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..�_ ... .{�j�.3 :i`:_ ._ �����.i3..._ s' . _—�sr6lop :;�— . <br /> 1 . �� .�. . - . �" - _l•L. -. , ." � ".z a TM . _ . .. --..._ _. <br /> ! � _ . .. _ "' " _i i' �.t i � . <br /> � ,. 17.Tr�nderofth�Propnryorg6�d�fla1�lln�u�illrF�HGnO�Qlr.leda�ny.,pt+l �t} t„r�opeya :' ,, ��T _ <br /> _ oiy tntri�t�h ii w�a or vnnar«ree�or u�oEn�d�}.h�s�at In gqrasrw is�aa o�u+rinmw�a sortoww W n"ot�mam�k :, �= <br /> _,�� - PwOVn3 wRhoul LlnQW�pilot WrM�h abnat+it, L�oEy mWSt fl�'bptlqn,tequ1'�rrtm�4�t�poymMt h M o1.�Y tumt��wun00Y ` , - � : <br /> t �-" thb Q�w�Ry ImUwnxi4 MowwN.Wa optloa ehN eot Cr�kerd�aA by Lmda U �7cHd��b�xohbRid Ey tMw1!Yw��oYih}�j <br /> mu m,ny m.wm�nG - - - - - = -- . -- _ _ a�,. ._-- — <br /> }�%�;� II Lmdn exedaea thN opWn, lender elul pNe 8ortarer noNaa ¢f aoeela}tlqn. The no�ke�ht9 droAda.�per�o0 pt-, --- <br /> '�3??� not laas N�n 80 d►ri hom ihe O�U Ihe nWU b EeYvaad a m�A60 wtlhln wAkh Bortoww mutt(xy O wms�edu+id-6Y� _-. . . .. _ . <br /> %�'"'�r'�'z thb BaaiRy IneWment If Bortavn fcVe to pay IAeaa eum�pdor to the e�ln9on ol Nb D�od� LenAa may hroke ��y� - <br />�±A�y:;. ..;:',�{ <br />--�:.%G�s.dl rememaa paiMted by thle 8aourlly N�uummt wMaut Ntlha noBOe or daiw�d on Bararn. � <br /> r K 'S.`�f 18.Bonow�r'�Right to Borrowa maets oaWn oondltlona Bortawa ihe0 hnve the Aph1 to htve ` ._. <br /> r��,a:� mPoramant ot NN BeaAy insuument dlacwntnuod�t oiry Cme p�kr to Ihe eWa oE p)6 d�ys(or sud�olher 9etlod af � ---. . -- .. . <br /> Y_,u��;x- WPIaWa kw mY epedy la raM�Ltem6N) b�aa eate of Ne Propay Pureumt to snY P�'u of tlaa oont�led �W! � ..- _. .. <br /> ;�.-:,::-;tr,�� eeoumy inewmmk or(�)muy of a JuG�nent afadng We 8eaidly NtWmmt Those oon�itlon� uo tAet Borraxer.(�prye <br /> * Lender�E auma whkh then would be due under tAb BewAy NnWment end I�e Nole �e tl na taatc�0on MA oopmed; @) <br /> y:t�.:i� <br /> l�y��,,.£. aurw anY dehuR ol anY oNer oovenent or a�xmante; (o) paye a0 c�ennea Hcurted In mtordny Nla SaanNy Ina6umm6 — <br />`�f��•-� ' _. <br />.:�s'=��;,?�'.s� ' 9 eri' (e) maY reawn�by rcquYe to uw�e - <br /> ,.��,,,t y„� Ndudh , but not[Mtsd�eo'uble�tlom 1!e!, 011d tOkBD fYeh aetlql ED LMdN �_ <br />..>-a:«i;:�".__ tlut the Im ol thb BewAry IneWmmt, LendeYe iyhte N Ne Property uid Bortowa'e obBpatlon to pey Ne ewnf seane0 =____...____. . . <br /> a::.r.;:.,,>s--. <br />�;-:.-;,��,Y,.y by thle BewdH�sWmant eMG confMUe unehuped. Upon reNatatanmt by Borrava. thia &cu�lly tnaWmant and Ihe <br /> �f� ,wu yax o6Epntbni eeoured hereby�hN rmbN tuPy etle�On ee M no eooele�eLOn lud 000umed. Havoru,thb Aght to reNtiata ehel -- <br /> �^� �� not epPN In the ease of aocele�a4on under parap�ph 17. __ <br /> -T-�"��t��;:_ e.�:°-- <br /> �"�-eaz 4 18. Sale ot Note; Chang� ot Loan Bervtoar. rne No�e or a s pMltl Nlaeat In Ihe Note (coaeqwr wnh �'� : <br /> �(�>��'.,ev,� tMe BxuAly Inswmenn mry be eoW one w ma�Emea rMhout pAa notlee to Bortorrec A aala mny resull In e eMnye N Ne - <br /> ��`r'�.�#� endly pmown ae the 'LOan BeMeq� thet eoDew momhy paymente duo under the Note end tNe 8ewriry IniWmml Thao �- -� � <br /> ` '�� f �-- elra mey be one a maa chengea of the Loen 8ervleer unreklad to e eele of tha Nola If thero N a ohan0e ol Ne Loen �; ..�- _ <br /> t�fi4y,�6,>� SaMex. Bortower v�6e pNam m�lm noUCe of N change h uaoordence wM Dereyeph 7��bwe end MDOeeblo lew. The V:i��„ - <br /> � � � notloe v�etate the neme end addnae ot the nM Loen 8eMOer end Ihe edNea� to whleh paymenle aMuld be mede. The ?L",.n-� <br /> �i � +��`� notlee vA eleo aanWn any other Inlametlon requYed 6Y apPe�61e kw. �"`°f ' <br /> �f...�� .f;.ti.;,..,,_'. <br /> ':��;',�jy�>.:i,� 20. Hazndoue Bubatanaee. Oonower�heli not eavee a pamt the peeenoe,uae,miposel ntoreya a rNease ot .��;.�x;..::._ <br /> �j „���:� eny HezerAOUa Substencea on or h the Propehy. Bonowu ehaE not do, nor eGOw anyone dse ro do, anythNp aBeeUnp Ne -�y� ' _ _ <br /> �Pr� r"� PropMy Ihat b N HokBon of eny Env4onmenW laxr. The preoetlNp Mro smtenee�ehe0 not epPN to tho Preimu, use. FtA��F--'�- <br /> "fij� �'�9 or eloraye on ihe Plopaty oi �mel quanWea ol Hezerdoua 8u6alenee�tha[ve genereCy recop�ized to tra eppropiete ta .- .�! •. <br /> � A j no'mel resldentld usea end to mWlmenee of th�Hoperty. ;•Aifs� ' s.. <br /> ` 2�1� i-•- Bortower ahel prompVy gMe lender mitten nollce ot my NvesOpnlon, de4n, danen4 4wevR or other eetlon by eny a-';���' -- <br /> � Y fF1����� pwemmenid or repulatay�ymey a p�kale perryMOFAng Ihe Propmly end eny Hezardoua SubaWCe or EnWOnmenlel Law ot i:S � � <br /> �� y�+, , .,, whkh Barower Ma eavel Imowledge. If Borrown leama,a ie notlAed by eny goremmentel or repul�tory eNhaly, thet eny ��¢s�Y`����y � <br /> . .�-;�.,,.- removal a other remeAlatlon of am� Hazerdow�batanw aflaclNp NooMY b neceaeary. Bortower ehaA Drompty taka a0 ,e'?. {-.--__'_ <br /> 7ib .:'r y neeeaaery remamel eotlone N naordence wXh Emtmmental law. �-°.�,'t ,>-t �: -- <br /> K� - '� Ae ueeC In 1Me perepnph 20. 'Hazardous &dsiencea've thoae¢ubstenoea deMed ee tado or harardoue eubstences by - �a��� 5":- —. � <br /> '� � EmYOnmmlel Lew enA the to�owlnp subetenee�: pssoYne. kerosena other Ilemm�ble or to�do pelroleum produde, twdo t,4;3; E s�'c�� _' <br /> '� 3�*•, peallddes end hwbiddea,wle0e soNenro,meterkb wnWnNy aabestoe or IofinelAOhyde. and rcdoeeUre mateAeb. As uaad N �'"�ti��� }�i�oi'��� <br /> •��« ��:' en h 20. 'EmYOnmenW Ww•meena federelh�n end lewa ol Ne daAOUon whare tho Pro b bca1M ttut relete to ;�r�,� ?^,����° <br /> - r P �eP W P�Y - {% t /�. f z <br /> - a_.;i heMh.eelely o�mWOnmentel proteellon. i��7., E�"�U} '�.P _ <br /> t • ' NON�UNIFOIIM COVENANiB.Bortowu enE lender Nhher eorenent�nd agree ae IoOOwe: " t r�a'yj`5��: <br /> '- :;',�;;'' 21. Aooalaratton; Remadias. Landor ehall give notloe to Borrowa� prlor to eaoeteretlon y:,i•�,s.;:Y��x �� <br /> s� -+'��� fotlowing Borrower'e breaoh oT eny covooent or agreemant In thie Seourily Instrumont (but not t:'S ; ��+Y�.= <br /> -{� prior to aaaeleretton under peregraph 17 unleae epptioable law providea otherwlse). The notice -,�, �'�,,, j,ti._.�„-,_- <br /> 3 ` shall epeolfy: (a) tho default; (b) the adlon �equired to oure tha deteuli; (o) a dete, not lese than -���� ,x s2�"�? +,�`� <br /> -- '<-�, 30 deya frmn the dute the nottae ta gWen to Borrower, by whtoh the defeult muet be oured; end ;,�:.�,.. - <br /> f ��- (d)that failure to oure the defeult on or hofore the date epacltled in the notloe may reault In � %�:� �' 7'�; -�y� " <br /> , r�.� �� �`i _ F _ <br /> acceleratlon of the euma eocured by Nle Socurity Inatrument and eale of the Property. The notice �;.' � . --rE ; <br /> � _- shell turthar Inform Bmrowar of tha dght to ralnstate efter ecceieratton and the �ight to b�tng e ,'tt js_.� � <br /> couR nctlon to essart tho non•exlslence of a default or eny othar dafanso of Borrower to -:�,�` ' �'+�•�y :_ <br /> ••. , accelaretlon end seta. If iha dafautt la not curad on or befine the dete epeaHied �n the notice, i;;_f;�__._5�;;!,_;��,-:� <br /> s>j. �. . Lender et Ite option may �equlra Immadlata peyment in ful� of eil euma eecurad by thla Seourity •' �,:-fj��-'�t[:'(• <br /> -� r; � Inetrumont without furthor domand and me Invoke tlio ower of sele end an other romedioa � �"•'�"������=>`-��- <br /> _ Y P Y . >..•x.,.�..� ':,t• <br />-. permltted by applicable law. Lender shall be entitled to coilect ell expansea incurrad in purautng . s:�>.`••.:.,. ' <br /> .. the remadlea providad in thle peragreph 21, Including, but not Ilmited to, reasonabte ettorneye' I � �-` �'�''- -� � <br /> ' faae and coate of title evidence. � �- � _. . <br /> - If the powor of sete Is Invoked. Truatee ehall record a notice of dofault in each county in : � <br /> which eny part of the Property ia loated and ehall mail coplos of auch notico In tha menner _ <br /> prescribed by eppl�cabte law to Borravor end to the other pe�sone preecribed by appllcabie law. . <br /> Aftor the timo required by applicab�e I�w. Trustee ahell give public nolica of eaia to the peraona <br /> end In tha manner preacribod by epplieabla law. Truatoe, without domend on Borrowor, ehell sell <br /> the Proparty et public auction to the h�gheat bidder et the time and place and undor tho terma ' <br /> dealgnated in the notice of sale In one or more parcols and In eny order Trustao detorminae. <br /> Truatee may postpone aeta of all or eny parcel of the Property by public ennouncemont at the , <br /> time and plece of any prevlously acheduled eale. Londer or Ite dselgnee mey purchase the <br /> Property et any sale. <br /> - - Upon recelpt of peymant ot the price bid, T�ustoa shall del(var to the purchaser Truatea'e <br /> __ . daod conveying the Property. Tho reeHds in the T�uateo's dead ahall be prima facia evidance of <br /> ; i the truth o} the statemente made therein. Truetee ahall apply tha proceods of the eale In the <br /> 1 tollowing order: (a)to all coate and e:pennes of azarcieing the power of sela, and the sale, <br /> Including tha payment ot the Trusteeb feae actually Incurred, not to axceed three <br /> � 9'e of the principal amount of the nota et <br /> . tha timo of the decleretion of dafaulR and reasonable attorneys feae ea permiNed by lew: (b) <br /> ,- � to all suma aecured by thla SecurNy Instrumant; and (c) eny azcese to the peraon or <br /> ' � p¢rsona legelly ontitled to it. <br /> - . � illt6.LMG(ID9b qo•�N 5 'l`�)�_ � <br /> :'1 J <br /> � 9]tW lM I <br /> . ]____.___.__ ___ _ ._ __.__ __ . .. _ I . _ _. . . J <br />