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_ _. _ T <br /> . ,::: . .. . - <br /> , . . . . - _ -• - --- -_ - <br /> , aypllcable 1eW mey syeclty tot roln�letcmc�q betoro salo ot tno Proyerty punuant ro ony pow�o enla�ntpin I�thtf� . <br /> Stsurlty[nitrumcntt ot(D)envy vte Jud8mc+�t cnlorcing WrBecudry Inntumrnt, T1aso conditlons pro thet dorroWert (a) �_ <br /> piys i.enAer NI eums whid�thon vrould Do Quo unON thte BecuNry imwment end tha Note a If no acceiendon h�d <br /> occu�Yeq;(p)cyrci any dcfauit of eny other wvcnanu or ogiamenu;(o)pa i ell oxpensos Incurrcd in cnforciug t�U 9audry <br /> ogr <br /> [�uWment,[noluAing,but noc ilmi�cd ro,rcasona6ta aftomoy:kas;did d3 jak�s such aafon as Len3a mey rcssoppDly <br /> rcquiro to essvre tA�t the Ilen of thl�9ecuriry InatNmenb LenderY dghts In Ne Propcny an4 8ortowerY ob11g'atlon�o pay tA0 <br /> �ume uwttA 6y thi� 3deudry fnitrument eAail cominuo unchanged. Upon rolmtetement by Dortower, tN� 8.awlty <br /> Nswment enA me obllgatiom«cured hero6y shnll rcmatn fuily cfhcUvo m it no acccicretlan had occurted. Hor�evcR thfe <br /> rtgh�ro ro�atate shaA na epply in iha cesa oi acceteretlon undu peregroph 17. ° - ° - <br /> 19. Ba�e oi Note CEaage o►Loan 9aylcer. '[Uo Noro or ep�►al(nterest in Ihe NWe(together wJth Ihis 8cwdty <br /> Insaument)may bo so�d ono or q�yFn_tlmta wlthom pdor notice to borrower. A ealo mny reauit in e change in Ihe emity <br /> (known m the R.oan Savial�tl��t coUaKn monWly prymenb dua under tha Noee end�hls Saudty inswmrnt. 7fiao ei:o <br /> may be ona or mora ehanges pf�he l.o�n Servicer unrelated to a eale ot the Note. It�hcre i�4 chango of the Loan 8erviccr. <br /> Bortower will be gtven wtitten notice of tha chenge In exordance whh p h l4 ebovo end appIicablo Iew. 7fia notico <br /> wUl stnta Uie neme end eddrcaa ot�he new Loan Servlar and tho edNCia to w ic pnymenu�hould 6e made. 7Te noHco wUl <br /> eko contain any other infortnatton requtred by appliubie lew. '--��� <br /> 10. Hamrdoue Su6stances. Bortowcr shall not ceuse or pumlt ihe prcsence,usa,disposel,storege,or rolease ot eny <br /> Haterdow Substanon on or In tho Property. Borrowu shall not do,nor ellow anyona elce�o do,enything efkcting�ha <br /> Property that ii in violaiion ot eny Pnv(ronmenul Lew. 11�e prcading two xntenxs�hall not apply to�he praunca,u:o,or <br /> etorage on tde Property of cma(1 qwntitlee of Hazerdoiu Substence��hat are generelly rccognized to bo approprtero ro noimel <br /> residentiel usea end to maincenence ot ehe Properry. -- — <br /> Bortower�4a11 promp0y gtve Lender written notltt of any investlga8on,claim,demend,laweuit or other ecNon by any =:- <br /> govemmental or rcgula�ory agency or private pany involving�e Property end any Hezerdom Substence or Environmental �...-_-..__ <br /> Law of which Horrower haa acmel knowtedge. If Bortower leams, or G nodfled by eny govemmental or rcgulatory �^������- <br /> nmhority,thet my remmil or other rcmediadon of my Hezardou�Substance affectlng the Properry ia neceasary,Bortower �'^�!�`` <br /> sAall promptiy ielce all neaasary rcmedial octions in eccordanee with Envfronmental Law. -""�--- <br /> As uaed In[his paragreph 20,"Hazerdoua Su6s�ences"erc thoze substentta d�ned aa toxic or hezerdoua wbs�enas by t�i'�:JaF„°� <br /> Hnvtronmemel Lew and�he following aubatenas: gamline,kerosene,other Flemmeblo or roxlo petroleum producu,toxle �++�;'i <br /> cidea nnd herblcida,volatile wlvents, mafedals conmtnin aabeftm or formaldeh de,md radioacQve ma�edils. Ac S'���h�'���-- <br /> Pe+tl 8 Y r,•:i.;n.''•-� <br /> uaed in thie par� ph 20,'Environmemel Law"meana kderel Iawa end lawi of�he Judsdiction wherc�he Propmry i:located `;.• ..-: <br /> �at rclale ro hea th,sefety or environmentel pro�ection. •i'�;�:5i`�;'. <br /> 21 Acal retoni Remedi. I.ender ehal give notice to Do�rro er�prt r io accelere ion toilowing Uorro�rer'e �?'��'�;?<''"��� <br /> `�f-�.'k�;:;�; <br /> breach of eny mvenant or agreement in thls Securtty Insirument(but not prior to ecceleratlon under paragrnph 17 F:� � .k,-._ <br /> unteas appttcabte lan;provides otheratse). The not(ce shall apeciry: (a)lM1e dePoulh(b)Ihe ectlon requlred ro cure the � ,•'-1•`.`--. <br /> defanit;(c)a dete,not less then JQ days ham the dsle!he rtotice s g(ven to Borrowey by 5vhith the defe�!It mest bs -="����'Z":?'�-� <br /> wred;and(d)ihat tallurc to cure the default on or betore ihe date apecified tn the nottce mey reault In acceleretion of �--�`�, �,- <br /> the surtu secured by this 3ecurlty Imtrument and stle of Ihe Property. The notice shall Nrther Inform Oorro�rer of � ;s � <br /> the dght to relnatate eRer ecceleratlon and the rtght to bring a murt actlon to assert ihe non-existence of a default or f"�' �Rj, r�- <br /> eny other detense ot Borrower to eaeieretlon and sele. Itthe deteWt�not cured on or before lhe date�peciiied In !� 4 _ <br /> the notice,Lender et IU optton muy require Immedlate payment in full otall sunu eecured by this Security Insirument �_,.� `� <br />�- wlthout further demand and may invoke the po�ror of sele end any other remedies perm(tted by applfceble la�s CT";};���?1:.1'='- <br /> Lender ehall be eMttled to mliat ell expenses fncurred In purauing the remedies provided In thls paregraph 2l, -*�� �i_�. <br /> Including,6ut not timfttd fo,reesonable attorney�'ha end coste of t(tle evidenca Q"'' '..� `�z•r. <br /> Itthe po�rer otmte is Invokcd.7Yustee aholl remrd e notice of defeult In each munty in irhlch any pert of the °.�>�``*�`�r�"-'�� <br /> Pro ert la IocatM end aM1ell mall co Iee ofauch notice In the manner rcacribed b a Iicable law to 6orro�rer end to � ���`-�s'�'[`- <br /> P Y P P PP r!:'a;;•`,:{:�::::,' <br /> tAe other penwna preccrtbed by applicable Imr. Afler the time requhed by eppl�eable lew,7Yustee ahell gire public =,: 3�„=.;_-. <br /> notice of aaie to the raona end in the mnnner renrlbed b e Ilcable le�r. 'Ifustea�rfthout demand on 6orro�ver. - �h'`' <br /> P� P Y PP J i:;"::;r='_-. <br /> shall sell the Properly et pubitc euNion[o the highest bidder et Ihe time and pNce end under Ihe terma designeted In ;�r'..°;��,,�_�"' <br /> lAe notice otsele In one or more parceU and in eny order 7Yuatce determines. 7}ustee may postpone Fale of atl o�any -;�--°��„-y- <br /> ercel ot Ihe Pro ert b ubtic ennouncement et the time end lace of en revlousl acheduted snie. Lender or Ila ��"'_��'�--=<%'' <br /> P P 7 Y P P Y P Y ,y�:�x�;�,.,..;,,.. <br /> desfgnee may purchese the Property at any sule. •�?+�.:i=t�i'.�=-• <br /> Upan receipt ot payment of the pdce bid.7}ustee sAoll delfver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed wm�eying the '��i�'?7k}'-_'-- <br /> Property. The rceHele In the 7Yustee's deed ahall be pr(me fecie evidenn af Ihe truth otfhe atetemenls mude Iherein. �'?':�`'r�;�;:`- <br /> 7Yustce ahall apply the proceeds af Ihe sale in the PoIlo�ving order. fa)to all msts and expenscs otexercising Ihe power ??i.'y�v f j;�c=�: <br /> itlft";.�",J.� <br /> V.cq�iF-3-...:'.-: <br /> ...).'..--- <br /> f.�i;t��J�-i�_�+ji�:. <br /> "y'�.W <br /> �Yy!{Y.:�,.<ir._: <br /> 'n <br /> .�'..S:'�. <br />. `[.1.�"'� <br /> Fixm]OLi ��90 .`.ir'S..�np.c�.. <br /> �.' '. . <br /> f <br />::.;:-.�:v:-�..�T'q:r1:---,r�.----"._------.-+..-ir.Y^ _' _: _ - rr--,.--.._ __ _'_..�-..,-.._._—....n. . . <br /> .>. T�L•'__ __ . . ' ���_ � �-'�- ---1F.. <br /> � - . . •.}_'. _ <br /> =lJ-. . ! � . - . . <br /> y f{{� - . __ ' . _ " ' _:_ _ .. <br /> :.1�.�' � - . - <br /> a"r. <br /> � _'. 7 y.� . ..-� . . . ' ' . _ ' � - . . -- - _ . <br /> �.�. � . 1 . t � . _ . . . .. ' . <br /> � <br /> f / ._ �� _ _ r . - ' . _ . . . <br /> t i � � . � - . -. :: . .. . . <br /> . i S ':i r . _ . , . . <br /> ._- <br /> i.tq }� t • � - �_ . . - <br /> � �'_ :�, - . . .. � - . <br /> , y ��i +F " t _ _ . - . <br /> . i � , <br /> � , : , , � , <br /> -�. . t r 1` i �� : {i _ Y1 �'� � � � � �t�.1 J - . . <br /> jz` ' F - N , z _�_ � . .�� 1 � ., r', <br /> � �l. - � u � ' -v 4 � ' .a__ �-.`f - � - <br /> i - + i � -� - { �n / -1 �} � �:, <br /> � _j _. _ . . . ' . . '.�! _' _ _ <br /> r. J ..� i"o . ! u � 1 ' • .,[ _ r ` 3� . .. . . � _ 1 5. ♦ . � 1 . a . <br />