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� ! - . .I � I _fi . ' r /. f� �) <br /> . - <br /> . • ! <br /> . � ... �.) I .�._..... . <br /> ' ' � � r . " .�. ...�. .. : . . . ��K -���� •� 1 <br /> � i � „�+0� 087jHISR'1VCCti atl the lmprov�num�now or horcanei ctccted 4��e propcny,end dl eAaeminl8;epDurtehusgee,� ° ` <br /> u�d Axwru pow oe haeallu a part gt,mo pmeeny. A11 rcplaamene(and addUlom aheil a4S 6o covirea by►�I�S�udry <br /> -�Ini}�unj�,-Alle►Ihatorogol�gU�?Co}rcritoln�hlaBecudtylmuumenteetho"Projh,tty." . ._ <br /> qORROW8t10QWNANPB tAut IIortottcr ia lawNily KIsW ot�e estato hettby convoyM and(uu�ho A$At to grent ' � <br /> arW oonvey tha Prop�ty md�hst tho Propeny i�uncncutnberc4,oxapt tor snChmbcmoee ot rccorC� AoAGWer w�mnµ,@nd <br /> wlll Aefa�gencrol(y Uie IIOe to tha Ptope»y egelnat dl ctelme end demenda.�ubJect lo eny encwmb[enoea of rccorA. , ' <br /> 14U8 $$CfAtIj'Y INS7RUMBPPI'combinea unlfoim eovcnanro for nqtlonN use and non•uNform covmnnte whh <br /> limited vuiuqont 6y JudadlMfon to eansti�uto a unlform aecudry lnawment covning real prop¢ny. ' <br /> , U1V1ApKM C0Y8NANi'9. Borsowu ad Lender covenont andagee a�tollow�: , _ ,. <br />--- 1, Msmaat ot P►Ndpat ond Icterest{Prcp�yttteat eadl.uto Chargei, Dortower ihail promptlypay wAen due Ne -- -- <br /> pdnclpelot�nd Imereat on�ha debt evidenced Dy the Noto and any prcpayment md!au ohergea due undertfie Nae. <br /> J. 6UnQa tor 4hxea and Iosuraaoe. SubJxt to eppIla61e Iaw or co a wrl�ten weivcr by GuMer Bo�rowcr�hell pay to <br /> Lcnder an tho day montNy paymenro ere due undor�ha Noro,umtl the Note fe pald In fuil,a wm("�nd��tor.(e)yearly <br /> taxes and ea:eaamenta wh1cA may atWn pdodty over�h(a Secudty InstNment aa a Uen on tAe Pcoperty:@)yearly leeachold <br /> _ 9aymenn or �ound rcnu on the Propeny. If eny:(c) yearly hezard or propeny inaurence prcmtumr, (d)yeerly fload <br /> insurutce premlum�. It eny; (e)yearty mortgage insuranco premiuma,i[eny;and(Q my num+payable by Qorrower to -- - <br /> l.e0da,in accordanca with�he�roW:lons of puagnph B,in Iiw ot�he payment of mortgege Insurence prcmiuma. 7hae - <br /> Item�araeelled'B:crow Items. Lender may,�t any tlme,collee�end tatd IUnd�in�n emount not to exceed the maximum <br /> amoont�lender tor a federelly rcleted mongega loen may requiro tor Bortowa§escrow acaunt under�he tederal Reel <br /> - Estate 3ailement Procedurca Ac[ot 1974 es amended Gom�ima to time,l2 U.S.C.4��er s�q.("RESPA'�,unlw another <br /> — law Iheuppltea to t�e Ivnds eue a Ieaser emowt. Itco.Lender may,at eny tlma�Iiect and hold Punds in�n amoun[not ro — _— <br /> excud �he lesxr emount. Lendu may eadm�te �ha amoum of Mnde due on the basb ot curtent dn�a and reasonabte _._. <br /> -_- eetlmarosof axpendimms of futuro Hurow Items or otherwise In occordance wtth appIicablo Iaw. _ ___ ____ <br /> -.— 7t�e Punde clmit Ixi hdd in m Ins�itution whou deposiu ere irourcd by�federel agency,inaaumentality,or em(ty __ <br /> _ (Inciudi�y Lenda,it I.ender la nuch en InsNtution)or In eny Federel Nome Loan Bank. Lender ehell apply tho Punda to qy - <br />:_T'"� the Bscrow Item+. Lender mey not charge Bortnwer for hotding end epplying the Phnds,annually enalyzing tho escrow --�_—�— <br /> _-= eceowt,or vedfyNg the Bscro�v Icema,unles+Lender paya Bortower interes�on the Punda md applicable lew pertniu �_`'_=''=� <br />,:�.:,, Lender�o meke wch e chuge. Howevu,L.ender mry require Bortower ta pay a ane�tfine chuge for an independent real —°-Y--=- <br /> '�i utnte tex reportin;service used 6y Lender in ronneciion�vith�hia loan,unless epplicablo Iew providas othenviu. Unless en ��� <br /> �-� agtameot ia made or eppliceblo lew requirca intereat to be paid,Lender shail not ba rcquired ro p�y Bortower any interest or � { <br /> rqN eaminga on the Ainde. Bortower end Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest sAalt be paid on�he Aund�. Lender �t�t <br /> ahall give to Bortower,without chege,en ennuel aaountlng of�he F�nds,ahowing crediti end debtu ro the PhnN end the A �y ; <br /> `•'i pu r p o se for which each debit to the Mnds wa�made. 1Tw Wnds ero pledged ee additional secudty for ail sume ucurcd by "C .— <br /> �hta SccuAty Inatmment. ���jt <br /> 3,+� If the F�nds Aafd by Lender axceed the amounts pem�8ted ro be held by sppllcable law, Lender shell aceount ro ,� � <br /> " B�r�,wa tar VR e;.�Pvr,�s in a»cxdantt xfih i!�requirenr_n�nf spplkabk lsw. It�ha ee!!�unt ef iM R+mk I!�Id by - r�T N �-___ <br /> '-Y� Lenda et eny time ia not mtficient[o pay the Escrow I[ems when due.Lender may so noUfy Borrower in wdqng,and,in y t�i��y __-� <br /> nuch case Borrower shall pay to Lender�he emount necessary to meke up 1he deficiency. Bortower fhall make up�he �ry� <br /> i' deflcienry in no more than Iwelvc monthly paymrnta et Lenderh sole diarclion. +'f3�'{�`,K� • - <br /> -S� lJpon payment in tull of ail iums secured by �hie Security Instrumenb Lenaer chell promp�ly refund to Uortower eny j�^'�t2�ji F ,�� <br /> -.;� FWnds held by Lender. It,under paregreph 21.Lender shell uquire or sell fie Roperry.Lender,prior ro the ecquisition or .���,�, '�v•:.._� <br />. � iele of�he Prope'ry.shall apply any Aunds held by Lender at the time of ocquisition or sele a�e credit egeins[the suma +.:xk•.l._cr.�±?(4 = <br /> -i;_� �ecurcd by lhla Savrity Inswment. `�y�� ,S��.- <br />__�a 3. Applicallon of Peymenu. Unless eppllable law provid¢s otherniu, aIl paymenu received by Lender under {+�x f"�r-, �.. <br /> --�.{ pxragrepM1f 1 xnd 2 shall be epplied:firs6�o eny prepaymenl charges due under Ihe Notr,tteond,to nmounts payeble under _��r� ��?? <br /> --� paragaph 2:third,io interest due;faunh,�o pdncipal due;end las4 to any lem chvgu due under the Note. , Zyc�ti �.;c _ <br /> :,�� 4. Chargec; Llens Bortower shall p+y nll mxes,assessmenu,c6urges, finea end impositions attribuuble ro �he ;���,.�_,?13 .� <br /> --�;3 Property xhich mry aitein prioriry over this Secudty Inswment,end Icasehold payments ar ground renu.if any. Bofro�ver p a � i-_• <br /> :]]] �hall pay�hese obligatlons in the manncr provided in paregraph 2,or it aot paid in�ha[menner.Dorro�ver ahall pay them on a��? �`� � <br /> _:,+ -�,;' .. <br /> `� time dira�ly ro�he person owed payment. Dartower shuil promptly fumish to l.ender ell noliccs of amounts to he paid under � • 4 . s <br /> this pangraph. It 6orrower mekes these pnyments drectly,Bovower shall promptly fumish to Lender mceipt:evidencing �r'"�'`f�+t',':` <br /> thep�ymenta. ?�' �`�Su,b�s .. <br /> IIortower xhail promp�ly discharge eny licn which hu priority over�his Seeuriry Insnument unless Bofrower.(a)egrces t�x�x+5_"j��� �.-': <br /> -;°� in writing w the qyment of the obligatlon securcd by�he lien in a manner accep�able to Lender,(b)comests in good faith the � �Yt,,;i,�:; <br /> >M Ilen by,or dcfcnds against enforcemem of the licn in,Icgal praeedings which in thc Lenderk opinion opeate�o prcvem ihe ` .n�`r�._; <br /> .?.� enforcement of ihe lien:or(c)securcs from�he holder of thc licn an agrcemcnt mtisfactory to Lender subordinating�he lien � �.I��� � ty�,_._ <br /> to this Stcudry Inswment. If Lender de�ermina that eny pan of the Propeny is subject�o a lien which may ettain prioriry ;{,�_ `�,��t __. <br />`1,.t over thisSewrily Inswnten6 Lender may give Iiorrower a nolicc identifying thc licn. Dartowcrshall sa�isfy the lien or teke ,. ,. }:.j,..,"p';�., <br /> one or morc of the octions ut fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. ' S,' .���•,., : <br /> S. Hazard or Property Insurenn. Oortower shail keep the improvemenis naw existing or herealler erec�ed on the �, a_ i ;:_."� <br /> Propenyinsured ageinat loss by firc,hazards included wiehin�he term'extended covewge'and any other ha�ards,induding .?�}'-'";!}S:;^<.-` <br /> floods w Oooding.for which Lender requircs insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounis and tor the _,;';7;Z;,-.�:?"�.;c::- <br /> `' . .i. . _'__::.'._�.. <br />._`.° FormJ038 9A0 �ryp=n/npxo) �•'-: <br /> i sl i '.�- <br /> T <br /> 174� � <br /> •' . \ t <br /> —;�� r <br /> �'_`�'.-ex'__>n _:_ � ')-'.'y--�`7=':'�- : t":4rR.- ;�:.. rt_ '. ..—�1Y�- " ."S--.r " �,- ' �.`.t_ t <br /> , . "' . .'�.'. <br /> .'K i:•..i _ .i: . _ . <br /> r/ [ � _ _� '_" ' _ ' _ __ _ . . . . <br /> t�1 t' - y��� ;�� - ' . .' . 1 - . - <br /> .< ___ ' " : ...- _ <br /> �r.._�.�_t ___—___�__--_ —e_'_._ " . . .� .. ., . . <br /> — --_ _ " <br /> � . ,_ {.4__ .. i` � ( _._.. _ _ _ . ._ , _ . <br /> �{. � ,ii ..� <br /> J _ � i , . _. � ' . . . . <br /> 1�'�1S_` 5 .- �\- . ` . .. . 1/ __ ' . . <br /> i � _,5 1 y t 'y. . . ,. - 1 ._ ._ .. - . . - <br /> �. � �_ - - . . - . , � <br /> _ '} t_ ' ..` . _ _.r ` . ' - <br /> a .'r� ;< < . . .. <br /> 1 t: � r � c � - - i '" - . <br /> � , ,{ t � . �_. _ _ . . _ _ <br /> r ' -# '( t y. r - _ .. ' . - " <br /> �t� f <br /> �rYt J� e �y = i t - - si -�'. i 'r � . <br /> i [ x h S . . . r . � i _ �- . � <br /> ^�e : _ r- _ . - � <br /> ♦Y� � a � ` ' ,! 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