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.. . . .. ' _ _. ti ..:i;.. <br /> _ _- .. . . . - . _ _ _ " . _. ,� _:.7 <br /> . .. " . : � . _ +�0�\/. _ _" _. _._ _ .<._. <br /> epp1lcRble law mq�peoUy for rclnstetemenU beforo wle of�he Property punuent ta eny pow�"b�ealo,eontelneA,In thU . <br /> 8esutiry Insmment;or(6)ent�y of a judgment c+�forcing tNe geeuHry In�nument. 7fiou condl�iona ero thet Bo�rowor, (e) <br /> p9ya I.enQet ell ame which then woald bo due undu�hle Saudry Jnswment end the Noto e� If no accelcraHon had `_ <br /> otturtcd;@)cvraf eny Qefault otany othu corenenb or egramenta:(c)paye eil expenser Incurted in entoning thh BewNry <br /> Ipatmmenl,including.Cut rtot Ilmited to,reasonebie e��omoya'feea;and(�ukee�uch ection a�Lendu moy rzssonably <br /> Rqulro ro sssino fhat tho ticn of�hfs Sii,�ui�ry IraGOmant,l�nCtrt tlghu In tYa fiupc�ty end Bo`mwwb o011gaUon royay tt� ---- <br /> �ume eccurcd by thla 3aurity tnswment �hell conGnue unch�nged. Upon relnsuccmem by 8orrowu, �hb Yecurlty <br /> In�trument and the obligatlana tccured hercby�heli rcmefn tuily etfective aa tt no ecalereNon had oaurzed. Nowever,thl� <br /> right to rdnsintalhall not apply In the cese of aoceleratton under pmagreph l7. <br /> l9. 8ate of Note; Cdange ot I.oan 8errinr. The Now or a paniet tntuest in the Nae(together wHh tAla Secudry �-•^ ° <br /> imdumen0 max bo soid ono m mom timw wilhout pdor no�ice�o Hortowu. A sala may ruult in a change in tho cntiry - <br /> (known u the Loen Servlar")�dat collau monWy paymenu due wdar the Note and ihis Savrity Inswment. 4llero alw <br /> may bo ono or moro changea ot eha Loan Setvlar unreteud ta a sele of the Noro. [t�hera is e chenge of the Loan Smlar. <br /> Bortower wlil be given written nodce ot�he eM1ange in exordance with paregreph l4 ebove and oppticablo law. 7Le nodce <br /> wlll state U�e name end¢ddrea ot the new Loan Servicer end the addrsaa to which paymenu should be mede. 'Rw notiw wlll . <br /> elw mnuin eny other Infortnation requircd by epplicebie Iew. <br />� 20. Hazerdoua 8ubstenew. Bomower ehell not ceuao or pertnit�he prcsenco,use,dinpewb tronge,or«Ieeae ot eny �- � <br /> HazaMow Substence�on or in�he Propeny. Dortower shell not do,nor allow anyone elsa to do,an�hing afkcttng�M1e <br /> Aropeity�hat la In violetlon of any Environmentel Law. 7Le preudtng txro centences shall not epply to�he prcsence,uae,or — <br /> �rorvge on the Property otsmali quenei�ie�ot Hezerdom Subsunas�hat ere generally recogrized to be eppropdate to normal �� _- <br /> te�IdenNel uua end[o matntenance of the Propeny. �yt:--- <br /> Hortower�hell promptly glve Lender wdtten notia of eny Investigetion,cleim,demmd.Iawsuit or other actlon by any �;.:u,�-� <br /> govemmental or rcgulatory egency or pdvate party involving the Property end eny Harardow Substana or Environmemel �.;-;.�___ <br /> Lew of which Qortower Aa� acmul knowlWge. If Bomower leem+. cr la noHRed by any govemmenul or rcgularory G>;__:,.�._ <br /> authodty,that ony rcmoval or aher rcmediation of eny He�rdous Substena attecUng the Propeny ii neceasery,Bortowu f x - <br /> ahall promp�y teke all neassery rcmedtel ectiam in ecrnrdana wi�h Environmentel '}��� <br /> As used in this paregreph 7A."Hezerdoua Subs�ancei'erc tho.vo subs�anas defined u toxic or heurdoua aubttencm by '���t - <br /> Environmentel Law end the(ollowing substanas: gesoline,kemune,o�her Flammable or[oxic petroleum praducts.roxic � --"i�� ;� <br /> pertictdes end hmbicides,volatile mlvents,m�teriala containing esbestos or formaldehyde,end redioacdve metedals. As �Y�«;-.-; <br /> used in this paregreph 20,'Environmenrel Laxr means kderal lews end laws of�he jurisdic�ion wherc Ihe Proper[y is located µryi:.���`,:,. <br /> thet rclero ro heahh,ufety or environmentel pro�cetion. ����ti��¢��,',-: <br /> NOM•UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bofrower end Lender funher rnvenant and agree m foliowa: �.?K�:.,,: <br /> 21. Acalerationi Remedlee. Lender s6ei1 give notice to Borro�ver prlor fo accelerfltion following Oorrotver's ;�}s��,r,: . <br /> breach of any wvenant or agrxment In thia Securlly Inatrument(but not prtor to acceteratton under peragraph 17 Nth;s�'.';:::; <br /> det�ulti(c)a date,enot Iesv Ihan 30rdaya�homethe�dete Ihe oticcyts g veo to Dor�o rerebyerhlch t e detault muat�be ���at��'q}'=� <br /> .urzd;ard(d)that tallure to surc th¢dttault an or�fare Lkc date specllled!n lhf notitt may r�ult!n scce!erstton nt "'-:���y'� <br /> the aums aewred b thie Secudt Instrument end eale of tAe Pro ert . The notice shall Nriher Inform Dorrower ot '(r;-i'%%rt^,;. <br /> Y Y P Y ��s�;h,;�t,• , <br /> Ihe rtght ro reinslate after acaleratlon and tAe right to bring a court action to aaert Ihe nomexistence of a defauit or ;.;�!sA�y;;r, <br /> any other defense of 6orro�rer to acceleratlon and sele. /t ihe defevit is not cured on or betore the dete speelfled In ;;�-'•'.f{�f.°:" <br /> tAe notice,Lenderet ita optlon mey require Immediate payment in full of ell sum+saured by Ih�SecuAly Insfrument '�'s"S`•`�.-;�'�: <br /> wifhout Nrther demand and may invoke the po�ver of aele end eny olher remedlea permitted by nppliceble le�v. i--�� <br /> Lender ahatl be entflled ro colleet all ezpertsea incurred In pursuing the remedles provided in Ihit peragreph 21, 'r};;� � <br /> Intluding,Dut not Iimited to,rensonobk attorneys'feea and cosls af ttlte ertdence. •C;;Y'�$3.�,.'. <br /> If lhe po�rer of sale U tnvoked,7Yustee ahall remrd a nottce ot defeull in eneh caunty tn whkh eny psrt of the �4,.{�}�S`��,�-_ <br /> Property u laeted ond shull mall eopies of such nottce fn the menner prescrlbed by applirnble Ia�r to Darro�rer and to r:,:;, _.,l__ <br /> the otAer percortv prcscribed by epplicebte la�v. ARer the time rcquired by applieable la�v,7}ustce shelt give publlc �i,,f��yt�::;_ <br /> notlee otcaie Po ihe persona and In Ihe menner preacribed by epplicable la�r. 7}ustee.�rf�M1out demend on Qorro�ven �-� �- <br /> sheli sell lhe Property ut public xuelian to the htghest bidder at lhe ifine nnd place and under the lerm�deatgneted in ''""���f"-,- <br /> c2:°.`i:crc.. � <br /> the notitt of sele In one or more parcels and in eny order'Ifustee determinea. Trustee mey postpone rale of nil or eny ,. . �1, .,,.' <br /> a,r-,: <br /> parcel of Ihe Pmpetly 6y public announcemenl al the Iime and place of eny previously scheduled xele. Lender or Its q"-`�% �,:: <br /> designee may purchase the Property a1 any sale. �"��.'`:�}':-`` <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of Ihe pdce bfd,7}ustec shall deliver ro Ihe purchxser 7}ustee's deed conreying Ihe �q;`%��;f�i;!'-` <br /> Property. The rceltele In the 7Yusiee'e deed shall be prlma facle evldmce nf ihe lrufh of the stetemend made Iherein. ��;_':'=��. <br /> 7}ustee ahall apply Ihe proceeds otlhe sele In Ihe tollo�ving order: (al ln xll costs end expeaus of exercLsln�the po�rer �' "•�:��;:-' <br /> -:.��:�;;- <br /> •,_�.i... <br /> ';Z;.:�`:;�ti.�. <br /> (i'pf{>:'.. -.. <br /> i�.aY£re-i: <br /> �_: <br /> *{�,, <br /> Fwm.bSN 9.Y11 q�ie�c.qr.p,��v - . <br /> r <br /> -�. � ' - _;n;. "_:,. - _ _ ' '_ _. <br /> �_� . .. . .. <br /> - r .xs - . . . . . . <br /> F �,_ . - i.:' , � . . - - . . . .J^. . `t.- . � . . <br /> s '_i'�,.t-- i.i� - _ <br /> ���ti�bi,:.r..=.._' _ . . . . _ . <br /> ���� • <br /> -./.-.1� ' . . _ <br /> \ : , .n•AS::., •� . <br /> 4.f•-•.. ,t'` . .. <br /> �1•1'' ,.L' - � _ <br /> ,'1.• � ±,t{:� _ <br /> . Y` . <br /> - - - ��� -� -.,:�-_ .. . . 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