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- <br /> , :. <br /> � ,, .. . .. <br /> ,.��_. <br /> , . .. , ; ,. <br /> _ . . . . : . .. . .,.: .. <br />.__ _ _•-- _ . ' �'. 5�.�.�' <br /> - pdddd�Ihat Lendef rbqui�v�:'�la Insmanoo cerHee tiiov[dlog�0e imwenoo s1u110e chosa�by�blAlowet�i�rl '' ` - <br /> oDD���!t'N�ch fhWl noE,tp unreatonnbly withheld, Jf Borrower Pall�to malnteln cavtroBO de�albed�6ave, nQq may,qt <br /> Len rlopqon,o6teincdvemgotoprotcc�Iknderbeightela�hePropenylnuorordencewlthparu�reph7. <br /> Att insurenoo pollcTa end a+ieweie aheli 6o acaptabia w Lendu end 4he11 fnclude�standarS mortgegd cl�ausa I.epGet <br /> thdihavethorlghttoholdthepoliclwandttnewals. ltLeMerrcqWrca,Boriower�hallpromptlygiyatoLeMeiali[�celyu <br /> of puid yRmium�and fcnbweJ notiad. In ifio eveni ot tos�,Bmrower■hail�ira piu u naica ta tha L�a�r.-tca turkr and — <br /> Lendor, Lendcrmaymakoproototlaultnotmedopromptlyby Borrowcr. <br /> UNw Lsndor end Bonawu othenvise ageo In writing,Inauranco prooad�eball 6e applied to[aroration oi rcpalr ot <br /> the Pta�rry damagcd, it the rcsto�aHon or rcpalr li economicaliy teaatble md Lendub secudry It not IeuonW. If the <br /> _____._f rtatorat on or rcpairls pot economtcatly feaslble or I.enderY cecudry would be lesarncd, the insurence proceeda�haU 6e � -�- <br /> appliW�o the tuma cecuttd by thle Seeadty Inamtment,whnher or not then due. wi�sny oxoeaa paid ro Horrowu. It — <br /> Bomower abandouti�he Property,or doea not answer within 30 deye a nodco from Lender that�hA Inew+nce carAerha� <br /> _ oHertd a settlo e cl'aim,then Lendu m¢y collect the Inaurana praaede. I.ender may use Ne proceedi to rcpalt or roatoro <br /> �he Pcopeny or to pay am�«curtd by thia Scwdry In:wmen6 whphu or not then due.7T�e 30-0ay pcdod wlp begin when <br /> the nodce ii eiven. <br /> . ___- Unieu Lendu md Bortowu othenvlu agrce tn wdtlng,eny�pplicadon ot proaeds ro pdnetpal ahdl no[ex�end or <br /> pos�pono�de due daro of No monNly paymenro rofernd to in paragnptu 1 end 2 or oA�nga tha emount of tiwpaymenu. It - <br /> __- under pangraph 21 iAe PropeRy h ecquircd by Lender, Botrowert dght to ury�nsvrcnca polieiw and prom.ade rcsutHn6 <br /> from dmn�ge to the Property prlor�o�he ecquiaition ihall paas io I.rnder ro the exrent of the auma suvrcd by thla Secudry <br /> --- Inswmentimmediamly priorro�heacquiatNon. <br />��—__= 6. Occupene7, PrcservndoM Metntenence and Protcetfon ot the Propert{i Borrower'o Loan Appiicatlon� <br /> —�°°�° l.easeholdw Bortovnr shall occupy,esiablish,end um the Property n BortnwuY pdncipa1 re�idence wltMn cixty drys aftu _ <br /> � _ tAe execmlon of�hia Secudry Inatrumen[and aheil conHnue to oecupy�he Propeny aa BorrowerY principal rcsidence for e� <br /> �?s! least one year eRer tlw daro of occupaney, unles� Lender ahe�wlce egree+ !n wriNng, whkh conxnt shall not be _ �-- <br /> c'`y`� unmaaonably withheld,or unlesa extenuaNng cirtuma�encra exist which ue beyond Bortowu§wntrol. Hortower�hall not <br /> � �$,,. datroy,damage or impeir we Property,ellow the Propeny to dmeriorvro,or amnilt wuie on the Property. Bortower ahell <br /> ,��y,. ba In de(ault if eny fodeiturc ection or proceeding,whether eivil or cdminal,is 6egun thet in Lenderk good taith Judgment <br /> ,3��} could ruutt in torfeiturc of wa Propeny or otherwlu muerially impntr �he Ilen cratrd by �hia Secudry Insnument or � <br /> -�_ ,,� Lenderh eecurity Intercst. Bortower may curc auch a default ud rcinshte,ea provided in peragreph 18,by ceusing tlw ec8on � r: <br /> rr* -.5 or proceeding to ba dismiued with a ruling that,in LenderL good faiih dete`mination,prccluda fodeiture of Ihe Bortowerl �; -�:- <br />;.��;?r�f: intemst in tha Pmpe�ry or otAer maiedal impalrment of�he Ilen crcated by tht+Securiry Inauument or Lenderb ucurity �:'"'-` <br />�--�,�',�s�S s;• intercst. Bortower shall dw 6e in defeul[ If Bornower,dudng ihe loan epplication proees�, geve mamdeily felse or �`�-��� <br /> +,'4{y, ineccurate InformaHm or aiecemenu ro Lender(or fei1W ro pmride Lender with eny maierial intomiation)In annection with � • � <br /> „va�� the loan evidenced by the Note, includtng, but not limiud to, reprcaentetlons conaming 9ortowerS occupancy of the �r'�:: <br /> ...-1..,'i;:; PropenY m a pdncip�l residenee. If�hi�Secudry Inanumen[la on a leauhold,Bortowershall comply wf�h eIl the provialons ..-- <br /> J°=�s:-��. of the Ieau. if BorroWer ecquiroa fee�itle to�he Property,�he leuehold end the fee�itle chall not merge unlen Lender egrees l�";�:=' <br /> �•--�-` :att�-vii52l�2rlr��ii�tL"�g. � ` <br /> .,fF�721; 7, protection ot Lender'e Rightn In the Property. If Horrowcr fails ro pedom� the covemnts end egreemenu �r_;" <br /> n+-a'� rnmeined in this Suvriry Inserumem, or therc is a Iegal proceWing ehet may significenqy a(ket LenderY dghts in IAe ��-.-- <br /> �'+'��: Propeny(cuch ea a proceeding in bankmp[cy,probate.(or mndemna�ian or fodeiture or�o enfora lawa or rcgulaeiona),�hen � <br /> ��i:. Lender may do end pay for whatevcr ia nece.uary to protat the vaiue of the Property md Lenderh rights in the Propcny. r .`� <br /> '"�:�`� Y PaY E Y Y P Y Y PP� d �`,.:. <br /> �> Lenderk actiona ma mclude m an sums seeurcd b e lien which ha+ riorit over�hia Securit Insuvmen6 a in � . <br /> ���y; in court,paying rcawneble anomep'kea end entedng on ihe Propetty io makc rcpairs Al�hough Lender may teke ection C <br /> ��, under�his paregnph 7.Lender daes not have ro do m. Fi___-�- <br />`=3'-'y.'-� pn emounis d'u6ursed b Lender wder this aza n h 7 shell become eddidonil deb�of Borrower securcd b �hie ?-'�ry <br /> �'�'�' Sceuriry Imtrumem. Unle�Bortower and Lender agPee to oiher terms of paymem,�hese amoums chell beer imercst from the � � �- <br /> ,-��'4 date of diabursement n[the Note mte and:hall he payeble.�vi�h inmRSt,upon notice from Lender ca Bortowcr requcsting { ��- <br /> fi73�:, P�Yment. �J .: <br /> � -,y _= 8. Mortgage Insunnce. It Lender rcquircd mortgage inswance as n condi�ion of making the loun aecurcd by thu „ � <br /> ,,,c,�� : Securiry Instrumen4 Borto�ver sh�ll pxy�Ae premiums requircd to maintnin the mongase inzwance in effat. If,for eny �.r�,:�` <br /> ;�;ak__.= reawn, ihe monguge insurxnce wverage rcquircd by Lender lapxs or ccases to 6e in e(fea. Bortower ahall pay �he 'z;;- <br /> ?" <br />`::,,ni4',_� prcmiumt rcquired w o6uin cove�age subsrrentially equivalem to ihe mongage inxunnce prcviously in e(fce4 0�a cmt i'i'� <br /> � r' J substantielly equivalem ro the wst�o Dorro�rer of the mortgage insurance prev�ously in e(fect,from nn nittmete mortgage " <br /> ��i�t� insurcr upproved by Lender. If aubs�antinlly equivnlent mortgaae insufance coremge is not nvnileble,Borrower shall puy�o ` .� <br /> �r� Lender each monih e sum equal ro one•nvd�h of�he ymrly mongage iasumnce prcmium 6eing paid by Dortower�rhen the � <br /> a S .. . <br /> > . r insuwnce mverngc lapsed or ttnsed to be in effed. Lender�riil xcept.ux und rc�uin thae paymenis as a Ioss rcxrvc in lieu LA t� <br /> 't`e of mortgage insurnna. Loss rexrvc payments may no Ionger 6e rcquircd,at�he op�ion of I.ender.if moegage insurann � ` <br /> �+��;��`+'� coverage(in the omount end for the periad�hat Lender rquires)pmrided by an insurcr+ppmved by Lenderagain becomes �:>j±,'.'�. <br /> r"' available and is obtnined.Bortower+hall a the remiums <br />-��:}i�sy;,, p y p required to mainmin mortguge inwranm in efka,or to provide a ;-.>'t,-- <br />-,�%'7�-?,.� loss reserve,umil tke requircment for mortgage insurance ends in nttnrdance wi�h any x�ritten ngrcemem t�e�xren Borrower - <br /> `-""�� andLenderorapplinbielmv. <br />��.`~°���Y� q. InspceHon. Lcndcr or its agmt nuy make rcasonable entries upnn and impniinm of�he Nopeny. Lcnder shall -_ <br />..�:'h;,;:i';;:. give 8orrower noliceal�he lime o(or prior ro an inspec�ion speti(yinF reawnahle cauu fouhe inspeclion. �.;5..` <br />. -:.�:t 10. Condemnellon. The proceeds of any mvard or daim(or damaees.Jircct nr m�nrction�vi�h any <br /> ^i i:wn�_ .. <br /> . . . � &npkFamdY-FanNell�a}YeOdk�LePXIFUR111\tiTRCNF.�T-.P�ufmm�cmrnam. lNO ,rve,e.qn�u•,� - <br />,':I:�;�i:. <br /> �_:.iil._• ueaWnbueuram,.lx■ _ <br /> ! Tu 1qT fi� IiD9pBMt O YAl�M1191� <br /> .,,�. IUI <br /> bJ. <br /> t _. t�lv..:'�'.----�- -- .r T.—f ' __' <br /> �.` h � . ) . . . . .r�.� . , . . 'v! _ . . 1.- �� '� t� . . . i [-J . . <br /> li)...'�ifi� .l- - . - -�(� - ' <br /> V �_' � . .. • . . <br /> l� 1� � . . :.��< . . <br /> _!\-. e . . . . . . .. . . . . <br /> �-. t x _� +. _ -_ . - - ._ .. . --" . -__. . - - - ' . <br /> � . . 1_ ' . r _ . <br /> �� A . ' . . . _ - • <br /> x a <br /> l; <br /> ryd`.t� :� \R�� �� ./• - ' . <br /> � �.. --...� .�... .',i . . ., ��•. .__ . _ <br />:�:SdL.' .aiv�..n+�.S.'._:.. "� . _. '.,t. . " . . . <br /> . r•� t �C5". : L - - - � . <br /> 7-i 35�. i � jl � _.i 1 .. . . . , . <br /> y \ l.1 .I.. - _� �. . t- . <br /> u sfa.� , r . � _ - - � . . � <br /> , _c t: ' - _ ' <br /> - r1�t�4 - _-: i _ - . . ., , <br /> G _ � r - � - - .1 - .)' � t - <br /> i- � <br /> - 3 -ti � � ' r�.t v, �s _ 1 i . i <br /> �� �� s �l 4 ti _ t � - . i y{ tjr� <br /> i�_rr:.. ;.r,l . ., . e,z .s:b � I _. _, . .._sf _.F_' . 5..._ .n_ .. .. _ . . _ a,.:�3 _- . .r., .. �_.- t r. . <br /> t <br />