eyunl�o one•iwelflh of t6e yearly mortgage insumnce prcmium being paid by 6orrower when�he '_ a�i,s�':r:�__:.-.._ <br /> �,_._ insu�ance rnverega Inpsed or ceosed to be in effat. Lender wili accept,uu end miain these paymems as a loss rcxrve in lieu ` a-_���t-,. <br /> �,. of mongoge insurence. Loss reurve payments may no longer be rcyuired,at the option of Lender, if mongage insurence } �� ._�, <br /> >�' coverege(in the xmount end for ihe period thnt Lender requires)provided by nn inwrer approved by Lender again becomes �< � <br /> -_;j�° nveilehle nnd is obmined.Borrower shall pay the prcmiums rcquircd to maintein nwngxge insur�nce in etket,ar ro provide a F; > -= `� ; <br /> loss reserve.until the rcquircment for mottgage insurance ends in accordance wi�h my wm�en agreemem Mn�een borro�ver -;;<i�'���ti;��::=�� <br /> - -c� nndLenderorapplicablelaw. , - ,�._ ;: <br /> -�_`e,- 9. Inspectfon. Lender or ils agen[may makc maionable cnirics upon and inspcaimz nf Ihe Property. Lendcr ahall '•' '�•�•-'��-- <br /> ,-:::y?,!:ti(,`: �>: _:. <br /> - give 6ortower notice at Ihe lime of or priur la an inspeclion speci(ying mawnable cau.e Por�he in.peciion. .. .L'.-- <br /> 10. Cnndemnatlon. The prncecAs of any awarti nr riaim Jamages,dircc�or conuyuential,in connm:nn�vith+nr ��.�-,�.'� <br />- .ir: ".'.Y:,'.'..-._-�. <br />-��i.. Smpelmdy-.BnnieN�HF}Mek]1�cCYffOR\II\cfRI:NF.�'mrnam. 9A0 �M�r.,fnpuem _ .. <br /> _ U��.�..�.�.�K e �'_ - _ <br /> �.�„e.,.� ������.�xa�.v.�.���� ;.�.:- <br /> ^m-'+.r---.^-.rm...'.,n.:.__�•"r,—...._-.._,.�..� "�":• > - ._ ' .Y . :��%" ''� - . <br /> � .. ..,_ <br /> + ...�r...__. ...: . . .. _.,.-..o.. ... .:.v'.. . . . .. ... ...` i . � . � . 1 ' .. . •'�.i.. r�. ". <br />�r�. �i{__.::`. _ , . . ... <br /> `�)� 1 �r- a'!)':� . . - - <br /> _:.` �.;L "1 d _ ' <br /> .�v.�i::�ii�y•� ` . ' , <br /> f,��� � � . . • � . <br /> ., ..'?' � �1'_ . . . <br /> t�4.Z-� _ " . . . . <br /> .(i .�..,F. . - � . � . . : . <br /> :_}:;; ° � . . . .. . . <br /> A � "�;�1� - , .-} . . <br /> l j I <br /> ���� 1 . II t_f . . • . . . • ' . .. . . •� <br /> lY ] ) <br /> � :-1 f _ o . 6 . <br /> '_i �. � � �� .. . <br /> � 1 <br /> 1 � � t� <br /> . � f �. ._A . .., . 'r.e..��� .. .. •.. ��, _ . . _ . .. : _ � ._� � � _."i . . ._.. ... .._ . _ <br />