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- � . . �, ... . _ <br /> ,... ,. . _ .. . __ _ _ <br /> w.�, . �. __ . _ <br /> ��;{• Q <br /> ' T008lfBR WI'If[dt thelmproremenro now or hercaf�er orccted on�he propeny,llfQ'nit�m� te, Jflenanora, <br /> u�d tixturea now or hucaRcr a part ot�he prope�y. All rcpfeoemente md eddfdom�hall elau be cove�i�Secutity <br /> , YnswmenG All of the taregoingle referted ro in Nfs AaMrlty tnstr�mam xe�he'Proputy." �--- <br /> HORROH+Bk COVHNANfB thet Bortowu ie Iawlully xiud of ihe eateie hercby anveyW end haa�ho rlght to gnnt — <br /> end comey�he Pro�y and�het the Property Ia unencumhercd.axxpt tor enwmLrancu ot record. Borrower wemnq enQ —_ <br /> w1I1 detend generelly the dtle to�ha Propeny egainat e11 clalma uM demenda,subJea to any rncumbrences otrccord. <br /> TNIS SHCURPfY 1NSY1tUM8Nf combines uni(om� covenanu tor national use and non•unitorm covenente with <br /> .._„-.; tlaAted varieaom by judsdlaion lo constiNte e unifortn cecuriry imtmment covering resi property. <br /> IINIFORMCOVBNANfB. Bo�rowerendLenduwvenantandageee�follows: � <br /> 1. Payment ot Prinslpal end Iateresti Prepayment and I.ate Chargca. Barowu chall promptiy pay when due�ho — <br /> �— pr4�clpai otend interest on�he deb[evidenad by�ha Note end my prepaymmt end laee chugw due under the Noto. — <br /> 2 FUnds Por 16sea and Inaurana. SubJect ro eppIlcable law or to a written waiver by I.ender,Bortower shall pay to <br /> = Lender on�ha day monthly paymenU ero due wder the Note,untll the Nota(�paid In tull.�cum("Pundf)lor.(a)yearly _. <br /> ��=H taxee and easesamonb which mey attein pdodty over thb Secudry Inatwnrnt u a Iien on the Propeey:@)yeeriy leasehold ��.- <br /> „,� �yma�la or ground rcms on the Property, if eny: (c)yexrly hazerd or propeny insurence premiuma: (d) yoarly flood -_.. <br /> � nsutance prcmiuma, It eny: (o)yearly mongage insurence prcmtum�, If any: end(�eny sum�payable by Borrower ro <br />�-�-;n� Lendet.In exordanco wi[h�ho Provislans of parngraph 8,in Ilw of�he payment of mortgege(naurence premtuma 7Leao _. <br /> -' Ieema ara cailed"8scrow Itema.' Lender may,et eny�Ime,collat end hold Rmda in en emount not�o exuW tha maxfmum f�____ <br /> emount a lender for a tWeretly rolated mortgage lom may rcqulm tor Burtowerh escrow eccount undu ihe tedeml Resl �� -- <br /> � Hatete SNtlement Praedures Act ot 1974 ea amended from tima lo tlme,12 U.S.C.p 2601 er aeq.C'RESPA').unlcs+another � -- <br /> � Iaw that eppfla ro the[vnde eeb a lesur amoum. It so.Lender may,et eny time,collect end hold Punds(n en vnount not ro <br /> _,:� exaed the leasw amount. Lender may uttm�ro the emount of Aund+ due on the basie of cumm dete and rcawneble � �� � <br /> -:� eaHmams of apendimrca of Pofum Escrow Ilema or aherwise in ocwrdance wi�h appIicabie law. 4u ---------— <br /> 7Le PunN ahall be held in en insti[ution whom deposils ure insured by a federal agency, inswmentality,or enliry {��rix <br /> `_�'] (tncluding Lender.If Lender is iuch an Instimtion)or in any Pedcral Nome Loan Benk. Lender sheil apply the Punds to pay �rg i7 -_ <br /> 1 the Escrow Items. l.ender may not chuge Bortower for holding end applying �he Punds,annually anelyzing the escrow t tu,. <br /> s1 aocoun6 or vedfying the Fscrow [tems, unlea+Lender paya Bortower interest on [he Punds end eppliuble law permiu � � = - <br /> 4j Lender ro meke such a eherge. However,Lender mey requirc Bortower to pay n onatime charge for an independent real t''S � <br /> j 1� atata tax rcpotting wrvica used by Lender in connection with�hia loan,unleu applicable law providu otherwise. Unlex+en ;f fi i�u - <br /> agrcement is made or�pplicable Inw requirea iNerest to be paid,Lender�hall not be requircd to pay Bortower any imercst or u r;" , s- <br /> eamSngi on�he Phnd+. Borrower nnd Lendcr may agree in writing,however,that intereat shall be paid on�he Mnds. Lender t�� R -�-- <br /> �,t �hell give to Bortower,without charge,en ennual accouming of fie Ponds,showing crcdits and debits to�he FLnds wid Ihe iy Ja�� <br /> -`Y pmpose for which each de6it to ihe Wnds was made. The FLnds arc pledged as addi�ionel cecurity for all suma saurcd by x"r k�j � , <br /> .: ;:, �hisSecuritylmtrument. ��CF51 r��L�ta�lu:. <br /> If�he Wnda hetd by Lender exceed the amoums permined �o be held by appliceble Inw.Lender chall eccoum ro x�K�K �,_'�—�- <br /> ��:t� Bortower(or the excas Ponds in eccoNance wi�h�hc rcquircmema of appliceble Ixw. If�he amount ot tee Funda fieid by � ep� ��r -_: <br /> -J�� I.ender at eny�ime is not su�ciem to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so no�ity Bortower in writing,and,in i'L�;� -�,� „ ;_- <br /> '�;;p such exu Bortower shall pay ro Lender the amoum neceasery ro meke up the deficiency. �orto�ver :hall make up the Y������;�t}yy��d;;,�; <br /> -' deficienry in no more�han twelve mon�hly payments,at Lenderh sole discretiaa t �����';',�{.� �t��� <br /> ,�}, Upon paymmt in full of all sums ucurcd by this Securiry Instmmen4 Lendcr shall promp�ly rcPond ro Bonower�ny z !{ r E,gnrpy,�-. <br /> ;:,i. Wnds held by Lender. If,under paregrnph 2I,Lender shall acquire or xll�he Propeny,Lender,prior to�he acquisition or }�,.,t_z1•.,�t��t�y��r;��. <br /> �'t sele of the Propeny,:hell epply nny Ponds hcld by Lender ni�he�ime of acqu�sition or saie es a creAit egeinst the sums � _ t���> {��,C� <br /> �' secured by�hia Sceumy Inatrumcnt. - <br /> 'i` 3. ADDIIeation o►Paymenta. Unlcss applicable Inw provida otherwise, all payments reccived by Lender under s j`�, ?j,����{�� <br />.r y_r�. pawgtaphs I end 2 shall be nny pmpxyment charges due under the No�e; emounu payable under ,t•.�����v:,;�1,t,..�_:.,` _- <br /> --v paragreph 2:third,to imercs�due,founh,to principal due;nnd iat6 ro any late cherges duc under�he Note. .e,.. �vy�i�.� �+x S 2J�: <br /> .-�.-� 4. Chergea; Llene. Bovowcr shull pay all taxes, asussmems, charges. fines and imposi�ions attributable to�he * � 1 '�R r ��r s- <br /> Propeny which may anain priorrty over�his Security Instrumen�,and Ieasehold payments ar ground rents,if uny. Borrower ? i�� t�y�' � °��� <br /> _:?� ihme'dierectly to he per�mn o vcdepayn cn�PBorto ver Ia11 proPmp�ly fumih o6cnd nAal non es of nmoums�o'be paid nder , � f�,'r <€�f ; <br /> �his pa�agmph. If Bortower makes thex paymm�ts dirtttly.Bortower sh¢II promptty Pomish to Lender receip�s evidencing � - kF"�� �r <br /> �"j� IhCpBymeNS. �� �"��M1f f"�.'_ <br /> 8orrower shell promptly diuharge any lien which has priority orer this Sceuri�y Instrument unlcss Borto�rcr.(a)ngrces t\a !� Yt�i - <br /> ' `1� in writing ro the payment o(the obligntion murcd by the Iien in a manner uccepinble�a Lender,(6I cantests in good faith the ^� i ��;�� v ` ; <br /> - lien by,or defcnds against enforcemem a!�he licn in,legal pr«ecdings whic6 in the Lenders opinion openie io prcvcnt the �7 �l�t' '-�?' � - <br /> enforcement of�he lien:or(c)securcs fmm the holder o(the lien an agrcemem tiatisfnclory to Lender subordinating�he lien l� _ t;r,�,`� ' '�� <br /> -��� to Ihis Security Instrumem. If Lender delefmines that any pan o(the Propeny is subjecl to n lien which may attain prioriry ._��t : <br /> �: over this Secunty Instrumen6 I.ender may give Bortooer n nolitt idemifying�he lien. Bovower shali salis(y the lien or take - <br /> -'- one or morc of the ectians ut Ponh abo�e within 10 dayx of 1hc giving o(noticc. `r i,.e:'s,t�.,,�� <br /> S. Harard or Prapvty Insurence. Dortowcr.hall keep thc improvemcnu now czisting nr hercaftcr crccted on�he � -� �+�r�,�°"�:�: <br /> Propeny insurcd egainst loss by fire,hazards included within Ihe temi"ezrended cuverage'and any o�her ha�ards,induding <br /> Ooods or ilaading. (nr�vhich Lender rcyuire+inwrantt. Thi. insuance �halt be mainuined in�he amounts and (or the • " � " <br /> i: �, -:. _. . - <br /> -.,..,t7 `_. _ _ .. - <br /> FarmlOSd 9/90 qvxr�Jh1�Rn� . <br />- �" ` . . <br /> -. .t • Ir <br /> - f.' `_ <br /> _..__"_„'atc _�.-.-::.�r.-__ ___ _ _ ____ __ _ � -..-a . - ',_. ` J'T°"r . <br /> ,1' . . .. . . . . . . - . . � .0 ., a _ . . . <br /> :�'_��:_:�-�:_ '��� _ . <br /> ._ '.� - <br /> y�t�.%'� :1 . . .. <br /> �y`'.� ' . . . . . <br /> - ..• �-�;';°;';'' . <br /> 1::'�'��_.,;:,.•:�' . <br />. . .. _;..; .::�-. . - .. <br /> ' i'...::��� ' <br />_ ."'y=�.�'.l`i '�.sii,� . ' ' . . <br /> ±l�i. i-�:��}��.�"t�.: . � - _ <br />:.,�:� . 'i.;- ' � ' . � .- _ • - <br /> ' u- � - . � _ " . <br /> e . , <br /> r-r :. } � - . � - � � . <br /> r _J ._: : � ___ `_ + - . <br /> � <br /> ' • � " .- .-� .. . <br /> 4 . •: . <br /> __ _ _ . � , . ... <br /> .UE -'" `...- „c. .t .� . - � - _ . .. . . . �. . . . .- - _ ,. .._._r.... <br />