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5\'Si7' _..._ _ _ : _ . _ . . _ . __ ' . ...... . .... . . <br /> -[.�iFi . . . _ . . _ �-_' _ _ <br /> ! , petioQ+chet Lendet requIrp.9he Wurence wsiet prbvMing Ae loauroiice�hatt 6e cAosen 6'y18 u w���derti <br /> epPtbv�l a?dsh ehaii nbt be unree;onaAly wIM»IA. tt 8ortawer talia to malntaln eovicroBe deaal6ed abave, Tlder m+y.a� _ <br /> Lendelb� optlon,ubtaUi oevaago toprotoc�I.enAub dgh�e iri tlae Proobrty in aa:oManco wl�puegrayh 7. • <br /> � l�it intuianvo poliei've and ianowds shali bo acocptablo toi.endw and�h81 inetude a aendud mortgaBo cl6uae. Lendef — ` — <br /> ehNl Aavo t(ro rtght ro ho]d the policle�and renewale. ItLender rcyulrc�,Bortower�hell promp0y gtao ro Lmder a11 readiyt� <br /> ot pald premium�and�enewal aoticu. �n�he ovea�ot Iau,Boerower�hall give promyt notice ro�ho Ineurenco cwrie�and <br /> Lcnder. I.crAerRoymaL-oprootatlou fnotmadopromp�tyby Bortower. <br />. . � Unlon Lcndcr and 8oiro�ver athernlse agrw In miting.lnwrenap�cc�s ahall be applled m rcstoreNan or rcpalr of � - • <br /> � trye Pro�ny damaStd.6�he restoraAon or�onalr i�coonomically teas bll e and Lenderl secudty I�na IeasonW. If�he <br /> roatomt on or rep��t b not eoonomlcaliy fwt6lo or 1.endttY eaudry would bo lessened,tho insurence pcooeeda ehall ba <br /> app11W ro�he�uma Kcured by ihb Secudty Insnument,whethu or not then due, wiih eny exwu pald to Boaower. (t <br /> _ Bortower abandons tAe Propcny,or daes not answu witfiln 30 daye a nodce trom Lender ttiat the Insuronce carrler hn <br /> ofkred to eetqe s clolm,then Lender may collett the insurence pcocad�. Lender may use�he praaeds lorepalr or resroR <br /> tho Property or to pay wma�aured by�hl�3ecudry Inswment,whmher or not then due. The pedad wiil begin when <br /> — tdo notico i+given. . _ <br /> Untes�Lrnder end Boaower ot�ernW agrco in wAttng,eny appIica�lon of proaed+to pdncipal iha11 not exund or <br /> postpona tde due data of tha monthly paymenro rcfemd to In paragaptu 1 end 2 or change the amount of�he paymenu. [t <br /> undcr paragnph 21 the Propeny ta acquired by I.ender.BortowuY rlaht ro eny insuronce pollciee end proaede resuldng <br /> hom damage ro eha Property prlor lo tM acqui:ttion shetl pas�ro Lendu ro�fie extene of the euma securcd by thu Secu�iry <br /> Nawmentlmmediateiypdoriotheacqulaitton. <br /> G Oaupancy, Preeervation, Melntenance and Protectton ot tha PropeHy� Borrower'e Loan Appltcpdon� <br /> Leaseholda. Bortowu ehall occupy,atabl4M1,end use the Property e�QortowerY princlpal residence within sixty daye efler <br /> ---'° the axetution ot thia Sceurity Instrument and ehall wnHnue to occupy G�e Property aa Bo�rowerb pdnNpnl rcaldenw for et � - - - <br /> = leaat one yar aRer �he daro of occupency, unles� l.endu otherwim agrw in wridng, whlch conunt ihell not be �� � <br /> _�:_'� unreasonably witNteld,or mless extenuating ctrcumstenas exist which ere 6eyond Bortower�comml. Hortower fiall not y�,�{_ <br />`•?A'Y� deatroy,demege or tmpair tM Rnputy,ellow the Propeny ro duedoretq or comm(t wesie on the Propeny. Bortower ahall �;_?�`?�--- <br /> ba in defaWt it eny toRefturo ecNon or proceeding,whether civil or cdminal,ix begun Nat{n Lenderh good fdth Judgment ' <br /> -��� wuld roaWt (n forFe(mre o!iM Propeny or mhefwise metedelly impair�he Iisn crcated 6y Nia Secuflry tmwment or >> _��_ <br /> "•- Lender6 secudty intercse Bortower may cure such a defeult and rc(nateta ss provided in paragreph 18,by cauaing tha action s.�f�.;_,- <br /> ,��� or procced(ng ro ba dismlased wlth�mling that,(n LenderY good fefth de�ertninailon,parludee fodciturc of the BortowerY . - <br /> intereat in �he Property or o�her matedal impahment of the 8en created by chi�Seeudty Inswment or LenderL secudty �F1 z r ::_ <br /> inrercat. Bortower shall etm be in detault if Bortower, dudng �he lan applieeHon procesa, gave matedaily false or ��r <br /> '}: inacwrate infoimation or atotemem�ro Lender(or fdled�o provide Lender with eny metedal informatioN im m�nation with �� <br /> ti;�� �ha lotn evidenced by the Note, indudtng, but not limited to, rcpresemettona wnceming Bortowerl occupaney of�he °�f��,Li-_a <br /> ?y PropeM1v es e�tintlpnl r'sidence. if thlt Secudty 1ns[rum'nt i:nn a 1'auh0lA;Rn�rnwe�sh91!f!�m¢ly wI{h 911 the�rny�iinpa t 2+ � ' <br /> �+] of tAe lesse. If Borro�4er aequirca fee�itlo to�he Propeny,the Ieasehold end�he fee 6He ahdl not merge unlcss Lender egrces ° �+ <br /> t� m the merger in wriHng. 3r��n„�t�� <br /> . r;t-i 7. Protecflon of Lender•e Rights In fhe Property. If Borrower fails ro pedofm the covenema and agreemenu � ,>� ,'>�,ff� _ <br /> ,;� mnteined in thie Saudry Insuument,or them is e legal praceeding �hat may signifiuntly affect Lenderh dghn in Ihe '��.�,1��,�!}� ,s'�6=�. <br /> _.. Zi.i Property(such ea a proceeding in bankmptey,probatq tor eondemneHon or fodeiturc or ro enforce lews or rcguletlons),thrn �:•'y'-� '� <br /> '__.� Lender may do ond p�y for whetever ia necasery to pmtect the ralue of�he Propeny md LenderY righu in ihe Propeny. :?�';;,�ii.''�,t;,';,�s`• � <br /> `t�, Lenderk ectlons may inelude paying any sums seeurcd by a Iien which hm priority over this Securiry Inatmmen4 eppea(ing �+ � �y��i r F,y��, <br /> -- ,�� in caurt,paying«esonable atromeye'kea end rntedng on the Propeny ro meke rcpain.Although Lender may�eke ecUon t�iA���.i_��t� �y� <br /> �a ;a undenhix paregreph 7,Lender dces not huve to do so. . .. <br /> -_,� Any omounu disbursed by Lcnder under thi�paregmph 7 shall beeome additionel debt of Bo�rower securcd by this ' i <<- ` r� � � <br /> -y�� Secudty Inslrument. Unleas Borrower end Lender egrce ro other�crms of payment,�heu unounts ahell bear interest trom�hc ia - ��k�'�t'�m <br /> tirl�� dat�ndlabursement at the Note mte md shall be paynble,with intercs6 upon notice fmm Lender ro Bortower rcquesting i4��;'�. _'�`l3'�s?4 �. <br /> h': �Y 8. Morfgege Insurena. If Lender rcquircd mortgage insurance ai a condition of ineking the loan securcd by this rY�'t r^r�`t �� <br />.,�::�� Securiry Inswment, 6orrower ahell pay the prcmiums rcquircd �o maimoin �he mortgege insurencc in efkct. IL for my -- `��d���.�Ssi.,_��__�-.- <br /> = rcnaon. �he mortgege insuranee coremge rcquired by Lender lapses or ceates ro be in efkcL Bortower shell pay Ne ''�h a` . �, F� '�'�... <br /> -_.�� premiuma rcqufred to obmin coverege substamialty equivulent to ihe mortgnge inxurw�ce prcviously in effect,at a ms� .l,r�. , .�G�+x .• <br />�'�?�� subx�mtially equivnlent to tAe cost ro Bortower of the mongage insumnce previously in c(kct,from an eltemate mortgege {�t^'`'it;.`���Y`•=;:t�`.`''. <br /> insurer a roved b Lender. It su6smneiall e uivalent mon a e insurence cuvem e is nm aveilubla dorrower shall a �o �-'���"-%-' �^t-:r. <br /> - .�T PP Y Y 9 8 8 8 P Y < - t - ��(� ,. :: <br /> Lender each momh a aum eyual to one•twdllh of�he yearly mongage insurence premium being paid by Bortower when the ,y :i - . i`,ta�r-. - - <br /> insunnce coveroge lopsed or ceased to 6e in e(fec�. Lender will accept,ux and rc�ain�hese paymems as u loss rc:erve in lieu s 1 '�,;"'j`,�� F :- <br /> of mongage inaurence. Lost rcserve paymems mey no longer bc requircd,at the option of Lender,if mottgege insurantt � "c,zc��R�F��,, -.' <br /> covemgc(in�he amaunt and for the periad that Lender rcquires)prov�ded by an insurer approved 6y Lcndcr again 6ccomes _ �_:,.r . ry__,�.;,^ <br /> ' evailable and ie obmined.Bortower shall pay ihe prcmiums rcquired�o maimain mongage incuranee in e7ect,or to pmvide a c 'A = .�} --'� <br /> ;,:,i loss rcserve,umil�he rcyuimment for mongage insurance ends in acmrdance with any�vrinen agrcemem 6etween Borrower � �� `• ��:I�S� r ?:t� <br /> 4, end Lcnderorapplicxble luw. ' - � _�;�ti ,� "' <br /> 9. ins ce�lon. Lcnder or ils a cnt mn make tcaz.onohlc emric•.::. n and inti ^�•he Pm nr. LrnAer shall " �' i�- '- <br /> � P B Y i'o P::::-^.... . pr <br /> - give Bortower nolice at ihe time ot or prior to an inspection specifying reasonahle cauac fnr Ihe impection. <br />.. - F 10. CandemneHon. 'ILe procceds o(any awnrd m rlaim for dnmagcs.dimn or mn� conncetion u•ith any � _ "' <br /> :��: <br /> ,... . <br /> . ,. ,•,,.., ;...-. <br /> -"'..' SinfkPomiy..Fannie�ledF}eddleAlscC4IVORM11�1'RFMF']T--CntlmnCmenam. 9A0 � r.�.n �•:- • :`:. " '� . <br /> _i,�}j � Nx �� NMS� . '- . <br /> Ortal W�Metlin Fam.bc■ . <br />- a L�Nm401A0DStpAHIOGIl�6Hl.11ll ,_ _ <br /> .,_t�jiul.....�^.—.T-i _ • __e=na-� . . .. . . .-��- .y Jv�it i.P _ . .-.1'� . .� . c -..ou� � , � . <br /> il <br /> ' _",� `+.. �-- .,rr °; _ .._ _ , _ _. _ _ _ . . <br /> - � _' _ <br /> . , — _ ' — ." _ __ _ __ '__ _' _ _ _ _ _ <br /> � : . l` n _ 4 _ ' _ . . . . . - ' _' , ' .' . -. <br />_M1 dl�F .,5�� { _ - ' . .. . -. . ... _ . . - ' . <br /> f . <br /> � k� js + <br /> i \ <br /> t lls �� ' . . . _ . . . <br /> S 4 f _ I _ <br /> � . ._ <br /> . __) .:� ... . _ . •. . ' .. ' . . <br /> \ - - ` f . � . . . <br /> ' � _ � 1 .l � i � r. . . <br /> t 1) - � � 1 . � . - , " � . <br /> ;` 1� I- + f. ^ . . , f _.\. <br /> 1 1 <br /> `sr,T_•.- , - - ` r ' , , <br /> 4 ` " <br /> t.i 3+- 5 . v t: � t�_ i _ i t _ '_'` � . . _ . . <br /> 1 � r} x_ i . 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