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, .�. . - : . .. . . • ' _ J .1 : _ . —_- . <br />�:� . _ . -. - . . .._ . . .. . - . _ . �. . . 1 ,st ct- �• <br /> - - .- .. _ _ ►98- �to���►9 v ....r_-- <br /> • conderiinalanor ocnutaYlnaotanypnrtofthoProperty.aJtorconveyoncofnUcuotconOmmetion,anhCtebymsignMand <br /> rheUboy�idroLOndpa , � <br /> _!n the aveat of u totd tukfug ot�e Propeny,the proceec6�hail 6e applied to �he�um�cecured 6y Ab Seewity -. _. _ <br /> inan4ment,wiiGhu or not 0esi duo,�viPo any bxou��atd ro Bortowor. In the cvent ot a{+enlal taking of tho Pro rry In --- <br /> whicfi the feir marka value oP tho Proyeny,lmmcdlata y boforo the ieking b equal to or grcaur Uun tNa ctnount ot I�je wma <br /> cecimd by fiie 8xuriry insuumcnt immcd�arol9 boioro the uking,unica�Dortower end Gender o�herwi�e ogreo in ari�ing, <br /> tho wme Kcurcd by Ihfe Saud�y Insuumen��hail be rcduad by ihe emam ot 11w procoed�multlpliW by tho foilorying <br /> frecNon. (o)the rotal emowt ot�he wma secured immedlately befae the teking.dirided by(b)iho felr merka vatuo ot�ho <br /> Propeny immcdia�ely be[om tho reking. Any balence shall6o paid to Bortowcr. In tho event ot e panfnl uking of tho a_ _ _ <br />-- Property in wAtch tha feir marku value ot�he Propaty Immediately 6eforo�he teking 1�teu�han the emount oP It�o wma ` -` � <br /> aecured immedlaf¢ly boforo the tnking,unless Bortower and Lender othcrwise agrte In tvrltlng or untep eppliceblo law — � ---- <br /> othenvisa provida,t�e praceeda�hall be eppliW ro the suma eecured by thb 8ewrity Inatrument whether or not tAe eum�ae <br /> thendue. <br /> U the Property b abdMoned by Dortower.or if,�Rar naice by I.ender to Borrower tha[tho mndemnor ottaro ro make <br /> an awerd or settle a olaim tor damega,Bortower teila�o mapond to Lender wlthin 30 daya aRer�he date tlro nodce le glvcn, <br /> _ Lender la�uthorized eo colkct end apply�he procuM,at Iu opHon,either ro restoredon or rtpair of tAe Ptopeny or�o the <br /> mm�eecurcd by thla Secudry Instmmen6 wheiheror not�hen due. � -� � �--�� <br /> Unle.x+Lender end Borto�ver othe�wise egrce In wriHng,any ipplicetion of p�oceede to pdncipal etull not oxlend or <br /> postpone the due date of themonthly paymenu referted to in paragnptin t and 2 or change the amount of sueh peymeN�. -- . <br /> 11. Oorroeer Not Releated; Forbeerana By I.ender Nat a Welver. &tenalon ot the time tor payment or <br /> modifleatlon of emonization of tho suma eecured by th(a Secudry instrument gronted by Lender ro eny cuaeawr In tntercat "'-. <br /> ot Hortower shall not operoie to rclease�he flablliry of the odgtnal Bortower or Horrowcrb cucaason In intercst.I.endcr ---- <br /> shall not be uired to commenco proceedinga agaimt any�uccessor in inrercst or rcNae ro ez�end time for payment or — <br />� = otherw.ise mod�amortfzetlon ot�he sum�securcA by�his Seeurity ImWment by rceson of eny demand mede by�he odginel -�------�---- - <br /> ° Bortower or Bortower§auaesaara in Inrorost. Any fahennrce by Lender in cxcreia[ng eny dght or rcmedy ahnll not 6¢a �[;.;s+�..- <br />= watver of orpreclude the uerciu of any dght or remWy. °--�--_ <br /> _ 13. Succescore and Assigm Bound;Joint end Several Llability;Co•atgner� 7he covenanu and egreementa of�hia �S �7�:�- <br /> = Secudry Insuument�all bind end 6enefit th¢sueceswra and easiam of Lender end Hortower,subJwt to the provielons of �`=��=��-' <br /> - puegreph I7.Bartowerl covemnu end agrcemend chall bejoint and sereral.Any Bortower who co•signs�his Saudty �i<<�:-ti::-_ <br /> Insuumrnt but doea not execute 1he Nota (a)i:co•aigning[hi�Security Inslmmem only to mongege,grant end mnvey Ihat �'�:_ <br />���. BortowerLlntcrcstintheProponyunder�AetertnaotlhisSecuriryinswmem; (b)la�rotpenonellyobNguedtopay�heaums ;S;a�,�•"r';_;�,__ <br />-? ttcurcd by thu Secudty Inswment;end(c)egrcu�hat Lender and my other Bortawer may agree w extend,modify,forbear ;,":�jt��{.�' <br /> - or mtke my eccommodetlons whh rcgard ro the arms of this Seturity Insuument or the Note without Ihat DorrowerS '•�..�.;5?„- <br /> �iRi{,_. <br /> - consent. �3r , , <br /> 13. luen CharQes. If the loan saured 6y�hi.Secudry Inswment ia aubjat ro a Iaw which seu meximum loan {it z� -� <br /> = cheryea,end thet lew is findly fnretQrcied so iAat Ihe intercs�or other loan charges mllecied ar ro be collcetW in wnneciton ��y;���'__:� <br /> = wi�h�ha iwn axseed tho pem�iued hmi�a,tfien: (ej any such Iwn cfiuge ahaii hc rcJucal by ihe umuuni nrseasery io feduce --� „_ <br />= �he cherge to the pmmitted IimiC end @)any sums etready collected trom Bortoner which extteded pttmined Iimiia will be ;�Thv� i� -_. <br /> - refundW ro Bortower. Lender m¢y choou ro meke this rcfund by reducing ihe principal owed under�he Note or by making n .�.':;,%y;i.>.`:;- <br />"_= dirctt paymene to Bortowec If n rcPond rcduces principnl,the reduc�ion aviil he treamd as a paniel prepayment without eny )ni�',-.Y�'��1:�:; <br /> -��N�s �.�� <br /> _ prcpaymem cherge under ihe No�e. �i.;�;;;.:} },.. <br /> - I4. Notices Any naim m Borrower providcd for in ihis Savriry Inswment shall be given 6y delivering it or by - -,-� �i 5 ';. <br /> _ mal�ing it by Ont clnss mail uNeu epplicable lew rcquires use of anaher methad.7Le noNce choil be dirated to the Properry � ,jt�i+l�` - <br /> _ Address or eny other oddress Bortoaer designams by notice io Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first cleas ���sk4:i.,j�ti���,_ <br /> = mail to LenderY addrc:n stemd herein or any o�her eddrcxs Lender deagnates by notim to Dartower. Any no0ce providcd for ;-;;„ <br /> in �his Securrty Instrumem shnll be deemed to huve been given w Burruwer or Lender when given ax provided in this = _ _ -_-- <br />= para8mph. i`t'`�'�r;:ix.,. <br /> ' IS. Governing Lea;Severabillty. 77iis Secumy Inswment shull be govcmed by hdeml law und thc law of ihe rx��j;<;;�r.;:::; <br /> _ Judsdiction in which�he Propeny is Iocated. In ihe erent�hat any pmvision ar clauu of this Sewrity Instrumem or the Nou j�f;;_d�,�=;.�:. <br /> a conFlicts wi�h epplicable law,such con0ict sholl not uf(ect o�her provicions of this Security Instrument or the No�e which can ,,��,3�7�;.{sy„ <br /> ' be givrn etket withaut themnilic�ing provision. To this end the pmvisions ot�his Securiry Insuument ond ihe Note erc •..?,jr;.i+'L..o<=. <br /> ; deciared to 6e severable. b „� i <br /> = 16. Borrower'a Copy. Bonowcrshall be given one cantomicdmpy ofthc Nae und of this Security Instmmcnt. �r} -- <br />,!'; 17. 7Fenshr of the Property ar a Deneficlal Inlerest In Borrower. If nll or any pan o(the Propeny or a1ry intercst in .;'.i•,,t"_-'��-ii."�� <br /> ° It is mld or trensferted(or if n beneficial intercs� in Bnrruwer is soiJ ur tmn.krred and Borto�ver is not a num�al persan) �ii �t'` � <br /> , without Lendcrk prior written conscn6 Lendcr may,at i�,up�ion, reyuirc immediatc p:rymcm in PoII of all sums ucurcd by ' .'�n",.;•,--�-- <br /> this Securrt Inslmment. However,thix o tion shali na�be cxerei+cd M1 Lcnder if exercise is mhibi�cd b (edeml Iaw az af •�;�°' !` "'"- <br /> - Y P Y P Y ,-.i�,;'t��-'k�.-: <br /> - thedateof�hlaSewritylns�mment. P..- } � ' <br /> - If Lenderexereises thisoption,Lender shail give Bortoasr no�ice af acceleratian. 77ic nntia.huil provide u period of �- r;i`TL Y t ,'_:. <br /> ' not less than 30 days fmm 1he dafe Ihe no�ice is delivemd or mailed ui�hin which l3artuaer mua�pay all wms ucured by Ihis ��_�4;,:';r�:=-"- <br /> ' Sccurily InstmmenL If Bortower fails to pay thex wm. prior m�hc cxpira�inn of thi. pericd.Lendcr may im•oke:my 1�:;;,'v'� i^��s,';:-. <br /> = remedies pem�iited by ihis Securiry Incwmrn�a�ithom funhernoticear demmd an Bnrtoa�ec �.,t;:�`'"-:{;:;:.`_' <br /> ° I8. Uorrower's Right to Relnsinte. I!Gortnxcr meet, cemin condi�inm,Borro��cr,hall ha�n �he righi to 6ave ±;i'"i;:= �:- <br />�= en(o�cemem of this Securiw Inammem dix.+ntinued a�:mr�ime prior m�hr radicr nf� i:u S dar,tnr���.h n�her pe�i�d�c •�- <br /> .� <br /> = L�IcFamily"F�nnk�fae/F'redEkAfeeC]IF11R1115tiTRCNF.]T-f'nd.xmC..rrnam. f.90 �puxrin/aryFn� •''.;'��-`-��. <br />., �(}�•(��•'Mr� : <br /> , t. <br /> "r.:rF'`:1��5?� r ..'.�_' _ .`V�_ , ...� �f. ..'. :�'��:r .. ..�vr..;r7-;;°�sv-�-_r1:'�"�.1_ ?.. - . <br /> � x�v - � ' . . . . _ . <br /> � <br /> 1Y . �. - _I - 1.' - . ' . _ . -� .. . <br /> - / . - - . - . i'/ ° - . . <br /> �-] � �" .lt �- - .�—� ` � . � - . <br /> � 5 r � �i � �_�� _" . _ _ _ _— _ _" <br /> �1 "i �`r <br /> � y , F _ ' .. . . <br /> f� t4 �` t'� � a.L� i i i4 _ ' � .. . . <br /> � • . : � i S. , <br /> . <br /> �;r +.h_ _ - ' .i- i . . . ' _ . . _ . . <br /> :. . - ..- _ -.-., . _' ' (..' <br /> < <br /> tY _ - . ..� f,� �- -� i -.. . . :% , . . <br /> ! <br /> �� .'js { 5� 1 �f . i . (�' `X� � ) � . <br /> : }j _ > ' ° r__;,'i � fr`. � . . - �'�. f �� � - - .. <br /> n 4 t t c <br /> (� �:r - . .. T ; �x � �_ . 'A' f �' _ _ - <br /> fT f rn' -_ - . �� '�f . _ - 'i ' ..I � ��� .-:� S� / - <br /> k � v i <br /> -.� -ai I i$r_ u;} ty f�..o�a J.. t i ^, �41 a � � �! �I Y� � r t' �: ]j, . <br /> r �` � ii` ' 1. � r f 1 f �`� i � i > _1 {� (9 <br /> Fr f� `,�. . . � �_ ?i , n. a:�`. i . ...e.. � .., f. . ..: .. . . .�. •�l . . .�'.r. --2' _ . <br />