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_. �� �ra�-.. —. .�..�—ry:..�T.�"^��[+!��!^^"'v�^�^F .��iY� -T/an <br /> . 1 � <br />. _ . .. . . . T _ . . <br /> . . . . . ' .. ♦ � - ���� __ _ _ . _ . . ..._ . _. <br /> .� . ` ..t�. �:Y. <br /> ` ,93-�0 � . ,:� ; , ..:, <br /> � ;. : . . .. ...:}. <br /> TOOBIHBA Wl7Y{e11�he Wpmvemen(a now on c�rcaRU crxted an iho property,end eU caumente.eppunsnancea; - <br /> and paturoa irow on c�rcaller a patt of�Iwpro pe�ty� All rcplaamenN and additlom ehnti tlw bo coverW by W�8tatrity '_ <br /> Neaument. AUoftAotorcgofnglarotcrtodloln�hls8ccuri�ylnstiuwsnta��he"Prope�ry.' <br /> 130RROR/8R COVBNANfB that Aortower le IewfWly cclsed ot tho eatetv hercby conreyW mA haf tho tlght ta gant � <br /> md convey�ho Pro end�hat�he PropeRy h uncnaunbered,except Pot encumbrencus otncord Oomower wsirenle erld <br /> MII defend generel �ho Iitle to Ihe P[openy egdnat�11 claim�anA demand�,subJect�o eny encumbrenoo�otcecord. <br /> 77SI9 SHCURTfY IN974tUMHN7'combinea unifomi covenanu for nattonel uae end non•unlfomi covennnu with <br /> ..- - __ •_ _ . <br /> Iimittd veNa�one bY1�lsdialon ro conadtmo a unlfam securiry inswment covering rcal pmperty. <br /> UI�IFORMCOVIiNANf9. BortowerendLenducovenentendegreemfollows <br /> L PaJment ot Prindpal and Intereaq Prep�ymeat and Leh Chorgea. Bortower�NII promptlypay when duo tho <br /> p�inclpa1 otmd intercat on�ho debt ovidenoed by�AO Note and any prepaymen[and late chatga due under�ho Note. <br /> Z. Funda tor7Axte end Jnsurnnoe. SubJxt ro�ppIicable law or to e�Mtten walver by l.ender,Bortower�Aall pay ro <br /> I.ender on the day monthly paymenu ere due under�Ao Nota,until the Note ia pafd in tu11,a�um("Flmda")tor.(e)yeuiy <br /> Guca end uuumenu whkh may attain pdority ovu Ihis Saurity Gutmmen�ee a Ikn on�4a Propeny,@)yearlY Ieaceiwld -� �� �� -�- <br /> P�ymenta ot ground renp on tLe Propeny, it any; (c) yeariy hazazd or property Inaurana pmmiums; (d)y�rly flood <br /> nsurence prsmlum�,if eny: (e)yearly mortgege Insurenea prcmiunu, If any; end(fl �Y Wma payable by Bortowu to <br /> Lender,in acooedance with tha�rovlafons of paregnph 8,in Iiw ot U�e payment of mong�e Inaurance prcmlum�. 7Tiase <br /> itemi ere caI1W'Bscrow Uem�. Lendu may,ec my eime,wllect end hold Wnda In en emonnt not io exead the maximum <br /> emount a Iender for a fedenlly rclateA mongege Iwn may requiro for Qorrowerti ucrow�aount under the hdeml Real <br /> &tete SetUement Proceduru Act of I974 e�amended from time to[ime,t2ll.S.C.4 2601 er rrq.('RESPA').unlaa eno�her <br /> law that appika ro tAe Wnds ceta a leaser omount If m.Lender may,at any�ime,eWlect md hold Wnds In an emount not ro <br /> exaed the laser emounc Lender may admate the amount of Aunda due on �he basu of oumn�da�a end rcasontble =_� <br /> estlmnte�of apendimrae of Nturc 8scrow Items or aherwiae in acwrdena with appIlcable law. —"�- - <br /> 'Rw Ivnde ehell be held in m instimHon whose depostu arc insured by a federal e6ency. (mtrumentellty,or ent(ty <br /> (ineluding Lender.If Lender is xuch en instimtion)or in any Federal Home Loan Benk. Lender ahall apply the Wnda to pay �-...r-'. <br /> �he flurow Itema. Lender mey not eherge Bortower for holding end epplying �he Punda,mnually enalyzing the acrow �"-- <br /> eccom4 or redfying tM Escrow Items, unless L.ender paya Borrower intemst on�he Wnds and epplicable Iaw permid ,�,.;_,. <br /> Lender ro m�ke such a charge. However,Lender mayrcq uiro Hortower to pay a one-time charge for en in�ependent real ���'"�' <br /> e:uro tax«porting servia used by Lender in cronneaion with thia loan,unlw appliwbie lew prov(des o�henvise. Unku en ;;:�;��.. <br /> agrament ta made or appliuble IQw rcquirca Intercst ro be paid,Lender ahall not be rcquircd m pay Dorrower eny inrerat or '%`� <br /> eamin n on�he FLnds. Bortower end Lender ma a in writin ,however,Ihat inlercst ihdl be d on th¢FLnds. Lender "{i f�'"J.:��_ . <br /> 8 Y B� 8 P+� J�,r,�;,,:_� - <br /> sAali gire to 6ortower,wilhou[cherge,en ennual aaounting of�he Rmda,ahowing crcdlts end debl�a to�he Ponds and Ihe •�y�:§;.;;�:�- = <br /> for Mhlch euh debi[�o Ihe PUnds was mede. 77ie Wnds ere led ed aa additional seeuri for ell eums securcd b �` �>y�'� <br /> W� P 8 �Y Y .�YF;:::is�?��:-�-. <br /> thta3ecudtylnsuument. _;c�_===r;.. � <br /> If�he Wnds held by Lender exceed the amounu pe�mitled to be held by eppitcable lew, Lender ahell account�o �t��>„ri _ - <br /> Bortower for the exeess Punds in accordance�rith the requiremenu of appliceble lew. If�he amount of Ne Punds held by ���h��, ��—: <br /> I.ender at eny time b not tufticlent ro pay the Escrow Items when dae.Lender may so irotlfy Bortower in writing,end.In Yc`�1:'%;^�•�'-`- <br /> such cese Bortower shell ry ro Lender the emount nece to make u the deficienc . Bortower shall make u �he t�:���2%.�"'� g%"°' <br /> P �Y P Y P .��'t!;e_� <br /> deRClency in no more then twelve monthly paymen[a et Lenderh sole dfscre0on. �";�';;�?;��tu^yi?�d•i: <br /> U n ment In fuli of alI sums secured b �his Securtt Inslmmen4 Lender�hail rom U refund�o Borrower an ;:;�;5�:�"'"�jS�±;�'.j1-�� <br /> P� WY Y Y P P Y Y ,�= q'-z..,- - . <br /> FLnda held by Lender. If,under pafagreph 21,Lender shall acqulrc or xll�he Propeny.Lender, prior to the acquisitlon or =�s'r-:;�, g�:;='.`,_�"y;=: <br /> mle of the Propeny,shell epply any Fvnds held by Lender et Ne�ime o(ecqulsi�ion or sele es e credit egeinzt Ihe�ums �:�rl�,�'�'�'.��-�'��i�;�'f'�t: . <br /> aecurcd by tAis Security Inswment. ,-,��,.Li i a nx��: <br /> 3. Appllcatlon of Peymenta. Unless appliceble Iaw provides o�hcrwixa all paymen�a raeivW by Lender under .�hT=rrr ��ti`.== _"' <br /> paragrepha 1 end 2 shall be epplied:firs6 to eny prepayment charges due under the amounts payeble under �,.;s; ;i,,,i,,;..':-- <br /> puegraph 2;ihird,to interest due:founh,ro principal due:and lest,�o eny le�e churgea due under�he Note. ��" ° �i r _', <br /> 4. Charges; Ltens Borto�vcr ahall pay all taxes,assessmems, chargea, fines end imposi�ions anributable to thc ���'y� iE���'�k a � <br /> Property whieb mey aRain priority over Ihis Securi�y Insuument,end Icasehold paymemx or gmund rcms,if any. Bortowcr '}F:ht^":';'`-rs{c'y���-`� <br /> ahell a �hae obli etions in�he mnnner rovided in �re n h 2,or if not id in ihat manner,Bofrowcr shall a �hem on 'f°•''2�+y :�fii'��.���� <br /> P Y 8 P P 8 P Pa P Y %i';?c;•'�a-. � ' ir� <br /> �ime directly�o the persan owed paymem. 6ortowershell promptly Pomish ro Lcnder all no�itts of amoums to be paid under .,Tf;:;;;;3'r;k'2''�;��"s,tiEr:�_,_ <br /> this paregraph. If Borrower mukes ihese paymmts direc�ly.Oortower shall pranptly fumish�o Lender rcceipis evidencins -f t�;r;;��;3�7 i;t�t,t�5.,; <br /> '+£S=it.. <. �.o . -. <br /> �ht paymenu. {4i�`::ita�s'8t���i�,s.'�IS;. <br /> Bortower shell promplly discharge nny lien which hos priority over this Security Ins�rvmem uniess Bortower.(a)agrces ,r,;���'..-;�._•%=;".tSr';;i <br /> tn writin to Ihc a mcnt of Ihe o61i ation zecurcd b Ihc licn in a manner acce tablc to Lender,(b)mnrcscs in ood failh the � �-� +"� ��� <br /> 8 P Y 8 Y P 8 7?lCf�vti,•;•' : :3-:>z;.: <br /> Iien by,or de(ends agains[enforcemem o(1he lien in,legul pmceedings which in the Lendery opinion operare lo prcvent�Ae :?�,�t:,-t';},r�t%�;.�{<<,�- <br /> entorcement of�he lien;or(c)secures from Ihe holder of the lien an agreemem zotisfactory to Lender subordinating tM lien �`;c`��ti:i.;:'.y,t�y�Y;,/.±��':� <br /> to ihis Securi�y Instmmem. I(Lender demmiinez that any pan o(Ihe Propeny is xubject m�licn which may a¢ain priority . t �-`:� +n1jf�i;� i��� <br /> over this Security Inswment.Lender may give Dorrower a noiice idemitying�hc lien. Bortoxxr shall satisfy thc lien or�ake �,��,�.;, . y„ .r. ,_, <br /> one or morc ef tAc ections xt(onh above within 10 days af�he giving of na�im. '�,`�`i;��j,t_,`eFi yy.:�g`- <br /> S. Havard or Property lnsurence. Bortower chall kecp thc improvcment.nmv exiying or hereattcr erected on the �i . � �-- ..;�- <br /> Ropeny insurcd against loss by�re,ha�ards induded within�he temi'exlendeJ roremgc'and any other hazeMs,including �_%;`"�'` !�"" � <br /> floads or ilooding. (or �vhich Lendcr mquircs inxwance This inxurrnce�hall he m:�iniamcd m Ihe amoun[s and tor t�e - : -� <br /> ':` . <br /> kurm M2E 9A0 rryt�7.•1^ry.t�u ' - ' .� <br /> � � <br />.-,<-__-__.........,...'"`_'""' _ <br /> -..¢t�::,='.:' . ........:.......". ..""' - .. _ _ . . -_ ' " _ c' " , <br /> - . . -.__�-.-_ -- .. ;- _ __ . <br /> . _ . . . .-C ,. -..- . . . . - . .. .:�..'- . .. , . .. _ . <br />.:-... . - .. . . . <br />. .:.... ...-�—_.___' _ <br /> _ --,."'r._. . _. '. . . . _ .. <br />. �s' -' :'f,- - - <br /> - .' '.si�:.� . . . . - ' <br /> '�1 ` ' _ <br /> -.,.... _._... .;_ . . -. . . <br />- • ..� _ <br /> ..i, _ - ' ' _ .� .. <br /> r �. . .. - � • - . . <br /> � -t . . � . . . ' ' . . � - . <br /> � ' <br /> , - :� - - •� . ., . . . - . . i � <br /> � - . ,. � . ', f � - <br /> .-•. . - , r.� _. <br /> a.. -. . -.,» �.. �...._' .. l.� .:. . -.. - , . . -� . ' <br />