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Jl 4'��(. __ __ ' .., � � _ Y '� . ~ i- �� //(n Y �. ... <br /> � � � • • �. . _ .- . , ..- - , . . -� -s :: - 6`�, . -. � . r� k�t�st �� . <br /> _ - 9orrdYeriNY QASeuofi�d�buA 4nd( �kt6y6`p�4Y1�➢1 � � 7N4�_�8�-bylGU�tnb�i�fC�On WDld��� ��''..a'`�, � -�: <br /> W <br /> ' _ - Bsdd6t.lQtiNlh�nli�tA!4fnt�IhrloO�HM�d+txmtMLbh t"ad�lhqic�tAfQop6w.W�Nifry�tNth!p�p� a,.� <br /> . omx muew unp�►m.n�a �h,IM�emtW�y NI� N��O►�n NY� � IntNy}, ih�'�lto b irS : <br /> — • H 8ehN1 B BoROw�h du�Yp'th�'bu��pp��ddn D�u�q�ytMi�I NJti br Yi�aunt� nfOm�VoO i#�U • qlini�i ' M, <br /> � ' (or fWd,To proNde t.�nM wMh hY' mUNW�nfonnt9o�N ooqmetlai V+kh NI bY1 iAd�ff�8tl DY lkis�lid I��g,56i6R�• <br /> �{,� 11 3 1�i��f d S O�� �➢1 i�.1 i��Pi-�d7bbrnFip BbYdWiii�L i'�y i�i�t'w'"y`�� 'rivp�-ic�i"P3si?+�i�:i ���.�i.: w'r�c....''N-�1 t ._. _ . <br /> -- -- . InaiNmant U on�N�e�ot0, Barowa atU oompy xMh d the,p�N9an8 of Nd laaa tl BWtOV(N iCQVlf4a ��H Iltll Ib�4?;'y�s�;1, <br /> IMs"J!�<A!1!!!!M41!M th�W tMlr alut nol mvn unMet Catdr�as to No mn7v hw�tba --` i'� . --- <br /> s �; � 7,Prot�atlqn ot Iwtid��'� NiyM�tn Qii�Proputy.11 n hri to pw(am me wv+nmt+Ha igr�ni�+u" � — <br /> _ oont�Yied N lhb Sxudb NsWmx�6 a Nxs 1��NyY P.rou!Nn9 ��Y.�IM�+rtII��rt�ct L�ndM� Apht�N_UI�WopNrys � <br /> ,�Y�}= I{YCII!O�pro�g In GnlauPtry�DroDrts,ta oondxmntlbn or krteldue or io enfaa kw+a npuYtlbN!), Nm 1.aufMllWy� , . <br /> . � do end pay tor whals�a p nnco7fefy to proteCt t�e rada of the Propap�end tendeVe AgMe In Ne PrOpary• �e1Ma1'e:_p,,H�s_..,._. .,.-,. ,..-.-.,. . . <br /> msy Nduda W1�0 eny ams �ured ai e !en rrhloh he� qbdy ww t�b Beouf�ry HeWmml, �PPwlnq In bowt,-pry�g . ` . . <br /> ,? --+�9 raaauble�ttomry8 ten md aNaing on Ne RoD�Y to Abke rep�7a AR�wpli lender mry Wce iWOn wdR tlJ�pen�Ph: : .._. <br /> S ��^ :e. 7,Lender dooe not have b Eo�a <br /> -� ,��}y �� My unounle deDUneO by lmdx under pua�aDh 7 sha0 beoome �ddtlond dcbl of Bortava oearted by Nta�: <br /> 5 � �� . 8eaurAy InsWment Unlesf 8ortana �n0 lenda a�as to otha tame of D►Ymenl,NOas unounle s�d Oar htaest Irom . . - <br /> } .-�,� fhe Nle ot daburaanml�t tne Nole nle enA sM0 6e prpbia wl�h Nleroa4 upon notloe 4om lmda l0 8ort4�wr rcquestinp . . <br />��;t:,�>'�l�'rt• DWmtn4 . . . .... . . <br /> �;;-,•,} Y: B� Mortgiy�IrlfuranCO�H Lender requaed maty�ge Inauruia u�eonAltlon of mddnp Ne loan etturetl by thb . <br />?"°��s'^; �'�E:l;� BeauAy InatrumanL Bortaner ahel pny Iho preMume requYed to ma6iWn Il�e maegape In�urmea In aMac4 II,for m7r rea6a61he <br /> �<<tt����i';,,�,�,_ . <br />:"n__'`�N,q��: mong�9e 4wuranae tovmqe raquted by Lender Npeoe or eeaeea to 6�N eBect. Bomww eM1 p�y the praNume reqWeO to _. <br /> a, obWn ooverage auEstenNy equMlent to Ne matgnge Inturonrn preNway N eRec6 �t�CObt 6Ub6Ylitl!!�r OQIIM�I011�10 GIO <br />`,-"'�"�' ooat to Baroww ol the rnortp�ge Inaunnea praAOUay N eNed, from an allemele malge8e Neurer �pprorad by Lenda. II <br /> =::�:.?Y,l�v:;;l° <br />--- - k.:`":�i�. �ubaWtlnCy equNalmt matgaga Fwrenoe oovan9e�a not areBeble. Barower ahe0 pey to Lenda aeh monlh�eum aqu�to --- <br /> � �xi#` :�r`_5 onalweillh of the yaAy nartgage Naursnoe prr�Num beNg pdd by Bararrer whaf Me Nauru�oe oovM9e Ilpted or eene0 to -- � <br /> �c. ,w� h y,��° w In eaea. Lendu wN�asp4 u�e and retam these p¢ymenu ae e bse resave In le�ol mo�ty�ys Inaurenca Loas re�me ` -�� <br />� �.`s r�«; paymmle mey no lon9er 6e requYed. at the opEon of Lendd,B moegege Insuru�ee eareraye pn the emount md fa iha pabd u.° . <br /> , +5'11��;�• thet Lender requtrea)pralded by m Inaura epprwetl by lender eyeN 6eeomea avN�ble md b obWnad. Borrowa�MI pay - <br /> aN`ri#.�-;'�'*.;�� Ne quNUma roqu4ad to melntaN mortyeye Inauienee N elle�t, o�to qoride s loea resene,uniD the requ4anent tw mortynge ��'-�-� <br />_..- ,s,.��nh. Nwruiee ende N a000rd�oee wAh�ny w'Pten aReement belween Bortaxer and Lender or eppACabie kw. �'�---� <br /> -.��:i,si,..,_e•. <br />_,�4,.�t,_.,,:,.�t, 9• II18p80tlOn. IeWer wp agmt mey meke reawneble en1Aw upon end NapeWOn�of t�e Properiy. Lendw shW gNe ■�;:..a,.._ <br /> ,��f ;-$> Barower noYea�t Ne rine of a pbr to en Nspedbn spedyNg reeeon�Wa auae for the Nepeqbn. @- _ <br /> 1„ .�_,�Hi� 10. Condemnatlon. The prooee0a of eiry a+verd or ddm fa Gmaga, direct or ooneaqumtlel.N eonnectlon wllh eny TP� -- <br /> i"r;�:"::.;;,�."'�� aondemnelbn or other W1ng ol ury put ol the Noperry, a lor oonvapnce In Ieu of condam�tlon, ere hueby�aslpned end <br /> `. ' Sy ,�!: the0 be ptld to Lender. -�_����� <br /> � �:',. . <br />-'3i�i,f,i- �„ <br /> �, � �<.� In the event W u lotel te4iq ol the Propaty, Ihe proeeede tA+7 be �pp0ed to the tumt seaured by NIe SetuAty �-;�_. <br /> s,�';,`;::� �• Mr_..e.-, <br /> � `:fi3� IntWmMt,wllelher.or nN then duo, wllh eny exeass pald to Bonowec In the event ot s penkl teldng ot Ihe Propaly N �._._ <br /> +' -'���'- whirL tha Llr�wfiet vJ�� of tM PropMy ImmeAetey Oefare Ne tetdnn la euuel to a oreata ihan ihe emount ol the wm� �P -�__� <br /> 3c";�5:::=`�.,:`Y seeurad by thle Baurly Natrumml Irnnedlntey bebre Ihe Lldng. uNeas Bonaver end LenUa oNe�wlse a�ee N wrllNy. tha 4'-,��_. <br /> .,dr�.�Sa(.;... ... - <br /> - � �� • �.� wme seared by thie Saurtry Wwment ehe0 bo roduced by the emamt ol the proeeede muI11p0ed by the to7aMng tradion: ::�:"u.-•�-� <br />;���i=55'`!'e'. ��`,::'•�'��_ <br /> _ v,<�,::.::1! (e)ihe totel emount of N�sume�ecureA Ynme6etely bePore tha tekinA AWdeA by @)1he �dr me�ke�veme m me aropexy j�4:._ <br /> 5""��;'r�`s3. Nmedaley before Ne Wdng. My 6slenea eheC be peld to Bonower.N Iha event of a pertlel teldng of th� Propary in whleA <br /> �'i• <br /> .'�.'��;e`i�,��.iy.';': Ihe tat meAcet reNa o�Ne Propnry immedktey before Ne teMng is leas then 1he emounl ol Ne wma eewred 4nmedletey '����; �-_ <br /> ° •R.;:� F�'�f,:;^._.. <br />!F�'t.�����•.yfi��(.��- DOIqB 1F19 iBW11Q. unlass Bonoaa enA lender othervASe apree N xiXNp a unless appleable law olhwwise proNdo�, ihe '•y,Q_,�,= <br /> r��a'7, ,�i�,{ Droeeeda ehe P�IIeE lo tha�a aeared by thie BeaiRy InsWmmt wheNa or not ihe eume me then due. ��,`,�� ;__� <br /> ,-t � II the Ro b eWndoned Bortaver, or M, allaz no8ca b Lend�to Bonowu thet iho wndemnor ofltts to melw en 7,x�`� �- <br /> - - armrd or aeltb e deLn br dem�gea. Bonower IeGa to rapond to Lmder wI1hN 90 daye e11e ihe Gete Ne noYee b pHen. -' ` , <br /> r� -:�` Lmda Ia e�rlho�IZeA to�oleot md appy Ne proeeeda. el i!s optlon, eXhtt to realaatlon or rape4 of tha Rapaly a to r i �,"� <br /> "t i � i ���.-. Ue ame eewred by thb 8ecutlly NsWmmt,whether a not then due. -°}i ),k : <br /> � i -,� i Uniaes Lendar end Bor�ower othawleo egree In wAWg• anY appleation ol praeeds to prindpd nheE not muend w a{ <br /> -- poslpone tho due dele M 0e monNy prymentn relerted to N peragnph�1 end 2 or chmge ihe emount of weh peymenb. ,� • <br /> •°;+_•�G��' 71. Borrower Not Released; Fo�bearence B Londor Not e Welver.Exlennlon ol Ne tlme la payment or i;i�``:'��- <br /> -..� ,.;.;.., Y ; '3� <br /> modma0on of amoAzalkn of N��uma�ecured 6y thb SeaAry InsWment prented hy Lmder to eny suaeasa N Nlaeal .;�, <br /> ' � " � ol Bortower ehaC nol opnte to Weeae 1he Ilebiy of Ihe o�igNat Bonower a BorrowK� wecesson N Interast Lender theA � f�'� <br /> r- �-+ not be requked lo CWnnenee aeetlN � ''�� <br /> ,- ry p� geNSt eiry auccenaor N Nlaeat or nNae lo e�Gmd Wno lor peymmt or olhercAls �F x,.A . <br /> , . -5-: moGdy amalhallon of N� sumf eecured by thia Sewdry IneWmmt by reaeon ol eny dem�nd mede by the MpNal ��t j��?_ <br /> Bortower or Bortowefe wceesaas N Nldest. My lorbearence by Lender in exerdaNp any dghl or remed/aheG not be a ic,yy,_,,; <br /> 'e - - weiver ot w predude iM ezerds�of eiry rigM w remedy. '- <br /> __;��;:__•��:. 72. Succesaore end Aeatgna Bound; Joint and Several Llebllity; Casignere.The eorenenu end -=��tr..` <br />� r �greemen�e of thls 8ecmiy Inemmimt sh�7 bNd end bmelrt Iha auceeuas en0 asslgna of Lmder and Bortower,tubJecl to Ihe 7�? 4 ..�- <br /> y,� provklons ol pen9nph 17. Bortower e oorenenls entl aqreemeMS aMG be Joint and eerereL My Bonowu who eo-6iyne fhu - ., � <br /> � - - 8ewtNy InaWment but Ooea not aeeule the Nole: (e)i�msigning 1hB Seeu�Ty InaWmml onty to mortgege.gfant and comey �.�� - <br /> • :-<_• _ ' -�:� thet Bortower's Nttteat h the Roporty under tha tmm ol thie 9ecu�Xy InawmmL @)Ia wt D�uialy obeyaled to paY Ue <br /> - . _� numa neoured by iNS Sewtlry Imwmenl: entl(c)eyrcea Ihat Lmtltt end eny other Bortower mey egree to eitend.modiy. . <br /> IoNear or meke eny auommodetlons wM�ege�E to the te(ms ol ihR Sauriry Inswmm� or fhe Note wilhout that Bortowei a <br /> -�. , cansml � <br /> . - � 13. L08n Chetg08. II�h�ben�ewred Dy this Seariry Innwment is aub(ecI to e law ehich m�a meximum ben <br /> - . � Cl�arpn.enU ih�l Wn Is fnnlly NlapBted so th�i the interesl or othet ban chuqea coOeUed or �O 68 co0ede0 In connettlon ' <br />� - wMh t�e loen exceeC the perminM 6mits.Ihen: (a)eny suN loan e�erqe ehall be reduced by the emount necessery to reduoa . <br /> � . Ihe eM1arBe to Iha pert�ed IImR and(b)eny sums elreaCy co0ected hom Bortower whkh eceeeded pe�mnled FMU wdl <br /> � - � � be reluntletl to Bortown.Lendn mey choose lo make Ihh reNnd by redudnq Ihe qincipel owed undtt Ihe Nole or by <br /> � makln9 s d4ect peyment to Bortarer. II e reNnd reEUces principeL �he reOuWOn will 6e treated�a e DeNal prepeymmt <br /> wNhoN eny Drepayment dierge un0er the Note. <br /> 14. NOtICB6.My nolice lo Bonowtt prorided lor In Nis Secvrily InslNmmi shaC be ghen by ANiretln9 il or by ma�ing il <br /> _ by Rnl desa meL unless�OP���de law requircs use ol enoihn melhoE. The notice aheil be tlirected to the Pmperly Atldreu <br /> - or a�ry other eddress Bmower 0esigneles by no0ce lo LenAer. My no�ice lo Lendn shaii be givrn by fust dess mea to <br /> -� 1 m�ara aAArae� wlalwd Fxwln n anv olha nAbxs lrntler Aoe4uulx hv ru�liea fo Aortown /uw nofim oeoHdeA lor in <br /> � Ihis Secu�ly InsWmmt iFall be deemed to heve been gNm�o Borrowe+or Lendx when ghm as prorided In Ihis peregnDh. <br /> I 16. OOVOrning LBw: Sav8r86111ty.This Security instrumenl sha� be qovemeE by letleral lew �nU Ihe iaw o�the <br /> . WdSGCIbn In which the Propaly Is Ioceled. In Ihe erenl llal any provision or clause ol Ihb Srcudly InSWmeni or Ihe <br /> -- ' ' � Note fAnlliqb WXh eppi[eble Inr.such ConOIU she0 nol aXetl othM yorisions o1 IhB SeCUrliy InslNment or Ihe No1e enich <br /> an be pNm eflect withM the conflicting proNSion. To tho md Ihe qorisions ol thi� Soan'ty InsWmenl and Ihe Noie are <br /> _.? <br /> � � Oedered to be aerenbie. <br /> � ' 18. BOffOiY0��8�Opy.8arowx shell be qNen one conio`metl mpy ol Ihe Nale end ol ihis Securily InsWmenl. <br />_ 1 �..(i I�� _ FU:4LM0 IfOAA va0•1 0�y � � <br /> _ i� <br /> ��. . � . <br /> ..�. -.-",. <br /> . "� . � .•.� flc�8 L4 <br />