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�u.. . .s . ;�:�:. <br /> ;��..�_. _ _ __ .. . . <br /> . ..r`�... . . ' . ... ..'L�.��._ t _. _ _.:.-.. <br /> � � _ � . .t.. ' � . . .. .• . - :1�� a��':_ ..i- <br /> - � � . . � .. � � .• ..� " ��•i <br /> _ . .. . :4�3w �u�+� , : <br /> oonQemnylonoroQertckl,qaotenyyutotQ�ePropetty,ArtoreonyaymeeinUwolcondemnoGon,{+xherobyo�a�gnedtnd :" ,,.� <br /> thAlltapqSdtoLen�n <br /> In Ne,event ot e total raking ot�I�b Propoiry� the proa�ta sAdl bo aypif W ro'�Ae¢umi�ot itio�BNp na�la ` �� <br /> W/e�mEnt.whe�tui or not�A�e.wl�my oxoeu pild ro ttid evont ot e uRIN <br /> widsh tM tq�r metkel vatuo'ot the Properiylmmediately 6ePote the teking ie equal to orgrcaIer thari�tio�muunt ottho ibms <br /> sesurid by Q�b 8c�udty Instntmcm{�medlately 6oforo�ho�eking,unles�Bormwc►end 4endar o�erwise ugrw In vrtiA , <br /> the.�ums KatrA 6y th4t 8eciirfry Instmment ehall Do rcituqd by tho unuunt ot the pmaeda molUp1IW by tho fdllqwl�g <br /> trasqon: (�J Ihv rotol amonni ot�Ae►uma eawed Immedb�olr beforo�he taking,divlAW Oy(b)tM fair merket vetua otme <br /> Ptaptny ImmWia�aty boforo�he tak�ng� Any Deianso�hell bo pnld to Borrower. In ihe ovent ot a putlal taking ot�ha <br /> Propetty tn whtch tAe tafr metket va ue of the Propeny Immedlately before�Ae taking le leu tAan tho emount ottho wm� <br /> eecUrcQ ImmeAtatety tiGPoro U�e takin8,unlea�Bortowet end Landar ahetw�se agnro in writing or uelu� appllcebla Iaw <br /> otherwiae prorlda,tho proaed�shell bo epplled to iAo eums saured by thta 3avdty Inatmment whc�heror not the�omi ero <br /> Ihcn due. <br /> [t tho Propeny la ebandoned by Bortower,or il,efler noGce by I.ender to Borrower�htt the condemnor offen to make <br /> en awud or cettla a cletm for damagee,Borrower felli�o mspond to I.ender wlthin 30 daye efter�he dnto�bo notico lo glven, <br /> l.ender Ie euthorired to cotlect and apply the prooa6a,at iro optlon,ehher to rts�ore�lon a ropair of the Property or to Ne <br /> �uma eecured by tAie 8ecurity tnmument,whethcr or not thcn due. <br /> Unleas Lender and Bortower otherniso agree in writing,eny applica�lon ot proceed�ro p�incipal�hall not extend or <br /> po�tpone�Ae dua d�te ot�he monthly paymenn roterted ro tn pemgreph�I and 2 or chenge�he emount ot�uch paymente. <br /> Il. Bortower Not Relwsed� Forbearence By Lender Not e Waiver. Bxtcnsion ot tAe [Ime forpayment or <br /> modiflcatlon ot amortiaetlon of the�ume eecured by ihU Suurity Instrument graneed by I.ender io any wcceuor in in�erca� <br /> ot Bortower chall not operate to rolease tha Ifablliry ot�he origtnal Hortowar or BortowaY eucoeeson in interest.LenAer <br /> shell not bercq uired�o commence praaedinge agaimt eny�ucassor in Intercat or roPox�o oxiend tima tor peyment or <br /> ottietwlso modtfy emortlzatlon of the wms sxured by thle Securiry Insaument by reaaon oteny demanJ mado by tia originel <br /> Botrower ot BortowerY sucaason In Intereat. Any torbeerance by Lender In exercising my rlgAt or remedy�he11 not be a <br /> waivu of or prcclude Ne exercise ot eny dght or rcmcdy. <br /> U. 8uceeasoro end Aalgns Bound;Joint end 9everal Liebtltty�Casignere. 71w mven�nta end egreemente of this <br /> Securlty Instmment�hill bind end benefit the succeuon end eulgna of Lender end Borrower,cubJect to the provtaloro ot <br /> peragnph 17.Hortowerb mvenente end egrcemcnu ahell be Joint and mveral.Any Borrower who w•signa�his Seeurity <br /> Inatmment but does not execute the Note: (a)fa co-:igning thb Security Inawment only ro mortgaga,gruit and wnvoy�hat <br /> Bortower6 Interest in�M1e Ptoperty under�ho�ertna of�hi�Securiry Instrument: (b)i�not penonelly obtlgated to pay�Ae cuma -� <br /> securcd by tM�Stcudry(nsuumenC end(c)egees Ihat Lender nnd eny o�her Bortower mny egme w axtend,modify,forbexr - <br /> or meke eny axommodatlore wiih rcgord ro the ierm�of ihis Security Instrvmcnt or ihe Note wf�hout that Oortowerl .` <br /> con:en�. <br /> U. Loea CM1ar�a. If the loen ucured by �hie Security Instrument is mbjec�ro e luw which sets maximum loan = <br />- cfieiga,end iha[6w n Gnaliy iniery felai sa ihet ihe iniemt ur uiher lum chnrgu cuitu;iai ur to be coifecied in connecuan = <br /> with�he loan exceed the pertnittW limiu,�hen: (n)my such loen chnrge shell be rcduced by ihe emount neceaeary w redua - <br /> Ihe chtrge ro tha permlttW IImiC end(6)any sum�alrendy collecud from Dorrower.vhich exceeded pemiiited limiu wiil be - <br /> roPonded ro Oortower. Lender may choou to make ihis rcfund by rcdudng the principal o�red under the kote or by making a - <br /> dicect payment to Bortower. If a rciund rcduces pdncipal.the rcduction will be treetW as a partial prcpayment wiihout ony = <br /> prcpayment cherge under the Nota �•: <br /> 14. Notieee. Any noHce to Borrower provided (or in �his Securiiy Inxtrummu ahxll he given by delivering it or 6y �. <br /> mailing it by fine clav mafl unlas epplice6le law rcquires use of another methad.97ro notice shull 6e dirayed m the Propeny ',.: <br /> Address or any ather addrtxs Bortuwer designetee by naice�o Lender. Any no�ice to Lender shall he given by first class : <br /> meil lo Lender�eddrcss ateud hercin or any other nddrcu Lender designmes by naice to Bortower. Any notice provided for <br /> In Ihfa Securiry Inswment :hell be damed to havc 6cen given �a Borrowcr or Lender�vhen given m providcd in ihi: i�- <br /> PeTaBmfh <br /> la. GoverNng Le�r; Severabllfty. This Securiry Insuumem shall be govemed by(edcml law uiW the law of�hc - <br /> Judadfe8on in which�he Propeny is laated. In the evem thnt any provision or dause o(�his Securi�y Instmmem ar�he Note <br /> conNet:with applieeble lew,such mnllict shall no�affect other provi.iom of ehis Securi�y Imtrmnent or�he Noie which can = <br /> be given effat withom the conilicting provision. To�his end�he prorisions uf�his Security Inswment and tlie Nore e�e [ <br /> dcelercd to be sevcmblc. <br /> 16. 6orrower'a Copy. Borrower shall be givcn onc canfomied copy ot the Note ond of�his Security Instrument. - <br /> 17. ltenakr of the Property or e OencOclol Inrorext In Borro�rer. If rl I or any pan nf thc Propcny or eny intercat in =� <br /> it is wld or tranaferred(or if u beneficial intercst in Bortuwer i+mld ar�rnnstcrtcd and Uorro�ver is not a nuwral person) �' <br /> without l.enderk prior written conunt.Lender mny,at iis np�ion,rcyuirc immedia�e payment in full uf nll sums securcd by ;:�. <br /> �his Saurity Inawment. However,ihis op�ion+hnll not bc cxereixJ by Lcnder i(excrcise is pmhibited by fcdeml lav az of ° <br /> Poe dete of thia Security Inswment. <br /> If Lender exercises this optian.Lender,hall give 6urnnver notice of aaxeleniion. The notice tihall provide a periad of �,�-. <br /> not lea�hen 30 days from Ihe date the no�ice is delirercA nr mailed within which Bortower must pay all+um.xcurcd by�his '.'� <br /> Security lnslrumene If Borrower tailx to pay, prinr m [hc expiralinn o(�hi.period. Lender mny invoke any <br /> rcmedies pertnitted by Ihis Security Inswmem�vithum(unhernotim ordemand an Rortower. <br /> 18. Barrower's Right to Refattate. If Bmm�ccr mttn �crtain a}mditiun+, 13ortoxu .hall hace�hc righi Io hare <br /> enfoRemcnt of�his Saurity Inswmcm dixomiuucJ:n any timc prinr ta Ihe cadicr nL (a15 Jays(or.uch olher period a� <br /> SinFletimdy–FinnleAlae/FrcddleN�cCSIF(/R1fl\tiTRI"]4:]T-.PmlmnC.neum. 9A0 lryx�1 JM1ryem <br /> "'T;K. <br /> 9 .' t.-N,.,C n-. i- ;� x- . . . `'ts^"} ,-A4.--, T"'}: "t r _ ' . _ <br /> {L.: � '� f _ - . . _ ' '. '1 _ _ - . <br /> - .r �.. _ ,. . <br /> : -.-. _ . _': � <br /> .' .� <br /> -�," . .. –. � . , ..� . .- ; <br /> :.-,s;:: --._i - _._.,___. <br /> _ ;} '..j,= , _ _ _ '_ — ._ >.f t _ � — _— . <br /> � � - �.l yl ,'� _ " .. - <br /> .{ .� � �1 � - _ . . ' . . . _ .,.. <br /> '��-y'i . .$ � . �. t - � - . <br /> i ^n . � . ' . , . <br /> � �?l Y ir 1 � -�(: ' <br /> i � e .\�{ � �.( t ,}� / `� - ' <br /> J ! " � . 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