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!'3�� .� y i� . .- 'v �_ s. a -_:..J -- _ �, J -�_f . _ .. � __ �f �l.� s i 1?�°ja._.��+ .-._.. �._._... <br /> � �� �TOG6DiER�'hM �t.OisNWrw�lt�,ndkah`ers�n« arwtw,on+h� �rocN4��+Q.�+.a � ,+r�kix�nqM,an�Ya�= ' <br /> '.�r��,n 9►haeoRp�C��INSP�oANbN}ePGicemen� epdwd�Wn�aM�RahoDscMrM�d�i�px(q'Mt�ufikiy� i �jf` <br /> `. N�1�h���pooM1n�N��._rNMb�o L�W�.s+w . IniWmM[a�,t�Y•qop�rqr' . � . , <br /> : . BONRQV��vI�NANfB w�eortnria�l�y�y aNaqtof'qiE 9sNtaAK�py��cqnNeQ if!Qlus 1hs�M1ito:�{►+ld`� q ,�' <br /> _ _ .._ - eonvcy ye Vroprry 1nd �Wt Ne Propery le wehaiihibered tacep4� to'r- u�wh�branoe�_of[aont�._'$4trtiHS/.Yrur�nle and��lY; __ .. __ . <br /> _.__..._ vid d�r;+d ooBmiAr Ihq 6Ue to Uie Propnd o�Nst e0 oEeYna inr}qaii�ti6p,�u61dd ib"iHV ehcvirbhlfEOt�sPfeObrQ , <br /> t}II9 6EQUftIiY IN8IHUMEM oomChOe unMam� oovM�nte ta n�Wnal Y�r' 1nd -ebn+maam oq�nnyie wnn,,�:` Y. . <br /> 6�id t:t�rs�y►�hi�ikn roa�ai��t3:a ��ti6c�F�r��t�..�"�t0 fi�yr�p..-�tt: :. .�=, <br /> n '}� UN60FlM OOVENAHfB. Bortowa md Lendet coven�nf NO p eo un foDaxet � - . <br /> �-- 1,Prymoni of irinoipv�nd lnqra�t{Rr�p�ytti�q�iejd I.�N CPNrprw Borrowar oMA promp�y p�}r wMn , ` <br /> y ,-�yj" :due the pNOfpA ol Md Kterest on Ne tleEi eNdenodd Ey Ne Nate�nA uy preyryment�nd We chug0a dhe under 1he- � <br />._ Noto. - . - _. <br /> Q.FundB�oe Texee end Inauranoe.BubJeat a eppAoeDie kw a�o e wiRten weNa by Lenda, Barown enet pey - <br /> to Landa on Ne Ery monNy paymmte ero due unCa the Nota untl tha Note la pNA In N1,�sum('Funda�J61: b)yM�b <br />_,,,.i,,Yy, . wcw�nd�saeaemenla rfiiah mey aMln VdoAry ova Nb BecuAry InsWmmt nn�Len on the PropMy,(b)ywy lauslwld - <br /> > P+Ymente or Wound rmU on tha WoPaH.M NY (o)Y�aM h�xerd o�propay lnwnneo prm�uma; (d)yeub 9oed peunned <br /> t t=,j praNume,M any5(e)yea�y monpag�Nswmce preMum6 M uy,end @ anY eumn D�yetrls by Borrmva lo Lander 0 a000rdnee <br /> 'r�t��in F� wllh the provltlone ol panpnph B,YI EMl OI ih0 pG)711011t Of IINft$!80 1116UfNC0 plpllAltlll. T11060 RR11! ue celed 'EeaoW _�_ <br /> � Itaiy.• LMdd mey, ut eny tlmG oolect end hoW Funda N en amount not to pxaod Ihe me70mum NiouM�bllda fa a -- � - .� - - <br /> x,��,`Ux}„i� ledatly rekttd mo�pa9e ben mey requ4e la Bortmyar'e eaaow aaount unda tha iadaal flW EnNta 8ellldnent Wooedures : <br /> ,�� �; Ad o�/874 ae emaMed trom tlme to tlme,f8 U.& P80f el eeq. ('RE8PA�, unleaa eno�ha kw thnt rppBea to tha iunGa <br /> � �y ,� sela�IeHer unounL II ao.Lendw mry,at e,ry tlma wEed and hold Fundf N an emount not to mceeed Ne lasaa uno�mt. - <br /> y ���;,j� Lenda mey esWxte the emount ol Funde dua on tha beab M ourrent deY eM reeeoneble esM�etea ol e�eimlurea ot NMa <br /> ���,7f r Eacrow Ilana a o1ha�Wae N e000rNnae vAth eypkeCle lew. [��::--. <br /> Tho Funda�shY be hNA In an NeUlWai who�e depoeAe ere Inaured by i tedwal epenoy,hshument�9y,a mtly pndudnp �� <br /> c <br /> Lmder,II lmder k woh ui Inatltutlon)or In erry Faderel Home Wen Bank Lmder ahe0 p�y <br /> � ;;i;' �ppy tne Funde to ih9 EeaOw <br /> Itenu.Lender may not ohuge Borrawer lor holAng�nA eppying tha Fund�,emually uietyting the eaaow a000unt, ot raNyNg . _. <br /> r/jY�-;,,, th� Eeamv Ilema, unlBa Lender p¢ye Bonawa NlerOtl On the Funds uW�ppleabl0 law pemJl! Lmdp 10 �Mke fUth � [t« :�-� <br /> '+;�1�, ehu a Howeva, Lmder m� re a Bortower to a ono-Nne ehu e fa en Independenl reN eaYM 4x r itln saNOe � --- <br /> ��Si'� uned lender h eonnaetl n wl�thla ben, unleie a Ica61a lew mvida othervMa. UNeae en e eanent�la mede a ��•� <br /> �_�i'>; eppL�Me lew requtre� Intaest ro M peid,Lenda sheA not be req�Yed%psy Bortower eiry Interaat or e�amNge on the FunM. ��`i'.';.-' <br /> rcf, � i' Barower enA lenda m�y egea N wdWp, havwa, Ihnt Htaeat she0 be p�id on tha Fund,i. Lander ehei gHe to Bortaxw, a r <br /> r �;�� �Mhoirt ehu0e.en NryuN aeoountlnq of ihe Funde, ehorMp aetlilo end debW to tho Funda end the poryoae (or whleh each � �- - <br /> �s�f t deEll lo t�e Funde xae meaa The Funda ere pkAyed ee edAlEOnN eecurRy la a0 eums teaureE 6y Ihe BecuAty IntWment 'p -= - <br /> �:��-�-�ii II the Funde Add by Lender mxeed the amouM�pemrited to be held 6y�pPOable kw. lender eheA aaount to Bortarer „= ._ <br /> ?�ifi t. tor Ne mroea�Fundf In eeardence wRh tM requirdnente ot eppCOe61e law.II No amwnt ol Na FunEa heJO 6y LenEer at e'ry ���� �` :. <br /> 4� ty-: tima b nol auMdent to pay Ne Eeaow Iloma when dua lenda may eo noUry Bonarer N w�iWp, end, h wch ee�e Bonower �fw� ,��1�- <br /> i ,��_ ehN pey to Lenda Me unount neeeaeery to meke up the delldmry. 8arowx aheG meke up the dolldenoy In no mao thm t� �'. - <br /> * ^'� tweNo monNy peymmte.�t Lendefe aola msaetlon. � -- - <br /> �`'=7,' Upon peyment:ln tul 01 all euma eeared by Nla 8ecutEy InaWmmt, Lender sMG pranptly reNnG to Barower eny ,.s7r'?__ <br /> » �; Fund�hd0 Dy LenEx. 14 unCer pveg(ap�Zt, Ld10N 6M0 lOGYVO 01 3001M PfOPGIy.LMdC�p�lw to Ihe wqulelllon a eele �+' .-- � <br /> >a�'i - ^ of the PropMy,aMl appy any Funda helA by lenEer at fhe tlme ot aequtsRm or�eie en e aedrt eyelnrt ihe aume�earted '; -' <br /> '^SS'. ` bYtMaBew�N6Wment ,x„�Yt;_.' <br /> '`x'1"� �i; 3. Appl 68t10n Of PlyrtlBntB. UNean�pplcable kw provldea othewise, eE pay�n¢nle txeHed by Lender unde - r�P` � <br /> 3- ' peregraph�1 and 2�ha0 be�pplie� Nst,to eny prepeyment eharpes due under the Notr. aaond,to emounle payebte under � �j `��� - <br /> t - `- �.15� �.: <br /> fi - ��� P�9�D�Z:N4d•a intreat due:louhh,to pMdpd due:and lest,to eny I�le ehergea due under the Mole. - ��•+f z-;_ <br /> r - -; 4. ChArgBe;LIenB.Borrowr ehall pay ee wcea, asaeasmmte, ehugee. Moa end 4npoeXlona alumuleDle to Ne � ` -_-- <br /> .'�.��,.�«+� Pt whieh atteN tlo arer thla 8ew IneWmenC and leauhd0 n ente or owE ronle, N {%+, : <br /> ca oP�nN �Y P mY �' P Ym � enY. Bonorrer r .?t <br /> � _sj� F gheG pay Neee o6Cyetlon�In Iho muiner proeidad N perepreph 2, or M not peid N Ih�t menner, Bortower shaA pey thpn on f��-q�"'� z .-_�. <br /> ��'+�- {. time dirody to No perean owed peymenl Bonower aheV prompty hmiah to Lmder ell nolleee ol�mounta to be peid unda �5i i;�, .,7},z�; <br /> -•-���•''�� - thle pereyeph N Bprowr mekes these peymmu d4xly. Bartower ehe0 pom Nmish to Lendtt r ��:;'"��t^�`="-- <br /> _ j : vN' eeHPte eviemdng _,_ it _ <br /> the paymenle. � rt 1 <br /> + Bortower ehe0 promply dbehmqe any Oen whkh hee pMdry over �hb 8ecudy InnWment unleea Bortower: (u)nqree� }-- ��' R ti, `� <br /> i� . � �.' in wA1Ny to tho P�ent ot tha oMgetlan �eeured 6y�ho fen N e mannu eaepte6le to Lmtlm (b)conteals N good lellh Ihe .�� '?w,: �� `� <br />' " - �'�'�- Ilen ,or tlefmda�nlnsl enlweemmt of ihe 9m N. I el raceedln a whleh in Ihe Lmdafa o Nlon o peto to �� � <br /> -.:;Jt•�; ): bN 9 e0 P 9 D P Pravent i,.':rj}:yErtj:"'r''a. <br /> �• �.+"'-��• the mloreement ol Ne Om; or(o)�earea from Ne holdn ol ihe Ilen en�yeement aetlstaQOry to Lender wbordNeling Na !=��'� F:+r','��-� <br /> ;y; Om to thb 8ewdry NsWment X Lender deterMnea Ihal vry pM ol ihe Property Is aubJeet lo e Oen whkh mry ellaln p�IaXy ���;' r.0 ': <br /> , -�.;._ wa thh Sewdry InsWmmL LenOer may qire Bortower e notico IdenuyNp Ihb Den. Bonower eheE eallay Iha Ilen or teke -� ,:�f ;,3�`�._�_. <br /> � �; one or more ol ihe�diom eel lorih e6ove wXhin 10 Onye ol Ue gMing ol nolice. � �• <br /> 6. Haza�d or Property Ineurance.eonawer ehel keep me hnpmemenu now aaswp w hereaner erectee on me �;'r �y <br /> Propefly hsurM egeinst ban by Ilre.huuAe indutled wilhin the tefm 'eMmOetl eorerage' and any olher hazuAe, indudhg :;y�� <br /> �'7 floods a EooAlnp,lu whkh lenda requlrea insurenee. This Nsurence sheG 6e meNleineA N 1ha emoun�e end(ot Ihe D�Ods --�'e� <br /> °i - 1 thet LenEer requkat l'he inaurence cerrier prmW'np�he inaumnee ehell be chosm by Bortower aubjec[ to Lender'e epprwal '� ��_"'._ <br /> i whkh eha�not be unreasonaby vAhhNA. 11 Bonowef k0.�to maN�ein wreage Aasuroed�bove. LmEer mey. et Lenda a I ' �``n, <br /> . oP�n.obWN eovenge to protect Lender a dghte N the ProP�Y in acwrdanoa wilh peregreph Z °.. ���, �,2y:.5-.. <br /> ' t <br /> �f�;� M Nsurence pdelee and renexale eMA be ettepuble Io Lendn en0 aMll InduEe e aWCerd motlgega cleuse. LenOer � ' . _. <br /> r'�_ - aheE hare Ihe d9ht to hdd the poWee and renexab. It Lender requ4ea. Bmower a�eA promply gNe to Lentln eG reeeipte o� -� <br />- - paitl pmNume end renewal nalieea. In ihe ermt ol Eoes, Bortorrer sMG qNe p�ompl nolke to I�a inauranee urdtt end � <br /> - - Lmder.lenEer may make D�ool oi bsa X not made vrampfh M Borrower. . _ <br />' - UnleSS Lendn enC Bortawer olhmASe egree N rrtlWg. msurenco proceMS sheG be epp9etl b rentae0on or repe4 of ' <br /> . the Propaly Aameged. X tha reatoreUOn or repW b ewnomkely Ieasible enu lenAers newdy b not IesamM. N the <br /> , _ re+laetion or repet is not eoonomicely feesible or LendFra newrly woultl be lessmetl. Ne insumnce proceeds shell be <br /> � . epp0ed lo the eums aecureO by thU 3ewriy InsWment, whelher or nol 0en due. wilh eny eacess poid fo Bonavtt. 11 , <br /> � Bortower ebendons Ihe Propery. or doea not enswer wi�hin 90 tlaya e nolice Irom lenda Ihai �he inauronca certltt haa <br /> .- oMaed 10 aetlle e daim thm Lmda mey rnAecl the insurance p�oaeds. LenLer may use the proceeds lo repetr or <br />- ' � restore Ihe Prope�ty or lo Oay suma sewreA by Ihis Sewriry Instrvmenl.whether or not Ihen 0ue- T�e 70.tlay period rrill <br />- , _ bepN w�m Ihe noGce is qNen. <br /> - • Unleas Lentler �nd Bortower olhmvise eyee in writing. eny epplicetion of qoceeds lo prindpal sha� not eatend or <br />' - posipone Iha due Mte ol ihe monlhy peymenls reierted to in pereyephs 7 entl 2 or clunge ihe emount ol Ihe <br /> - - peymenle. II under paregaph 21 Ihe Properly is acquired by LenAa. Bortowas riym to my insunnce pofitles an0 procee0s <br /> resullNg hom demeya to tha Prope�ly D�or to the acquisMion aha� pe6s to LMtlM�o Ihe etlent ol lhe suma bv Inla Soa�� <br /> . ' - � InaWmenl Nunedietpy pdor Io I�e atqulstllon. " " <br />- ;�,� 8. Occupency. PreaervaHon. Meintenenco end Protedion of the Property; BonoweYe Loan <br /> Appllcatloi7; LB88ahOldB. Bmower �netl occupy, esubilsh. end use Ihe Property as Bortowere pdntlpel res�Emce <br /> wMN eWy daye e11a the ezew0on of Ihb Sewriry 7nawmenl anA shall conllnue to ocapy Ihe Property as Bortower's pMtlpal <br /> residmee lor et leesl one year etin Ihe dale ol xwpency.unlesa LmEx olhmvlse�grees L�wriling, whicn�nsmi shall nol <br /> ' '�! be unr¢aeme6y wM�eld,or unless exlenuaWg Wamslencea e�tlal wMCh ere beyond Bonarers controt Bortowtt shali no� <br /> ` - �! desuoy. Mmepa w 4npatr the Propery. e0ovr�ho Property lo Geletlorete.m commll weste on Ihe RoOmY� Bonower s�aV be <br /> '� in AeleuX X any IoAMUro ectlon or proceadmg. w�elhet ch�l or cnminal, Is bepun�lul in LmOeie gooG latt��uGgmml could <br /> -,-�,>t.,� resutl in torleiluro ol�he RopMy or ol�awixe metMaly impalr t�e lien aealed by th� Searity InaWmml or LenCer'e sewny <br /> _�� ,�:.:� inittest. / <br /> ..:_i. Gill6 WO 11oM1 ��0��el 5 �l� � <br /> °1:_S�. . <br /> .. . . _ ----__-91fNG_lM — .. _ � . <br />